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Created July 20, 2016 10:52
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#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
struct bar {};
struct foo
template<int N, typename Self> struct field_data {};
int id;
template<typename Self>
struct field_data<0, Self>
Self& self;
typedef Self self_type;
typedef int self_data_type__;
field_data(Self& self) : self(self) {}
float other_id;
template<typename Self>
struct field_data<1, Self>
Self& self;
typedef Self self_type;
typedef float self_data_type__;
field_data(Self& self) : self(self) {}
bar other_id;
template<typename Self>
struct field_data<2, Self>
Self& self;
typedef Self self_type;
typedef bar self_data_type__;
field_data(Self& self) : self(self) {}
template<typename Target, typename Subject, int N, typename = void>
struct equal_type_with_index_b : public std::false_type
template<typename Target, typename Subject, int N>
struct equal_type_with_index_b
,typename std::enable_if
,typename Target::template field_data
> : public std::true_type
struct dummy
static const int result = -1;
template<int I>
struct index_t
static const int result = I;
template<typename Target, typename Subject, int N, typename = void>
struct static_search
static const int result = -1;
template<typename Target, typename Subject, int N>
struct static_search<Target, Subject, N, typename std::enable_if< !equal_type_with_index_b<Target, Subject, N>::value >::type>
static const int result = static_search<Target, Subject, N-1>::result;
template<typename Target, typename Subject, int N>
struct static_search<Target, Subject, N, typename std::enable_if< equal_type_with_index_b<Target, Subject, N>::value >::type>
static const int result = N;
auto main() -> int
std::cout <<
"int type: " << static_search<foo, int, 2>::result
<< "\n" <<
"float type: " << static_search<foo, float, 2>::result
<< std::endl;
return 0;
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