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Last active May 20, 2021 05:43
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Steam Mobile FriendsUI proto dumper (@SteamDatabase)
#!/usr/bin/env -S node --harmony-regexp-named-captures
'use strict';
if (process.argv.length <= 2) {
console.log('Usage: \n dumper.js <input_file.js> [options]');
console.log(' node [flags] dumper.js <input_file.js> [options]');
console.log(' --Oall=<output_file> - dump enums and protos to file <output_file> (same as --Oenum + --Oproto)');
console.log(' --Oenum=<output_file_enums> - dump only enums to file <output_file_enums> (default: <stdout>)');
console.log(' --Oproto=<output_file_protos> - dump only protos to file <output_file_protos> (default: <stdout>)');
console.log(' --filter-known-protos - do not dump known proto messages and services (default: false');
console.log(' --known-protos-dir=<path> - path to *.proto files (default: "Protobufs")');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
let g_inputFile,
g_outputEnumsFile = null, g_outputProtosFile = null,
g_bFilterKnownProtos = false, g_strKnownProtosDir = 'Protobufs';
for (let i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i) {
if (process.argv[i].startsWith('--Oall=')) {
g_outputEnumsFile = g_outputProtosFile = process.argv[i].substring(7);
} else if (process.argv[i].startsWith('--Oenum=')) {
g_outputEnumsFile = process.argv[i].substring(8);
} else if (process.argv[i].startsWith('--Oproto=')) {
g_outputProtosFile = process.argv[i].substring(9);
} else if (process.argv[i] === '--filter-known-protos') {
g_bFilterKnownProtos = true;
} else if (process.argv[i].startsWith('--known-protos-dir=')) {
g_strKnownProtosDir = process.argv[i].substring(19);
} else {
g_inputFile = process.argv[i];
if (!g_inputFile) {
console.error('Input file is not defined');
if (g_outputEnumsFile !== null && g_outputEnumsFile === g_outputProtosFile) {
g_outputEnumsFile = g_outputProtosFile = fs.createWriteStream(g_outputEnumsFile, { flags: 'w', encoding: 'utf8' });
if (g_bFilterKnownProtos) {
} else {
g_outputEnumsFile = g_outputEnumsFile ? fs.createWriteStream(g_outputEnumsFile, { flags: 'w', encoding: 'utf8' }) : process.stdout;
g_outputProtosFile = g_outputProtosFile ? fs.createWriteStream(g_outputProtosFile, { flags: 'w', encoding: 'utf8' }) : process.stdout;
let g_rgEnums = [], g_rgProtos = [];
const g_mapServices = new Map();
let fileData = fs.readFileSync(g_inputFile, 'utf8');
const rgResults = handleFile(fileData);
if (!rgResults) {
if (g_outputProtosFile !== process.stdout) {
g_outputProtosFile.write('// This file is automatically generated by a script (' + __filename.split(/\\|\//).pop() + ').\n');
g_outputProtosFile.write('// Do not modify it, or changes will be lost when the script is run again.\n\n');
if (g_bFilterKnownProtos) {
getKnownProtobufMessages(g_strKnownProtosDir, function(mapKnownMessages, mapKnownServices) {
const imports = new Set();
const filteredProtos = g_rgProtos.filter((proto) => !mapKnownMessages.has(;
const filteredServices = Array.from(g_mapServices).filter(([svcName]) => !mapKnownServices.has(svcName));
filteredServices.some(([svcName, methods]) => methods.some(({unknown}) => unknown) && filteredProtos.push({ "name": "UnknownProto", "fields": [] }));
filteredProtos.forEach((proto) => {
proto.fields.forEach((field) => {
if (field.type.charAt(0) === '.') {
const file = mapKnownMessages.get(field.type.substr(1));
if (file) {
outputImports(imports, g_outputProtosFile);
outputEnums(g_rgEnums, g_outputEnumsFile);
outputProtos(filteredProtos, g_outputProtosFile);
outputServices(filteredServices, g_outputProtosFile);
// stats
console.log('// enums:', rgResults.actual.enums, 'of', rgResults.expected.enums1.length, '+', rgResults.expected.enums2.length);
console.log('// messages:', rgResults.actual.messages, 'of', rgResults.expected.messages.length);
console.log('// svc methods:', rgResults.actual.methods, 'of', rgResults.expected.methods.length);
} else {
g_rgProtos.push({ "name": "NoResponse", "fields": [] });
Array.from(g_mapServices).some(([svcName, methods]) => methods.some(({unknown}) => unknown) && g_rgProtos.push({ "name": "UnknownProto", "fields": [] }));
outputEnums(g_rgEnums, g_outputEnumsFile);
outputProtos(g_rgProtos, g_outputProtosFile);
outputServices(g_mapServices, g_outputProtosFile);
console.log('// enums:', rgResults.actual.enums, 'of', rgResults.expected.enums1.length, '+', rgResults.expected.enums2.length);
console.log('// messages:', rgResults.actual.messages, 'of', rgResults.expected.messages.length);
console.log('// svc methods:', rgResults.actual.methods, 'of', rgResults.expected.methods.length);
function getKnownProtobufMessages(dirName, callback) {
const msgRegex = /([ \t]*)message (\w+) \{/g,
svcRegex = /service (\w+) \{/g,
mapKnownMessages = new Map(),
mapKnownServices = new Map();
let MsgAndLevel = [];
fs.readdir(dirName, function(err, files) {
files.filter((file) => file.endsWith(".proto")).forEach((fileName) => {
const file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(dirName, fileName)).toString();
let matches;
while (matches = msgRegex.exec(file)) {
let currLevel = matches[1].length;
let msgName = matches[2];
if (MsgAndLevel[0] && MsgAndLevel[0].level >= currLevel) {
let prevMsg;
do {
prevMsg = MsgAndLevel.shift();
} while (prevMsg && prevMsg.level > currLevel);
if (MsgAndLevel[0]) {
msgName = MsgAndLevel[0].name + '_' + msgName;
MsgAndLevel.unshift({ "name": msgName, "level": currLevel });
mapKnownMessages.set(msgName, fileName);
while (matches = svcRegex.exec(file)) {
mapKnownServices.set(matches[1], fileName);
callback(mapKnownMessages, mapKnownServices);
function handleFile(fileData) {
let reModule = /__d\(function\(\w,\w,\w,\w,\w,\w,\w\).+?(?=__d\(|__r\()/gs,
reNumericEnums = /(?<enumKVs>(?:[\w\$]+\[[\w\$]+\.\w+=-?[\de]+\]="\w+"[,;]?)+)}\)\([\w\$]+\|\|\((?:[\w\$]+\.(?<enumName>\w+)=)?(?<enumShortName>\w+)={}\)/g,
reProtoClass = /(?<msgShortName>[\w\$]+)=\(function\([\w\$]+\).*?value:function\(\){return["'](?<msgClassName>\w+)["']}.*?[\w\$]\.\2=\1/g,
reSvcMethod = /(?:SendNotification\()?["'](?<svcName>\w+)\.(?<methodName>\w+)#1["'],(?:request:(?<msgNotifyShortName>[\w\$]+)|\w[\),](?<msgResponseShortName>[\w\$]+)?)/g;
let rgModules = fileData.match(reModule);
if (!rgModules) {
console.error('Cannot find modules');
let nEnumCount = 0, nMsgCount = 0, nSvcMethodsCount = 0;
rgModules.forEach((esModule) => {
let rgMatches,
rgModuleEnums = [],
rgModuleProtos = [],
rgProtoShortNamesToLongNames = {};
// 1-st pass: enum
while (rgMatches = reNumericEnums.exec(esModule)) {
let rgDecodedEnum = decodeEnum(rgMatches);
if (rgDecodedEnum) {
nEnumCount += 1;
rgProtoShortNamesToLongNames[rgMatches.groups.enumShortName] =;
// 2-st pass: proto
while (rgMatches = reProtoClass.exec(esModule)) {
nMsgCount += 1;
rgProtoShortNamesToLongNames[rgMatches.groups.msgShortName] = rgMatches.groups.msgClassName;
rgModuleProtos.push(decodeProtobuf(rgMatches, rgModuleEnums));
// 3-rd pass: service
while (rgMatches = reSvcMethod.exec(esModule)) {
nSvcMethodsCount += 1;
let service = decodeServiceMethod(rgMatches, rgModuleProtos, rgProtoShortNamesToLongNames);
if (g_mapServices.has( {
} else {
g_mapServices.set(, [service.method]);
// fix field types
rgModuleProtos.forEach((proto) => {
proto.fields.forEach((field) => {
if (field.typeLong) {
field.type = '.' + field.typeLong;
} else if (field.typeShort && rgProtoShortNamesToLongNames[field.typeShort]) {
field.type = '.' + rgProtoShortNamesToLongNames[field.typeShort];
g_rgEnums = g_rgEnums.concat(rgModuleEnums);
g_rgProtos = g_rgProtos.concat(rgModuleProtos);
return {
"actual": {
"modules": rgModules.length,
"enums": nEnumCount,
"messages": nMsgCount,
"methods": nSvcMethodsCount
"expected": {
"enums0": fileData.match(/(?:[\w\$]+\[[\w\$]+\.\w+=-?[\de]+\]="\w+"[,;]?)+}\)\([\w\$]+\|\|\((?:[\w\$]+\.\w+=)?\w+={}\)/g),
"enums1": fileData.match(/(?:[\w\$]+\[[\w\$]+\.(\w+)=-?[\de]+\]="\1"[,;]?)+}\)\(([\w\$]+)\|\|\([\w\$]+\.\w+=\2={}\)/g),
"enums2": fileData.match(/(?:[\w\$]+\[[\w\$]+\.(\w+)=-?[\de]+\]="\1"[,;]?)+}\)\(([\w\$]+)\|\|\(\2={}\)/g),
"messages": fileData.match(/"deserializeBinaryFromReader"/g),
"methods": fileData.match(/["']\w+\.\w+#1["']/g)
// longest common starting substring
function commonSubstring(str1, str2) {
let i = 0;
while (i < str1.length && str1.charAt(i) === str2.charAt(i)) ++i;
return str1.substring(0, i);
function tryRenameKeys(data, enumName) {
let reSubstrToReplace = null,
allEnumKeys = Object.keys(data);
if (allEnumKeys.every(keyName => keyName.startsWith('k_'))) {
let commonName = allEnumKeys.reduce(commonSubstring);
reSubstrToReplace = new RegExp(`^k_${enumName}_?|^${commonName}`, 'i');
} else if (allEnumKeys.every(keyName => keyName.startsWith(enumName))) {
reSubstrToReplace = new RegExp(`^${enumName}_?`, 'i');
if (reSubstrToReplace) {
allEnumKeys.forEach(keyName => {
let newKeyName = keyName.replace(reSubstrToReplace, '');
if ('0123456789'.includes(newKeyName.charAt(0))) {
newKeyName = '_' + newKeyName;
data[newKeyName] = data[keyName];
delete data[keyName];
return data;
function decodeEnum(matchedEnum) {
let data = {};
matchedEnum.groups.enumKVs.match(/\w+=-?[\de]+/g).forEach(matched => {
let [enumKey, enumValue] = matched.split('=');
data[enumKey] = JSON.parse(enumValue);
let result;
if (matchedEnum.groups.enumName) {
// named enum
result = {
"name": matchedEnum.groups.enumName,
"keys": tryRenameKeys(data, matchedEnum.groups.enumName)
} else {
// unnamed enum, try to figure it out
let allEnumKeys = Object.keys(data);
if (allEnumKeys.every(keyName => keyName.startsWith('k_'))) {
let commonName = allEnumKeys.reduce(commonSubstring).replace(/^k_|_$/g, '');
if (commonName.length >= 3) {
result = {
"name": commonName,
"keys": tryRenameKeys(data, commonName)
return result;
function decodeProtobuf(matchedClass, rgEnums) {
let rgMatchedField,
reClassField = /case (?<id>\d+):(?<nestedMessage>[^:]*)[\w\$]\.(?<flag>set_|add_)(?<name>\w+)\((?:[\w\$]\.read(?<type>\w+)\(\)|[\w\$])\);break;/g,
rgFields = [];
while (rgMatchedField = reClassField.exec(matchedClass[0])) {
let fieldDesc = {
id: parseInt(, 10),
flag: rgMatchedField.groups.flag == 'set_' ? 'optional' : 'repeated',
if (rgMatchedField.groups.type) {
fieldDesc.type = rgMatchedField.groups.type.toLowerCase().replace('64string', '64');
// default?
let defaultMatch = matchedClass[0].match('\\b' + + ':[\\w\\$]\\.Message\\.getFieldWithDefault\\(\\w+,\\d+,(?:(?<typeShortName>[\\w\\$]+)\\.)?(?<value>[^\\)]+)\\)');
if (defaultMatch) {
if (fieldDesc.type === 'string') {
fieldDesc.default = defaultMatch.groups.value.replace(/^'|'$/g, '"');
} else if (fieldDesc.type === 'enum') {
fieldDesc.typeShort = defaultMatch.groups.typeShortName;
fieldDesc.default = defaultMatch.groups.value;
} else {
try {
fieldDesc.default = eval(defaultMatch.groups.value); // number, bool
} catch(e) {
fieldDesc.default = 'fixme';
if (fieldDesc.type === 'enum' && !fieldDesc.typeShort) {
fieldDesc.type = 'int32';
fieldDesc.description = 'enum';
let rgEnumNames ={name}) => name), fieldName =,
fieldNameParts = fieldName.split('_'), classNameParts = matchedClass.groups.msgClassName.toLowerCase().split('_');
let rgSuggestedTypes = rgEnumNames.filter((enumName) => {
enumName = enumName.toLowerCase();
return (fieldNameParts.length > 1 && enumName.includes(fieldName.replace(/_/g, '')))
|| classNameParts.some((part) => enumName.includes(part) && enumName.includes(fieldName.replace(/_/g, '')));
if (!rgSuggestedTypes.length) {
rgSuggestedTypes = rgEnumNames.filter((enumName) => {
enumName = enumName.toLowerCase();
return fieldNameParts.every((part) => enumName.includes(part));
if (!rgSuggestedTypes.length) {
rgSuggestedTypes = rgEnumNames.filter((enumName) => {
let nMatchedPartsCount = 0;
enumName = enumName.toLowerCase();
return (fieldNameParts.length == 2 && fieldNameParts.some((part) => enumName.includes(part)))
|| (fieldNameParts.length >= 3 && fieldNameParts.some((part) => enumName.includes(part) && ++nMatchedPartsCount >= 2));
if (rgSuggestedTypes.length == 1) {
fieldDesc.description += '; suggested type: ' + rgSuggestedTypes[0];
} else if (rgSuggestedTypes.length > 1) {
fieldDesc.description += '; suggested types: ' + rgSuggestedTypes.toString();
} else {
// nested message
let nestMatch = rgMatchedField.groups.nestedMessage.match(/new (?<shortName>[\w\$]+)(?:\.(?<longName>[\w\$]+))?/);
if (nestMatch) {
if (nestMatch.groups.longName) {
fieldDesc.typeLong = nestMatch.groups.longName;
} else {
let matchedCtor = matchedClass[0].match(/=\(function\([\w\$]+\){function\s(\w)/);
if (matchedCtor && (nestMatch.groups.shortName === matchedCtor[1])) { // constructor name, special case for recursive messages
fieldDesc.typeLong = matchedClass.groups.msgClassName;
} else {
fieldDesc.typeShort = nestMatch.groups.shortName;
} else {
fieldDesc.type = 'UNKNOWN';
fieldDesc.description = 'fixme';
return { "name": matchedClass.groups.msgClassName, "fields": rgFields };
function decodeServiceMethod(matches, protos, rgShortToLong) {
let svcName = matches.groups.svcName,
methodName = matches.groups.methodName,
msgRequestName = null, msgResponseName = 'NoResponse';
if (matches.groups.msgNotifyShortName) { // S->C notification
msgRequestName = rgShortToLong[matches.groups.msgNotifyShortName];
} else if (matches.groups.msgResponseShortName) { // response
msgResponseName = rgShortToLong[matches.groups.msgResponseShortName];
msgRequestName = msgResponseName.replace(/_Response$/, '_Request');
if (!Object.values(rgShortToLong).includes(msgRequestName)) {
msgRequestName = null;
} else {
// C->S notification
// try to fix it below
let bUnknownProto = false;
if (!msgRequestName) {
protos.some((proto) => {
if (( === 'C' + svcName + '_' + methodName + (matches.groups.msgResponseShortName ? '_Request' : '_Notification'))
|| !matches.groups.msgResponseShortName && ( === 'C' + svcName + '_' + methodName.replace(/^Notify/, '') + '_Notification')) {
msgRequestName =;
return true;
return false;
if (!msgRequestName) {
msgRequestName = 'UnknownProto';
bUnknownProto = true;
return {
"name": svcName,
"method": {
"name": methodName,
"request": msgRequestName,
"response": msgResponseName,
"unknown": bUnknownProto
function outputImports(imports, stream) {
for (const importName of imports) {
stream.write(`import "${importName}";\n`);
function outputEnums(enums, stream) {
enums.sort((a, b) =>, 'en-US'));
for (const {name, keys} of enums)
stream.write(`enum ${name}\n{\n`);
for (const enumKey in keys)
stream.write(`\t${enumKey} = ${keys[enumKey]};\n`);
function outputProtos(protos, stream) {
protos.forEach((proto) => {
stream.write(`message ${} {\n`);
proto.fields.forEach((field) => {
stream.write(`\t${field.flag} ${field.type} ${} = ${}`);
let options = [];
if (field.hasOwnProperty('default')) {
options.push(`default = ${field.default}`);
if (field.hasOwnProperty('description')) {
options.push(`(description) = "${field.description}"`);
if (options.length) {
stream.write(` [${options.join(', ')}]`);
function outputServices(services, stream) {
for (const [name, methods] of services) {
stream.write(`service ${name} {\n`);
for (const method of methods) {
stream.write(`\trpc ${} (.${method.request}) returns (.${method.response});\n`);
enum Accuracy
Lowest = 1;
Low = 2;
Balanced = 3;
High = 4;
Highest = 5;
BestForNavigation = 6;
enum ActivityType
Other = 1;
AutomotiveNavigation = 2;
Fitness = 3;
OtherNavigation = 4;
Airborne = 5;
enum bbNodeType
TEXT = 1;
enum CBroadcast_BroadcastViewerState_Notification_EViewerState
NeedsApproval = 1;
Watching = 2;
Left = 3;
enum CBroadcast_WatchBroadcast_Response_EWatchResponse
Ready = 1;
NotAvailable = 2;
WaitingForApproval = 3;
WaitingForStart = 4;
InvalidSession = 5;
TooManyBroadcasts = 6;
WaitingForReconnect = 7;
SystemNotSupported = 8;
UserRestricted = 9;
ClientOutOfDate = 10;
PoorUploadQuality = 11;
MissingSubscription = 12;
enum ChatMessageTypeEnum
Chat = 0;
Notification = 1;
Error = 2;
enum EAbuseNotificationType
Invalid = 0;
TradeBan = 1;
Profile = 2;
Group = 3;
Comment = 4;
Forum = 5;
enum EAccountType
Invalid = 0;
Individual = 1;
Multiseat = 2;
GameServer = 3;
AnonGameServer = 4;
Pending = 5;
ContentServer = 6;
Clan = 7;
Chat = 8;
ConsoleUser = 9;
AnonUser = 10;
Max = 11;
enum EActorAffiliation
Unknown = 0;
Valve = 1;
Keywords = 2;
TaskUs = 3;
Volunteer = 4;
enum EAnnouncementPlacement
Invalid = 0;
FrontPage = 1;
TicketDetails = 2;
enum EAnswerActorRank
None = 0;
Valve = 1;
GlobalMod = 2;
Developer = 3;
Moderator = 4;
OP = 5;
enum EAppAllowDownloadsWhileRunningBehavior
UseGlobal = 0;
AlwaysAllow = 1;
NeverAllow = 2;
enum EAppAssociationType
Invalid = 0;
Publisher = 1;
Developer = 2;
Franchise = 3;
enum EAppAutoUpdateBehavior
Default = 0;
DoNotUpdate = 1;
HighPriority = 2;
enum EAppControllerSupportLevel
None = 0;
Partial = 1;
Full = 2;
enum EAppReportType
Invalid = 0;
Scam = 1;
Malware = 2;
HateSpeech = 3;
Pornography = 4;
NonLabeledAdultContent = 5;
Libelous = 6;
Offensive = 7;
ExploitsChildren = 8;
MtxWithNonSteamWalletPaymentMethods = 9;
CopyrightViolation = 10;
ViolatesLaws = 11;
Other = 12;
Broken = 13;
enum EAppUpdateError
None = 0;
Unspecified = 1;
Paused = 2;
Canceled = 3;
Suspended = 4;
NoSubscription = 5;
NoConnection = 6;
Timeout = 7;
MissingKey = 8;
MissingConfig = 9;
DiskReadFailure = 10;
DiskWriteFailure = 11;
NotEnoughDiskSpace = 12;
CorruptGameFiles = 13;
WaitingForNextDisk = 14;
InvalidInstallPath = 15;
AppRunning = 16;
DependencyFailure = 17;
NotInstalled = 18;
UpdateRequired = 19;
Busy = 20;
NoDownloadSources = 21;
InvalidAppConfig = 22;
InvalidDepotConfig = 23;
MissingManifest = 24;
NotReleased = 25;
RegionRestricted = 26;
CorruptDepotCache = 27;
MissingExecutable = 28;
InvalidPlatform = 29;
InvalidFileSystem = 30;
CorruptUpdateFiles = 31;
DownloadDisabled = 32;
SharedLibraryLocked = 33;
PendingLicense = 34;
OtherSessionPlaying = 35;
CorruptDownload = 36;
CorruptDisk = 37;
FilePermissions = 38;
FileLocked = 39;
MissingContent = 40;
Requires64BitOS = 41;
MissingUpdateFiles = 42;
NotEnoughDiskQuota = 43;
LockedSiteLicense = 44;
Max = 45;
enum EAuctionBadgeLevel
Invalid = 0;
MadeGoo = 1;
BidInAuction = 2;
WonInAuction = 3;
enum EAudioStreamType
Microphone = 1;
IncomingStream = 2;
enum EAvatarFriendState
Offline = 0;
Online = 1;
InGame = 2;
enum EAvatarState
Unknown = 0;
Approved = 1;
Denied = 2;
enum EBackpackContext
EconContextRoot = 0;
GiftPasses = 1;
Profile = 2;
Coupons = 3;
Wallet = 4;
Community = 6;
ItemRewards = 7;
EConContextMax = 999;
enum EBroadcastChatBan
Clear = 0;
Mute = 1;
Shadow = 2;
enum EBroadcastChatPermission
Public = 0;
OwnsApp = 1;
enum EBroadcastViewRequestState
Pending = 0;
Accepted = 1;
Rejected = 2;
enum EBroadcastWatchLocation
Invalid = 0;
SteamTV_Tab = 1;
SteamTV_WatchParty = 2;
Chat_Tab = 3;
Chat_WatchParty = 4;
CommunityPage = 5;
StoreAppPage = 6;
InGame = 7;
BigPicture = 8;
SalesPage = 9;
CuratorPage = 10;
DeveloperPage = 11;
Chat_Friends = 12;
SteamTV_Web = 13;
enum EBroadcastWatchState
None = 0;
Loading = 1;
Ready = 2;
Error = 3;
enum EBrowserType
OffScreen = 0;
OpenVROverlay = 1;
OpenVROverlay_Dashboard = 2;
DirectHWND = 3;
DirectHWND_Borderless = 4;
DirectHWND_Hidden = 5;
ChildHWNDNative = 6;
Transparent_Toplevel = 7;
OffScreen_SharedTexture = 8;
OffScreen_GameOverlay = 9;
OffScreen_GameOverlay_SharedTexture = 10;
Offscreen_FriendsUI = 11;
MAX = 12;
enum EChatEntryType
Invalid = 0;
ChatMsg = 1;
Typing = 2;
InviteGame = 3;
Emote = 4;
LeftConversation = 6;
Entered = 7;
WasKicked = 8;
WasBanned = 9;
Disconnected = 10;
HistoricalChat = 11;
LinkBlocked = 14;
enum EChatFlashMode
Always = 0;
Minimized = 1;
Never = 2;
enum EChatMsgDeleteState
None = 0;
Deleting = 1;
Deleted = 2;
enum EChatMsgSendError
None = 0;
Generic = 1;
NotFriends = 2;
NoChatPermissionInGroup = 3;
RateLimitExceeded = 4;
enum EChatRoomGroupAction
Default = 0;
CreateRenameDeleteChannel = 1;
Kick = 2;
Ban = 3;
Invite = 4;
ChangeTaglineAvatarName = 5;
Chat = 6;
ViewHistory = 7;
ChangeGroupRoles = 8;
ChangeUserRoles = 9;
MentionAll = 10;
SetWatchingBroadcast = 11;
Max = 12;
enum EChatRoomGroupPermissions
Default = 0;
Valid = 1;
CanInvite = 2;
CanKick = 4;
CanBan = 8;
CanAdminChannel = 16;
enum EChatRoomGroupRank
Default = 0;
Viewer = 10;
Guest = 15;
Member = 20;
Moderator = 30;
Officer = 40;
Owner = 50;
TestInvalid = 99;
enum EChatRoomGroupType
Default = 0;
Unmoderated = 1;
enum EChatRoomJoinState
Default = 0;
None = 1;
Joined = 2;
TestInvalid = 99;
enum EChatRoomMemberStateChange
Invalid = 0;
Joined = 1;
Parted = 2;
Kicked = 3;
Invited = 4;
RankChanged = 7;
InviteDismissed = 8;
Muted = 9;
Banned = 10;
RolesChanged = 12;
enum EChatRoomNotificationLevel
Invalid = 0;
None = 1;
MentionMe = 2;
MentionAll = 3;
AllMessages = 4;
enum EChatRoomServerMessage
Invalid = 0;
RenameChatRoom = 1;
Joined = 2;
Parted = 3;
Kicked = 4;
Invited = 5;
InviteDismissed = 8;
ChatRoomTaglineChanged = 9;
ChatRoomAvatarChanged = 10;
AppCustom = 11;
enum EChatWindowState
Unopened = 0;
Hidden = 1;
Visible = 2;
FocusedIdle = 3;
FocusedActive = 4;
enum EClanChatChangeType
Created = 1;
Closing = 2;
MemberStatus = 4;
PermissionGroups = 8;
