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Created November 12, 2018 09:48
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  • Save Newlifer/d272dfd4acea23442d68f0c63893cc54 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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conan pylint
************* Module
E: 15, 0: function already defined line 6 (function-redefined)
************* Module conan.conans.client.command
E:1572,26: Module 'signal' has no 'SIGBREAK' member (no-member)
************* Module conan.conans.client.conan_command_output
E:125, 8: No name 'PythonLexer' in module 'pygments.lexers' (no-name-in-module)
E:125, 8: No name 'IniLexer' in module 'pygments.lexers' (no-name-in-module)
E:125, 8: No name 'TextLexer' in module 'pygments.lexers' (no-name-in-module)
E:126, 8: No name 'TerminalFormatter' in module 'pygments.formatters' (no-name-in-module)
************* Module conan.conans.client.remote_registry
E:103,22: Instance of '_GenericReferencesRegistry' has no '_partial_load' member (no-member)
E:109,28: Instance of '_GenericReferencesRegistry' has no '_partial_load' member (no-member)
E:113,20: Instance of '_GenericReferencesRegistry' has no '_partial_save' member (no-member)
E:121,28: Instance of '_GenericReferencesRegistry' has no '_partial_load' member (no-member)
E:131,28: Instance of '_GenericReferencesRegistry' has no '_partial_load' member (no-member)
E:137,12: Instance of '_GenericReferencesRegistry' has no '_partial_save' member (no-member)
************* Module
E: 94,15: Too many positional arguments for method call (too-many-function-args)
************* Module conan.conans.client.generators.visualstudio_multi
E: 65,34: Instance of 'VisualStudioMultiGenerator' has no 'output_path' member (no-member)
************* Module
E: 85,40: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no 'remote_api_url' member (no-member)
E:100,45: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no 'remote_api_url' member (no-member)
E:107,26: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no 'remote_api_url' member (no-member)
E:152,43: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no '_get_recipe_snapshot' member (no-member)
E:155,49: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no 'get_conan_manifest' member (no-member)
E:170,12: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no '_upload_recipe' member; maybe 'upload_recipe'? (no-member)
E:185,45: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no '_get_package_snapshot' member (no-member)
E:187,30: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no 'get_package_manifest' member (no-member)
E:200,12: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no '_upload_package' member; maybe 'upload_package'? (no-member)
E:220,38: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no 'remote_api_url' member (no-member)
E:225,29: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no '_recipe_url' member (no-member)
E:249,14: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no '_recipe_url' member (no-member)
E:261,14: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no '_recipe_url' member (no-member)
E:269,14: Instance of 'RestCommonMethods' has no '_recipe_url' member (no-member)
************* Module
E:232,13: Instance of 'ChocolateyTool' has no '_runner' member (no-member)
E:235,13: Instance of 'ChocolateyTool' has no '_runner' member (no-member)
E:238,20: Instance of 'ChocolateyTool' has no '_runner' member (no-member)
************* Module
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'deprecation' (import-error)
E: 47,21: Undefined variable 'WindowsError' (undefined-variable)
************* Module conan.conans.model.user_info
E: 12,19: Super of 'UserInfo' has no '__getattr__' member (no-member)
************* Module conan.conans.model.env_info
E:205,19: Super of 'EnvInfo' has no '__getattr__' member (no-member)
************* Module
E: 89,20: No value for argument 'basepath' in function call (no-value-for-parameter)
E: 89,20: No value for argument 'filepaths' in function call (no-value-for-parameter)
************* Module
E: 53,11: Method 'headers' has no 'get' member (no-member)
E: 54,24: Method 'headers' has no 'get' member (no-member)
************* Module
E: 32,29: Method 'headers' has no 'get' member (no-member)
************* Module
E: 16, 8: NotImplemented raised - should raise NotImplementedError (notimplemented-raised)
E: 16,14: NotImplemented is not callable (not-callable)
************* Module
E: 19,22: Method 'params' has no 'get' member (no-member)
E: 20,25: Method 'params' has no 'get' member (no-member)
E: 30,20: Method 'params' has no 'get' member (no-member)
************* Module
E: 23,20: Method 'query' has no 'get' member (no-member)
E: 32,20: Method 'query' has no 'get' member (no-member)
E: 56,37: Undefined variable 'unicode' (undefined-variable)
************* Module
E: 43,38: Value 'request.headers' doesn't support membership test (unsupported-membership-test)
E: 69,38: Value 'request.headers' doesn't support membership test (unsupported-membership-test)
************* Module conan.conans.server.service.authorize
E: 35, 8: NotImplemented raised - should raise NotImplementedError (notimplemented-raised)
E: 35,14: NotImplemented is not callable (not-callable)
E: 43, 8: NotImplemented raised - should raise NotImplementedError (notimplemented-raised)
E: 43,14: NotImplemented is not callable (not-callable)
E: 51, 8: NotImplemented raised - should raise NotImplementedError (notimplemented-raised)
E: 51,14: NotImplemented is not callable (not-callable)
E: 59, 8: NotImplemented raised - should raise NotImplementedError (notimplemented-raised)
E: 59,14: NotImplemented is not callable (not-callable)
E: 74, 8: NotImplemented raised - should raise NotImplementedError (notimplemented-raised)
E: 74,14: NotImplemented is not callable (not-callable)
************* Module conan.conans.test.build_helpers.compiler_flags_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.build_helpers.autotools_configure_test
E:560,27: Bad first argument 'RunnerMockWithHelp' given to super() (bad-super-call)
E:628, 8: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.build_helpers.cmake_test
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
E: 8, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
E:433,25: Instance of 'str' has no 'version' member (no-member)
E:1132,16: Instance of 'options' has no '_data' member (no-member)
************* Module conan.conans.test.build_helpers.msbuild_test
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.command.export_test
E: 10, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.command.config_install_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.command.create_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.command.export_pkg_test
