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Last active August 4, 2020 15:42
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Growtopia Dark Theme by Nenkai#9075
/* CC BY-NC - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial */
/* New Growtopia Forums - VBulletin 5 */
/* Custom theme by Nenkai#9075 */
/* Fixes the spacing and some other problems */
/* Disable shadows, they are not needed */
#htmlTag #content,
#htmlTag #footer,
#htmlTag #channel-subtabbar,
#htmlTag #channel-tabbar,
#htmlTag div#breadcrumbs {
box-shadow: none !important;
/* Push the login thing up */
#htmlTag .b-top-menu--user {
margin: 0px !important;
/* Disable Images from main page */
.avatar.h-left > img
display: none;
/* Sign Up Menu */
#lnkLoginSignupMenu {
vertical-align: top !important;
/* Calm the logo down*/
.site-logo {
padding: 0 !important;
max-width: 25% !important;
#htmlTag #header .search-container .search-box .search-btn,
#htmlTag .search-container .search-box .search-term {
padding: 0 !important;
height: 34px !important;
/* Lower the size of the header */
.header-cell {
height: 26px !important;
/* Topics/latest Activity/My Subscriptions tabs */
/* Very ugly*/
#htmlTag .view-mode .widget-tabs .widget-tabs-nav .module-title,
#htmlTag .activity-stream-widget.widget-tabs .widget-header.widget-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-nav,
#htmlTag .view-mode .widget-tabs .widget-tabs-nav,
#htmlTag .widget-tabs .widget-tabs-nav li {
line-height: 25px !important;
min-height: 25px !important;
height: 25px !important;
.category-header {
height: 28px !important;
/* Post count & last post */
.lastpost {
padding-top: 8px !important;
padding-bottom: 0% !important;
/* Align the Topics and Posts */
.posts-count {
padding-bottom: 0% !important;
padding-top: 6px !important;
.cell-lastpost {
vertical-align: top !important;
padding-top: 6px !important;
padding-bottom: 0px !important;
height: 14px !important;
/* Forum list header "Topics Statistics Last Post" */
#htmlTag .topic-list-container .topic-list-header,
#htmlTag .topic-list-container .topic-list-header th {
height: 28px !important;
line-height: 28px !important;
/* Subscribe Button */
#htmlTag .b-button {
height: 26px;
line-height: 20px;
min-width: 45px;
/* Weird empty block at the bottom */
.l-row__fixed--right {
display: none !important;
.b-userinfo {
text-align: left !important;
/******* DARK MODE *******/
/* Change BG */
#vb-page-body {
background-image: url(;
background-color: #000000;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
/* Post Content */
/* Topic Count in subforum */
/* Posts count in subforum */
/* Subforum description */
.cke_editable, .list-item-header .post-header {
color: #b9bbbd !important;
/* Post Background */
.l-row .l-row__fixed--left,
#breadcrumbs/* Subtopic tree */
#notificationsTab/* User Settings */
.private-message-widget .main-pane .message-item.notification-unread,
.private-message-widget .last-notification-unread,
.ckeditor-dialog .cke_dialog_contents div,
#htmlTag .cke_dialog_footer/* Custom Prompts while post editing */
.cke_reset {
/* Same as discord side bar */
background-color: #36393f !important;
.ckeditor-dialog .cke_dialog_contents label,
/* Labels within custom prompts */
.ckeditor-dialog .cke_dialog_contents .cke_dialog_ui_html/* Video Prompt */
.ckeditor-dialog .cke_dialog_contents div,
.ui-widget-content.ui-dialog/* Some prompts, i.e "All changes made will be lost. Would you like to continue?" */
.pagenav-container .pagenav a.b-button/* Page buttons [1] etc */
/* Same as discord side bar */
background-color: #36393f !important;
color: white !important;
.ckeditor-dialog .cke_dialog_contents .cke_dialog_ui_html */* Video Prompt Buttons */
/* Same as discord side bar */
background-color: #36393f !important;
color: white !important;
cursor: pointer;
/* Actual fix, for some reason these don't display as clickable?? */
.conversation-status-messages * {
background-color: #ffda74 !important;
.conversation-list/* Profile Posts */
/* Same as discord typing bar */
background-color: #40444b !important;
#htmlTag .b-comp-menu-dropdown .b-comp-menu-dropdown__content > li > a/* Profile Dropdowns */
background-color: #40444b !important;
color: #f4f5f5 !important;
/* Preview Post */
#preview-overlay .list-item {
/* Same as discord messages */
background-color: #2f3136 !important;
.message-empty {
/* Same as discord messages */
background-color: #2f3136 !important;
color: #888c91 !important;
/* Change the top bar icon colors */
.b-icon.b-icon__pm--blue {
filter: invert(100%);
.page-title-widget .module-title,
.author a,
.post-content/* Content in Profile */
.b-post-control__bubble-flyout/* Vote count */
.b-post__count/* Post ID */
.private-message-widget .folder-link.selected {
color: #f4f5f5 !important;
.b-post-control/* Post Actions */
color: #f4f5f5 !important;
font-size: 12px;
.lastpost-by a,
.subchannel-widget .widget-content .forum-list-container .forum-list-header,
.widget-tabs .topic-list-container .topic-list .topic-item a,
/* Subforum topic creator */
.profile-sidebar-widget .profileContainer .profile-acct .username/* Profile page, username */
color: #f4f5f5 !important;
font-weight: bold !important;
.conversation-toolbar-wrapper .conversation-toolbar input[type="text"]/* Forum Search Bar */
#private-message-search #pmSearchText,
#htmlTag .search-container .search-box .search-term {
background-color: #202225 !important;
color: #888c91 !important;
.search-box .vertical-divider-left/* Search Divider, don't need it */
display: none;
/* Make all links blue as they should be */
a {
color: #2b93d7 !important;
.b-divider {
background-color: #b9bbbe !important;
.topic-title {
color: #f4f5f5 !important;
font-size: 14px !important;
.b-sharing-menu .b-sharing-menu__item a.b-sharing-menu__item-link--facebook,
.b-sharing-menu .b-sharing-menu__item a.b-sharing-menu__item-link--twitter,
.profile-widget .widget-tabs.ui-tabs .ui-widget-content a,
.profile-menulist .profile-action-buttons .b-button--primary-light,
.profile-sidebar-widget .profile-menulist .profile-menulist-item > a > label {
color: #f4f5f5 !important;
#channel-tabbar a,
#channel-subtabbar a {
color: black !important;
/* Profile Info */
/* Profile Title */
/* Last Edited Post */
#breadcrumbs .crumb-link/* Subtopic tree before current */
.private-message-widget .folder-link,
.private-message-widget .nav-pane .folder-item.special-folder > .label {
/* Same as names in discord member sidebar */
color: #888c91 !important;
.forum-item {
background-color: #2f3136 !important;
/* Post Content */
/* Post Tools */
.b-content-entry-panel__content/* Bottom */
background-color: #2f3136 !important;
color: #888c91 !important;
#cke_1_resizer/* Editor Resizer */
.qtip-topicpreview/* Topic Preview */
background-color: #b9bbbe !important;
#htmlTag #header .search-container .search-box .search-btn,
.dialog-container.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar/* Preview Post Header */
#private-message-search #btnSearchPM,
#htmlTag .cke_dialog_title/* Prompts */
background-color: #2b93d7 !important;
.ui-widget-content a
color: #0f8fc1 !important;
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