NameOrAvatar = 16;
enum EClanEventType
OtherEvent = 1;
GameEvent = 2;
PartyEvent = 3;
MeetingEvent = 4;
SpecialCauseEvent = 5;
MusicAndArtsEvent = 6;
SportsEvent = 7;
TripEvent = 8;
ChatEvent = 9;
GameReleaseEvent = 10;
BroadcastEvent = 11;
SmallUpdateEvent = 12;
RegularUpdateEvent = 13;
MajorUpdateEvent = 14;
FutureReleaseEvent = 16;
ESportTournamentStreamEvent = 17;
DevStreamEvent = 18;
FamousStreamEvent = 19;
GameSalesEvent = 20;
GameItemSalesEvent = 21;
InGameBonusXPEvent = 22;
InGameLootEvent = 23;
InGamePerksEvent = 24;
InGameChallengeEvent = 25;
InGameContestEvent = 26;
IRLEvent = 27;
NewsEvent = 28;
BetaReleaseEvent = 29;
FreeTrial = 31;
SeasonRelease = 32;
CrosspostEvent = 34;
InGameEventGeneral = 35;
enum EClanImageFileType
Unknown = 0;
JPEG = 1;
GIF = 2;
PNG = 3;
enum EClanImageGroup
None = 0;
Announcement = 1;
Curator = 2;
enum EClanRelationship
None = 0;
Blocked = 1;
Invited = 2;
Member = 3;
Kicked = 4;
KickAcknowledged = 5;
PendingApproval = 6;
RequestDenied = 7;
enum EClientBetaState
None = 0;
NoneChosen = 1;
NoneChosenNonAdmin = 2;
InBeta = 3;
InBetaNonAdmin = 4;
enum EClientPersonaStateFlag
Status = 1;
PlayerName = 2;
QueryPort = 4;
SourceID = 8;
Presence = 16;
LastSeen = 64;
UserClanRank = 128;
GameExtraInfo = 256;
GameDataBlob = 512;
ClanData = 1024;
Facebook = 2048;
RichPresence = 4096;
Broadcast = 8192;
Watching = 16384;
enum EClientUINotificationType
GroupChatMessage = 1;
FriendChatMessage = 2;
FriendPersonaState = 3;
enum EClientUsedInputType
Keyboard = 0;
Mouse = 1;
Controller = 2;
Max = 3;
enum ECommentDeleteReason
Invalid = 0;
User = 1;
ThreadOwner = 2;
Moderator = 3;
Support = 4;
Spam = 5;
AccountDeletion = 6;
enum ECommentReportAction
Invalid = 0;
NoAction = 1;
Deleted = 2;
Hidden = 3;
ExternalDelete = 4;
ThreadDeleted = 5;
enum ECommunityPrivacyState
Invalid = 0;
Private = 1;
FriendsOnly = 2;
Public = 3;
UsersOnly_DEPRECATED = 4;
FriendsFriendsOnly_DEPRECATED = 5;
enum ECommunityWordFilterReason
Invalid = 0;
Phishing = 1;
Spam = 2;
AdultContent = 3;
Cheat = 4;
Referral = 5;
InappropriateLanguage = 6;
Piracy = 7;
Scam = 8;
Malware = 9;
FreeTLD = 10;
Harassment = 11;
URLShortener = 12;
Max = 13;
enum ECommunityWordFilterType
Invalid = 0;
BadWords = 1;
BlacklistedURLs = 2;
WhitelistedGreenlightURLs = 3;
BlacklistOverrideDomains = 4;
BadWordsInChina = 5;
enum EComputerActiveState
Invalid = 0;
Active = 1;
Idle = 2;
enum EConfiguratorSupportTypes
PS4 = 1;
XBox = 2;
Generic = 4;
enum EContentDescriptorID
FrequentNudityOrSexualContent = 1;
FrequentViolenceOrGore = 2;
StrongSexualContent = 3;
NonConsensualSex = 4;
AnyMatureContent = 5;
enum EControllerAttribCapabilityBits
enum EControllerEnableSupport
ForceOff = 0;
GlobalSetting = 1;
ForceOn = 2;
enum EControllerRumbleSetting
ControllerPreference = 0;
Off = 1;
On = 2;
enum EDiscoveryQueueExperimentalCohort
None = 0;
RecommendedForYouMay2019 = 1;
ExperimentalRecommenderMarch2019 = 2;
Sept2019Experiment = 3;
Sept2019ComingSoon = 4;
enum EDisplayStatus
Invalid = 0;
Launching = 1;
Uninstalling = 2;
Installing = 3;
Running = 4;
Validating = 5;
Updating = 6;
Downloading = 7;
Synchronizing = 8;
ReadyToInstall = 9;
ReadyToPreload = 10;
ReadyToLaunch = 11;
RegionRestricted = 12;
PresaleOnly = 13;
InvalidPlatform = 14;
PreloadComplete = 16;
BorrowerLocked = 17;
UpdatePaused = 18;
UpdateQueued = 19;
UpdateRequired = 20;
UpdateDisabled = 21;
DownloadPaused = 22;
DownloadQueued = 23;
DownloadRequired = 24;
DownloadDisabled = 25;
LicensePending = 26;
LicenseExpired = 27;
AvailForFree = 28;
AvailToBorrow = 29;
AvailGuestPass = 30;
Purchase = 31;
enum EEconTradeResponse
Accepted = 0;
Declined = 1;
TradeBanned_Initiator = 2;
TradeBanned_Target = 3;
Target_Already_Trading = 4;
Disabled = 5;
NotLoggedIn = 6;
Cancel = 7;
TooSoon = 8;
TooSoonPenalty = 9;
ConnectionFailed = 10;
Already_Trading = 11;
Already_Has_Trade_Request = 12;
NoResponse = 13;
CyberCafe_Initiator = 14;
CyberCafe_Target = 15;
SchoolLab_Initiator = 16;
SchoolLab_Target = 17;
Initiator_Blocked_Target = 18;
Initiator_Needs_Verified_Email = 20;
Initiator_Needs_Steam_Guard = 21;
Target_Account_Cannot_Trade = 22;
Initiator_Steam_Guard_Duration = 23;
Initiator_Recent_Password_Reset = 24;
Initiator_Using_New_Device = 25;
Initiator_Sent_Invalid_Cookie = 26;
NeedsEmailConfirmation = 27;
Initiator_Recent_Email_Change = 28;
NeedsMobileConfirmation = 29;
TradingHoldForClearedTradeOffers_Initiator = 30;
WouldExceedMaxAssetCount = 31;
DisabledInRegion = 32;
DisabledInPartnerRegion = 33;
OKToDeliver = 50;
enum EExternalAccountType
None = 0;
SteamAccount = 1;
GoogleAccount = 2;
FacebookAccount = 3;
TwitterAccount = 4;
TwitchAccount = 5;
YouTubeChannelAccount = 6;
FacebookPage = 7;
enum EFadePhase
OUT = 0;
IN = 2;
enum EFeaturedAppBonusRoundGrantReason
ValveDiscretion = 0;
ReachedTopSellers = 1;
enum EFeaturedAppType
UpdateRound = 0;
LaunchRound = 1;
MAX = 2;
enum EFeedbackState
New = 0;
WaitingForApproval = 1;
Rejected = 2;
RejectionAcknowledged = 3;
Approved = 4;
Viewed = 5;
ApprovedForCoaching = 6;
enum EFileIteratorType
None = 0;
Folder = 1;
Executables = 2;
Images = 3;
enum EFileUploadState
None = 0;
FileReady = 1;
InProgress = 2;
Error = 3;
Error_ImageTooLarge = 4;
Error_FileTypeNotSupported = 5;
Completed = 6;
enum EForceFeatureNotificationTargetSelection
Invalid = 0;
AppOwners = 1;
MinPlayTime = 2;
AppFollower = 4;
CreatorFollower = 8;
OwnSomeCreatorApp = 16;
EarlierLastPlayedApp = 32;
LaterLastPlayedApp = 64;
FollowSomeCreatorApp = 128;
PlaySomeCreatorApp = 256;
ExcludeAppOwner = 512;
AppWishList = 1024;
SteamworksPublishers = 2048;
enum EFraudReviewReason
Invalid = 0;
PayPalCountryMismatch = 1;
LargeWalletCreditTotal = 2;
WalletCountryMismatch = 3;
LargePackagePurchases = 4;
Whitelist = 5;
MAX = 6;
enum EFriendRelationship
None = 0;
Blocked = 1;
RequestRecipient = 2;
Friend = 3;
RequestInitiator = 4;
Ignored = 5;
IgnoredFriend = 6;
Suggested_DEPRECATED = 7;
Max = 8;
enum EGetFriendsAppsActivityFlags
ForceFreshQuery = 1;
IgnoreAppHistory = 2;
NoMinimumFriendCount = 4;
AllowRepeats = 8;
IgnoreUnownedLimit = 16;
enum EHelpIssue
Invalid = 0;
Game_CannotFindInLibrary = 101;
Game_WrongOS = 102;
Game_PurchasedTwice = 103;
Game_MissingExtraCopy = 104;
Game_Payment = 105;
Game_GameplayOrTechnicalProblem = 106;
Game_InGamePurchase = 107;
Game_NotWhatExpected = 108;
Game_PurchasedByAccident = 109;
Game_Gameplay = 110;
Game_Technical = 111;
Game_Other = 112;
Game_Crashes = 113;
Game_SystemRequirementsNotMet = 114;
Game_NotFun = 115;
Game_WillNotStart = 116;
Game_NowAvailableCheaper = 117;
Game_FrameRateTooLow = 118;
Game_GameplayDidNotMatchTrailer = 119;
Game_GameplayTooDifficult = 120;
Game_MultiplayerDoesNotWork = 121;
Game_VACOrInGameBan = 122;
Game_PermanentlyRemove = 123;
Game_RetryFailedPurchase = 124;
Game_MissingDLCOrBonusContent = 125;
Game_RevokedCDKey = 126;
Game_RevokedGift = 127;
Game_ManageAuthKeys = 128;
Game_TroubleWithCDKey = 129;
Game_InGameItems = 130;
Game_Cooldown = 131;
Game_FamilySharingIssues = 132;
Purchase_ChargedWrongAmount = 201;
Purchase_DoubleCharged = 202;
Purchase_Failed = 203;
Purchase_Pending = 204;
Purchase_Missing_Refund = 205;
Purchase_CantFindMicrotransaction = 206;
Purchase_ChargebackLock = 207;
Purchase_PurchasingRestricted = 208;
Purchase_UnknownCharges = 209;
Purchase_CannotCompleteMicrotransaction = 210;
Purchase_CannotAddFundsToWallet = 211;
Purchase_CannotCompleteGamePurchase = 212;
Purchase_OtherQuestionAboutPurchase = 213;
Purchase_ParentContact = 214;
Purchase_StoreCountryIncorrect = 215;
Purchase_ValveStoreMerch = 216;
Purchase_TaxQuestions = 217;
Hardware_MissingComponents = 301;
Hardware_Technical = 302;
Hardware_Broken = 303;
Hardware_Controller_Technical = 304;
Hardware_DoNotWant = 305;
Hardware_Other = 306;
Hardware_Purchase = 307;
SteamLink_Network = 350;
SteamLink_Display = 351;
SteamLink_Sound = 352;
SteamLink_Input = 353;
SteamLink_Other = 354;
SteamLink_Generic = 355;
SteamLink_App = 356;
SteamController_Power = 360;
SteamController_Input = 361;
SteamController_Configurations = 362;
SteamController_MissingParts = 363;
SteamController_Other = 364;
SteamController_Generic = 365;
VR_Display = 370;
VR_DevicePairing = 371;
VR_Sound = 372;
VR_Tracking = 373;
VR_ErrorMessages = 374;
VR_Other = 375;
VR_Generic = 376;
SteamHardwareAccessory_Damaged = 380;
SteamHardwareAccessory_Other = 381;
Account_Lost2FARecoveryCode = 401;
Account_LostOrBroken2FADevice = 402;
Account_MobileNumberOutOfDate = 403;
Account_FraudLock = 404;
Account_FamilyView = 405;
Account_ForgotPassword = 406;
Account_SteamGuard_NotReceivingCode = 407;
Account_Hijacked = 408;
Account_ChangeEmail = 409;
Account_MobileNumber = 410;
Account_Locked_SelfLocked = 411;
Account_Locked_SuspectedHijack = 412;
Account_DeleteMyAccount = 413;
Account_ContentCountryRestriction = 414;
Account_BannedContentAppeal = 415;
Account_BannedForumAppeal = 416;
Account_AccountDataQuestion = 417;
Wallet_DamagedWalletCode = 501;
CDKey_DuplicateKey = 601;
CDKey_InvalidKey = 602;
CDKey_DamagedKey = 603;
Technical_Install = 701;
Technical_GameLaunch = 702;
Technical_GameplayCrash = 703;
Technical_Performance = 704;
Technical_Other = 705;
Technical_Steam_CannotSignInToClient = 706;
Technical_Steam_ClientCrash = 707;
Technical_Generic = 708;
Technical_SteamPlay = 709;
SteamFeature_Community = 801;
SteamFeature_BigPicture = 802;
SteamFeature_FamilySharing = 803;
SteamFeature_FamilyView = 804;
SteamFeature_OfflineMode = 805;
SteamFeature_Broadcasting = 806;
SteamFeature_Workshop = 807;
SteamFeature_SteamGuard = 808;
SteamFeature_MobileAuthenticator = 809;
SteamFeature_CannotTrade = 810;
SteamFeature_Market_TaxForm = 811;
SteamFeature_Cloud = 812;
SteamFeature_ItemBug = 813;
Publishing_ManagingMyApp = 901;
Publishing_ReleasingMyApp = 902;
Publishing_ManagingMySteamworksAccount = 903;
Publishing_PaymentsAndTaxes = 904;
Publishing_ManagingMyStorePage = 905;
Publishing_SteamworksSDK = 906;
Publishing_AppReview = 907;
Publishing_GameLauncherFailure = 908;
Publishing_MissingLanguageDepot = 909;
Publishing_DepotBuildFailure = 910;
Publishing_CustomerTax = 911;
Publishing_IdentityVerificationWait = 912;
Publishing_MissingPayment = 913;
Publishing_RemoveAppFromStore = 914;
Publishing_AppPaidToFree = 915;
Publishing_TransferApp = 916;
Publishing_ChangeAppType = 917;
Publishing_AddActualAuthority = 918;
Publishing_DiscountError = 919;
Publishing_RaisingMyPrice = 920;
Publishing_AppComingSoonToEarlyAccess = 921;
Publishing_StoreVisibility = 922;
Publishing_NotAffiliated = 923;
Publishing_StreamingVideo = 924;
Publishing_NonGameSoftware = 925;
Publishing_SteamKeys = 926;
Publishing_SteamSales = 927;
Publishing_SiteLicense = 928;
Publishing_ModerationAssistance = 929;
Publishing_ReviewMyApp = 930;
SteamCommunity_Group = 1001;
SteamCommunity_Profile = 1002;
SteamCommunity_Discussions = 1003;
SteamCommunity_Chat = 1004;
SteamCommunity_MobileChat = 1005;
enum EHelpRequestAction
Invalid = 0;
ChangeSupportAgent = 1;
ChangeState = 2;
ChangeHelpRequestType = 3;
ChangeHelpIssue = 4;
ElevatedTicket = 5;
EditedMessage = 6;
ClaimedByAgent = 7;
MarkedAsHeld = 8;
ChangeApp = 9;
UnassignedBySystem = 10;
ChangedRelatedAccount = 11;
ChangeLanguage = 12;
IssueHelpRequestCooldown = 13;
enum EHelpRequestEscalationLevel
NotEscalated = 0;
Experienced = 1;
Expert = 2;
Valve = 3;
enum EHelpRequestFeedbackCategory
POP = 0;
QT = 1;
TicketComprehension = 2;
Escalation = 3;
IncorrectData = 4;
IncorrectProcedure = 5;
Research = 6;
Language = 7;
NaturalLanguage = 8;
Contextualization = 9;
Tone = 10;
Semantics = 11;
Max = 12;
enum EHelpRequestFeedbackTargetType
Message = 0;
Action = 1;
enum EHelpRequestMsgType
Invalid = 0;
MsgFromUser = 1;
MsgFromSteam = 2;
Note = 3;
enum EHelpRequestPOPType
Invalid = 0;
Email = 1;
CreditCard = 2;
PayPal = 3;
CDKey = 4;
Sofort = 5;
Webmoney = 6;
Paysafe = 7;
PerfectWorld = 8;
Gift = 9;
WalletCode = 10;
Giropay = 11;
Ideal = 12;
Alipay = 13;
Yandex = 14;
QIWI = 15;
Kiosk = 16;
BoaCompra = 17;
MoneyBookers = 18;
Phone = 19;
AccountName = 20;
WeChat = 21;
enum EHelpRequestReviewState
Assigned = 0;
OK = 1;
Mishandled = 2;
Released = 3;
Expired = 4;
enum EHelpRequestSortOrder
CreatedAsc = 0;
CreatedDesc = 1;
FirstResponseAsc = 2;
FirstResponseDesc = 3;
enum EHelpRequestState
Invalid = 0;
WaitingForAgent = 1;
WaitingForUser = 2;
CanceledByUser = 3;
Closed = 4;
WaitingForBatchProcessor = 5;
enum EHelpRequestStatsResponderType
Valve = 0;
Blueprint = 1;
Bot = 2;
TaskUs = 3;
Interaction = 4;
enum EHelpRequestStatsRollupInterval
Hour = 0;
DayUTC = 1;
DayLocal = 2;
enum EHelpRequestType
Invalid = 0;
RefundRequest = 1;
HelpMeFindMyGame = 3;
HelpMeFindDLCOrBonusContent = 4;
Remove2FA = 5;
RemoveMobileNumber = 6;
RedeemWalletCode = 7;
HelpFixChargeback = 8;
TroubleshootSteamController = 9;
TroubleshootSteamLink = 10;
TroubleshootSteamVR = 11;
LockedForFraud = 12;
RemoveFamilyPIN = 13;
HelpResetPassword = 14;
HelpRedeemCDKey = 15;
HelpGameCannotInstall = 16;
HelpGameCannotStart = 17;
HelpGameInGameProblem = 18;
FixUnknownCharge = 19;
PurchasingRestricted = 20;
CannotSignInClient = 21;
ClientCrash = 22;
SteamFeature_Community = 23;
SteamFeature_BigPicture = 24;
SteamFeature_FamilySharing = 25;
SteamFeature_FamilyView = 26;
SteamFeature_OfflineMode = 27;
SteamFeature_Broadcasting = 28;
SteamFeature_Workshop = 29;
SteamFeature_SteamGuard = 30;
SteamFeature_MobileAuthenticator = 31;
Account_SteamGuard_NotReceivingCode = 32;
SteamFeature_HelpWithTrading = 33;
SteamFeature_HelpWithItem = 34;
StolenAccount = 35;
SteamFeature_Market_TaxForm = 36;
HelpResolvePurchaseIssue = 37;
HelpChangeEmail = 38;
HelpCompletePurchase = 39;
AccountLock_SelfLocked = 40;
AccountLock_SuspectedHijack = 41;
HardwareAccessory = 42;
ParentContactForm = 43;
StoreCountryIncorrect = 44;
DeleteMyAccount = 45;
ValveStoreMerchandise = 46;
HardwarePurchase = 47;
VacOrInGameBan = 48;
ContentCountryRestriction = 49;
GameCooldown = 50;
Publishing_ManagingMyApp = 51;
Publishing_ReleasingMyApp = 52;
Publishing_ManagingMySteamworksAccount = 53;
Publishing_PaymentsAndTaxes = 54;
Publishing_ManagingMyStorePage = 55;
Publishing_NotAffiliated = 56;
Publishing_StreamingVideo = 57;
Publishing_SteamKeys = 58;
Publishing_SteamSales = 59;
ReviewMyContent = 60;
ReviewMyForumBan = 61;
AccountDataQuestion = 62;
Publishing_SiteLicense = 63;
SteamCommunity_Group = 64;
SteamCommunity_Profile = 65;
SteamCommunity_Discussions = 66;
SteamCommunity_Chat = 67;
SteamFeature_Cloud = 68;
Publishing_Moderation = 69;
Publishing_BuildReview = 70;
Publishing_StorePageReview = 71;
SteamCommunity_MobileChat = 72;
SteamFeature_ItemBug = 73;
Max = 74;
enum EInternalAccountType
SteamAccountType = 1;
ClanType = 2;
AppType = 3;
BroadcastChannelType = 4;
enum ELanguage
None = -1;
English = 0;
German = 1;
French = 2;
Italian = 3;
Korean = 4;
Spanish = 5;
Simplified_Chinese = 6;
Traditional_Chinese = 7;
Russian = 8;
Thai = 9;
Japanese = 10;
Portuguese = 11;
Polish = 12;
Danish = 13;
Dutch = 14;
Finnish = 15;
Norwegian = 16;
Swedish = 17;
Hungarian = 18;
Czech = 19;
Romanian = 20;
Turkish = 21;
Brazilian = 22;
Bulgarian = 23;
Greek = 24;
Arabic = 25;
Ukrainian = 26;
Latam_Spanish = 27;
Vietnamese = 28;
MAX = 29;
enum ELaunchAppTask
None = 0;
Completed = 1;
Cancelled = 2;
Failed = 3;
Starting = 4;
UpdatingAppInfo = 5;
ShowingEula = 6;
WaitingPrevProcess = 7;
DownloadingDepots = 8;
DownloadingWorkshop = 9;
UpdatingDRM = 10;
GettingLegacyKey = 11;
RunningInstallScript = 12;
SynchronizingCloud = 13;
CheckingOverlayRights = 14;
VerifyingFiles = 15;
KickingOtherSession = 16;
WaitingOpenVRAppQuit = 17;
CreatingProcess = 18;
WaitingGameWindow = 19;
enum ELaunchSource
None = 0;
_2ftLibraryDetails = 100;
_2ftLibraryListView = 101;
_2ftLibraryGrid = 103;
InstallSubComplete = 104;
DownloadsPage = 105;
RemoteClientStartStreaming = 106;
_2ftMiniModeList = 107;
_10ft = 200;
DashAppLaunchCmdLine = 300;
DashGameIdLaunchCmdLine = 301;
RunByGameDir = 302;
SubCmdRunDashGame = 303;
SteamURL_Launch = 400;
SteamURL_Run = 401;
SteamURL_JoinLobby = 402;
SteamURL_RunGame = 403;
SteamURL_RunGameIdOrJumplist = 404;
SteamURL_RunSafe = 405;
TrayIcon = 500;
LibraryLeftColumnContextMenu = 600;
LibraryLeftColumnDoubleClick = 601;
Dota2Launcher = 700;
IRunGameEngine = 800;
DRMFailureResponse = 801;
DRMDataRequest = 802;
CloudFilePanel = 803;
DiscoveredAlreadyRunning = 804;
GameActionJoinParty = 900;
AppPortraitContextMenu = 1000;
enum ELibraryAssetType
Capsule = 0;
Hero = 1;
Logo = 2;
Header = 3;
Icon = 4;
aryAssetType_HeroBlur = 5;
enum ELibraryDisplaySize
Automatic = 0;
Small = 1;
Medium = 2;
Large = 3;
enum ELoginManagerStep
Invalid = 0;
AccountName = 1;
EmailCode = 2;
TwoFactorCode = 3;
Complete = 4;
enum ELoginProgressType
None = 0;
UpdatingSteamInformation = 1;
UpdatingUserConfiguration = 2;
LoggingIn = 3;
enum ELoginState
None = 0;
WaitingForCreateUser = 1;
WaitingForCredentials = 2;
WaitingForNetwork = 3;
WaitingForServerResponse = 4;
WaitingForLibraryReady = 5;
Success = 6;
WaitingForSteamGuard = 7;
WaitingForTwoFactor = 8;
WaitingForOfflineAck = 9;
Quit = 10;
enum EMMSLobbyStatus
Invalid = 0;
Exists = 1;
DoesNotExist = 2;
NotAMember = 3;
enum EMobileApp
Community = 0;
FriendsUI = 1;
enum EMobileConfirmationType
Invalid = 0;
Test = 1;
Trade = 2;
MarketListing = 3;
FeatureOptOut = 4;
PhoneNumberChange = 5;
AccountRecovery = 6;
enum EMobileLogonState
Unknown = 0;
Starting = 1;
NeedCredentials = 2;
InitialConnect = 3;
InitialConnectFailed = 4;
Connect = 5;
ConnectFailed = 6;
InitialLogon = 7;
InitialLogonFailed = 8;
Logon = 9;
LogonFailed = 10;
OK = 11;
Disconnected = 12;
InitialRequestLogonNonce = 13;
RequestLogonNonce = 14;
RequestLogonNonceFailed = 15;
NeedFullLogon = 16;
enum EMobilePermission
NeverAsked = 1;
Granted = 2;
Denied = 3;
Unknown = 4;
enum EModeratorAction
Resolve = 0;
Ban = 1;
Unban = 2;
Hide = 3;
Unhide = 4;
Lock = 5;
Delete = 6;
Undelete = 7;
MassReset = 8;
Unlock = 9;
Warn = 10;
Move = 11;
Classify = 12;
Blur = 13;
Unblur = 14;
enum EMsg
Invalid = 0;
Multi = 1;
ProtobufWrapped = 2;
BaseGeneral = 100;
GenericReply = 100;
DestJobFailed = 113;
Alert = 115;
SCIDRequest = 120;
SCIDResponse = 121;
JobHeartbeat = 123;
HubConnect = 124;
Subscribe = 126;
RouteMessage = 127;
WGRequest = 130;
WGResponse = 131;
KeepAlive = 132;
WebAPIJobRequest = 133;
WebAPIJobResponse = 134;
ClientSessionStart = 135;
ClientSessionEnd = 136;
ClientSessionUpdate = 137;
StatsDeprecated = 138;
Ping = 139;
PingResponse = 140;
Stats = 141;
RequestFullStatsBlock = 142;
LoadDBOCacheItem = 143;
LoadDBOCacheItemResponse = 144;
InvalidateDBOCacheItems = 145;
ServiceMethod = 146;
ServiceMethodResponse = 147;
ClientPackageVersions = 148;
TimestampRequest = 149;
TimestampResponse = 150;
ServiceMethodCallFromClient = 151;
ServiceMethodSendToClient = 152;
BaseShell = 200;
AssignSysID = 200;
Exit = 201;
DirRequest = 202;
DirResponse = 203;
ZipRequest = 204;
ZipResponse = 205;
UpdateRecordResponse = 215;
UpdateCreditCardRequest = 221;
UpdateUserBanResponse = 225;
PrepareToExit = 226;
ContentDescriptionUpdate = 227;
TestResetServer = 228;
UniverseChanged = 229;
ShellConfigInfoUpdate = 230;
RequestWindowsEventLogEntries = 233;
ProvideWindowsEventLogEntries = 234;
ShellSearchLogs = 235;
ShellSearchLogsResponse = 236;
ShellCheckWindowsUpdates = 237;
ShellCheckWindowsUpdatesResponse = 238;
TestFlushDelayedSQL = 240;
TestFlushDelayedSQLResponse = 241;
EnsureExecuteScheduledTask_TEST = 242;
EnsureExecuteScheduledTaskResponse_TEST = 243;
UpdateScheduledTaskEnableState_TEST = 244;
UpdateScheduledTaskEnableStateResponse_TEST = 245;
ContentDescriptionDeltaUpdate = 246;
BaseGM = 300;
Heartbeat = 300;
ShellFailed = 301;
ExitShells = 307;
ExitShell = 308;
GracefulExitShell = 309;
LicenseProcessingComplete = 316;
SetTestFlag = 317;
QueuedEmailsComplete = 318;
GMReportPHPError = 319;
GMDRMSync = 320;
PhysicalBoxInventory = 321;
UpdateConfigFile = 322;
TestInitDB = 323;
GMWriteConfigToSQL = 324;
GMLoadActivationCodes = 325;
GMQueueForFBS = 326;
GMSchemaConversionResults = 327;
GMWriteShellFailureToSQL = 329;
GMWriteStatsToSOS = 330;
GMGetServiceMethodRouting = 331;
GMGetServiceMethodRoutingResponse = 332;
GMTestNextBuildSchemaConversion = 334;
GMTestNextBuildSchemaConversionResponse = 335;
ExpectShellRestart = 336;
HotFixProgress = 337;
BaseAIS = 400;
AISRequestContentDescription = 402;
AISUpdateAppInfo = 403;
AISGetPackageChangeNumber = 405;
AISGetPackageChangeNumberResponse = 406;
AIGetAppGCFlags = 423;
AIGetAppGCFlagsResponse = 424;
AIGetAppList = 425;
AIGetAppListResponse = 426;
AISGetCouponDefinition = 429;
AISGetCouponDefinitionResponse = 430;
AISUpdateSlaveContentDescription = 431;
AISUpdateSlaveContentDescriptionResponse = 432;
AISTestEnableGC = 433;
BaseAM = 500;
AMUpdateUserBanRequest = 504;
AMAddLicense = 505;
AMSendSystemIMToUser = 508;
AMExtendLicense = 509;
AMAddMinutesToLicense = 510;
AMCancelLicense = 511;
AMInitPurchase = 512;
AMPurchaseResponse = 513;
AMGetFinalPrice = 514;
AMGetFinalPriceResponse = 515;
AMGetLegacyGameKey = 516;
AMGetLegacyGameKeyResponse = 517;
AMFindHungTransactions = 518;
AMSetAccountTrustedRequest = 519;
AMCancelPurchase = 522;
AMNewChallenge = 523;
AMLoadOEMTickets = 524;
AMFixPendingPurchase = 525;
