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Created October 30, 2019 23:02
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace PoundsToKilograms
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] pounds = { "pounds", "lbs", "pound", "lb", "p" };
string[] kilograms = { "kilograms", "kg", "kilos", "kilo", "k" };
bool validResponse = true;
bool goAgane = true;
//Loop to be able to repeatedly input answers to not have to reopen if there are multiple things to convert
Console.WriteLine("Please input what you want to convert. Please include the unit after a space.");
Console.WriteLine("Type exit to close the application");
//Loop to retake an input if something invalid is entered
//Needs to be reset to true every loop
validResponse = true;
//splits users input into and array (separator is a space) that should be [int weight, string unit]
string[] input = Console.ReadLine().Split(new char[0]);
//If they want to close the application
if (input[0] == "exit")
goAgane = false;
//If they dont input at least 2 items into the string, then an error is created when trying to set the unitInput variable
//Sets validResponse to false so it loops and asks again for a proper response
else if (input.Length != 2)
validResponse = false;
Console.WriteLine("Please input a number, space, and then a unit.");
string unitInput = input[1];
double weight = Convert.ToDouble(input[0]);
//Converts pounds to kilograms
if (pounds.Any(unitInput.ToLower().Contains))
Console.WriteLine($"{weight} pounds is {Math.Round((weight / 2.205), 2)} kilograms");
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue");
//Converts kilograms to pounds
else if (kilograms.Any(unitInput.ToLower().Contains))
Console.WriteLine($"{weight} kilograms is {Math.Round((weight * 2.205), 2)} pounds");
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue");
//If they don't input a proper unit that matches one of the arrays, let the user retry the input
validResponse = false;
Console.WriteLine("Please input a number, space, and then a unit");
while (!validResponse);
while (goAgane);
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