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Last active February 26, 2019 17:27
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  • Save NeonixRIT/ebb0152f047f9cdc35e4d0ed87c5501d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NeonixRIT/ebb0152f047f9cdc35e4d0ed87c5501d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//My First C# project. A simple multiplication game that I keep adding to overtime as I get ideas.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MultiplicationGame
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = "Multiplication Game";
//Point to return to if player decides to replay after they lose
//Strings used later to prevent an error if the incorrect format is input
string[] alpha = new string[26] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" };
string[] alpha2 = new string[24] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "z" };
string[] func = new string[31] { "+", "-", "*", "/", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "_", "=", "{", "}", "[", "]", "\n", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ">", ",", ".", "?", " " };
string[] num = new string[9] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
//Starting Variable Values
float armour = 0;
bool divineShield = false;
int divineShield2 = 0;
double experience = 0.0d;
double health = 100.0d;
int maxHealth = 100;
double points = 0;
double skips = 0.0d;
int turn = 0;
int turnsCorrect = 0;
int min01 = 1;
int max01 = 11;
int min02 = 1;
int max02 = 101;
Random numberGenerator = new Random();
//Every 20 turns increase difficutly
if (turn % 20 == 0)
max01 += 3;
max02 += 3;
int num01 = numberGenerator.Next(min01, max01);
int num02 = numberGenerator.Next(min02, max02);
string answer;
string correctAnswer = Convert.ToString(num01 * num02);
Console.WriteLine("Turn: " + turn);
if (armour > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Armour: " + armour);
Console.WriteLine("Health: " + health);
Console.WriteLine("Points: " + Math.Round(points));
Console.WriteLine("Experience: " + experience);
//Label to return to if an invalid character is entered.
//Asks the question to be answered. Checks if the number is squared
if (num01 == num02)
Console.WriteLine("what is " + num02 + " squared?");
Console.WriteLine("What is " + num01 + " multiplied by " + num02 + "?");
answer = Console.ReadLine();
//Checks if answer is correct
if (answer == correctAnswer)
//Keeps track of how many turns the Player got correct
//Adds Health
if (health > maxHealth)
health = maxHealth;
if (health < maxHealth)
health += 1.0f;
} else if (health == maxHealth)
armour += 1f;
//Makes sure player can't receive less than 1 point
double pointGain = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(answer) / 25 + turnsCorrect);
if (pointGain < 1f)
pointGain = 1f;
//Adds the points
points += pointGain;
//Calculates and adds experience (Answer of the question / (Points Gained that round - current health) + 8 + (turns correct times 2)
double experienceGain = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(answer) / (Math.Abs(pointGain - health)) + 8 + (turnsCorrect * 2));
experience += experienceGain;
//Power up every 10 turns
if (experience >= 100 && turn % 10 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Experience: " + experience);
Console.WriteLine("(1) +1 Skip (skips the question and counts as a correct answer. To use: type \"skip\"). Cost: 100");
Console.WriteLine("(2) +4 Health. Cost: 100");
Console.WriteLine("(3) Divine Shield (allows you to get a question wrong with no negative effects. Does not stack). Cost 100");
Console.WriteLine("(4) +25 Max Health. Cost: 200");
Console.WriteLine("(5) +5 Skips. Cost: 300");
Console.WriteLine("(6) +50 Health. Cost: 300");
Console.WriteLine("(7) Divine Shield 2.0 (can stack multiple divine shield 2.0s with a normal divine shield) and +90 experience. Cost: 300");
Console.WriteLine("(8) Skip this upgrade.");
Console.Write("Choice: ");
//Changes variables based on the Player's input
string choice = Console.ReadLine();
if (choice == "1")
experience -= 100;
skips += 1;
else if (choice == "2")
experience -= 100;
if (health < maxHealth)
health += 4.0f;
if (health > maxHealth)
armour = Convert.ToInt16(health) - maxHealth;
health = maxHealth;
else if (health == maxHealth)
armour += 4;
else if (choice == "3")
if (divineShield == false)
experience -= 100;
divineShield = true;
else if (divineShield == true)
Console.WriteLine("Divine Shield does not stack. Please choose something else.");
goto Choices;