AMFixPendingPurchaseResponse = 526;
AMIsUserBanned = 527;
AMRegisterKey = 528;
AMLoadActivationCodes = 529;
AMLoadActivationCodesResponse = 530;
AMLookupKeyResponse = 531;
AMLookupKey = 532;
AMChatCleanup = 533;
AMClanCleanup = 534;
AMFixPendingRefund = 535;
AMReverseChargeback = 536;
AMReverseChargebackResponse = 537;
AMClanCleanupList = 538;
AMGetLicenses = 539;
AMGetLicensesResponse = 540;
AMSendCartRepurchase = 541;
AMSendCartRepurchaseResponse = 542;
AllowUserToPlayQuery = 550;
AllowUserToPlayResponse = 551;
AMVerfiyUser = 552;
AMClientNotPlaying = 553;
AMClientRequestFriendship = 554;
AMRelayPublishStatus = 555;
AMInitPurchaseResponse = 560;
AMRevokePurchaseResponse = 561;
AMRefreshGuestPasses = 563;
AMGrantGuestPasses = 566;
AMClanDataUpdated = 567;
AMReloadAccount = 568;
AMClientChatMsgRelay = 569;
AMChatMulti = 570;
AMClientChatInviteRelay = 571;
AMChatInvite = 572;
AMClientJoinChatRelay = 573;
AMClientChatMemberInfoRelay = 574;
AMPublishChatMemberInfo = 575;
AMClientAcceptFriendInvite = 576;
AMChatEnter = 577;
AMClientPublishRemovalFromSource = 578;
AMChatActionResult = 579;
AMFindAccounts = 580;
AMFindAccountsResponse = 581;
AMRequestAccountData = 582;
AMRequestAccountDataResponse = 583;
AMSetAccountFlags = 584;
AMCreateClan = 586;
AMCreateClanResponse = 587;
AMGetClanDetails = 588;
AMGetClanDetailsResponse = 589;
AMSetPersonaName = 590;
AMSetAvatar = 591;
AMAuthenticateUser = 592;
AMAuthenticateUserResponse = 593;
AMP2PIntroducerMessage = 596;
ClientChatAction = 597;
AMClientChatActionRelay = 598;
BaseVS = 600;
ReqChallenge = 600;
VACResponse = 601;
ReqChallengeTest = 602;
VSMarkCheat = 604;
VSAddCheat = 605;
VSPurgeCodeModDB = 606;
VSGetChallengeResults = 607;
VSChallengeResultText = 608;
VSReportLingerer = 609;
VSRequestManagedChallenge = 610;
VSLoadDBFinished = 611;
BaseDRMS = 625;
DRMBuildBlobRequest = 628;
DRMBuildBlobResponse = 629;
DRMResolveGuidRequest = 630;
DRMResolveGuidResponse = 631;
DRMVariabilityReport = 633;
DRMVariabilityReportResponse = 634;
DRMStabilityReport = 635;
DRMStabilityReportResponse = 636;
DRMDetailsReportRequest = 637;
DRMDetailsReportResponse = 638;
DRMProcessFile = 639;
DRMAdminUpdate = 640;
DRMAdminUpdateResponse = 641;
DRMSync = 642;
DRMSyncResponse = 643;
DRMProcessFileResponse = 644;
DRMEmptyGuidCache = 645;
DRMEmptyGuidCacheResponse = 646;
BaseCS = 650;
BaseClient = 700;
ClientLogOn_Deprecated = 701;
ClientAnonLogOn_Deprecated = 702;
ClientHeartBeat = 703;
ClientVACResponse = 704;
ClientGamesPlayed_obsolete = 705;
ClientLogOff = 706;
ClientNoUDPConnectivity = 707;
ClientConnectionStats = 710;
ClientPingResponse = 712;
ClientRemoveFriend = 714;
ClientGamesPlayedNoDataBlob = 715;
ClientChangeStatus = 716;
ClientVacStatusResponse = 717;
ClientFriendMsg = 718;
ClientGameConnect_obsolete = 719;
ClientGamesPlayed2_obsolete = 720;
ClientGameEnded_obsolete = 721;
ClientSystemIM = 726;
ClientSystemIMAck = 727;
ClientGetLicenses = 728;
ClientGetLegacyGameKey = 730;
ClientContentServerLogOn_Deprecated = 731;
ClientAckVACBan2 = 732;
ClientGetPurchaseReceipts = 736;
ClientGamesPlayed3_obsolete = 738;
ClientAckGuestPass = 740;
ClientRedeemGuestPass = 741;
ClientGamesPlayed = 742;
ClientRegisterKey = 743;
ClientInviteUserToClan = 744;
ClientAcknowledgeClanInvite = 745;
ClientPurchaseWithMachineID = 746;
ClientAppUsageEvent = 747;
ClientLogOnResponse = 751;
ClientSetHeartbeatRate = 755;
ClientNotLoggedOnDeprecated = 756;
ClientLoggedOff = 757;
GSApprove = 758;
GSDeny = 759;
GSKick = 760;
ClientCreateAcctResponse = 761;
ClientPurchaseResponse = 763;
ClientPing = 764;
ClientNOP = 765;
ClientPersonaState = 766;
ClientFriendsList = 767;
ClientAccountInfo = 768;
ClientNewsUpdate = 771;
ClientGameConnectDeny = 773;
GSStatusReply = 774;
ClientGameConnectTokens = 779;
ClientLicenseList = 780;
ClientVACBanStatus = 782;
ClientCMList = 783;
ClientEncryptPct = 784;
ClientGetLegacyGameKeyResponse = 785;
ClientAddFriend = 791;
ClientAddFriendResponse = 792;
ClientAckGuestPassResponse = 796;
ClientRedeemGuestPassResponse = 797;
ClientUpdateGuestPassesList = 798;
ClientChatMsg = 799;
ClientChatInvite = 800;
ClientJoinChat = 801;
ClientChatMemberInfo = 802;
ClientLogOnWithCredentials_Deprecated = 803;
ClientPasswordChangeResponse = 805;
ClientChatEnter = 807;
ClientFriendRemovedFromSource = 808;
ClientCreateChat = 809;
ClientCreateChatResponse = 810;
ClientP2PIntroducerMessage = 813;
ClientChatActionResult = 814;
ClientRequestFriendData = 815;
ClientGetUserStats = 818;
ClientGetUserStatsResponse = 819;
ClientStoreUserStats = 820;
ClientStoreUserStatsResponse = 821;
ClientClanState = 822;
ClientServiceModule = 830;
ClientServiceCall = 831;
ClientServiceCallResponse = 832;
ClientNatTraversalStatEvent = 839;
ClientSteamUsageEvent = 842;
ClientCheckPassword = 845;
ClientResetPassword = 846;
ClientCheckPasswordResponse = 848;
ClientResetPasswordResponse = 849;
ClientSessionToken = 850;
ClientDRMProblemReport = 851;
ClientSetIgnoreFriend = 855;
ClientSetIgnoreFriendResponse = 856;
ClientGetAppOwnershipTicket = 857;
ClientGetAppOwnershipTicketResponse = 858;
ClientGetLobbyListResponse = 860;
ClientServerList = 880;
ClientDRMBlobRequest = 896;
ClientDRMBlobResponse = 897;
BaseGameServer = 900;
GSDisconnectNotice = 901;
GSStatus = 903;
GSUserPlaying = 905;
GSStatus2 = 906;
GSStatusUpdate_Unused = 907;
GSServerType = 908;
GSPlayerList = 909;
GSGetUserAchievementStatus = 910;
GSGetUserAchievementStatusResponse = 911;
GSGetPlayStats = 918;
GSGetPlayStatsResponse = 919;
GSGetUserGroupStatus = 920;
AMGetUserGroupStatus = 921;
AMGetUserGroupStatusResponse = 922;
GSGetUserGroupStatusResponse = 923;
GSGetReputation = 936;
GSGetReputationResponse = 937;
GSAssociateWithClan = 938;
GSAssociateWithClanResponse = 939;
GSComputeNewPlayerCompatibility = 940;
GSComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResponse = 941;
BaseAdmin = 1000;
AdminCmd = 1000;
AdminCmdResponse = 1004;
AdminLogListenRequest = 1005;
AdminLogEvent = 1006;
UniverseData = 1010;
AdminSpew = 1019;
AdminConsoleTitle = 1020;
AdminGCSpew = 1023;
AdminGCCommand = 1024;
AdminGCGetCommandList = 1025;
AdminGCGetCommandListResponse = 1026;
FBSConnectionData = 1027;
AdminMsgSpew = 1028;
BaseFBS = 1100;
FBSReqVersion = 1100;
FBSVersionInfo = 1101;
FBSForceRefresh = 1102;
FBSForceBounce = 1103;
FBSDeployPackage = 1104;
FBSDeployResponse = 1105;
FBSUpdateBootstrapper = 1106;
FBSSetState = 1107;
FBSApplyOSUpdates = 1108;
FBSRunCMDScript = 1109;
FBSRebootBox = 1110;
FBSSetBigBrotherMode = 1111;
FBSMinidumpServer = 1112;
FBSDeployHotFixPackage = 1114;
FBSDeployHotFixResponse = 1115;
FBSDownloadHotFix = 1116;
FBSDownloadHotFixResponse = 1117;
FBSUpdateTargetConfigFile = 1118;
FBSApplyAccountCred = 1119;
FBSApplyAccountCredResponse = 1120;
FBSSetShellCount = 1121;
FBSTerminateShell = 1122;
FBSQueryGMForRequest = 1123;
FBSQueryGMResponse = 1124;
FBSTerminateZombies = 1125;
FBSInfoFromBootstrapper = 1126;
FBSRebootBoxResponse = 1127;
FBSBootstrapperPackageRequest = 1128;
FBSBootstrapperPackageResponse = 1129;
FBSBootstrapperGetPackageChunk = 1130;
FBSBootstrapperGetPackageChunkResponse = 1131;
FBSBootstrapperPackageTransferProgress = 1132;
FBSRestartBootstrapper = 1133;
FBSPauseFrozenDumps = 1134;
BaseFileXfer = 1200;
FileXferRequest = 1200;
FileXferResponse = 1201;
FileXferData = 1202;
FileXferEnd = 1203;
FileXferDataAck = 1204;
BaseChannelAuth = 1300;
ChannelAuthChallenge = 1300;
ChannelAuthResponse = 1301;
ChannelAuthResult = 1302;
ChannelEncryptRequest = 1303;
ChannelEncryptResponse = 1304;
ChannelEncryptResult = 1305;
BaseBS = 1400;
BSPurchaseStart = 1401;
BSPurchaseResponse = 1402;
BSAuthenticateCCTrans = 1403;
BSAuthenticateCCTransResponse = 1404;
BSSettleComplete = 1406;
BSInitPayPalTxn = 1408;
BSInitPayPalTxnResponse = 1409;
BSGetPayPalUserInfo = 1410;
BSGetPayPalUserInfoResponse = 1411;
BSPaymentInstrBan = 1417;
BSPaymentInstrBanResponse = 1418;
BSInitGCBankXferTxn = 1421;
BSInitGCBankXferTxnResponse = 1422;
BSCommitGCTxn = 1425;
BSQueryTransactionStatus = 1426;
BSQueryTransactionStatusResponse = 1427;
BSQueryPaymentInstUsage = 1431;
BSQueryPaymentInstResponse = 1432;
BSQueryTxnExtendedInfo = 1433;
BSQueryTxnExtendedInfoResponse = 1434;
BSUpdateConversionRates = 1435;
BSPurchaseRunFraudChecks = 1437;
BSPurchaseRunFraudChecksResponse = 1438;
BSQueryBankInformation = 1440;
BSQueryBankInformationResponse = 1441;
BSValidateXsollaSignature = 1445;
BSValidateXsollaSignatureResponse = 1446;
BSQiwiWalletInvoice = 1448;
BSQiwiWalletInvoiceResponse = 1449;
BSUpdateInventoryFromProPack = 1450;
BSUpdateInventoryFromProPackResponse = 1451;
BSSendShippingRequest = 1452;
BSSendShippingRequestResponse = 1453;
BSGetProPackOrderStatus = 1454;
BSGetProPackOrderStatusResponse = 1455;
BSCheckJobRunning = 1456;
BSCheckJobRunningResponse = 1457;
BSResetPackagePurchaseRateLimit = 1458;
BSResetPackagePurchaseRateLimitResponse = 1459;
BSUpdatePaymentData = 1460;
BSUpdatePaymentDataResponse = 1461;
BSGetBillingAddress = 1462;
BSGetBillingAddressResponse = 1463;
BSGetCreditCardInfo = 1464;
BSGetCreditCardInfoResponse = 1465;
BSRemoveExpiredPaymentData = 1468;
BSRemoveExpiredPaymentDataResponse = 1469;
BSConvertToCurrentKeys = 1470;
BSConvertToCurrentKeysResponse = 1471;
BSInitPurchase = 1472;
BSInitPurchaseResponse = 1473;
BSCompletePurchase = 1474;
BSCompletePurchaseResponse = 1475;
BSPruneCardUsageStats = 1476;
BSPruneCardUsageStatsResponse = 1477;
BSStoreBankInformation = 1478;
BSStoreBankInformationResponse = 1479;
BSVerifyPOSAKey = 1480;
BSVerifyPOSAKeyResponse = 1481;
BSReverseRedeemPOSAKey = 1482;
BSReverseRedeemPOSAKeyResponse = 1483;
BSQueryFindCreditCard = 1484;
BSQueryFindCreditCardResponse = 1485;
BSStatusInquiryPOSAKey = 1486;
BSStatusInquiryPOSAKeyResponse = 1487;
BSBoaCompraConfirmProductDelivery = 1494;
BSBoaCompraConfirmProductDeliveryResponse = 1495;
BSGenerateBoaCompraMD5 = 1496;
BSGenerateBoaCompraMD5Response = 1497;
BSCommitWPTxn = 1498;
BSCommitAdyenTxn = 1499;
BaseATS = 1500;
ATSStartStressTest = 1501;
ATSStopStressTest = 1502;
ATSRunFailServerTest = 1503;
ATSUFSPerfTestTask = 1504;
ATSUFSPerfTestResponse = 1505;
ATSCycleTCM = 1506;
ATSInitDRMSStressTest = 1507;
ATSCallTest = 1508;
ATSCallTestReply = 1509;
ATSStartExternalStress = 1510;
ATSExternalStressJobStart = 1511;
ATSExternalStressJobQueued = 1512;
ATSExternalStressJobRunning = 1513;
ATSExternalStressJobStopped = 1514;
ATSExternalStressJobStopAll = 1515;
ATSExternalStressActionResult = 1516;
ATSStarted = 1517;
ATSCSPerfTestTask = 1518;
ATSCSPerfTestResponse = 1519;
BaseDP = 1600;
DPSetPublishingState = 1601;
DPUniquePlayersStat = 1603;
DPStreamingUniquePlayersStat = 1604;
DPBlockingStats = 1607;
DPNatTraversalStats = 1608;
DPCloudStats = 1612;
DPAchievementStats = 1613;
DPGetPlayerCount = 1615;
DPGetPlayerCountResponse = 1616;
DPGameServersPlayersStats = 1617;
ClientDPCheckSpecialSurvey = 1620;
ClientDPCheckSpecialSurveyResponse = 1621;
ClientDPSendSpecialSurveyResponse = 1622;
ClientDPSendSpecialSurveyResponseReply = 1623;
DPStoreSaleStatistics = 1624;
ClientDPUpdateAppJobReport = 1625;
DPUpdateContentEvent = 1626;
ClientDPUnsignedInstallScript = 1627;
DPPartnerMicroTxns = 1628;
DPPartnerMicroTxnsResponse = 1629;
ClientDPContentStatsReport = 1630;
DPVRUniquePlayersStat = 1631;
BaseCM = 1700;
CMSetAllowState = 1701;
CMSpewAllowState = 1702;
CMSessionRejected = 1703;
CMSetSecrets = 1704;
CMGetSecrets = 1705;
BaseGC = 2200;
GCCmdRevive = 2203;
GCCmdDown = 2206;
GCCmdDeploy = 2207;
GCCmdDeployResponse = 2208;
GCCmdSwitch = 2209;
AMRefreshSessions = 2210;
GCAchievementAwarded = 2212;
GCSystemMessage = 2213;
GCCmdStatus = 2216;
GCRegisterWebInterfaces_Deprecated = 2217;
GCGetAccountDetails_DEPRECATED = 2218;
GCInterAppMessage = 2219;
GCGetEmailTemplate = 2220;
GCGetEmailTemplateResponse = 2221;
GCHRelay = 2222;
GCHRelayToClient = 2223;
GCHUpdateSession = 2224;
GCHRequestUpdateSession = 2225;
GCHRequestStatus = 2226;
GCHRequestStatusResponse = 2227;
GCHAccountVacStatusChange = 2228;
GCHSpawnGC = 2229;
GCHSpawnGCResponse = 2230;
GCHKillGC = 2231;
GCHKillGCResponse = 2232;
GCHAccountTradeBanStatusChange = 2233;
GCHAccountLockStatusChange = 2234;
GCHVacVerificationChange = 2235;
GCHAccountPhoneNumberChange = 2236;
GCHAccountTwoFactorChange = 2237;
GCHInviteUserToLobby = 2238;
BaseP2P = 2500;
P2PIntroducerMessage = 2502;
BaseSM = 2900;
SMExpensiveReport = 2902;
SMHourlyReport = 2903;
SMPartitionRenames = 2905;
SMMonitorSpace = 2906;
SMTestNextBuildSchemaConversion = 2907;
SMTestNextBuildSchemaConversionResponse = 2908;
BaseTest = 3000;
FailServer = 3000;
JobHeartbeatTest = 3001;
JobHeartbeatTestResponse = 3002;
BaseFTSRange = 3100;
BaseCCSRange = 3150;
CCSDeleteAllCommentsByAuthor = 3161;
CCSDeleteAllCommentsByAuthorResponse = 3162;
BaseLBSRange = 3200;
LBSSetScore = 3201;
LBSSetScoreResponse = 3202;
LBSFindOrCreateLB = 3203;
LBSFindOrCreateLBResponse = 3204;
LBSGetLBEntries = 3205;
LBSGetLBEntriesResponse = 3206;
LBSGetLBList = 3207;
LBSGetLBListResponse = 3208;
LBSSetLBDetails = 3209;
LBSDeleteLB = 3210;
LBSDeleteLBEntry = 3211;
LBSResetLB = 3212;
LBSResetLBResponse = 3213;
LBSDeleteLBResponse = 3214;
BaseOGS = 3400;
OGSBeginSession = 3401;
OGSBeginSessionResponse = 3402;
OGSEndSession = 3403;
OGSEndSessionResponse = 3404;
OGSWriteAppSessionRow = 3406;
BaseBRP = 3600;
BRPPostTransactionTax = 3629;
BRPPostTransactionTaxResponse = 3630;
BaseAMRange2 = 4000;
AMCreateChat = 4001;
AMCreateChatResponse = 4002;
AMSetProfileURL = 4005;
AMGetAccountEmailAddress = 4006;
AMGetAccountEmailAddressResponse = 4007;
AMRequestClanData = 4008;
AMRouteToClients = 4009;
AMLeaveClan = 4010;
AMClanPermissions = 4011;
AMClanPermissionsResponse = 4012;
AMCreateClanEventDummyForRateLimiting = 4013;
AMUpdateClanEventDummyForRateLimiting = 4015;
AMSetClanPermissionSettings = 4021;
AMSetClanPermissionSettingsResponse = 4022;
AMGetClanPermissionSettings = 4023;
AMGetClanPermissionSettingsResponse = 4024;
AMPublishChatRoomInfo = 4025;
ClientChatRoomInfo = 4026;
AMGetClanHistory = 4039;
AMGetClanHistoryResponse = 4040;
AMGetClanPermissionBits = 4041;
AMGetClanPermissionBitsResponse = 4042;
AMSetClanPermissionBits = 4043;
AMSetClanPermissionBitsResponse = 4044;
AMSessionInfoRequest = 4045;
AMSessionInfoResponse = 4046;
AMValidateWGToken = 4047;
AMGetClanRank = 4050;
AMGetClanRankResponse = 4051;
AMSetClanRank = 4052;
AMSetClanRankResponse = 4053;
AMGetClanPOTW = 4054;
AMGetClanPOTWResponse = 4055;
AMSetClanPOTW = 4056;
AMSetClanPOTWResponse = 4057;
AMDumpUser = 4059;
AMKickUserFromClan = 4060;
AMAddFounderToClan = 4061;
AMValidateWGTokenResponse = 4062;
AMSetAccountDetails = 4064;
AMGetChatBanList = 4065;
AMGetChatBanListResponse = 4066;
AMUnBanFromChat = 4067;
AMSetClanDetails = 4068;
AMGetAccountLinks = 4069;
AMGetAccountLinksResponse = 4070;
AMSetAccountLinks = 4071;
AMSetAccountLinksResponse = 4072;
UGSGetUserGameStats = 4073;
UGSGetUserGameStatsResponse = 4074;
AMCheckClanMembership = 4075;
AMGetClanMembers = 4076;
AMGetClanMembersResponse = 4077;
AMNotifyChatOfClanChange = 4079;
AMResubmitPurchase = 4080;
AMAddFriend = 4081;
AMAddFriendResponse = 4082;
AMRemoveFriend = 4083;
AMDumpClan = 4084;
AMChangeClanOwner = 4085;
AMCancelEasyCollect = 4086;
AMCancelEasyCollectResponse = 4087;
AMClansInCommon = 4090;
AMClansInCommonResponse = 4091;
AMIsValidAccountID = 4092;
AMWipeFriendsList = 4095;
AMSetIgnored = 4096;
AMClansInCommonCountResponse = 4097;
AMFriendsList = 4098;
AMFriendsListResponse = 4099;
AMFriendsInCommon = 4100;
AMFriendsInCommonResponse = 4101;
AMFriendsInCommonCountResponse = 4102;
AMClansInCommonCount = 4103;
AMChallengeVerdict = 4104;
AMChallengeNotification = 4105;
AMFindGSByIP = 4106;
AMFoundGSByIP = 4107;
AMGiftRevoked = 4108;
AMUserClanList = 4110;
AMUserClanListResponse = 4111;
AMGetAccountDetails2 = 4112;
AMGetAccountDetailsResponse2 = 4113;
AMSetCommunityProfileSettings = 4114;
AMSetCommunityProfileSettingsResponse = 4115;
AMGetCommunityPrivacyState = 4116;
AMGetCommunityPrivacyStateResponse = 4117;
AMCheckClanInviteRateLimiting = 4118;
UGSGetUserAchievementStatus = 4119;
AMGetIgnored = 4120;
AMGetIgnoredResponse = 4121;
AMSetIgnoredResponse = 4122;
AMSetFriendRelationshipNone = 4123;
AMGetFriendRelationship = 4124;
AMGetFriendRelationshipResponse = 4125;
AMServiceModulesCache = 4126;
AMServiceModulesCall = 4127;
AMServiceModulesCallResponse = 4128;
CommunityAddFriendNews = 4140;
AMFindClanUser = 4143;
AMFindClanUserResponse = 4144;
AMBanFromChat = 4145;
AMGetUserNewsSubscriptions = 4147;
AMGetUserNewsSubscriptionsResponse = 4148;
AMSetUserNewsSubscriptions = 4149;
AMSendQueuedEmails = 4152;
AMSetLicenseFlags = 4153;
CommunityDeleteUserNews = 4155;
AMAllowUserFilesRequest = 4156;
AMAllowUserFilesResponse = 4157;
AMGetAccountStatus = 4158;
AMGetAccountStatusResponse = 4159;
AMEditBanReason = 4160;
AMCheckClanMembershipResponse = 4161;
AMProbeClanMembershipList = 4162;
AMProbeClanMembershipListResponse = 4163;
UGSGetUserAchievementStatusResponse = 4164;
AMGetFriendsLobbies = 4165;
AMGetFriendsLobbiesResponse = 4166;
AMGetUserFriendNewsResponse = 4172;
CommunityGetUserFriendNews = 4173;
AMGetUserClansNewsResponse = 4174;
AMGetUserClansNews = 4175;
AMGetPreviousCBAccount = 4184;
AMGetPreviousCBAccountResponse = 4185;
AMGetUserLicenseHistory = 4190;
AMGetUserLicenseHistoryResponse = 4191;
AMSupportChangePassword = 4194;
AMSupportChangeEmail = 4195;
AMResetUserVerificationGSByIP = 4197;
AMUpdateGSPlayStats = 4198;
AMSupportEnableOrDisable = 4199;
AMGetPurchaseStatus = 4206;
AMSupportIsAccountEnabled = 4209;
AMSupportIsAccountEnabledResponse = 4210;
UGSGetUserStats = 4211;
AMSupportKickSession = 4212;
AMGSSearch = 4213;
MarketingMessageUpdate = 4216;
ChatServerRouteFriendMsg = 4219;
AMTicketAuthRequestOrResponse = 4220;
AMVerifyDepotManagementRights = 4222;
AMVerifyDepotManagementRightsResponse = 4223;
AMAddFreeLicense = 4224;
AMValidateEmailLink = 4231;
AMValidateEmailLinkResponse = 4232;
UGSStoreUserStats = 4236;
AMDeleteStoredCard = 4241;
AMRevokeLegacyGameKeys = 4242;
AMGetWalletDetails = 4244;
AMGetWalletDetailsResponse = 4245;
AMDeleteStoredPaymentInfo = 4246;
AMGetStoredPaymentSummary = 4247;
AMGetStoredPaymentSummaryResponse = 4248;
AMGetWalletConversionRate = 4249;
AMGetWalletConversionRateResponse = 4250;
AMConvertWallet = 4251;
AMConvertWalletResponse = 4252;
AMSetPreApproval = 4255;
AMSetPreApprovalResponse = 4256;
AMCreateRefund = 4258;
AMCreateChargeback = 4260;
AMCreateDispute = 4262;
AMClearDispute = 4264;
AMCreateFinancialAdjustment = 4265;
AMPlayerNicknameList = 4266;
AMPlayerNicknameListResponse = 4267;
AMSetDRMTestConfig = 4268;
AMGetUserCurrentGameInfo = 4269;
AMGetUserCurrentGameInfoResponse = 4270;
AMGetGSPlayerList = 4271;
AMGetGSPlayerListResponse = 4272;
AMGetGameMembers = 4276;
AMGetGameMembersResponse = 4277;
AMGetSteamIDForMicroTxn = 4278;
AMGetSteamIDForMicroTxnResponse = 4279;
AMSetPartnerMember = 4280;
AMRemovePublisherUser = 4281;
AMGetUserLicenseList = 4282;
AMGetUserLicenseListResponse = 4283;
AMReloadGameGroupPolicy = 4284;
AMAddFreeLicenseResponse = 4285;
AMVACStatusUpdate = 4286;
AMGetAccountDetails = 4287;
AMGetAccountDetailsResponse = 4288;
AMGetPlayerLinkDetails = 4289;
AMGetPlayerLinkDetailsResponse = 4290;
AMGetAccountFlagsForWGSpoofing = 4294;
AMGetAccountFlagsForWGSpoofingResponse = 4295;
AMGetClanOfficers = 4298;
AMGetClanOfficersResponse = 4299;
AMNameChange = 4300;
AMGetNameHistory = 4301;
AMGetNameHistoryResponse = 4302;
AMUpdateProviderStatus = 4305;
AMSupportRemoveAccountSecurity = 4307;
AMIsAccountInCaptchaGracePeriod = 4308;
AMIsAccountInCaptchaGracePeriodResponse = 4309;
AMAccountPS3Unlink = 4310;
AMAccountPS3UnlinkResponse = 4311;
UGSStoreUserStatsResponse = 4312;
AMGetAccountPSNInfo = 4313;
AMGetAccountPSNInfoResponse = 4314;
AMAuthenticatedPlayerList = 4315;
AMGetUserGifts = 4316;
AMGetUserGiftsResponse = 4317;
AMTransferLockedGifts = 4320;
AMTransferLockedGiftsResponse = 4321;
AMPlayerHostedOnGameServer = 4322;
AMGetAccountBanInfo = 4323;
AMGetAccountBanInfoResponse = 4324;
AMRecordBanEnforcement = 4325;
AMRollbackGiftTransfer = 4326;
AMRollbackGiftTransferResponse = 4327;
AMHandlePendingTransaction = 4328;
AMRequestClanDetails = 4329;
AMDeleteStoredPaypalAgreement = 4330;
AMGameServerUpdate = 4331;
AMGameServerRemove = 4332;
AMGetPaypalAgreements = 4333;
AMGetPaypalAgreementsResponse = 4334;
AMGameServerPlayerCompatibilityCheck = 4335;
AMGameServerPlayerCompatibilityCheckResponse = 4336;
AMRenewLicense = 4337;
AMGetAccountCommunityBanInfo = 4338;
AMGetAccountCommunityBanInfoResponse = 4339;
AMGameServerAccountChangePassword = 4340;
AMGameServerAccountDeleteAccount = 4341;
AMRenewAgreement = 4342;
AMXsollaPayment = 4344;
AMXsollaPaymentResponse = 4345;
AMAcctAllowedToPurchase = 4346;
AMAcctAllowedToPurchaseResponse = 4347;
AMSwapKioskDeposit = 4348;
AMSwapKioskDepositResponse = 4349;
AMSetUserGiftUnowned = 4350;
AMSetUserGiftUnownedResponse = 4351;
AMClaimUnownedUserGift = 4352;
AMClaimUnownedUserGiftResponse = 4353;
AMSetClanName = 4354;
AMSetClanNameResponse = 4355;
AMGrantCoupon = 4356;
AMGrantCouponResponse = 4357;
AMIsPackageRestrictedInUserCountry = 4358;
AMIsPackageRestrictedInUserCountryResponse = 4359;
