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Created September 29, 2022 08:46
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Runs an evolutionary algorithm to try to do a LASSO
generate_random_data = function(N = 1000, truth = c(.5, .5, -.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .1)) {
dat = data.table(x = rnorm(N))
dat = dat[, y := generate_predictions(x, truth) + rnorm(N)]
generate_predictions = function(x, params) {
dat = data.table(x = x)
newx = paste0('x_', 2:9)
dat[, (newx) := lapply(2:9, \(i) params[i]*x^i)]
dat[, x := params[1]*x]
return(dat[, rowSums(.SD)])
model_fitness = function(params, lambda = .1) {
dat = generate_random_data()
resids = dat$y - generate_predictions(dat$x, params)
return(sqrt(sum(resids^2) + lambda*sum(abs(params))))
crossover = function(params1, params2) {
params = list(params1, params2)
picks = sample(1:2, length(params1), replace = TRUE)
return(sapply(1:length(params1), \(i) params[[picks[i]]][i]))
mutate_params = function(params) {
params[sample(1:length(params), 1)] = rnorm(1)
initialize = function() {
inits = list(params = lapply(1:10, \(x) rnorm(9)))
inits[['fitness']] = sapply(inits[['params']], model_fitness)
parent_picks = function(fits) {
probs = 1/fits
probs = probs/sum(probs)
sample(1:length(probs), 2, prob = probs)
generation = function(pop) {
for (i in 1:length(pop)) {
parents = parent_picks(pop[['fitness']])
child = crossover(pop[['params']][[parents[1]]],pop[['params']][[parents[2]]])
if (runif(1) < MUTATION_RATE) {
child = mutate_params(child)
pop[['params']][[i]] = child
pop[['fitness']][which(pop[['fitness']] == max(pop[['fitness']]))] = model_fitness(child)
best_of_generation = function(pop) {
thebest = which(pop[['fitness']] == min(pop[['fitness']]))
results = c(pop[['params']][[thebest]], pop[['fitness']][thebest])
dat =, nrow = 1))
setnames(dat, c(paste0('param_',1:9),'fitness'))
pop = initialize()
results = best_of_generation(pop)
for (i in 2:10000) {
print(paste0('Generation ', i, ' at ', Sys.time()))
pop = generation(pop)
results = rbind(results, best_of_generation(pop))
print(paste0('Best fitness: ', results[i, fitness]))
results[, Generation := 1:.N]
# And compare to the average objective of 1000 lassos
run_lasso = function(iter) {
print(paste0('Lasso ', iter, ' at ', Sys.time()))
dat = generate_random_data()
setcolorder(dat, c('y','x'))
newx = paste0('x_', 2:9)
dat[, (newx) := lapply(2:9, \(i) x^i)]
m = glmnet(dat[, 2:10], dat$y, lambda = .1)
results = c(as.vector(m$beta), model_fitness(as.vector(m$beta)))
dat =, nrow = 1))
setnames(dat, c(paste0('param_',1:9),'fitness'))
lasso_results = rbindlist(lapply(1:1000, run_lasso))
av_lasso = mean(lasso_results$fitness)
ggplot(results, aes(x = Generation, y = fitness)) +
geom_line() +
geom_hline(yintercept = av_lasso, linetype = 'dashed') +
annotate(geom = 'label', x = 1, y = av_lasso, hjust = 0,
label = paste(scales::number(av_lasso), 'LASSO average'), family = 'serif',
size = 13/.pt) +
annotate(geom = 'text', x = max(results$Generation), y = results[.N, fitness],
hjust = 1, vjust = -1, family = 'serif', size = 13/.pt,
label = scales::number(results[.N, fitness], big.mark = ',')) +
theme_classic() +
theme(text = element_text(family = 'serif', size = 13)) +
labs(y = 'Inverse Objective Function', title = 'Evolutionary Algorithm Best, vs. LASSO Average')
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