else if (choice == "4" && experience >= 200)
experience -= 200;
maxHealth += 25;
else if (choice == "5" && experience >= 300)
experience -= 300;
skips += 5;
else if (choice == "6" && experience >= 300)
experience -= 300;
if (health < maxHealth)
health += 50;
if (health > maxHealth)
armour = Convert.ToInt16(health) - maxHealth;
health = maxHealth;
else if (health == maxHealth)
armour += 25;
else if (choice == "7" && experience >= 300)
experience -= 300;
divineShield2 += 1;
experience += 90;
else if (choice == "8")
else if (choice == "4" || choice == "5" || choice == "6" && experience < 300)
Console.WriteLine("You do not have enough experience");
Console.Write("Choice: ");
goto Choices;
else if (choice != "1" || choice != "2" || choice != "3" || choice != "4" || choice != "5" || choice != "6" || choice != "7")
Console.WriteLine("Please input a number (1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7)");
Console.Write("Choice: ");
goto Choices;
//Switch response if answer is correct
int responsindex = numberGenerator.Next(1, 4);
switch (responsindex)
case 1:
if (points == 1f)
Console.WriteLine("Congrats, your answer was correct. Plus " + pointGain + " point and you gain 1 health.");
Console.WriteLine("You gain " + experienceGain + " experience.");
Console.WriteLine("Congrats, your answer was correct. Plus " + pointGain + " points and you gain 1 health.");
Console.WriteLine("You gain " + experienceGain + " experience.");
case 2:
if (points == 1f)
Console.WriteLine("Correct! Plus " + pointGain + " Point and 1 health.");
Console.WriteLine("You gain " + experienceGain + " experience.");
Console.WriteLine("Correct! Plus " + pointGain + " Points and 1 health.");
Console.WriteLine("You gain " + experienceGain + " experience.");
case 3:
if (points == 1f)
Console.WriteLine("Spot on! Plus " + pointGain + " Point and 1 health.");
Console.WriteLine("You gain " + experienceGain + " experience.");
Console.WriteLine("Spot on! Plus " + pointGain + " Points and 1 health.");
Console.WriteLine("You gain " + experienceGain + " experience.");
throw new Exception("Unexspected Case");
//Goes to next question while keeping variable values
goto Start;
//Checks if Player is using a skip and if they have one
} else if (answer.ToUpper() == "SKIP")
if (skips >= 1)
if (health < maxHealth)
health += 1.0f;
else if (health == maxHealth)
armour += 1;
points *= 1.1f;
experience += 20;
skips -= 1;
Console.WriteLine("You have no skips availible");
goto Retry;
goto Start;
//Created a section to help with troubleshooting
} else if (answer.ToUpper() == "DEVCHEATS")
Console.WriteLine("(1) Reveal Answer");
Console.WriteLine("(2) Infinite Health");
Console.WriteLine("(3) + Experience");
Console.WriteLine("(4) Instant Kill");
Console.WriteLine("(5) Many Skips");
Console.WriteLine("(6) Increase Difficulty");
Console.WriteLine("(7) Exit Developer Console");
string devAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
if (devAnswer == "1")
Console.WriteLine("The answer is: " + correctAnswer);
goto Retry;
else if (devAnswer == "2")
health /= 0;
Console.WriteLine("Health: " + health);
goto Retry;
else if (devAnswer == "3")
experience += 300;
Console.WriteLine("Experience: " + experience);
goto Retry;
else if (devAnswer == "4")
health = -100;
goto Retry;
else if (devAnswer == "5")
skips = int.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine("Skips: " + skips);
goto Retry;
else if (devAnswer == "6")
max01 += 100;
max02 += 100;
goto Retry;
else if (devAnswer == "7")
goto Retry;
} else if (num.Any(devAnswer.ToLower().Contains) == false)
Console.WriteLine("That's not a number.");
goto Dev;
} else
Console.WriteLine("... only 7 choices. Choose 1-7.");
goto Dev;
//If answer is wrong
} else if (answer != correctAnswer && alpha.Any((answer.ToLower()).Contains) == false && func.Any((answer.ToLower()).Contains) == false) //Makes sure that the input provided is a number to prevent an error
//How far the Player's answer was off
double diff = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(answer) - num01 * num02)));
//How many points will be lost
double lostPoints = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(points * 0.25f));
//Variable holding how much armour will be lost
float lostArmour = 0;
//Checks if Player has the Divine Shield power up to save them
if (divineShield == true || divineShield2 >= 1)
if (divineShield2 >= 1 && divineShield == true)
divineShield = false;
Console.WriteLine("Oh, your answer was " + diff + " off. But you had Divine Shield so you lost no health and no points.");