AMHandlePendingTransactionResponse = 4360;
AMGrantGuestPasses2 = 4361;
AMGrantGuestPasses2Response = 4362;
AMGetPlayerBanDetails = 4365;
AMGetPlayerBanDetailsResponse = 4366;
AMFinalizePurchase = 4367;
AMFinalizePurchaseResponse = 4368;
AMPersonaChangeResponse = 4372;
AMGetClanDetailsForForumCreation = 4373;
AMGetClanDetailsForForumCreationResponse = 4374;
AMGetPendingNotificationCount = 4375;
AMGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 4376;
AMPasswordHashUpgrade = 4377;
AMBoaCompraPayment = 4380;
AMBoaCompraPaymentResponse = 4381;
AMCompleteExternalPurchase = 4383;
AMCompleteExternalPurchaseResponse = 4384;
AMResolveNegativeWalletCredits = 4385;
AMResolveNegativeWalletCreditsResponse = 4386;
AMPlayerGetClanBasicDetails = 4389;
AMPlayerGetClanBasicDetailsResponse = 4390;
AMMOLPayment = 4391;
AMMOLPaymentResponse = 4392;
GetUserIPCountry = 4393;
GetUserIPCountryResponse = 4394;
NotificationOfSuspiciousActivity = 4395;
AMDegicaPayment = 4396;
AMDegicaPaymentResponse = 4397;
AMEClubPayment = 4398;
AMEClubPaymentResponse = 4399;
AMPayPalPaymentsHubPayment = 4400;
AMPayPalPaymentsHubPaymentResponse = 4401;
AMTwoFactorRecoverAuthenticatorRequest = 4402;
AMTwoFactorRecoverAuthenticatorResponse = 4403;
AMSmart2PayPayment = 4404;
AMSmart2PayPaymentResponse = 4405;
AMValidatePasswordResetCodeAndSendSmsRequest = 4406;
AMValidatePasswordResetCodeAndSendSmsResponse = 4407;
AMGetAccountResetDetailsRequest = 4408;
AMGetAccountResetDetailsResponse = 4409;
AMBitPayPayment = 4410;
AMBitPayPaymentResponse = 4411;
AMSendAccountInfoUpdate = 4412;
AMSendScheduledGift = 4413;
AMNodwinPayment = 4414;
AMNodwinPaymentResponse = 4415;
AMResolveWalletRevoke = 4416;
AMResolveWalletReverseRevoke = 4417;
AMFundedPayment = 4418;
AMFundedPaymentResponse = 4419;
AMRequestPersonaUpdateForChatServer = 4420;
AMPerfectWorldPayment = 4421;
AMPerfectWorldPaymentResponse = 4422;
BasePSRange = 5000;
PSCreateShoppingCart = 5001;
PSCreateShoppingCartResponse = 5002;
PSIsValidShoppingCart = 5003;
PSIsValidShoppingCartResponse = 5004;
PSAddPackageToShoppingCart = 5005;
PSAddPackageToShoppingCartResponse = 5006;
PSRemoveLineItemFromShoppingCart = 5007;
PSRemoveLineItemFromShoppingCartResponse = 5008;
PSGetShoppingCartContents = 5009;
PSGetShoppingCartContentsResponse = 5010;
PSAddWalletCreditToShoppingCart = 5011;
PSAddWalletCreditToShoppingCartResponse = 5012;
BaseUFSRange = 5200;
ClientUFSUploadFileRequest = 5202;
ClientUFSUploadFileResponse = 5203;
ClientUFSUploadFileChunk = 5204;
ClientUFSUploadFileFinished = 5205;
ClientUFSGetFileListForApp = 5206;
ClientUFSGetFileListForAppResponse = 5207;
ClientUFSDownloadRequest = 5210;
ClientUFSDownloadResponse = 5211;
ClientUFSDownloadChunk = 5212;
ClientUFSLoginRequest = 5213;
ClientUFSLoginResponse = 5214;
UFSReloadPartitionInfo = 5215;
ClientUFSTransferHeartbeat = 5216;
UFSSynchronizeFile = 5217;
UFSSynchronizeFileResponse = 5218;
ClientUFSDeleteFileRequest = 5219;
ClientUFSDeleteFileResponse = 5220;
ClientUFSGetUGCDetails = 5226;
ClientUFSGetUGCDetailsResponse = 5227;
UFSUpdateFileFlags = 5228;
UFSUpdateFileFlagsResponse = 5229;
ClientUFSGetSingleFileInfo = 5230;
ClientUFSGetSingleFileInfoResponse = 5231;
ClientUFSShareFile = 5232;
ClientUFSShareFileResponse = 5233;
UFSReloadAccount = 5234;
UFSReloadAccountResponse = 5235;
UFSUpdateRecordBatched = 5236;
UFSUpdateRecordBatchedResponse = 5237;
UFSMigrateFile = 5238;
UFSMigrateFileResponse = 5239;
UFSGetUGCURLs = 5240;
UFSGetUGCURLsResponse = 5241;
UFSHttpUploadFileFinishRequest = 5242;
UFSHttpUploadFileFinishResponse = 5243;
UFSDownloadStartRequest = 5244;
UFSDownloadStartResponse = 5245;
UFSDownloadChunkRequest = 5246;
UFSDownloadChunkResponse = 5247;
UFSDownloadFinishRequest = 5248;
UFSDownloadFinishResponse = 5249;
UFSFlushURLCache = 5250;
ClientUFSUploadCommit = 5251;
ClientUFSUploadCommitResponse = 5252;
UFSMigrateFileAppID = 5253;
UFSMigrateFileAppIDResponse = 5254;
BaseClient2 = 5400;
ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmail = 5401;
ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmailResponse = 5402;
ClientCreateAccountResponse = 5403;
ClientResetForgottenPassword = 5404;
ClientResetForgottenPasswordResponse = 5405;
ClientInformOfResetForgottenPassword = 5407;
ClientInformOfResetForgottenPasswordResponse = 5408;
ClientAnonUserLogOn_Deprecated = 5409;
ClientGamesPlayedWithDataBlob = 5410;
ClientUpdateUserGameInfo = 5411;
ClientFileToDownload = 5412;
ClientFileToDownloadResponse = 5413;
ClientLBSSetScore = 5414;
ClientLBSSetScoreResponse = 5415;
ClientLBSFindOrCreateLB = 5416;
ClientLBSFindOrCreateLBResponse = 5417;
ClientLBSGetLBEntries = 5418;
ClientLBSGetLBEntriesResponse = 5419;
ClientChatDeclined = 5426;
ClientFriendMsgIncoming = 5427;
ClientAuthList_Deprecated = 5428;
ClientTicketAuthComplete = 5429;
ClientIsLimitedAccount = 5430;
ClientRequestAuthList = 5431;
ClientAuthList = 5432;
ClientStat = 5433;
ClientP2PConnectionInfo = 5434;
ClientP2PConnectionFailInfo = 5435;
ClientGetDepotDecryptionKey = 5438;
ClientGetDepotDecryptionKeyResponse = 5439;
GSPerformHardwareSurvey = 5440;
ClientEnableTestLicense = 5443;
ClientEnableTestLicenseResponse = 5444;
ClientDisableTestLicense = 5445;
ClientDisableTestLicenseResponse = 5446;
ClientRequestValidationMail = 5448;
ClientRequestValidationMailResponse = 5449;
ClientCheckAppBetaPassword = 5450;
ClientCheckAppBetaPasswordResponse = 5451;
ClientToGC = 5452;
ClientFromGC = 5453;
ClientRequestChangeMail = 5454;
ClientRequestChangeMailResponse = 5455;
ClientEmailAddrInfo = 5456;
ClientPasswordChange3 = 5457;
ClientEmailChange3 = 5458;
ClientPersonalQAChange3 = 5459;
ClientResetForgottenPassword3 = 5460;
ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmail3 = 5461;
ClientNewLoginKey = 5463;
ClientNewLoginKeyAccepted = 5464;
ClientLogOnWithHash_Deprecated = 5465;
ClientStoreUserStats2 = 5466;
ClientStatsUpdated = 5467;
ClientActivateOEMLicense = 5468;
ClientRegisterOEMMachine = 5469;
ClientRegisterOEMMachineResponse = 5470;
ClientRequestedClientStats = 5480;
ClientStat2Int32 = 5481;
ClientStat2 = 5482;
ClientVerifyPassword = 5483;
ClientVerifyPasswordResponse = 5484;
ClientDRMDownloadRequest = 5485;
ClientDRMDownloadResponse = 5486;
ClientDRMFinalResult = 5487;
ClientGetFriendsWhoPlayGame = 5488;
ClientGetFriendsWhoPlayGameResponse = 5489;
ClientOGSBeginSession = 5490;
ClientOGSBeginSessionResponse = 5491;
ClientOGSEndSession = 5492;
ClientOGSEndSessionResponse = 5493;
ClientOGSWriteRow = 5494;
ClientDRMTest = 5495;
ClientDRMTestResult = 5496;
ClientServerUnavailable = 5500;
ClientServersAvailable = 5501;
ClientRegisterAuthTicketWithCM = 5502;
ClientGCMsgFailed = 5503;
ClientMicroTxnAuthRequest = 5504;
ClientMicroTxnAuthorize = 5505;
ClientMicroTxnAuthorizeResponse = 5506;
ClientAppMinutesPlayedData = 5507;
ClientGetMicroTxnInfo = 5508;
ClientGetMicroTxnInfoResponse = 5509;
ClientMarketingMessageUpdate2 = 5510;
ClientDeregisterWithServer = 5511;
ClientSubscribeToPersonaFeed = 5512;
ClientLogon = 5514;
ClientGetClientDetails = 5515;
ClientGetClientDetailsResponse = 5516;
ClientReportOverlayDetourFailure = 5517;
ClientGetClientAppList = 5518;
ClientGetClientAppListResponse = 5519;
ClientInstallClientApp = 5520;
ClientInstallClientAppResponse = 5521;
ClientUninstallClientApp = 5522;
ClientUninstallClientAppResponse = 5523;
ClientSetClientAppUpdateState = 5524;
ClientSetClientAppUpdateStateResponse = 5525;
ClientRequestEncryptedAppTicket = 5526;
ClientRequestEncryptedAppTicketResponse = 5527;
ClientWalletInfoUpdate = 5528;
ClientLBSSetUGC = 5529;
ClientLBSSetUGCResponse = 5530;
ClientAMGetClanOfficers = 5531;
ClientAMGetClanOfficersResponse = 5532;
ClientFriendProfileInfo = 5535;
ClientFriendProfileInfoResponse = 5536;
ClientUpdateMachineAuth = 5537;
ClientUpdateMachineAuthResponse = 5538;
ClientReadMachineAuth = 5539;
ClientReadMachineAuthResponse = 5540;
ClientRequestMachineAuth = 5541;
ClientRequestMachineAuthResponse = 5542;
ClientScreenshotsChanged = 5543;
ClientGetCDNAuthToken = 5546;
ClientGetCDNAuthTokenResponse = 5547;
ClientDownloadRateStatistics = 5548;
ClientRequestAccountData = 5549;
ClientRequestAccountDataResponse = 5550;
ClientResetForgottenPassword4 = 5551;
ClientHideFriend = 5552;
ClientFriendsGroupsList = 5553;
ClientGetClanActivityCounts = 5554;
ClientGetClanActivityCountsResponse = 5555;
ClientOGSReportString = 5556;
ClientOGSReportBug = 5557;
ClientSentLogs = 5558;
ClientLogonGameServer = 5559;
AMClientCreateFriendsGroup = 5560;
AMClientCreateFriendsGroupResponse = 5561;
AMClientDeleteFriendsGroup = 5562;
AMClientDeleteFriendsGroupResponse = 5563;
AMClientManageFriendsGroup = 5564;
AMClientManageFriendsGroupResponse = 5565;
AMClientAddFriendToGroup = 5566;
AMClientAddFriendToGroupResponse = 5567;
AMClientRemoveFriendFromGroup = 5568;
AMClientRemoveFriendFromGroupResponse = 5569;
ClientAMGetPersonaNameHistory = 5570;
ClientAMGetPersonaNameHistoryResponse = 5571;
ClientRequestFreeLicense = 5572;
ClientRequestFreeLicenseResponse = 5573;
ClientDRMDownloadRequestWithCrashData = 5574;
ClientAuthListAck = 5575;
ClientItemAnnouncements = 5576;
ClientRequestItemAnnouncements = 5577;
ClientFriendMsgEchoToSender = 5578;
ClientOGSGameServerPingSample = 5581;
ClientCommentNotifications = 5582;
ClientRequestCommentNotifications = 5583;
ClientPersonaChangeResponse = 5584;
ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonce = 5585;
ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonceResponse = 5586;
ClientPlayerNicknameList = 5587;
AMClientSetPlayerNickname = 5588;
AMClientSetPlayerNicknameResponse = 5589;
ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersDP = 5592;
ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersDPResponse = 5593;
ClientServiceMethodLegacy = 5594;
ClientServiceMethodLegacyResponse = 5595;
ClientFriendUserStatusPublished = 5596;
ClientCurrentUIMode = 5597;
ClientVanityURLChangedNotification = 5598;
ClientUserNotifications = 5599;
BaseDFS = 5600;
DFSGetFile = 5601;
DFSInstallLocalFile = 5602;
DFSConnection = 5603;
DFSConnectionReply = 5604;
ClientDFSAuthenticateRequest = 5605;
ClientDFSAuthenticateResponse = 5606;
ClientDFSEndSession = 5607;
DFSPurgeFile = 5608;
DFSRouteFile = 5609;
DFSGetFileFromServer = 5610;
DFSAcceptedResponse = 5611;
DFSRequestPingback = 5612;
DFSRecvTransmitFile = 5613;
DFSSendTransmitFile = 5614;
DFSRequestPingback2 = 5615;
DFSResponsePingback2 = 5616;
ClientDFSDownloadStatus = 5617;
DFSStartTransfer = 5618;
DFSTransferComplete = 5619;
DFSRouteFileResponse = 5620;
ClientNetworkingCertRequest = 5621;
ClientNetworkingCertRequestResponse = 5622;
ClientChallengeRequest = 5623;
ClientChallengeResponse = 5624;
BadgeCraftedNotification = 5625;
ClientNetworkingMobileCertRequest = 5626;
ClientNetworkingMobileCertRequestResponse = 5627;
BaseMDS = 5800;
AMToMDSGetDepotDecryptionKey = 5812;
MDSToAMGetDepotDecryptionKeyResponse = 5813;
MDSContentServerConfigRequest = 5827;
MDSContentServerConfig = 5828;
MDSGetDepotManifest = 5829;
MDSGetDepotManifestResponse = 5830;
MDSGetDepotManifestChunk = 5831;
MDSGetDepotChunk = 5832;
MDSGetDepotChunkResponse = 5833;
MDSGetDepotChunkChunk = 5834;
MDSToCSFlushChunk = 5844;
MDSMigrateChunk = 5847;
MDSMigrateChunkResponse = 5848;
MDSToCSFlushManifest = 5849;
CSBase = 6200;
CSPing = 6201;
CSPingResponse = 6202;
GMSBase = 6400;
GMSGameServerReplicate = 6401;
ClientGMSServerQuery = 6403;
GMSClientServerQueryResponse = 6404;
AMGMSGameServerUpdate = 6405;
AMGMSGameServerRemove = 6406;
GameServerOutOfDate = 6407;
DeviceAuthorizationBase = 6500;
ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceRequest = 6501;
ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceResponse = 6502;
ClientDeauthorizeDeviceRequest = 6503;
ClientDeauthorizeDevice = 6504;
ClientUseLocalDeviceAuthorizations = 6505;
ClientGetAuthorizedDevices = 6506;
ClientGetAuthorizedDevicesResponse = 6507;
AMNotifySessionDeviceAuthorized = 6508;
ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceNotification = 6509;
MMSBase = 6600;
ClientMMSCreateLobby = 6601;
ClientMMSCreateLobbyResponse = 6602;
ClientMMSJoinLobby = 6603;
ClientMMSJoinLobbyResponse = 6604;
ClientMMSLeaveLobby = 6605;
ClientMMSLeaveLobbyResponse = 6606;
ClientMMSGetLobbyList = 6607;
ClientMMSGetLobbyListResponse = 6608;
ClientMMSSetLobbyData = 6609;
ClientMMSSetLobbyDataResponse = 6610;
ClientMMSGetLobbyData = 6611;
ClientMMSLobbyData = 6612;
ClientMMSSendLobbyChatMsg = 6613;
ClientMMSLobbyChatMsg = 6614;
ClientMMSSetLobbyOwner = 6615;
ClientMMSSetLobbyOwnerResponse = 6616;
ClientMMSSetLobbyGameServer = 6617;
ClientMMSLobbyGameServerSet = 6618;
ClientMMSUserJoinedLobby = 6619;
ClientMMSUserLeftLobby = 6620;
ClientMMSInviteToLobby = 6621;
ClientMMSFlushFrenemyListCache = 6622;
ClientMMSFlushFrenemyListCacheResponse = 6623;
ClientMMSSetLobbyLinked = 6624;
ClientMMSSetRatelimitPolicyOnClient = 6625;
ClientMMSGetLobbyStatus = 6626;
ClientMMSGetLobbyStatusResponse = 6627;
MMSGetLobbyList = 6628;
MMSGetLobbyListResponse = 6629;
NonStdMsgBase = 6800;
NonStdMsgMemcached = 6801;
NonStdMsgHTTPServer = 6802;
NonStdMsgHTTPClient = 6803;
NonStdMsgWGResponse = 6804;
NonStdMsgPHPSimulator = 6805;
NonStdMsgChase = 6806;
NonStdMsgDFSTransfer = 6807;
NonStdMsgTests = 6808;
NonStdMsgUMQpipeAAPL = 6809;
NonStdMsgSyslog = 6810;
NonStdMsgLogsink = 6811;
NonStdMsgSteam2Emulator = 6812;
NonStdMsgRTMPServer = 6813;
NonStdMsgWebSocket = 6814;
NonStdMsgRedis = 6815;
UDSBase = 7000;
ClientUDSP2PSessionStarted = 7001;
ClientUDSP2PSessionEnded = 7002;
UDSRenderUserAuth = 7003;
UDSRenderUserAuthResponse = 7004;
ClientInviteToGame = 7005;
UDSHasSession = 7006;
UDSHasSessionResponse = 7007;
MPASBase = 7100;
MPASVacBanReset = 7101;
KGSBase = 7200;
UCMBase = 7300;
ClientUCMAddScreenshot = 7301;
ClientUCMAddScreenshotResponse = 7302;
UCMResetCommunityContent = 7307;
UCMResetCommunityContentResponse = 7308;
ClientUCMDeleteScreenshot = 7309;
ClientUCMDeleteScreenshotResponse = 7310;
ClientUCMPublishFile = 7311;
ClientUCMPublishFileResponse = 7312;
ClientUCMDeletePublishedFile = 7315;
ClientUCMDeletePublishedFileResponse = 7316;
ClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFiles = 7317;
ClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResponse = 7318;
ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFiles = 7321;
ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResponse = 7322;
ClientUCMUpdatePublishedFile = 7325;
ClientUCMUpdatePublishedFileResponse = 7326;
UCMUpdatePublishedFile = 7327;
UCMUpdatePublishedFileResponse = 7328;
UCMDeletePublishedFile = 7329;
UCMDeletePublishedFileResponse = 7330;
UCMUpdatePublishedFileStat = 7331;
UCMReloadPublishedFile = 7337;
UCMReloadUserFileListCaches = 7338;
UCMPublishedFileReported = 7339;
UCMPublishedFilePreviewAdd = 7341;
UCMPublishedFilePreviewAddResponse = 7342;
UCMPublishedFilePreviewRemove = 7343;
UCMPublishedFilePreviewRemoveResponse = 7344;
ClientUCMPublishedFileSubscribed = 7347;
ClientUCMPublishedFileUnsubscribed = 7348;
UCMPublishedFileSubscribed = 7349;
UCMPublishedFileUnsubscribed = 7350;
UCMPublishFile = 7351;
UCMPublishFileResponse = 7352;
UCMPublishedFileChildAdd = 7353;
UCMPublishedFileChildAddResponse = 7354;
UCMPublishedFileChildRemove = 7355;
UCMPublishedFileChildRemoveResponse = 7356;
UCMPublishedFileParentChanged = 7359;
ClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUser = 7360;
ClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUserResponse = 7361;
ClientUCMSetUserPublishedFileAction = 7364;
ClientUCMSetUserPublishedFileActionResponse = 7365;
ClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserAction = 7366;
ClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResponse = 7367;
ClientUCMPublishedFileDeleted = 7368;
UCMGetUserSubscribedFiles = 7369;
UCMGetUserSubscribedFilesResponse = 7370;
UCMFixStatsPublishedFile = 7371;
ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdates = 7378;
ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdatesResponse = 7379;
UCMPublishedFileContentUpdated = 7380;
ClientUCMPublishedFileUpdated = 7381;
ClientWorkshopItemChangesRequest = 7382;
ClientWorkshopItemChangesResponse = 7383;
ClientWorkshopItemInfoRequest = 7384;
ClientWorkshopItemInfoResponse = 7385;
FSBase = 7500;
ClientRichPresenceUpload = 7501;
ClientRichPresenceRequest = 7502;
ClientRichPresenceInfo = 7503;
FSRichPresenceRequest = 7504;
FSRichPresenceResponse = 7505;
FSComputeFrenematrix = 7506;
FSComputeFrenematrixResponse = 7507;
FSPlayStatusNotification = 7508;
FSAddOrRemoveFollower = 7510;
FSAddOrRemoveFollowerResponse = 7511;
FSUpdateFollowingList = 7512;
FSCommentNotification = 7513;
FSCommentNotificationViewed = 7514;
ClientFSGetFollowerCount = 7515;
ClientFSGetFollowerCountResponse = 7516;
ClientFSGetIsFollowing = 7517;
ClientFSGetIsFollowingResponse = 7518;
ClientFSEnumerateFollowingList = 7519;
ClientFSEnumerateFollowingListResponse = 7520;
FSGetPendingNotificationCount = 7521;
FSGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 7522;
ClientChatOfflineMessageNotification = 7523;
ClientChatRequestOfflineMessageCount = 7524;
ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistory = 7525;
ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryResponse = 7526;
ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryForOfflineMessages = 7527;
ClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevels = 7528;
ClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevelsResponse = 7529;
AMRequestFriendData = 7530;
DRMRange2 = 7600;
CEGVersionSetEnableDisableRequest = 7600;
CEGVersionSetEnableDisableResponse = 7601;
CEGPropStatusDRMSRequest = 7602;
CEGPropStatusDRMSResponse = 7603;
CEGWhackFailureReportRequest = 7604;
CEGWhackFailureReportResponse = 7605;
DRMSFetchVersionSet = 7606;
DRMSFetchVersionSetResponse = 7607;
EconBase = 7700;
EconTrading_InitiateTradeRequest = 7701;
EconTrading_InitiateTradeProposed = 7702;
EconTrading_InitiateTradeResponse = 7703;
EconTrading_InitiateTradeResult = 7704;
EconTrading_StartSession = 7705;
EconTrading_CancelTradeRequest = 7706;
EconFlushInventoryCache = 7707;
EconFlushInventoryCacheResponse = 7708;
EconCDKeyProcessTransaction = 7711;
EconCDKeyProcessTransactionResponse = 7712;
EconGetErrorLogs = 7713;
EconGetErrorLogsResponse = 7714;
RMRange = 7800;
RMTestVerisignOTP = 7800;
RMTestVerisignOTPResponse = 7801;
RMDeleteMemcachedKeys = 7803;
RMRemoteInvoke = 7804;
BadLoginIPList = 7805;
RMMsgTraceAddTrigger = 7806;
RMMsgTraceRemoveTrigger = 7807;
RMMsgTraceEvent = 7808;
UGSBase = 7900;
UGSUpdateGlobalStats = 7900;
ClientUGSGetGlobalStats = 7901;
ClientUGSGetGlobalStatsResponse = 7902;
StoreBase = 8000;
UMQBase = 8100;
UMQLogonRequest = 8100;
UMQLogonResponse = 8101;
UMQLogoffRequest = 8102;
UMQLogoffResponse = 8103;
UMQSendChatMessage = 8104;
UMQIncomingChatMessage = 8105;
UMQPoll = 8106;
UMQPollResults = 8107;
UMQ2AM_ClientMsgBatch = 8108;
WorkshopBase = 8200;
WebAPIBase = 8300;
WebAPIValidateOAuth2Token = 8300;
WebAPIValidateOAuth2TokenResponse = 8301;
WebAPIRegisterGCInterfaces = 8303;
WebAPIInvalidateOAuthClientCache = 8304;
WebAPIInvalidateOAuthTokenCache = 8305;
WebAPISetSecrets = 8306;
BackpackBase = 8400;
BackpackAddToCurrency = 8401;
BackpackAddToCurrencyResponse = 8402;
CREBase = 8500;
CREItemVoteSummary = 8503;
CREItemVoteSummaryResponse = 8504;
CREUpdateUserPublishedItemVote = 8507;
CREUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResponse = 8508;
CREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails = 8509;
CREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetailsResponse = 8510;
CREEnumeratePublishedFiles = 8511;
CREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse = 8512;
CREPublishedFileVoteAdded = 8513;
SecretsBase = 8600;
SecretsRequestCredentialPair = 8600;
SecretsCredentialPairResponse = 8601;
BoxMonitorBase = 8700;
BoxMonitorReportRequest = 8700;
BoxMonitorReportResponse = 8701;
LogsinkBase = 8800;
LogsinkWriteReport = 8800;
PICSBase = 8900;
ClientPICSChangesSinceRequest = 8901;
ClientPICSChangesSinceResponse = 8902;
ClientPICSProductInfoRequest = 8903;
ClientPICSProductInfoResponse = 8904;
ClientPICSAccessTokenRequest = 8905;
ClientPICSAccessTokenResponse = 8906;
WorkerProcess = 9000;
WorkerProcessPingRequest = 9000;
WorkerProcessPingResponse = 9001;
WorkerProcessShutdown = 9002;
DRMWorkerProcess = 9100;
DRMWorkerProcessDRMAndSign = 9100;
DRMWorkerProcessDRMAndSignResponse = 9101;
DRMWorkerProcessSteamworksInfoRequest = 9102;
DRMWorkerProcessSteamworksInfoResponse = 9103;
DRMWorkerProcessInstallDRMDLLRequest = 9104;
DRMWorkerProcessInstallDRMDLLResponse = 9105;
DRMWorkerProcessSecretIdStringRequest = 9106;
DRMWorkerProcessSecretIdStringResponse = 9107;
DRMWorkerProcessInstallProcessedFilesRequest = 9110;
DRMWorkerProcessInstallProcessedFilesResponse = 9111;
DRMWorkerProcessExamineBlobRequest = 9112;
DRMWorkerProcessExamineBlobResponse = 9113;
DRMWorkerProcessDescribeSecretRequest = 9114;
DRMWorkerProcessDescribeSecretResponse = 9115;
DRMWorkerProcessBackfillOriginalRequest = 9116;
DRMWorkerProcessBackfillOriginalResponse = 9117;
DRMWorkerProcessValidateDRMDLLRequest = 9118;
DRMWorkerProcessValidateDRMDLLResponse = 9119;
