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Created December 7, 2022 17:52
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workflow custom code in hubspot
const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client');
// adding async to this main function here
exports.main = async (event, callback) => {
// Instantiate a new HubSpot private app (secret)
const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({
accessToken: process.env.custom_code_private_app
// set up a try catch statment. Only one is needed, so if there is an error in any of this we can exit out and report on it
try {
// adding await here, because we have async at the top in the main function, then we can tell the program to
// wait for this repsonse before going further (similar to the then() but a bit cleaner in my opinion)
const dealResponse = await, ["agent_email"])
// because we aren't changing the value of email later down the road, we just create a const
const agentEmailValue =;
const filter = { propertyName: 'email', operator: 'EQ', value: agentEmailValue }
const filterGroup = { filters: [filter] }
const sort = JSON.stringify({ propertyName: 'email', direction: 'DESCENDING' })
const properties = ['email']
const limit = 1
const after = 0
const searchCriteria = {
filterGroups: [filterGroup],
sorts: [sort],
// lets tell the code to await this response as well
const searchContactResponse = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.searchApi.doSearch(searchCriteria)
if ( == 0) {
console.log("Contact WITH Email " + agentEmailValue + "NOT FOUND.") // - FOR DEBUG
// I like to set up an output for error as string, that way I can create lists or something or do if statements on the workflow to do other things
// like internal emails, etc -- when you review the details of this in workflows it will show this as output, makes it easier then testing
// individual items inside the code and makes life a bit simplier
outputFields: {
errorMessage: "Contact WITH Email " + agentEmailValue + "NOT FOUND."
// because we exit them out of here bceause they aren't found, we don't need to have an else statement
const updateAssociations = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.associationsApi.create(searchContactResponse.body.results[0].id, 'deals', event.object.objectId, 'agent');
// you can even have a success output here as well, it is a bit redundent, because if you get an error
// you will catch it, make an output for UpdatedAssociation as a boolean
outputFields: {
updatedAssociation: true
} catch (err) {
outputFields: {
errorMessage: err
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