goto Start;
else if (divineShield2 >= 1 && divineShield == false)
divineShield2 -= 1;
Console.WriteLine("Oh, your answer was " + diff + " off. But you had Divine Shield 2.0 to save you. You lost no health and no points.");
goto Start;
else if (divineShield2 == 0 && divineShield == true)
divineShield = false;
Console.WriteLine("Oh, your answer was " + diff + " off. But you had Divine Shield so you lost no health and no points.");
goto Start;
//Subtract point
points -= lostPoints;
//Can't lose more points that you have
if (lostPoints > points)
lostPoints = points;
//Calculate how much health the player loses
double lostHealth = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(diff / 5));
if (lostHealth > maxHealth)
lostHealth = Math.Round(lostHealth / 5);
if (lostHealth > maxHealth)
lostHealth = Math.Round(lostHealth / 5);
if (lostHealth > maxHealth)
lostHealth = Math.Round(lostHealth / 5);
if (lostHealth > (maxHealth / 2))
lostHealth = Math.Round(lostHealth / 5);
if (lostHealth > maxHealth)
lostHealth = maxHealth;
if (lostHealth < 1)
lostHealth = 1;
//Subtracts health (honestly the armour was the hardest thing to code and work my mind around in this entire game)
//if they have no armour
if (armour == 0)
//Subtract health as normal
health -= Math.Round(lostHealth);
//If they have armour
} else if (armour > 0)
//But if damage is less than 5 (the ammout of dmg 1 armour reduces)
if (lostHealth < 5)
//Half damage taken instead of subracting 5
lostHealth = Math.Round(lostHealth / 2);
lostArmour = 1;
armour -= lostArmour;
} else
//if damage is greater than armour damage reduction
if (lostHealth > (armour * 5))
//armour reduces damage by 5 per armour
lostHealth -= (armour * 5);
//Out put to tell the Player how much armour was lost
lostArmour = armour;
//Sets armour to 0 as if damage is greater than armour damage reduction than all armour should be used up
armour = 0;
//This was the harder one to wrap my head around as I want to subract armour but only the amount of armour that was used
} else if (lostHealth < (armour * 5))
//Round lost health to nearest 5
lostHealth = Math.Round(lostHealth / 5) * 5;
//Divide by 5 as armour is worth 5 health (if damage is 20 and I have 5 armour 20/5 is 4 so subract 4 armour)
lostArmour = Convert.ToInt16(lostHealth) / 5;
armour -= lostArmour;
lostHealth = 0;
//Subracts lostHealth after it is calculated
health -= Math.Round(lostHealth);
//Switch response if answer is wrong
int responseIndex2 = numberGenerator.Next(1, 4);
switch (responseIndex2)
case 1:
if (lostPoints == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Nope! You were " + diff + " off. Minus 1 point! Minus " + lostHealth + " health and " + lostArmour + " armour!");
Console.WriteLine("Nope! You were " + diff + " off. Minus " + lostPoints + " points! Minus " + lostHealth + " health and " + lostArmour + "armour!");
case 2:
if (lostPoints == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Wrong! You were " + diff + " off. Minus 1 point, and you lost " + lostHealth + " health and " + lostArmour + " armour!");
Console.WriteLine("Wrong! You were " + diff + " off. Minus " + lostPoints + " points, and you lost " + lostHealth + " health and " + lostArmour + " armour");
case 3:
if (lostPoints == 1)
Console.WriteLine("You were " + diff + " off. You lose 1 point, " + lostHealth + " health, and " + lostArmour + " armour :(");
} else
Console.WriteLine("You were " + diff + " off. You lose " + lostPoints + " points, " + lostHealth + " health, and " + lostArmour + " armour :(");
throw new Exception("Unexpected Case");
//Checks for 0 health and ends games
if (health <= 0.0f)
health = 0.0f;
Console.WriteLine("Game Over :(");
Console.WriteLine("You finished with " + points + " points.");
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to replay? Y/N");
Console.Write("Choice: ");
//Checks if player wants to replay or not
string reply = Console.ReadLine();
if (reply.ToLower() == "y" && alpha2.Any(reply.ToLower().Contains) == false && func.Any(reply.ToLower().Contains) == false && num.Any(reply.ToLower().Contains) == false)
goto Restart;
} else if (reply.ToLower() == "n" && alpha2.Any(reply.ToLower().Contains) == false && func.Any(reply.ToLower().Contains) == false && num.Any(reply.ToLower().Contains) == false)
} else
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid answer (\"y\" or \"n\")");
goto End;
goto Start;
} else
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid answer.");
goto Retry;
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