DRMWorkerProcessValidateFileRequest = 9120;
DRMWorkerProcessValidateFileResponse = 9121;
DRMWorkerProcessSplitAndInstallRequest = 9122;
DRMWorkerProcessSplitAndInstallResponse = 9123;
DRMWorkerProcessGetBlobRequest = 9124;
DRMWorkerProcessGetBlobResponse = 9125;
DRMWorkerProcessEvaluateCrashRequest = 9126;
DRMWorkerProcessEvaluateCrashResponse = 9127;
DRMWorkerProcessAnalyzeFileRequest = 9128;
DRMWorkerProcessAnalyzeFileResponse = 9129;
DRMWorkerProcessUnpackBlobRequest = 9130;
DRMWorkerProcessUnpackBlobResponse = 9131;
DRMWorkerProcessInstallAllRequest = 9132;
DRMWorkerProcessInstallAllResponse = 9133;
TestWorkerProcess = 9200;
TestWorkerProcessLoadUnloadModuleRequest = 9200;
TestWorkerProcessLoadUnloadModuleResponse = 9201;
TestWorkerProcessServiceModuleCallRequest = 9202;
TestWorkerProcessServiceModuleCallResponse = 9203;
QuestServerBase = 9300;
ClientGetEmoticonList = 9330;
ClientEmoticonList = 9331;
SLCBase = 9400;
SLCUserSessionStatus = 9400;
SLCRequestUserSessionStatus = 9401;
SLCSharedLicensesLockStatus = 9402;
ClientSharedLibraryLockStatus = 9405;
ClientSharedLibraryStopPlaying = 9406;
SLCOwnerLibraryChanged = 9407;
SLCSharedLibraryChanged = 9408;
RemoteClientBase = 9500;
RemoteClientAuth_OBSOLETE = 9500;
RemoteClientAuthResponse_OBSOLETE = 9501;
RemoteClientAppStatus = 9502;
RemoteClientStartStream = 9503;
RemoteClientStartStreamResponse = 9504;
RemoteClientPing = 9505;
RemoteClientPingResponse = 9506;
ClientUnlockStreaming = 9507;
ClientUnlockStreamingResponse = 9508;
RemoteClientAcceptEULA = 9509;
RemoteClientGetControllerConfig = 9510;
RemoteClientGetControllerConfigResponse = 9511;
RemoteClientStreamingEnabled = 9512;
ClientUnlockHEVC = 9513;
ClientUnlockHEVCResponse = 9514;
RemoteClientStatusRequest = 9515;
RemoteClientStatusResponse = 9516;
ClientConcurrentSessionsBase = 9600;
ClientPlayingSessionState = 9600;
ClientKickPlayingSession = 9601;
ClientBroadcastBase = 9700;
ClientBroadcastInit = 9700;
ClientBroadcastFrames = 9701;
ClientBroadcastDisconnect = 9702;
ClientBroadcastScreenshot = 9703;
ClientBroadcastUploadConfig = 9704;
BaseClient3 = 9800;
ClientVoiceCallPreAuthorize = 9800;
ClientVoiceCallPreAuthorizeResponse = 9801;
ClientServerTimestampRequest = 9802;
ClientServerTimestampResponse = 9803;
ClientLANP2PBase = 9900;
ClientLANP2PRequestChunk = 9900;
ClientLANP2PRequestChunkResponse = 9901;
ClientLANP2PMax = 9999;
BaseWatchdogServer = 10000;
NotifyWatchdog = 10000;
ClientSiteLicenseBase = 10100;
ClientSiteLicenseSiteInfoNotification = 10100;
ClientSiteLicenseCheckout = 10101;
ClientSiteLicenseCheckoutResponse = 10102;
ClientSiteLicenseGetAvailableSeats = 10103;
ClientSiteLicenseGetAvailableSeatsResponse = 10104;
ClientSiteLicenseGetContentCacheInfo = 10105;
ClientSiteLicenseGetContentCacheInfoResponse = 10106;
BaseChatServer = 12000;
ChatServerGetPendingNotificationCount = 12000;
ChatServerGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 12001;
BaseSecretServer = 12100;
ServerSecretChanged = 12100;
enum EMsgAnimationState
None = 0;
Animating = 1;
enum EMsgClanAccountFlags
Public = 1;
Large = 2;
Locked = 4;
Disabled = 8;
OGG = 16;
enum EMusicPlayingRepeatStatus
PlayingRepeat_None = 0;
PlayingRepeat_All = 1;
PlayingRepeat_Once = 2;
PlayingRepeat_Max = 3;
enum ENewReleaseNotificationState
Initial = 0;
Approved = 1;
InProgress = 2;
Completed = 3;
Canceled = 4;
enum ENewReleaseNotificationType
Released = 0;
ReleasedFromEarlyAccess = 1;
ReleasedAsEarlyAccess = 2;
enum ENoiseGateLevel
Off = 0;
Low = 1;
Medium = 2;
High = 3;
enum ENotificationSetting
NotifyUseDefault = 0;
Always = 1;
Never = 2;
enum EOSType
OSWebClient = -700;
IOSUnknown = -600;
IOS1 = -599;
IOS2 = -598;
IOS3 = -597;
IOS4 = -596;
IOS5 = -595;
IOS6 = -594;
IOS6_1 = -593;
IOS7 = -592;
IOS7_1 = -591;
IOS8 = -590;
IOS8_1 = -589;
IOS8_2 = -588;
IOS8_3 = -587;
IOS8_4 = -586;
IOS9 = -585;
IOS9_1 = -584;
IOS9_2 = -583;
IOS9_3 = -582;
IOS10 = -581;
IOS10_1 = -580;
IOS10_2 = -579;
IOS10_3 = -578;
IOS11 = -577;
IOS11_1 = -576;
IOS11_2 = -575;
IOS11_3 = -574;
IOS11_4 = -573;
IOS12 = -572;
IOS12_1 = -571;
AndroidUnknown = -500;
Android6 = -499;
Android7 = -498;
Android8 = -497;
Android9 = -496;
enum EParentalFeature
Invalid = 0;
Store = 1;
Community = 2;
Profile = 3;
Friends = 4;
News = 5;
Trading = 6;
Settings = 7;
Console = 8;
Browser = 9;
ParentalSetup = 10;
Library = 11;
Test = 12;
Max = 13;
enum EPartnerEventDisplayLocation
Invalid = 0;
AppDetailsSpotlight = 1;
LibraryOverview = 2;
StoreAppPage = 3;
EventScroller = 4;
AppDetailsActivity = 5;
CommunityHub = 6;
StoreFrontPage = 7;
enum EPartnerLinkTrackingStoreLocation
Invalid = 0;
AppPage = 1;
PackagePage = 2;
AnnouncementPage = 3;
enum EPersonaState
Offline = 0;
Online = 1;
Busy = 2;
Away = 3;
Snooze = 4;
LookingToTrade = 5;
LookingToPlay = 6;
Invisible = 7;
Max = 8;
enum EPersonaStateFlag
HasRichPresence = 1;
InJoinableGame = 2;
Golden = 4;
RemotePlayTogether = 8;
ClientTypeWeb = 256;
ClientTypeMobile = 512;
ClientTypeTenfoot = 1024;
ClientTypeVR = 2048;
LaunchTypeGamepad = 4096;
LaunchTypeCompatTool = 8192;
enum EPlaytestingQuestionType
Invalid = 0;
YesNo = 1;
Scale = 2;
MultipleChoice = 3;
Language = 4;
AgreeScale = 5;
Platform = 6;
Playtime = 7;
enum EPlaytestingState
Inactive = 0;
Active = 1;
Full = 2;
Ended = 3;
enum EPostGameSummaryType
Screenshot = 0;
TradingCard = 1;
Achievement = 2;
enum EProductImpressionFromClientType
FriendInGameNotification = 1;
FriendInGameNotification_FirstTimeSession = 2;
enum EProductPageAction
NoAction = 0;
WatchBroadcast = 1;
HideBroadcast = 2;
ShowBroadcast = 3;
ShowBroadcastChat = 4;
HideBroadcastChat = 5;
PopoutChat = 6;
CloseBroadcastSmallPopup = 7;
UnmuteBroadcast = 8;
OpenBroadcastWatchPage = 9;
SendChat = 10;
AddsAnEmoticonToChat = 11;
ShowDailyDeals = 12;
ShowInteractiveRecommendDeals = 13;
ShowWishlistDeals = 14;
ShowDLCDeals = 15;
enum EProductViewAction
Visit = 0;
AddToWishlist = 1;
IgnoreNotInterested = 2;
AddToCart = 3;
enum EProfileCustomizationStyle
Default = 0;
Selected = 1;
Rarest = 2;
MostRecent = 3;
Random = 4;
HighestRated = 5;
enum EProfileCustomizationType
Invalid = 0;
RareAchievementShowcase = 1;
GameCollector = 2;
ItemShowcase = 3;
TradeShowcase = 4;
Badges = 5;
FavoriteGame = 6;
ScreenshotShowcase = 7;
CustomText = 8;
FavoriteGroup = 9;
Recommendation = 10;
WorkshopItem = 11;
MyWorkshop = 12;
ArtworkShowcase = 13;
VideoShowcase = 14;
Guides = 15;
MyGuides = 16;
Achievements = 17;
Greenlight = 18;
MyGreenlight = 19;
Salien = 20;
enum EProfileModerationState
Unassigned = 0;
Assigned = 1;
Escalated = 2;
Resolved = 3;
enum EProtoAppType
Invalid = 0;
Game = 1;
Application = 2;
Tool = 4;
Demo = 8;
Deprected = 16;
DLC = 32;
Guide = 64;
Driver = 128;
Config = 256;
Hardware = 512;
Franchise = 1024;
Video = 2048;
Plugin = 4096;
MusicAlbum = 8192;
Series = 16384;
Comic = 32768;
Beta = 65536;
Shortcut = 1073741824;
DepotOnly = -2147483648;
enum EProtoClanEventType
OtherEvent = 1;
GameEvent = 2;
PartyEvent = 3;
MeetingEvent = 4;
SpecialCauseEvent = 5;
MusicAndArtsEvent = 6;
SportsEvent = 7;
TripEvent = 8;
ChatEvent = 9;
GameReleaseEvent = 10;
BroadcastEvent = 11;
SmallUpdateEvent = 12;
PreAnnounceMajorUpdateEvent = 13;
MajorUpdateEvent = 14;
DLCReleaseEvent = 15;
FutureReleaseEvent = 16;
ESportTournamentStreamEvent = 17;
DevStreamEvent = 18;
FamousStreamEvent = 19;
GameSalesEvent = 20;
GameItemSalesEvent = 21;
InGameBonusXPEvent = 22;
InGameLootEvent = 23;
InGamePerksEvent = 24;
InGameChallengeEvent = 25;
InGameContestEvent = 26;
IRLEvent = 27;
NewsEvent = 28;
BetaReleaseEvent = 29;
InGameContentReleaseEvent = 30;
FreeTrial = 31;
SeasonRelease = 32;
SeasonUpdate = 33;
CrosspostEvent = 34;
InGameEventGeneral = 35;
enum EPublishedFileInappropriateProvider
Invalid = 0;
Google = 1;
Amazon = 2;
enum EPublishedFileInappropriateResult
NotScanned = 0;
VeryUnlikely = 1;
Unlikely = 30;
Possible = 50;
Likely = 75;
VeryLikely = 100;
enum EPublishedFileQueryType
RankedByVote = 0;
RankedByPublicationDate = 1;
AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate = 2;
RankedByTrend = 3;
FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate = 4;
CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate = 5;
RankedByNumTimesReported = 6;
CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate = 7;
NotYetRated = 8;
RankedByTotalUniqueSubscriptions = 9;
RankedByTotalVotesAsc = 10;
RankedByVotesUp = 11;
RankedByTextSearch = 12;
RankedByPlaytimeTrend = 13;
RankedByTotalPlaytime = 14;
RankedByAveragePlaytimeTrend = 15;
RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime = 16;
RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend = 17;
RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions = 18;
RankedByInappropriateContentRating = 19;
enum ERecommendationIgnoreReason
NotInterested = 0;
Blocked = 1;
OwnedElsewhere = 2;
enum ERefundSupportAction
Invalid = 0;
IssuedRefund = 1;
DeclineRefund_Playtime = 2;
DeclineRefund_PurchaseDate = 3;
DeclineRefund_MustUseWallet = 4;
DeclineRefund_Misuse = 5;
DeclineRefund_WalletCreditUsed = 6;
DeclineRefund_ItemsConsumed = 7;
DeclineRefund_GiftRedeemed = 8;
DeclineRefund_AccountLocked = 9;
DeclineRefund_VACBan = 10;
DeclineRefund_RefundAlreadyIssued = 11;
DeclineRefund_AlreadyChargedback = 12;
DeclineRefund_Overuse = 13;
DeclineRefund_GameBan = 14;
DeclineRefund_NoDefectAU = 15;
DeclineRefund_NeedMoreInfo = 16;
DeclineRefund_GiftResellerAbuse = 17;
enum ERemoteClientLaunchResult
OK = 1;
Fail = 2;
RequiresUI = 3;
RequiresLaunchOption = 4;
RequiresEULA = 5;
Timeout = 6;
StreamTimeout = 7;
StreamClientFail = 8;
OtherGameRunning = 9;
DownloadStarted = 10;
DownloadNoSpace = 11;
DownloadFiltered = 12;
DownloadRequiresUI = 13;
AccessDenied = 14;
NetworkError = 15;
Progress = 16;
ParentalUnlockFailed = 17;
ScreenLocked = 18;
Unsupported = 19;
DisabledLocal = 20;
DisabledRemote = 21;
Broadcasting = 22;
Busy = 23;
DriversNotInstalled = 24;
TransportUnavailable = 25;
Canceled = 26;
Invisible = 27;
RestrictedCountry = 28;
enum EResult
OK = 1;
Fail = 2;
NoConnection = 3;
InvalidPassword = 5;
LoggedInElsewhere = 6;
InvalidProtocolVer = 7;
InvalidParam = 8;
FileNotFound = 9;
Busy = 10;
InvalidState = 11;
InvalidName = 12;
InvalidEmail = 13;
DuplicateName = 14;
AccessDenied = 15;
Timeout = 16;
Banned = 17;
AccountNotFound = 18;
InvalidSteamID = 19;
ServiceUnavailable = 20;
NotLoggedOn = 21;
Pending = 22;
EncryptionFailure = 23;
InsufficientPrivilege = 24;
LimitExceeded = 25;
Revoked = 26;
Expired = 27;
AlreadyRedeemed = 28;
DuplicateRequest = 29;
AlreadyOwned = 30;
IPNotFound = 31;
PersistFailed = 32;
LockingFailed = 33;
LogonSessionReplaced = 34;
ConnectFailed = 35;
HandshakeFailed = 36;
IOFailure = 37;
RemoteDisconnect = 38;
ShoppingCartNotFound = 39;
Blocked = 40;
Ignored = 41;
NoMatch = 42;
AccountDisabled = 43;
ServiceReadOnly = 44;
AccountNotFeatured = 45;
AdministratorOK = 46;
ContentVersion = 47;
TryAnotherCM = 48;
PasswordRequiredToKickSession = 49;
AlreadyLoggedInElsewhere = 50;
Suspended = 51;
Cancelled = 52;
DataCorruption = 53;
DiskFull = 54;
RemoteCallFailed = 55;
PasswordUnset = 56;
ExternalAccountUnlinked = 57;
PSNTicketInvalid = 58;
ExternalAccountAlreadyLinked = 59;
RemoteFileConflict = 60;
IllegalPassword = 61;
SameAsPreviousValue = 62;
AccountLogonDenied = 63;
CannotUseOldPassword = 64;
InvalidLoginAuthCode = 65;
AccountLogonDeniedNoMail = 66;
HardwareNotCapableOfIPT = 67;
IPTInitError = 68;
ParentalControlRestricted = 69;
FacebookQueryError = 70;
ExpiredLoginAuthCode = 71;
IPLoginRestrictionFailed = 72;
AccountLockedDown = 73;
AccountLogonDeniedVerifiedEmailRequired = 74;
NoMatchingURL = 75;
BadResponse = 76;
RequirePasswordReEntry = 77;
ValueOutOfRange = 78;
UnexpectedError = 79;
Disabled = 80;
InvalidCEGSubmission = 81;
RestrictedDevice = 82;
RegionLocked = 83;
RateLimitExceeded = 84;
AccountLoginDeniedNeedTwoFactor = 85;
ItemDeleted = 86;
AccountLoginDeniedThrottle = 87;
TwoFactorCodeMismatch = 88;
TwoFactorActivationCodeMismatch = 89;
AccountAssociatedToMultiplePartners = 90;
NotModified = 91;
NoMobileDevice = 92;
TimeNotSynced = 93;
SmsCodeFailed = 94;
AccountLimitExceeded = 95;
AccountActivityLimitExceeded = 96;
PhoneActivityLimitExceeded = 97;
RefundToWallet = 98;
EmailSendFailure = 99;
NotSettled = 100;
NeedCaptcha = 101;
GSLTDenied = 102;
GSOwnerDenied = 103;
InvalidItemType = 104;
IPBanned = 105;
GSLTExpired = 106;
InsufficientFunds = 107;
TooManyPending = 108;
NoSiteLicensesFound = 109;
WGNetworkSendExceeded = 110;
AccountNotFriends = 111;
LimitedUserAccount = 112;
enum ESearchMatchType
None = 0;
PersonaName = 1;
Nickname = 2;
enum EServerType
Other_Util = -2;
Other_Client = -3;
Other_CServer = -4;
Other_CEconBase = -5;
Invalid = -1;
Shell = 0;
GM = 1;
AM = 3;
BS = 4;
VS = 5;
ATS = 6;
CM = 7;
FBS = 8;
BoxMonitor = 9;
SS = 10;
DRMS = 11;
Console = 13;
PICS = 14;
ContentStats = 16;
DP = 17;
WG = 18;
SM = 19;
SLC = 20;
UFS = 21;
Community = 24;
P2PRelayOBSOLETE = 25;
AppInformation = 26;
Spare = 27;
FTS = 28;
SiteLicense = 29;
PS = 30;
IS = 31;
CCS = 32;
DFS = 33;
LBS = 34;
MDS = 35;
CS = 36;
GC = 37;
NS = 38;
OGS = 39;
WebAPI = 40;
UDS = 41;
MMS = 42;
GMS = 43;
KGS = 44;
UCM = 45;
RM = 46;
FS = 47;
Econ = 48;
Backpack = 49;
UGS = 50;
StoreFeature = 51;
MoneyStats = 52;
CRE = 53;
UMQ = 54;
Workshop = 55;
BRP = 56;
GCH = 57;
MPAS = 58;
Trade = 59;
Secrets = 60;
Logsink = 61;
Market = 62;
Quest = 63;
WDS = 64;
ACS = 65;
PNP = 66;
TaxForm = 67;
ExternalMonitor = 68;
Parental = 69;
PartnerUpload = 70;
Partner = 71;
ES = 72;
DepotWebContent = 73;
ExternalConfig = 74;
GameNotifications = 75;
MarketRepl = 76;
MarketSearch = 77;
Localization = 78;
Steam2Emulator = 79;
PublicTest = 80;
SolrMgr = 81;
BroadcastIngester = 82;
BroadcastDirectory = 83;
VideoManager = 84;
TradeOffer = 85;
BroadcastChat = 86;
Phone = 87;
AccountScore = 88;
Support = 89;
LogRequest = 90;
LogWorker = 91;
EmailDelivery = 92;
InventoryManagement = 93;
Auth = 94;
StoreCatalog = 95;
HLTVRelay = 96;
IDLS = 97;
Perf = 98;
ItemInventory = 99;
Watchdog = 100;
AccountHistory = 101;
Chat = 102;
Shader = 103;
AccountHardware = 104;
WebRTC = 105;
Giveaway = 106;
ChatRoom = 107;
VoiceChat = 108;
QMS = 109;
Trust = 110;
TimeMachine = 111;
VACDBMaster = 112;
ContentServerConfig = 113;
Minigame = 114;
MLTrain = 115;
VACTest = 116;
TaxService = 117;
MLInference = 118;
UGSAggregate = 119;
TURN = 120;
RemoteClient = 121;
BroadcastOrigin = 122;
BroadcastChannel = 123;
SteamAR = 124;
China = 125;
CrashDump = 126;
Max = 127;
enum ESetUserCountryError
None = 0;
NewCountryMustMatchWebIP = 1;
NewCountryMustMatchClientIP = 2;
MilitaryCountryMustBeUSA = 3;
NoUSMilitaryBaseInIPCountry = 4;
InvalidMilitaryAddress = 5;
HasPendingPurchase = 6;
HasRecentPurchase = 7;
HasRecentCountryChange = 8;
WalletConversionFailed = 9;
enum EShutdownStep
None = 0;
Start = 1;
WaitForGames = 2;
WaitForCloud = 3;
WaitForDownload = 4;
WaitForServiceApps = 5;
WaitForLogOff = 6;
Done = 7;
enum ESteamGuardCodeError
None = 0;
InvalidCode = 1;
enum ESteamReviewScore
OverwhelminglyPositive = 9;
VeryPositive = 8;
Positive = 7;
MostlyPositive = 6;
Mixed = 5;
MostlyNegative = 4;
Negative = 3;
VeryNegative = 2;
OverwhelminglyNegative = 1;
None = 0;
enum EStoreCuratorRecommendationState
Recommended = 0;
NotRecommended = 1;
Informative = 2;
CreatedApp = 3;
enum EStoreDiscoveryQueueType
New = 0;
ComingSoon = 1;
Recommended = 2;
EveryNewRelease = 3;
MLRecommender = 5;
WishlistOnSale = 6;
DLC = 7;
DLCOnSale = 8;
MAX = 9;
enum EStoreUsabilityEvent
MainCapNav = 1;
SpecialOffersNav = 2;
TrendingFriendsNav = 3;
RecentlyUpdatedNav = 4;
PopularNewReleaseTab = 5;
TopSellersTab = 6;
UpcomingTab = 7;
SpecialsTab = 8;
UnderTenNav = 9;
enum EStoreUsabilityFrontPageScroll
Invalid = 0;
TrendingFriends = 1;
DiscoveryQueue = 20;
Curators = 40;
RecentUpdated = 60;
TabGroup = 80;
UnderTen = 100;
KeepScrolling = 120;
NoMoreContent = 1000;
enum ESupportActionSource
System = 0;
Agent = 1;
enum ETickerCategoryLanguageRule
Invalid = 0;
Normal = 1;
NoDelay = 2;
Escalate = 3;
enum ETimelineRange
Timeline = 1;
Minimap = 2;
enum ETradeOfferConfirmationMethod
Invalid = 0;
Email = 1;
MobileApp = 2;
enum ETradeOfferState
Invalid = 1;
Active = 2;
Accepted = 3;
Countered = 4;
Expired = 5;
Canceled = 6;
Declined = 7;
InvalidItems = 8;
CreatedNeedsConfirmation = 9;
CanceledBySecondFactor = 10;
InEscrow = 11;
enum ETransportError
OK = 1;
RequestNotSent = 2;
ResponseNotReceived = 3;
IncorrectParameter = 4;
MethodNotFound = 100;
CallMismatch = 101;
SetupError = 102;
InternalError = 103;
NotSupported = 104;
enum EUCMFilePrivacyState
Invalid = -1;
Private = 2;
FriendsOnly = 4;
Public = 8;
enum EUCMListType
Subscribed = 1;
Favorites = 2;
Played = 3;
Completed = 4;
ShortcutFavorites = 5;
Followed = 6;
enum EUniverse
Invalid = 0;
Public = 1;
Beta = 2;
Internal = 3;
Dev = 4;
Max = 5;
enum EUserAccountHistoryCategory
Invalid = 0;
Inventory = 1;
enum EUserBadge
Invalid = 0;
YearsOfService = 1;
Community = 2;
Portal2PotatoARG = 3;
TreasureHunt = 4;
SummerSale2011 = 5;
WinterSale2011 = 6;
SummerSale2012 = 7;
WinterSale2012 = 8;
CommunityTranslator = 9;
CommunityModerator = 10;
ValveEmployee = 11;
GameDeveloper = 12;
GameCollector = 13;
TradingCardBetaParticipant = 14;
SteamBoxBeta = 15;
Summer2014RedTeam = 16;
Summer2014BlueTeam = 17;
Summer2014PinkTeam = 18;
Summer2014GreenTeam = 19;
Summer2014PurpleTeam = 20;
Auction2014 = 21;
GoldenProfile2014 = 22;
TowerAttackMiniGame = 23;
Winter2015ARG_RedHerring = 24;
SteamAwards2016Nominations = 25;
StickerCompletionist2017 = 26;
SteamAwards2017Nominations = 27;
SpringCleaning2018 = 28;
Salien = 29;
RetiredModerator = 30;
SteamAwards2018Nominations = 31;
ValveModerator = 32;
WinterSale2018 = 33;
LunarNewYearSale2019 = 34;
LunarNewYearSale2019GoldenProfile = 35;
SpringCleaning2019 = 36;
SummerSale2019 = 37;
SummerSale2019_TeamHare = 38;
SummerSale2019_TeamTortoise = 39;
SummerSale2019_TeamCorgi = 40;
SummerSale2019_TeamCockatiel = 41;
SummerSale2019_TeamPig = 42;
SteamAwards2019Nominations = 43;
WinterSaleEvent2019 = 44;
enum EUserLastReadFeedType
Invalid = 0;
TradeOffers = 1;
AuctionWins = 2;
SteamAnnouncement = 3;
enum EUserReviewScorePreference
Unset = 0;
IncludeAll = 1;
ExcludeBombs = 2;
enum EUserTagReportType
None = 0;
Offensive = 1;
Misapplied = 2;
NotHelpful = 3;
Spoiler = 4;
MAX = 5;
enum EValidationPhase
Idle = 0;
WaitingForAppInfo = 1;
StartInstallScript = 2;
WaitingForInstallScript = 3;
Validating = 4;
enum EVoiceCallState
None = 0;
ScheduledInitiate = 1;
RequestedMicAccess = 2;
LocalMicOnly = 3;
CreatePeerConnection = 4;
InitatedWebRTCSession = 5;
WebRTCConnectedWaitingOnIceConnected = 6;
RequestedPermission = 7;
NotifyingVoiceChatOfWebRTCSession = 8;
Connected = 9;
enum EWebAPIError
Unknown = 0;
AccessDenied = 1;
enum EWorkshopFileType
Invalid = -1;
Community = 0;
Microtransaction = 1;
Collection = 2;
Art = 3;
Video = 4;
Screenshot = 5;
Game = 6;
Software = 7;
Concept = 8;
WebGuide = 9;
IntegratedGuide = 10;
Merch = 11;
ControllerBinding = 12;
SteamworksAccessInvite = 13;
SteamVideo = 14;
GameManagedItem = 15;
First = 0;
Max = 16;
enum FriendGroupDisplayType
eOnlineOnly = 0;
eOnlineOnlyNotInGame = 1;
eOfflineOnly = 2;
eIncomingInvites = 3;
eAll = 4;
enum GameDataRegionBehavior
Hover = 0;
ClickPopup = 1;
ClickSurroundingRegion = 2;
enum GeofencingEventType
Enter = 1;
Exit = 2;
enum GeofencingRegionState
Unknown = 0;
Inside = 1;
Outside = 2;
enum IDerivationState
STALE = 2;
enum PartnerEventNotificationType
Start = 0;
BroadcastStart = 1;
MatchStart = 2;
PartnerMaxType = 3;
enum ResponsiveWindowActiveView
FriendsList = 0;
Chat = 1;
// This file is automatically generated by a script (friendsuiprotodumper.js).
// Do not modify it, or changes will be lost when the script is run again.
import "steammessages_unified_base.steamclient.proto";
import "steammessages_base.proto";
import "steammessages_clientserver_friends.proto";
message CHelpRequestLogs_UploadUserApplicationLog_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string log_type = 2;
optional string version_string = 3;
optional string log_contents = 4;
message CHelpRequestLogs_UploadUserApplicationLog_Response {
optional uint64 id = 1;
message CCommunity_GetApps_Request {
repeated int32 appids = 1;
optional uint32 language = 2;
message CCommunity_GetApps_Response {
repeated .CCDDBAppDetailCommon apps = 1;
message CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Request {
optional int32 appid = 1;
optional string language = 2;
message CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response {
optional int32 appid = 1;
repeated .CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response_TokenList token_lists = 2;
message CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response_Token {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response_TokenList {
optional string language = 1;
repeated .CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response_Token tokens = 2;
message CCommunity_GetCommentThread_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 comment_thread_type = 2;
optional fixed64 gidfeature = 3;
optional fixed64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional fixed64 commentthreadid = 5;
optional int32 start = 6;