E: 11, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.command.package_test
E: 9, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.command.remove_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.command.upload_complete_test
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions' (import-error)
E: 57,19: Bad first argument 'BadConnectionUploader' given to super() (bad-super-call)
************* Module conan.conans.test.command.upload_test
E: 11, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.conan_api.manifests_arguments_test
E: 3, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.deploy_test
E: 8, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.develop_test
E: 3, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.requester_test
E: 10, 4: Method has no argument (no-method-argument)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.client_certs_test
E: 14,12: Method has no argument (no-method-argument)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.conanfile_helpers_test
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.conanfile_loader_test
E: 9, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
E: 14, 0: Unable to import 'mock.mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.paths_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.proxies_conf_test
E: 43,12: Method has no argument (no-method-argument)
************* Module conan.conans.test.functional.scm_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.generators.cmake_find_package_test
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.generators.visual_studio_multi_test
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.cmake_configs_test
E: 3, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.cmake_folders_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.cmake_multi_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.complete_test
E: 3, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
E: 10, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.diamond_test
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.go_complete_test
E: 9, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.go_diamond_test
E: 8, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.multi_build_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.profile_build_requires_testing_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.profile_test
E: 12, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.shared_chain_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.syncronize_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.alias_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.basic_build_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.build_id_test
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.build_requires_test
E: 2, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.cmake_flags_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.cmake_targets_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.conan_env_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
E:538,25: Too many arguments for format string (too-many-format-args)
E:539,25: Too many arguments for format string (too-many-format-args)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.conan_test_test
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.export_sources_test
E: 8, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.manifest_validation_test
E: 3, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.private_deps_test
E: 10, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.version_ranges_diamond_test
E: 5, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.integration.workspace_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.model.settings_test
E: 43,24: Instance of 'str' has no 'subsystem' member (no-member)
E:110,24: Instance of 'str' has no 'distro' member (no-member)
E:117,24: Instance of 'str' has no 'codename' member (no-member)
E:143, 8: Instance of 'str' has no 'remove' member (no-member)
************* Module conan.conans.test.model.values_test
E: 13,25: Instance of 'int' has no 'version' member (no-member)
E: 15,25: Instance of 'int' has no 'version' member (no-member)
************* Module conan.conans.test.model.env_test
E:139, 8: Instance of 'str' has no 'append' member (no-member)
************* Module conan.conans.test.model.version_ranges_test
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.remote.auth_bearer_test
E: 28,15: Method 'headers' has no 'get' member (no-member)
************* Module conan.conans.test.remote.rest_api_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.pkg_config_test
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
E: 35,12: pc.libs is not callable (not-callable)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.vcvars_store_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.build_sln_command_test
E: 12, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.conanfile_tools_test
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'parameterized.parameterized' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.detect_test
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.detected_architecture_test
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.files_test
E: 45,21: Undefined variable 'unicode' (undefined-variable)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.tools_test
E: 3, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
E: 14, 0: Unable to import 'mock.mock' (import-error)
E: 44, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
E: 79,26: Module '' has no 'system_pm' member (no-member)
E: 97,12: Method should have "self" as first argument (no-self-argument)
E:368,47: Module '' has no 'system_pm' member (no-member)
E:381,47: Module '' has no 'system_pm' member (no-member)
E:649,26: Module '' has no 'net' member; maybe 'get'? (no-member)
E:650,29: Module '' has no 'files' member (no-member)
E:1239,30: Value 'request.query' is unsubscriptable (unsubscriptable-object)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.vcvars_arch_test
E: 6, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.util.vcvars_clangcl_test
E: 7, 0: Unable to import 'nose.plugins.attrib' (import-error)
E: 12, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module
E: 21, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
E: 23, 0: Unable to import '' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.test.client.userio
E: 4, 0: Unable to import 'mock' (import-error)
************* Module conan.conans.util.files
E:177,29: Undefined variable 'unicode' (undefined-variable)
************* Module conan.conans.util.progress_bar
E: 3, 0: Unable to import 'tqdm' (import-error)
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