optional int32 count = 7;
optional int32 upvoters = 8;
optional bool include_deleted = 9;
optional fixed64 gidcomment = 10;
optional uint32 time_oldest = 11;
optional bool oldest_first = 12;
message CCommunity_Comment {
optional fixed64 gidcomment = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp = 3;
optional string text = 4;
optional int32 upvotes = 5;
optional bool hidden = 6;
optional bool hidden_by_user = 7;
optional bool deleted = 8;
optional .CMsgIPAddress ipaddress = 9;
optional int32 total_hidden = 10;
optional bool upvoted_by_user = 11;
message CCommunity_GetCommentThread_Response {
repeated .CCommunity_Comment comments = 1;
repeated .CCommunity_Comment deleted_comments = 2;
optional fixed64 steamid = 3;
optional fixed64 commentthreadid = 4;
optional int32 start = 5;
optional int32 count = 6;
optional int32 total_count = 7;
optional int32 upvotes = 8;
repeated uint32 upvoters = 9;
optional bool user_subscribed = 10;
optional bool user_upvoted = 11;
optional fixed64 answer_commentid = 12;
optional uint32 answer_actor = 13;
optional int32 answer_actor_rank = 14;
optional bool can_post = 15;
message CCommunity_PostCommentToThread_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 comment_thread_type = 2;
optional fixed64 gidfeature = 3;
optional fixed64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional string text = 6;
optional fixed64 gidparentcomment = 7;
optional bool suppress_notifications = 8;
message CCommunity_PostCommentToThread_Response {
optional fixed64 gidcomment = 1;
optional fixed64 commentthreadid = 2;
optional int32 count = 3;
optional int32 upvotes = 4;
message CCommunity_DeleteCommentFromThread_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 comment_thread_type = 2;
optional fixed64 gidfeature = 3;
optional fixed64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional fixed64 gidcomment = 5;
optional bool undelete = 6;
message CCommunity_DeleteCommentFromThread_Response {
message CCommunity_RateCommentThread_Request {
optional string commentthreadtype = 1;
optional uint64 steamid = 2;
optional uint64 gidfeature = 3;
optional uint64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional uint64 gidcomment = 5;
optional bool rate_up = 6;
optional bool suppress_notifications = 7;
message CCommunity_RateCommentThread_Response {
optional uint64 gidcomment = 1;
optional uint64 commentthreadid = 2;
optional uint32 count = 3;
optional uint32 upvotes = 4;
optional bool has_upvoted = 5;
message CCommunity_GetCommentThreadRatings_Request {
optional string commentthreadtype = 1;
optional uint64 steamid = 2;
optional uint64 gidfeature = 3;
optional uint64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional uint64 gidcomment = 5;
optional uint32 max_results = 6;
message CCommunity_GetCommentThreadRatings_Response {
optional uint64 commentthreadid = 1;
optional uint64 gidcomment = 2;
optional uint32 upvotes = 3;
optional bool has_upvoted = 4;
repeated uint32 upvoter_accountids = 5;
message CCommunity_RateClanAnnouncement_Request {
optional uint64 announcementid = 1;
optional bool vote_up = 2;
message CCommunity_RateClanAnnouncement_Response {
message CCommunity_GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser_Request {
optional uint64 announcementid = 1;
message CCommunity_GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser_Response {
optional bool voted_up = 1;
optional bool voted_down = 2;
message CAppPriority {
optional uint32 priority = 1;
repeated uint32 appid = 2;
message CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventNews_Request {
optional uint32 count = 1;
optional uint32 offset = 2;
optional uint32 rtime32_start_time = 3;
optional uint32 rtime32_end_time = 4;
repeated uint32 language_preference = 5;
repeated int32 filter_event_type = 6 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: ECommunityWordFilterType"];
optional bool filter_to_appid = 7;
repeated .CAppPriority app_list = 8;
optional uint32 count_after = 9 [default = 0];
optional uint32 count_before = 10 [default = 0];
message CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventNews_Response {
repeated .CClanMatchEventByRange results = 1;
message CCommunity_GetBestEventsForUser_Request {
optional bool include_steam_blog = 1;
optional uint32 filter_to_played_within_days = 2;
message CCommunity_PartnerEventResult {
optional uint32 clanid = 1;
optional fixed64 event_gid = 2;
optional fixed64 announcement_gid = 3;
optional uint32 appid = 4;
optional bool possible_takeover = 5;
optional uint32 rtime32_last_modified = 6 [default = 0];
optional int32 user_app_priority = 7;
message CCommunity_GetBestEventsForUser_Response {
repeated .CCommunity_PartnerEventResult results = 1;
message CCommunity_ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Request {
message CCommunity_ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Response {
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsAppPriority {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional int32 user_app_priority = 2;
message CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Request {
message CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Response {
repeated .CCommunity_PartnerEventsAppPriority priorities = 1;
message CCommunity_ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CCommunity_ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority_Response {
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp_Response {
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowLessForApp_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowLessForApp_Response {
message CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Request {
repeated .CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Request_PartnerEventMarking markings = 1;
message CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Request_PartnerEventMarking {
optional uint32 clanid = 1;
optional fixed64 event_gid = 2;
optional int32 display_location = 3 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EPartnerEventDisplayLocation"];
optional bool mark_shown = 4;
optional bool mark_read = 5;
message CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Response {
message CProductImpressionsFromClient_Notification {
repeated .CProductImpressionsFromClient_Notification_Impression impressions = 1;
message CProductImpressionsFromClient_Notification_Impression {
optional int32 type = 1 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EProductImpressionFromClientType"];
optional uint32 appid = 2;
optional uint32 num_impressions = 3;
message CFriendsListCategory {
optional uint32 groupid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
repeated uint32 accountid_members = 3;
message CFriendsList_GetCategories_Request {
message CFriendsList_GetCategories_Response {
repeated .CFriendsListCategory categories = 1;
message CFriendsListFavoriteEntry {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional uint32 clanid = 2;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 3;
message CFriendsList_GetFavorites_Request {
message CFriendsList_GetFavorites_Response {
repeated .CFriendsListFavoriteEntry favorites = 1;
message CFriendsList_SetFavorites_Request {
repeated .CFriendsListFavoriteEntry favorites = 1;
message CFriendsList_SetFavorites_Response {
message CFriendsList_FavoritesChanged_Notification {
repeated .CFriendsListFavoriteEntry favorites = 1;
message CFriendsList_GetFriendsList_Request {
message CFriendsList_GetFriendsList_Response {
optional .CMsgClientFriendsList friendslist = 1;
message CMsgClientUCMPublishedFileDeleted {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
message CMsgCREEnumeratePublishedFiles {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 query_type = 2;
optional uint32 start_index = 3;
optional uint32 days = 4;
optional uint32 count = 5;
repeated string tags = 6;
repeated string user_tags = 7;
optional uint32 matching_file_type = 8 [default = 13];
message CMsgCREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgCREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse_PublishedFileId published_files = 2;
optional uint32 total_results = 3;
message CMsgCREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional int32 votes_for = 2;
optional int32 votes_against = 3;
optional int32 reports = 4;
optional float score = 5;
message CClan_RespondToClanInvite_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional bool accept = 2;
message CClan_RespondToClanInvite_Response {
message CVoiceChat_RequestOneOnOneChat_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 1;
message CVoiceChat_RequestOneOnOneChat_Response {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
message CVoiceChat_OneOnOneChatRequested_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 2;
message CVoiceChat_AnswerOneOnOneChat_Request {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 2;
optional bool accepted_request = 3;
message CVoiceChat_AnswerOneOnOneChat_Response {
message CVoiceChat_OneOnOneChatRequestResponse_Notification {
optional fixed64 voicechat_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 2;
optional bool accepted_request = 3;
message CVoiceChat_EndOneOnOneChat_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 1;
message CVoiceChat_EndOneOnOneChat_Response {
message CVoiceChat_LeaveOneOnOneChat_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 1;
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 2;
message CVoiceChat_LeaveOneOnOneChat_Response {
message CVoiceChat_UserJoinedVoiceChat_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
optional uint64 chatid = 3;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_lower = 4;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_higher = 5;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 6;
optional uint32 user_sessionid = 7;
message CVoiceChat_UserVoiceStatus_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
optional bool user_muted_mic_locally = 3;
optional bool user_muted_output_locally = 4;
optional bool user_has_no_mic_for_session = 5;
optional int32 user_webaudio_sample_rate = 6;
message CVoiceChat_AllMembersStatus_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
repeated .CVoiceChat_UserVoiceStatus_Notification users = 2;
message CVoiceChat_UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData_Request {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional uint32 ip_webrtc_server = 2;
optional uint32 port_webrtc_server = 3;
optional uint32 ip_webrtc_client = 4;
optional uint32 port_webrtc_client = 5;
optional uint32 ssrc_my_sending_stream = 6;
optional string user_agent = 7;
optional bool has_audio_worklets_support = 8;
message CVoiceChat_UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData_Response {
optional bool send_client_voice_logs = 1;
message CVoiceChat_UploadClientVoiceChatLogs_Request {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional string client_voice_logs_new_lines = 2;
message CVoiceChat_UploadClientVoiceChatLogs_Response {
message CVoiceChat_LeaveVoiceChat_Request {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
message CVoiceChat_LeaveVoiceChat_Response {
message CVoiceChat_UserLeftVoiceChat_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
optional uint64 chatid = 3;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_lower = 4;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_higher = 5;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 6;
optional uint32 user_sessionid = 7;
message CVoiceChat_VoiceChatEnded_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_lower = 2;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_higher = 3;
optional uint64 chatid = 4;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 5;
message CWebRTCClient_InitiateWebRTCConnection_Request {
optional string sdp = 1;
message CWebRTCClient_InitiateWebRTCConnection_Response {
optional string remote_description = 1;
message CWebRTC_WebRTCSessionConnected_Notification {
optional uint32 ssrc = 1;
optional uint32 client_ip = 2;
optional uint32 client_port = 3;
optional uint32 server_ip = 4;
optional uint32 server_port = 5;
message CWebRTC_WebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription_Notification {
optional string remote_description = 1;
optional uint64 remote_description_version = 2;
repeated .CWebRTC_WebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription_Notification_CSSRCToAccountIDMapping ssrcs_to_accountids = 3;
message CWebRTC_WebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription_Notification_CSSRCToAccountIDMapping {
optional uint32 ssrc = 1;
optional uint32 accountid = 2;
message CWebRTCClient_AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription_Request {
optional uint32 ip_webrtc_server = 1;
optional uint32 port_webrtc_server = 2;
optional uint32 ip_webrtc_session_client = 3;
optional uint32 port_webrtc_session_client = 4;
optional uint64 remote_description_version = 5;
message CWebRTCClient_AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription_Response {
message CMobilePerAccount_GetSettings_Request {
message CMobilePerAccount_GetSettings_Response {
optional bool has_settings = 4;
optional bool allow_sale_push = 2;
optional bool allow_wishlist_push = 3;
optional uint32 chat_notification_level = 5;
optional bool notify_direct_chat = 6;
optional bool notify_group_chat = 7;
optional bool allow_event_push = 8 [default = true];
message CMobilePerAccount_SetSettings_Request {
optional bool allow_sale_push = 2;
optional bool allow_wishlist_push = 3;
optional uint32 chat_notification_level = 4;
optional bool notify_direct_chat = 5;
optional bool notify_group_chat = 6;
optional bool allow_event_push = 7 [default = true];
message CMobilePerAccount_SetSettings_Response {
message CMobileDevice_RegisterMobileDevice_Request {
optional string deviceid = 1;
optional string language = 2;
optional bool push_enabled = 3;
optional string app_version = 4;
optional string os_version = 5;
optional string device_model = 6;
optional string twofactor_device_identifier = 7;
optional int32 mobile_app = 8 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EMobileApp"];
message CMobileDevice_RegisterMobileDevice_Response {
optional uint32 unique_deviceid = 2;
message CMobileDevice_DeregisterMobileDevice_Notification {
optional string deviceid = 1;
message UnknownProto {
service HelpRequestLogs {
rpc UploadUserApplicationLog (.CHelpRequestLogs_UploadUserApplicationLog_Request) returns (.CHelpRequestLogs_UploadUserApplicationLog_Response);
service Community {
rpc GetApps (.CCommunity_GetApps_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetApps_Response);
rpc GetAppRichPresenceLocalization (.CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response);
rpc GetCommentThread (.CCommunity_GetCommentThread_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetCommentThread_Response);
rpc PostCommentToThread (.CCommunity_PostCommentToThread_Request) returns (.CCommunity_PostCommentToThread_Response);
rpc DeleteCommentFromThread (.CCommunity_DeleteCommentFromThread_Request) returns (.CCommunity_DeleteCommentFromThread_Response);
rpc RateCommentThread (.CCommunity_RateCommentThread_Request) returns (.CCommunity_RateCommentThread_Response);
rpc GetCommentThreadRatings (.CCommunity_GetCommentThreadRatings_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetCommentThreadRatings_Response);
rpc RateClanAnnouncement (.CCommunity_RateClanAnnouncement_Request) returns (.CCommunity_RateClanAnnouncement_Response);
rpc GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser (.CCommunity_GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser_Response);
rpc GetUserPartnerEventNews (.CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventNews_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventNews_Response);
rpc GetBestEventsForUser (.CCommunity_GetBestEventsForUser_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetBestEventsForUser_Response);
rpc MarkPartnerEventsForUser (.CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Request) returns (.CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Response);
rpc PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp (.CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp_Request) returns (.CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp_Response);
rpc PartnerEventsShowLessForApp (.CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowLessForApp_Request) returns (.CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowLessForApp_Response);
rpc ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities (.CCommunity_ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Request) returns (.CCommunity_ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Response);
rpc GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities (.CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Response);
rpc ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority (.CCommunity_ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority_Request) returns (.CCommunity_ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority_Response);
service ExperimentService {
rpc ReportProductImpressionsFromClient (.UnknownProto) returns (.NoResponse);
service FriendsList {
rpc GetCategories (.CFriendsList_GetCategories_Request) returns (.CFriendsList_GetCategories_Response);
rpc GetFriendsList (.CFriendsList_GetFriendsList_Request) returns (.CFriendsList_GetFriendsList_Response);
rpc GetFavorites (.CFriendsList_GetFavorites_Request) returns (.CFriendsList_GetFavorites_Response);
rpc SetFavorites (.CFriendsList_SetFavorites_Request) returns (.CFriendsList_SetFavorites_Response);
service FriendsListClient {
rpc FavoritesChanged (.CFriendsList_FavoritesChanged_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service Clan {
rpc RespondToClanInvite (.CClan_RespondToClanInvite_Request) returns (.CClan_RespondToClanInvite_Response);
service VoiceChat {
rpc UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData (.CVoiceChat_UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData_Response);
rpc NotifyUserVoiceStatus (.CVoiceChat_UserVoiceStatus_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc UploadClientVoiceChatLogs (.CVoiceChat_UploadClientVoiceChatLogs_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_UploadClientVoiceChatLogs_Response);
rpc LeaveVoiceChat (.CVoiceChat_LeaveVoiceChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_LeaveVoiceChat_Response);
rpc RequestOneOnOneChat (.CVoiceChat_RequestOneOnOneChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_RequestOneOnOneChat_Response);
rpc AnswerOneOnOneChat (.CVoiceChat_AnswerOneOnOneChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_AnswerOneOnOneChat_Response);
rpc EndOneOnOneChat (.CVoiceChat_EndOneOnOneChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_EndOneOnOneChat_Response);
rpc LeaveOneOnOneChat (.CVoiceChat_LeaveOneOnOneChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_LeaveOneOnOneChat_Response);
service VoiceChatClient {
rpc NotifyUserJoinedVoiceChat (.CVoiceChat_UserJoinedVoiceChat_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyUserLeftVoiceChat (.CVoiceChat_UserLeftVoiceChat_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyVoiceChatEnded (.CVoiceChat_VoiceChatEnded_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyUserVoiceStatus (.CVoiceChat_UserVoiceStatus_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyAllUsersVoiceStatus (.CVoiceChat_AllMembersStatus_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyOneOnOneChatRequested (.CVoiceChat_OneOnOneChatRequested_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyOneOnOneChatResponse (.CVoiceChat_OneOnOneChatRequestResponse_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service WebRTCClient {
rpc InitiateWebRTCConnection (.CWebRTCClient_InitiateWebRTCConnection_Request) returns (.CWebRTCClient_InitiateWebRTCConnection_Response);
rpc AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription (.CWebRTCClient_AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription_Request) returns (.CWebRTCClient_AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription_Response);
service WebRTCClientNotifications {
rpc NotifyWebRTCSessionConnected (.CWebRTC_WebRTCSessionConnected_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyWebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription (.CWebRTC_WebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service MobilePerAccount {
rpc GetSettings (.CMobilePerAccount_GetSettings_Request) returns (.CMobilePerAccount_GetSettings_Response);
rpc SetSettings (.CMobilePerAccount_SetSettings_Request) returns (.CMobilePerAccount_SetSettings_Response);
service MobileDevice {
rpc RegisterMobileDevice (.CMobileDevice_RegisterMobileDevice_Request) returns (.CMobileDevice_RegisterMobileDevice_Response);
rpc DeregisterMobileDevice (.CMobileDevice_DeregisterMobileDevice_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
// This file is automatically generated by a script (friendsuiprotodumper.js).
// Do not modify it, or changes will be lost when the script is run again.
message CMsgIPAddress {
optional fixed32 v4 = 1;
optional bytes v6 = 2;
message CMsgIPAddressBucket {
optional .CMsgIPAddress original_ip_address = 1;
optional fixed64 bucket = 2;
message CMsgProtoBufHeader {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional int32 client_sessionid = 2;
optional uint32 routing_appid = 3;
optional fixed64 jobid_source = 10 [default = 18446744073709551615];
optional fixed64 jobid_target = 11 [default = 18446744073709551615];
optional string target_job_name = 12;
optional int32 seq_num = 24;
optional int32 eresult = 13 [default = 2];
optional string error_message = 14;
optional uint32 ip = 15;
optional bytes ip_v6 = 29;
optional uint32 auth_account_flags = 16;
optional uint32 token_source = 22;
optional bool admin_spoofing_user = 23;
optional int32 transport_error = 17 [default = 1];
optional uint64 messageid = 18 [default = 18446744073709551615];
optional uint32 publisher_group_id = 19;
optional uint32 sysid = 20;
optional uint64 trace_tag = 21;
optional uint32 webapi_key_id = 25;
optional bool is_from_external_source = 26;
repeated uint32 forward_to_sysid = 27;
optional uint32 cm_sysid = 28;
optional string wg_token = 30;
optional uint32 launcher_type = 31 [default = 0];
message CMsgMulti {
optional uint32 size_unzipped = 1;
optional bytes message_body = 2;
message CMsgProtobufWrapped {
optional bytes message_body = 1;
message CMsgAuthTicket {
optional uint32 estate = 1;
optional uint32 eresult = 2 [default = 2];
optional fixed64 steamid = 3;
optional fixed64 gameid = 4;
optional uint32 h_steam_pipe = 5;
optional uint32 ticket_crc = 6;
optional bytes ticket = 7;
message CCDDBAppDetailCommon {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional string icon = 3;
optional string logo = 4;
optional string logo_small = 5;
optional bool tool = 6;
optional bool demo = 7;
optional bool media = 8;
optional bool community_visible_stats = 9;
optional string friendly_name = 10;
optional string propagation = 11;
optional bool has_adult_content = 12;
message CMsgAppRights {
optional bool edit_info = 1;
optional bool publish = 2;
optional bool view_error_data = 3;
optional bool download = 4;
optional bool upload_cdkeys = 5;
optional bool generate_cdkeys = 6;
optional bool view_financials = 7;
optional bool manage_ceg = 8;
optional bool manage_signing = 9;
optional bool manage_cdkeys = 10;
optional bool edit_marketing = 11;
optional bool economy_support = 12;
optional bool economy_support_supervisor = 13;
optional bool manage_pricing = 14;
optional bool broadcast_live = 15;
message CCuratorPreferences {
optional uint32 supported_languages = 1;
optional bool platform_windows = 2;
optional bool platform_mac = 3;
optional bool platform_linux = 4;
optional bool vr_content = 5;
optional bool adult_content_violence = 6;
optional bool adult_content_sex = 7;
optional uint32 timestamp_updated = 8;
repeated uint32 tagids_curated = 9;
repeated uint32 tagids_filtered = 10;
optional string website_title = 11;
optional string website_url = 12;
optional string discussion_url = 13;
optional bool show_broadcast = 14;
message CLocalizationToken {
optional uint32 language = 1;
optional string localized_string = 2;
message CClanEventUserNewsTuple {
optional uint32 clanid = 1;
optional fixed64 event_gid = 2;
optional fixed64 announcement_gid = 3;
optional uint32 rtime_start = 4;
optional uint32 rtime_end = 5;
optional uint32 priority_score = 6;
optional uint32 type = 7;
optional uint32 clamp_range_slot = 8;
optional uint32 appid = 9;
optional uint32 rtime32_last_modified = 10;
message CClanMatchEventByRange {
optional uint32 rtime_before = 1;
optional uint32 rtime_after = 2;
optional uint32 qualified = 3;
repeated .CClanEventUserNewsTuple events = 4;
message CCommunity_ClanAnnouncementInfo {
optional uint64 gid = 1;
optional uint64 clanid = 2;
optional uint64 posterid = 3;
optional string headline = 4;
optional uint32 posttime = 5;
optional uint32 updatetime = 6;
optional string body = 7;
optional int32 commentcount = 8;
repeated string tags = 9;
optional int32 language = 10;
optional bool hidden = 11;
optional fixed64 forum_topic_id = 12;
optional fixed64 event_gid = 13;
message CClanEventData {
optional fixed64 gid = 1;
optional fixed64 clan_steamid = 2;
optional string event_name = 3;
optional int32 event_type = 4 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EProtoClanEventType"];
optional uint32 appid = 5;
optional string server_address = 6;
optional string server_password = 7;
optional uint32 rtime32_start_time = 8;
optional uint32 rtime32_end_time = 9;
optional int32 comment_count = 10;
optional fixed64 creator_steamid = 11;
optional fixed64 last_update_steamid = 12;
optional string event_notes = 13;
optional string jsondata = 14;
optional .CCommunity_ClanAnnouncementInfo announcement_body = 15;
optional bool published = 16;
optional bool hidden = 17;
optional uint32 rtime32_visibility_start = 18;
optional uint32 rtime32_visibility_end = 19;
optional uint32 broadcaster_accountid = 20;
optional uint32 follower_count = 21;
optional uint32 ignore_count = 22;
optional fixed64 forum_topic_id = 23;
optional uint32 rtime32_last_modified = 24;
message CHelpRequestLogs_UploadUserApplicationLog_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string log_type = 2;
optional string version_string = 3;
optional string log_contents = 4;
message CHelpRequestLogs_UploadUserApplicationLog_Response {
optional uint64 id = 1;
message CAppOverview_AppAssociation {
optional int32 type = 1 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EAppAssociationType"];
optional string name = 2;
message CAppOverview_PerClientData {
optional uint64 clientid = 1;
optional string client_name = 2;
optional int32 display_status = 3 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EDisplayStatus"];
optional uint32 status_percentage = 4 [default = 0];
optional string active_beta = 5;
optional bool installed = 6;
optional uint64 bytes_downloaded = 7 [default = 0];
optional uint64 bytes_total = 8 [default = 0];
optional bool streaming_to_local_client = 9;
optional bool is_available_on_current_platform = 10;
optional bool is_invalid_os_type = 11;
message CAppOverview {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string display_name = 2;
optional bool visible_in_game_list = 4;
optional string sort_as = 6;
optional int32 app_type = 7 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EProtoAppType"];
optional uint32 mru_index = 13;
optional uint32 rt_recent_activity_time = 14 [default = 0];
optional uint32 minutes_playtime_forever = 16 [default = 0];
optional uint32 minutes_playtime_last_two_weeks = 17 [default = 0];
optional uint32 rt_last_time_played = 18 [default = 0];
repeated uint32 store_tag = 19;
repeated .CAppOverview_AppAssociation association = 20;
repeated uint32 store_category = 23;
optional uint32 rt_original_release_date = 25 [default = 0];
optional uint32 rt_steam_release_date = 26 [default = 0];
optional string icon_hash = 27;
optional string logo_hash = 30;
optional int32 controller_support = 31 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EAppControllerSupportLevel"];
optional bool vr_supported = 32;
optional uint32 metacritic_score = 36;
optional uint64 size_on_disk = 37;
optional bool third_party_mod = 38;
optional string icon_data = 39;
optional string icon_data_format = 40;
optional string gameid = 41;
optional string library_capsule_filename = 42;
repeated .CAppOverview_PerClientData per_client_data = 43;
optional uint64 most_available_clientid = 44;
optional uint64 selected_clientid = 45;
optional uint32 rt_store_asset_mtime = 46;
optional uint32 rt_custom_image_mtime = 47;
optional uint32 optional_parent_app_id = 48;
optional uint32 owner_account_id = 49;
optional bool compat_mapping_enabled = 50;
optional uint32 compat_mapping_priority = 51;
optional string compat_mapping_tool_name = 52;
optional uint32 review_score_with_bombs = 53;
optional uint32 review_percentage_with_bombs = 54;
optional uint32 review_score_without_bombs = 55;
optional uint32 review_percentage_without_bombs = 56;
optional string library_id = 57;
message CAppOverview_Change {
repeated .CAppOverview app_overview = 1;
repeated uint32 removed_appid = 2;
message CAppBootstrapData {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional bool hidden = 2;
repeated string user_tag = 3;
message CLibraryBootstrapData {
repeated .CAppBootstrapData app_data = 1;
message CMsgClientFriendMsg {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional int32 chat_entry_type = 2;
optional bytes message = 3;
optional fixed32 rtime32_server_timestamp = 4;
optional bool echo_to_sender = 5;
message CMsgClientFriendMsgIncoming {
optional fixed64 steamid_from = 1;
optional int32 chat_entry_type = 2;
optional bool from_limited_account = 3;
optional bytes message = 4;
optional fixed32 rtime32_server_timestamp = 5;
message CMsgClientAddFriend {
optional fixed64 steamid_to_add = 1;
optional string accountname_or_email_to_add = 2;
message CMsgClientAddFriendResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional fixed64 steam_id_added = 2;
optional string persona_name_added = 3;
message CMsgClientRemoveFriend {
optional fixed64 friendid = 1;
message CMsgClientHideFriend {
optional fixed64 friendid = 1;
optional bool hide = 2;
message CMsgClientFriendsList {
optional bool bincremental = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientFriendsList_Friend friends = 2;
optional uint32 max_friend_count = 3;
optional uint32 active_friend_count = 4;
optional bool friends_limit_hit = 5;
message CMsgClientFriendsList_Friend {
optional fixed64 ulfriendid = 1;
optional uint32 efriendrelationship = 2;
message CMsgClientFriendsGroupsList {
optional bool bremoval = 1;
optional bool bincremental = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientFriendsGroupsList_FriendGroup friendGroups = 3;
repeated .CMsgClientFriendsGroupsList_FriendGroupsMembership memberships = 4;
message CMsgClientFriendsGroupsList_FriendGroup {
optional int32 nGroupID = 1;
optional string strGroupName = 2;
message CMsgClientFriendsGroupsList_FriendGroupsMembership {
optional fixed64 ulSteamID = 1;
optional int32 nGroupID = 2;
message CMsgClientPlayerNicknameList {
optional bool removal = 1;
optional bool incremental = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientPlayerNicknameList_PlayerNickname nicknames = 3;
message CMsgClientPlayerNicknameList_PlayerNickname {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional string nickname = 3;
message CMsgClientSetPlayerNickname {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional string nickname = 2;
message CMsgClientSetPlayerNicknameResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1;
message CMsgClientRequestFriendData {
optional uint32 persona_state_requested = 1;
repeated fixed64 friends = 2;
message CMsgClientChangeStatus {
optional uint32 persona_state = 1;
optional string player_name = 2;
optional bool is_auto_generated_name = 3;
optional bool high_priority = 4;
optional bool persona_set_by_user = 5;
optional uint32 persona_state_flags = 6 [default = 0];
optional bool need_persona_response = 7;
optional bool is_client_idle = 8;
message CMsgPersonaChangeResponse {
optional uint32 result = 1;
optional string player_name = 2;
message CMsgClientPersonaState {
optional uint32 status_flags = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientPersonaState_Friend friends = 2;
message CMsgClientPersonaState_Friend {
optional fixed64 friendid = 1;
optional uint32 persona_state = 2;
optional uint32 game_played_app_id = 3;
optional uint32 game_server_ip = 4;
optional uint32 game_server_port = 5;
optional uint32 persona_state_flags = 6;
optional uint32 online_session_instances = 7;
optional uint32 published_instance_id = 8;
optional bool persona_set_by_user = 10;
optional string player_name = 15;
optional uint32 query_port = 20;
optional fixed64 steamid_source = 25;
optional bytes avatar_hash = 31;
optional uint32 last_logoff = 45;
optional uint32 last_logon = 46;
optional uint32 last_seen_online = 47;
optional uint32 clan_rank = 50;
optional string game_name = 55;
optional fixed64 gameid = 56;
optional bytes game_data_blob = 60;
optional .CMsgClientPersonaState_Friend_ClanData clan_data = 64;
optional string clan_tag = 65;
repeated .CMsgClientPersonaState_Friend_KV rich_presence = 71;
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 72;
optional fixed64 game_lobby_id = 73;
optional uint32 watching_broadcast_accountid = 74;
optional uint32 watching_broadcast_appid = 75;
optional uint32 watching_broadcast_viewers = 76;
optional string watching_broadcast_title = 77;
message CMsgClientPersonaState_Friend_ClanData {
optional uint32 ogg_app_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 2;
message CMsgClientPersonaState_Friend_KV {
optional string key = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message CMsgClientFriendProfileInfo {
optional fixed64 steamid_friend = 1;
message CMsgClientFriendProfileInfoResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional fixed64 steamid_friend = 2;
optional uint32 time_created = 3;
optional string real_name = 4;
optional string city_name = 5;
optional string state_name = 6;
optional string country_name = 7;
optional string headline = 8;
optional string summary = 9;
message CMsgClientCreateFriendsGroup {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional string groupname = 2;
repeated fixed64 steamid_friends = 3;
message CMsgClientCreateFriendsGroupResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1;
optional int32 groupid = 2;
message CMsgClientDeleteFriendsGroup {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional int32 groupid = 2;
message CMsgClientDeleteFriendsGroupResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1;
message CMsgClientManageFriendsGroup {
optional int32 groupid = 1;
optional string groupname = 2;
repeated fixed64 steamid_friends_added = 3;
repeated fixed64 steamid_friends_removed = 4;
message CMsgClientManageFriendsGroupResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1;
message CMsgClientAddFriendToGroup {
optional int32 groupid = 1;
optional fixed64 steamiduser = 2;
message CMsgClientAddFriendToGroupResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1;
message CMsgClientRemoveFriendFromGroup {
optional int32 groupid = 1;
optional fixed64 steamiduser = 2;
message CMsgClientRemoveFriendFromGroupResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1;
message CMsgClientGetEmoticonList {
message CMsgClientEmoticonList {
repeated .CMsgClientEmoticonList_Emoticon emoticons = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientEmoticonList_Sticker stickers = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientEmoticonList_Effect effects = 3;
message CMsgClientEmoticonList_Emoticon {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 count = 2;
optional uint32 time_last_used = 3;
optional uint32 use_count = 4;
optional uint32 time_received = 5;
message CMsgClientEmoticonList_Sticker {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 count = 2;
optional uint32 time_received = 3;
message CMsgClientEmoticonList_Effect {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 count = 2;
optional uint32 time_received = 3;
message CMsgClientHeartBeat {
message CMsgClientServerTimestampRequest {
optional uint64 client_request_timestamp = 1;
message CMsgClientServerTimestampResponse {
optional uint64 client_request_timestamp = 1;
optional uint64 server_timestamp_ms = 2;
message CMsgClientSecret {
optional uint32 version = 1;
optional uint32 appid = 2;
optional uint32 deviceid = 3;
optional fixed64 nonce = 4;
optional bytes hmac = 5;
message CMsgClientLogon {
optional uint32 protocol_version = 1;
optional uint32 deprecated_obfustucated_private_ip = 2;
optional uint32 cell_id = 3;
optional uint32 last_session_id = 4;
optional uint32 client_package_version = 5;
optional string client_language = 6;
optional uint32 client_os_type = 7;
optional bool should_remember_password = 8 [default = false];
optional string wine_version = 9;
optional uint32 deprecated_10 = 10;
optional .CMsgIPAddress obfuscated_private_ip = 11;
optional uint32 deprecated_public_ip = 20;
optional uint32 qos_level = 21;
optional fixed64 client_supplied_steam_id = 22;
optional .CMsgIPAddress public_ip = 23;
optional bytes machine_id = 30;
optional uint32 launcher_type = 31 [default = 0];
optional uint32 ui_mode = 32 [default = 0];
optional uint32 chat_mode = 33 [default = 0];
optional bytes steam2_auth_ticket = 41;
optional string email_address = 42;
optional fixed32 rtime32_account_creation = 43;
optional string account_name = 50;
optional string password = 51;
optional string game_server_token = 52;
optional string login_key = 60;
optional bool was_converted_deprecated_msg = 70 [default = false];
optional string anon_user_target_account_name = 80;
optional fixed64 resolved_user_steam_id = 81;
optional int32 eresult_sentryfile = 82;
optional bytes sha_sentryfile = 83;
optional string auth_code = 84;
optional int32 otp_type = 85;
optional uint32 otp_value = 86;
optional string otp_identifier = 87;
optional bool steam2_ticket_request = 88;
optional bytes sony_psn_ticket = 90;
optional string sony_psn_service_id = 91;
optional bool create_new_psn_linked_account_if_needed = 92 [default = false];
optional string sony_psn_name = 93;
optional int32 game_server_app_id = 94;
optional bool steamguard_dont_remember_computer = 95;
optional string machine_name = 96;
optional string machine_name_userchosen = 97;
optional string country_override = 98;
optional bool is_steam_box = 99;
optional uint64 client_instance_id = 100;
optional string two_factor_code = 101;
optional bool supports_rate_limit_response = 102;
optional string web_logon_nonce = 103;
optional int32 priority_reason = 104;
optional .CMsgClientSecret embedded_client_secret = 105;
message CMsgClientLogonResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional int32 out_of_game_heartbeat_seconds = 2;
optional int32 in_game_heartbeat_seconds = 3;
optional uint32 deprecated_public_ip = 4;
optional fixed32 rtime32_server_time = 5;
optional uint32 account_flags = 6;
optional uint32 cell_id = 7;
optional string email_domain = 8;
optional bytes steam2_ticket = 9;
optional int32 eresult_extended = 10;
optional string webapi_authenticate_user_nonce = 11;
optional uint32 cell_id_ping_threshold = 12;
optional bool use_pics = 13;
optional string vanity_url = 14;
optional .CMsgIPAddress public_ip = 15;
optional fixed64 client_supplied_steamid = 20;
optional string ip_country_code = 21;
optional bytes parental_settings = 22;
optional bytes parental_setting_signature = 23;
optional int32 count_loginfailures_to_migrate = 24;
optional int32 count_disconnects_to_migrate = 25;
optional int32 ogs_data_report_time_window = 26;
optional uint64 client_instance_id = 27;
optional bool force_client_update_check = 28;
message CMsgClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonce {
optional int32 token_type = 1 [default = -1];
message CMsgClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonceResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional string webapi_authenticate_user_nonce = 11;
optional int32 token_type = 3 [default = -1];
message CMsgClientLogOff {
message CMsgClientLoggedOff {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientNewLoginKey {
optional uint32 unique_id = 1;
optional string login_key = 2;
message CMsgClientNewLoginKeyAccepted {
optional uint32 unique_id = 1;
message CMsgClientAccountInfo {
optional string persona_name = 1;
optional string ip_country = 2;
optional int32 count_authed_computers = 5;
optional uint32 account_flags = 7;
optional uint64 facebook_id = 8;
optional string facebook_name = 9;
optional bool steamguard_notify_newmachines = 14;
optional string steamguard_machine_name_user_chosen = 15;
optional bool is_phone_verified = 16;
optional uint32 two_factor_state = 17;
optional bool is_phone_identifying = 18;
optional bool is_phone_needing_reverify = 19;
message CMsgClientChallengeRequest {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
message CMsgClientChallengeResponse {
optional fixed64 challenge = 1;
message CMsgClientUDSP2PSessionStarted {
optional fixed64 steamid_remote = 1;
optional int32 appid = 2;
message CMsgClientUDSP2PSessionEnded {
optional fixed64 steamid_remote = 1;
optional int32 appid = 2;
optional int32 session_length_sec = 3;
optional int32 session_error = 4;
optional int32 nattype = 5;
optional int32 bytes_recv = 6;
optional int32 bytes_sent = 7;
optional int32 bytes_sent_relay = 8;
optional int32 bytes_recv_relay = 9;
optional int32 time_to_connect_ms = 10;
message CMsgClientRegisterAuthTicketWithCM {
optional uint32 protocol_version = 1;
optional bytes ticket = 3;
optional uint64 client_instance_id = 4;
message CMsgClientTicketAuthComplete {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional fixed64 game_id = 2;
optional uint32 estate = 3;
optional uint32 eauth_session_response = 4;
optional bytes DEPRECATED_ticket = 5;
optional uint32 ticket_crc = 6;
optional uint32 ticket_sequence = 7;
optional fixed64 owner_steam_id = 8;
message CMsgClientCMList {
repeated uint32 cm_addresses = 1;
repeated uint32 cm_ports = 2;
repeated string cm_websocket_addresses = 3;
optional uint32 percent_default_to_websocket = 4;
message CMsgClientP2PConnectionInfo {
optional fixed64 steam_id_dest = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_src = 2;
optional uint32 app_id = 3;
optional bytes candidate = 4;
optional fixed64 connection_id_src = 5;
optional bytes rendezvous = 6;
message CMsgClientP2PConnectionFailInfo {
optional fixed64 steam_id_dest = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_src = 2;
optional uint32 app_id = 3;
optional uint32 ep2p_session_error = 4;
optional fixed64 connection_id_dest = 5;
optional uint32 close_reason = 7;
optional string close_message = 8;
message CMsgClientNetworkingCertRequest {
optional bytes key_data = 2;
optional uint32 app_id = 3;
message CMsgClientNetworkingCertReply {
optional bytes cert = 4;
optional fixed64 ca_key_id = 5;
optional bytes ca_signature = 6;
message CMsgClientNetworkingMobileCertRequest {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
message CMsgClientNetworkingMobileCertReply {
optional string encoded_cert = 1;
message CMsgClientGetAppOwnershipTicket {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
message CMsgClientGetAppOwnershipTicketResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional bytes ticket = 3;
message CMsgClientSessionToken {
optional uint64 token = 1;
message CMsgClientGameConnectTokens {
optional uint32 max_tokens_to_keep = 1 [default = 10];
repeated bytes tokens = 2;
message CMsgGSServerType {
optional uint32 app_id_served = 1;
optional uint32 flags = 2;
optional uint32 deprecated_game_ip_address = 3;
optional uint32 game_port = 4;
optional string game_dir = 5;
optional string game_version = 6;
optional uint32 game_query_port = 7;
message CMsgGSStatusReply {
optional bool is_secure = 1;
message CMsgGSPlayerList {
repeated .CMsgGSPlayerList_Player players = 1;
message CMsgGSPlayerList_Player {
optional uint64 steam_id = 1;
optional uint32 deprecated_public_ip = 2;
optional bytes token = 3;
optional .CMsgIPAddress public_ip = 4;
message CMsgGSUserPlaying {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional uint32 deprecated_public_ip = 2;
optional bytes token = 3;
optional .CMsgIPAddress public_ip = 4;
message CMsgGSDisconnectNotice {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
message CMsgClientGamesPlayed {
repeated .CMsgClientGamesPlayed_GamePlayed games_played = 1;
optional uint32 client_os_type = 2;
message CMsgClientGamesPlayed_GamePlayed {
optional uint64 steam_id_gs = 1;
optional fixed64 game_id = 2;
optional uint32 deprecated_game_ip_address = 3;
optional uint32 game_port = 4;
optional bool is_secure = 5;
optional bytes token = 6;
optional string game_extra_info = 7;
optional bytes game_data_blob = 8;
optional uint32 process_id = 9;
optional uint32 streaming_provider_id = 10;
optional uint32 game_flags = 11;
optional uint32 owner_id = 12;
optional string vr_hmd_vendor = 13;
optional string vr_hmd_model = 14;
optional uint32 launch_option_type = 15 [default = 0];
optional int32 primary_controller_type = 16 [default = -1];
optional string primary_steam_controller_serial = 17 [default = ""];
optional uint32 total_steam_controller_count = 18 [default = 0];
optional uint32 total_non_steam_controller_count = 19 [default = 0];
optional uint64 controller_workshop_file_id = 20 [default = 0];
optional uint32 launch_source = 21 [default = 0];
optional uint32 vr_hmd_runtime = 22;
optional .CMsgIPAddress game_ip_address = 23;
message CMsgGSApprove {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional fixed64 owner_steam_id = 2;
message CMsgGSDeny {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional int32 edeny_reason = 2;
optional string deny_string = 3;
message CMsgGSKick {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional int32 edeny_reason = 2;
message CMsgClientAuthList {
optional uint32 tokens_left = 1;
optional uint32 last_request_seq = 2;
optional uint32 last_request_seq_from_server = 3;
repeated .CMsgAuthTicket tickets = 4;
repeated uint32 app_ids = 5;
optional uint32 message_sequence = 6;
message CMsgClientAuthListAck {
repeated uint32 ticket_crc = 1;
repeated uint32 app_ids = 2;
optional uint32 message_sequence = 3;
message CMsgClientLicenseList {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientLicenseList_License licenses = 2;
message CMsgClientLicenseList_License {
optional uint32 package_id = 1;
optional fixed32 time_created = 2;
optional fixed32 time_next_process = 3;
optional int32 minute_limit = 4;
optional int32 minutes_used = 5;
optional uint32 payment_method = 6;
optional uint32 flags = 7;
optional string purchase_country_code = 8;
optional uint32 license_type = 9;
optional int32 territory_code = 10;
optional int32 change_number = 11;
optional uint32 owner_id = 12;
optional uint32 initial_period = 13;
optional uint32 initial_time_unit = 14;
optional uint32 renewal_period = 15;
optional uint32 renewal_time_unit = 16;
message CMsgClientLBSSetScore {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 leaderboard_id = 2;
optional int32 score = 3;
optional bytes details = 4;
optional int32 upload_score_method = 5;
message CMsgClientLBSSetScoreResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional int32 leaderboard_entry_count = 2;
optional bool score_changed = 3;
optional int32 global_rank_previous = 4;
optional int32 global_rank_new = 5;
message CMsgClientLBSSetUGC {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 leaderboard_id = 2;
optional fixed64 ugc_id = 3;
message CMsgClientLBSSetUGCResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientLBSFindOrCreateLB {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 leaderboard_sort_method = 2;
optional int32 leaderboard_display_type = 3;
optional bool create_if_not_found = 4;
optional string leaderboard_name = 5;
message CMsgClientLBSFindOrCreateLBResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional int32 leaderboard_id = 2;
optional int32 leaderboard_entry_count = 3;
optional int32 leaderboard_sort_method = 4 [default = 0];
optional int32 leaderboard_display_type = 5 [default = 0];
optional string leaderboard_name = 6;
message CMsgClientLBSGetLBEntries {
optional int32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 leaderboard_id = 2;
optional int32 range_start = 3;
optional int32 range_end = 4;
optional int32 leaderboard_data_request = 5;
repeated fixed64 steamids = 6;
message CMsgClientLBSGetLBEntriesResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional int32 leaderboard_entry_count = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientLBSGetLBEntriesResponse_Entry entries = 3;
message CMsgClientLBSGetLBEntriesResponse_Entry {
optional fixed64 steam_id_user = 1;
optional int32 global_rank = 2;
optional int32 score = 3;
optional bytes details = 4;
optional fixed64 ugc_id = 5;
message CMsgClientAppMinutesPlayedData {
repeated .CMsgClientAppMinutesPlayedData_AppMinutesPlayedData minutes_played = 1;
message CMsgClientAppMinutesPlayedData_AppMinutesPlayedData {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 forever = 2;
optional int32 last_two_weeks = 3;
message CMsgClientIsLimitedAccount {
optional bool bis_limited_account = 1;
optional bool bis_community_banned = 2;
optional bool bis_locked_account = 3;
optional bool bis_limited_account_allowed_to_invite_friends = 4;
message CMsgClientRequestedClientStats {
repeated .CMsgClientRequestedClientStats_StatsToSend stats_to_send = 1;
message CMsgClientRequestedClientStats_StatsToSend {
optional uint32 client_stat = 1;
optional uint32 stat_aggregate_method = 2;
message CMsgClientStat2 {
repeated .CMsgClientStat2_StatDetail stat_detail = 1;
message CMsgClientStat2_StatDetail {
optional uint32 client_stat = 1;
optional int64 ll_value = 2;
optional uint32 time_of_day = 3;
optional uint32 cell_id = 4;
optional uint32 depot_id = 5;
optional uint32 app_id = 6;
message CMsgClientMMSSetRatelimitPolicyOnClient {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional bool enable_rate_limits = 2;
optional int32 seconds_per_message = 3;
optional int32 milliseconds_per_data_update = 4;
message CMsgClientMMSCreateLobby {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 max_members = 2;
optional int32 lobby_type = 3;
optional int32 lobby_flags = 4;
optional uint32 cell_id = 5;
optional uint32 deprecated_public_ip = 6;
optional bytes metadata = 7;
optional string persona_name_owner = 8;
optional .CMsgIPAddress public_ip = 9;
message CMsgClientMMSCreateLobbyResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional int32 eresult = 3 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientMMSJoinLobby {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional string persona_name = 3;
message CMsgClientMMSJoinLobbyResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional int32 chat_room_enter_response = 3;
optional int32 max_members = 4;
optional int32 lobby_type = 5;
optional int32 lobby_flags = 6;
optional fixed64 steam_id_owner = 7;
optional bytes metadata = 8;
repeated .CMsgClientMMSJoinLobbyResponse_Member members = 9;
message CMsgClientMMSJoinLobbyResponse_Member {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional string persona_name = 2;
optional bytes metadata = 3;
message CMsgClientMMSLeaveLobby {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
message CMsgClientMMSLeaveLobbyResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional int32 eresult = 3 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyList {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 num_lobbies_requested = 3;
optional uint32 cell_id = 4;
optional uint32 deprecated_public_ip = 5;
repeated .CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyList_Filter filters = 6;
optional .CMsgIPAddress public_ip = 7;
message CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyList_Filter {
optional string key = 1;
optional string value = 2;
optional int32 comparision = 3;
optional int32 filter_type = 4;
message CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyListResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 eresult = 3 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyListResponse_Lobby lobbies = 4;
message CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyListResponse_Lobby {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional int32 max_members = 2;
optional int32 lobby_type = 3;
optional int32 lobby_flags = 4;
optional bytes metadata = 5;
optional int32 num_members = 6;
optional float distance = 7;
optional int64 weight = 8;
message CMsgClientMMSSetLobbyData {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_member = 3;
optional int32 max_members = 4;
optional int32 lobby_type = 5;
optional int32 lobby_flags = 6;
optional bytes metadata = 7;
message CMsgClientMMSSetLobbyDataResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional int32 eresult = 3 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyData {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
message CMsgClientMMSLobbyData {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional int32 num_members = 3;
optional int32 max_members = 4;
optional int32 lobby_type = 5;
optional int32 lobby_flags = 6;
optional fixed64 steam_id_owner = 7;
optional bytes metadata = 8;
repeated .CMsgClientMMSLobbyData_Member members = 9;
optional uint32 lobby_cellid = 10;
optional bool owner_should_accept_changes = 11;
message CMsgClientMMSLobbyData_Member {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional string persona_name = 2;
optional bytes metadata = 3;
message CMsgClientMMSSendLobbyChatMsg {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_target = 3;
optional bytes lobby_message = 4;
message CMsgClientMMSLobbyChatMsg {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_sender = 3;
optional bytes lobby_message = 4;
message CMsgClientMMSSetLobbyOwner {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_new_owner = 3;
message CMsgClientMMSSetLobbyOwnerResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional int32 eresult = 3 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientMMSSetLobbyLinked {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby2 = 3;
message CMsgClientMMSSetLobbyGameServer {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional uint32 deprecated_game_server_ip = 3;
optional uint32 game_server_port = 4;
optional fixed64 game_server_steam_id = 5;
optional .CMsgIPAddress game_server_ip = 6;
message CMsgClientMMSLobbyGameServerSet {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional uint32 deprecated_game_server_ip = 3;
optional uint32 game_server_port = 4;
optional fixed64 game_server_steam_id = 5;
optional .CMsgIPAddress game_server_ip = 6;
message CMsgClientMMSUserJoinedLobby {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_user = 3;
optional string persona_name = 4;
message CMsgClientMMSUserLeftLobby {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_user = 3;
optional string persona_name = 4;
message CMsgClientMMSInviteToLobby {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_user_invited = 3;
message CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyStatus {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional bool claim_membership = 3;
optional bool claim_ownership = 4;
message CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyStatusResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_lobby = 2;
optional int32 lobby_status = 3 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EMMSLobbyStatus"];
message CMsgClientInviteToGame {
optional fixed64 steam_id_dest = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_src = 2;
optional string connect_string = 3;
optional string remote_play = 4;
message CMsgClientChatInvite {
optional fixed64 steam_id_invited = 1;
optional fixed64 steam_id_chat = 2;
optional fixed64 steam_id_patron = 3;
optional int32 chatroom_type = 4;
optional fixed64 steam_id_friend_chat = 5;
optional string chat_name = 6;
optional fixed64 game_id = 7;
message CMsgClientConnectionStats {
optional .CMsgClientConnectionStats_Stats_Logon stats_logon = 1;
optional .CMsgClientConnectionStats_Stats_VConn stats_vconn = 2;
message CMsgClientConnectionStats_Stats_Logon {
optional int32 connect_attempts = 1;
optional int32 connect_successes = 2;
optional int32 connect_failures = 3;
optional int32 connections_dropped = 4;
optional uint32 seconds_running = 5;
optional uint32 msec_tologonthistime = 6;
optional uint32 count_bad_cms = 7;
message CMsgClientConnectionStats_Stats_UDP {
optional uint64 pkts_sent = 1;
optional uint64 bytes_sent = 2;
optional uint64 pkts_recv = 3;
optional uint64 pkts_processed = 4;
optional uint64 bytes_recv = 5;
message CMsgClientConnectionStats_Stats_VConn {
optional uint32 connections_udp = 1;
optional uint32 connections_tcp = 2;
optional .CMsgClientConnectionStats_Stats_UDP stats_udp = 3;
optional uint64 pkts_abandoned = 4;
optional uint64 conn_req_received = 5;
optional uint64 pkts_resent = 6;
optional uint64 msgs_sent = 7;
optional uint64 msgs_sent_failed = 8;
optional uint64 msgs_recv = 9;
optional uint64 datagrams_sent = 10;
optional uint64 datagrams_recv = 11;
optional uint64 bad_pkts_recv = 12;
optional uint64 unknown_conn_pkts_recv = 13;
optional uint64 missed_pkts_recv = 14;
optional uint64 dup_pkts_recv = 15;
optional uint64 failed_connect_challenges = 16;
optional uint32 micro_sec_avg_latency = 17;
optional uint32 micro_sec_min_latency = 18;
optional uint32 micro_sec_max_latency = 19;
optional uint32 mem_pool_msg_in_use = 20;
message CMsgClientServersAvailable {
repeated .CMsgClientServersAvailable_Server_Types_Available server_types_available = 1;
optional uint32 server_type_for_auth_services = 2;
message CMsgClientServersAvailable_Server_Types_Available {
optional uint32 server = 1;
optional bool changed = 2;
message CMsgClientGetUserStats {
optional fixed64 game_id = 1;
optional uint32 crc_stats = 2;
optional int32 schema_local_version = 3;
optional fixed64 steam_id_for_user = 4;
message CMsgClientGetUserStatsResponse {
optional fixed64 game_id = 1;
optional int32 eresult = 2 [default = 2];
optional uint32 crc_stats = 3;
optional bytes schema = 4;
repeated .CMsgClientGetUserStatsResponse_Stats stats = 5;
repeated .CMsgClientGetUserStatsResponse_Achievement_Blocks achievement_blocks = 6;
message CMsgClientGetUserStatsResponse_Stats {
optional uint32 stat_id = 1;
optional uint32 stat_value = 2;
message CMsgClientGetUserStatsResponse_Achievement_Blocks {
optional uint32 achievement_id = 1;
repeated fixed32 unlock_time = 2;
message CMsgClientStoreUserStatsResponse {
optional fixed64 game_id = 1;
optional int32 eresult = 2 [default = 2];
optional uint32 crc_stats = 3;
repeated .CMsgClientStoreUserStatsResponse_Stats_Failed_Validation stats_failed_validation = 4;
optional bool stats_out_of_date = 5;
message CMsgClientStoreUserStatsResponse_Stats_Failed_Validation {
optional uint32 stat_id = 1;
optional uint32 reverted_stat_value = 2;
message CMsgClientStoreUserStats2 {
optional fixed64 game_id = 1;
optional fixed64 settor_steam_id = 2;
optional fixed64 settee_steam_id = 3;
optional uint32 crc_stats = 4;
optional bool explicit_reset = 5;
repeated .CMsgClientStoreUserStats2_Stats stats = 6;
message CMsgClientStoreUserStats2_Stats {
optional uint32 stat_id = 1;
optional uint32 stat_value = 2;
message CMsgClientStatsUpdated {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional fixed64 game_id = 2;
optional uint32 crc_stats = 3;
repeated .CMsgClientStatsUpdated_Updated_Stats updated_stats = 4;
message CMsgClientStatsUpdated_Updated_Stats {
optional uint32 stat_id = 1;
optional uint32 stat_value = 2;
message CMsgClientStoreUserStats {
optional fixed64 game_id = 1;
optional bool explicit_reset = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientStoreUserStats_Stats_To_Store stats_to_store = 3;
message CMsgClientStoreUserStats_Stats_To_Store {
optional uint32 stat_id = 1;
optional uint32 stat_value = 2;
message CMsgClientGetClientDetails {
message CMsgClientReportOverlayDetourFailure {
repeated string failure_strings = 1;
message CMsgClientGetClientDetailsResponse {
optional uint32 package_version = 1;
optional uint32 protocol_version = 8;
optional string os = 2;
optional string machine_name = 3;
optional string ip_public = 4;
optional string ip_private = 5;
optional uint64 bytes_available = 7;
repeated .CMsgClientGetClientDetailsResponse_Game games_running = 6;
message CMsgClientGetClientDetailsResponse_Game {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string extra_info = 2;
optional uint32 time_running_sec = 3;
message CMsgClientGetClientAppList {
optional bool media = 1;
optional bool tools = 2;
optional bool games = 3;
optional bool only_installed = 4;
optional bool only_changing = 5;
optional bool comics = 6;
message CMsgClientGetClientAppListResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientGetClientAppListResponse_App apps = 1;
optional uint64 bytes_available = 2;
message CMsgClientGetClientAppListResponse_App {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string category = 2;
optional string app_type = 10;
optional bool favorite = 3;
optional bool installed = 4;
optional bool auto_update = 5;
optional uint64 bytes_downloaded = 6;
optional uint64 bytes_needed = 7;
optional uint32 bytes_download_rate = 8;
optional bool download_paused = 11;
optional uint32 num_downloading = 12;
optional uint32 num_paused = 13;
optional bool changing = 14;
optional bool available_on_platform = 15;
repeated .CMsgClientGetClientAppListResponse_App_DLC dlcs = 9;
message CMsgClientGetClientAppListResponse_App_DLC {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional bool installed = 2;
message CMsgClientInstallClientApp {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CMsgClientInstallClientAppResponse {
optional uint32 result = 1;
message CMsgClientUninstallClientApp {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CMsgClientUninstallClientAppResponse {
optional uint32 result = 1;
message CMsgClientSetClientAppUpdateState {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional bool update = 2;
message CMsgClientSetClientAppUpdateStateResponse {
optional uint32 result = 1;
message CMsgClientUFSUploadFileRequest {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 file_size = 2;
optional uint32 raw_file_size = 3;
optional bytes sha_file = 4;
optional uint64 time_stamp = 5;
optional string file_name = 6;
optional uint32 platforms_to_sync_deprecated = 7;
optional uint32 platforms_to_sync = 8 [default = 4294967295];
optional uint32 cell_id = 9;
optional bool can_encrypt = 10;
message CMsgClientUFSUploadFileResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional bytes sha_file = 2;
optional bool use_http = 3;
optional string http_host = 4;
optional string http_url = 5;
optional bytes kv_headers = 6;
optional bool use_https = 7;
optional bool encrypt_file = 8;
message CMsgClientUFSUploadCommit {
repeated .CMsgClientUFSUploadCommit_File files = 1;
message CMsgClientUFSUploadCommit_File {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional bytes sha_file = 3;
optional uint32 cub_file = 4;
optional string file_name = 5;
message CMsgClientUFSUploadCommitResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientUFSUploadCommitResponse_File files = 1;
message CMsgClientUFSUploadCommitResponse_File {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional bytes sha_file = 3;
message CMsgClientUFSFileChunk {
optional bytes sha_file = 1;
optional uint32 file_start = 2;
optional bytes data = 3;
message CMsgClientUFSTransferHeartbeat {
message CMsgClientUFSUploadFileFinished {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional bytes sha_file = 2;
message CMsgClientUFSDeleteFileRequest {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional string file_name = 2;
optional bool is_explicit_delete = 3;
message CMsgClientUFSDeleteFileResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional string file_name = 2;
message CMsgClientUFSGetFileListForApp {
repeated uint32 apps_to_query = 1;
optional bool send_path_prefixes = 2;
message CMsgClientUFSGetFileListForAppResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientUFSGetFileListForAppResponse_File files = 1;
repeated string path_prefixes = 2;
message CMsgClientUFSGetFileListForAppResponse_File {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional string file_name = 2;
optional bytes sha_file = 3;
optional uint64 time_stamp = 4;
optional uint32 raw_file_size = 5;
optional bool is_explicit_delete = 6;
optional uint32 platforms_to_sync = 7;
optional uint32 path_prefix_index = 8;
message CMsgClientUFSDownloadRequest {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional string file_name = 2;
optional bool can_handle_http = 3;
message CMsgClientUFSDownloadResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional uint32 file_size = 3;
optional uint32 raw_file_size = 4;
optional bytes sha_file = 5;
optional uint64 time_stamp = 6;
optional bool is_explicit_delete = 7;
optional bool use_http = 8;
optional string http_host = 9;
optional string http_url = 10;
optional bytes kv_headers = 11;
optional bool use_https = 12;
optional bool encrypted = 13;
message CMsgClientUFSLoginRequest {
optional uint32 protocol_version = 1;
optional uint64 am_session_token = 2;
repeated uint32 apps = 3;
message CMsgClientUFSLoginResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientRequestEncryptedAppTicket {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional bytes userdata = 2;
message CMsgClientRequestEncryptedAppTicketResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 eresult = 2 [default = 2];
optional .EncryptedAppTicket encrypted_app_ticket = 3;
message CMsgClientWalletInfoUpdate {
optional bool has_wallet = 1;
optional int32 balance = 2;
optional int32 currency = 3;
optional int32 balance_delayed = 4;
optional int64 balance64 = 5;
optional int64 balance64_delayed = 6;
message CMsgClientAppInfoUpdate {
optional uint32 last_changenumber = 1;
optional bool send_changelist = 2;
message CMsgClientAppInfoChanges {
optional uint32 current_change_number = 1;
optional bool force_full_update = 2;
repeated uint32 appIDs = 3;
message CMsgClientAppInfoRequest {
repeated .CMsgClientAppInfoRequest_App apps = 1;
optional bool supports_batches = 2 [default = false];
message CMsgClientAppInfoRequest_App {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 section_flags = 2;
repeated uint32 section_CRC = 3;
message CMsgClientAppInfoResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientAppInfoResponse_App apps = 1;
repeated uint32 apps_unknown = 2;
optional uint32 apps_pending = 3;
message CMsgClientAppInfoResponse_App {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 change_number = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientAppInfoResponse_App_Section sections = 3;
message CMsgClientAppInfoResponse_App_Section {
optional uint32 section_id = 1;
optional bytes section_kv = 2;
message CMsgClientPackageInfoRequest {
repeated uint32 package_ids = 1;
optional bool meta_data_only = 2;
message CMsgClientPackageInfoResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientPackageInfoResponse_Package packages = 1;
repeated uint32 packages_unknown = 2;
optional uint32 packages_pending = 3;
message CMsgClientPackageInfoResponse_Package {
optional uint32 package_id = 1;
optional uint32 change_number = 2;
optional bytes sha = 3;
optional bytes buffer = 4;
message CMsgClientPICSChangesSinceRequest {
optional uint32 since_change_number = 1;
optional bool send_app_info_changes = 2;
optional bool send_package_info_changes = 3;
optional uint32 num_app_info_cached = 4;
optional uint32 num_package_info_cached = 5;
message CMsgClientPICSChangesSinceResponse {
optional uint32 current_change_number = 1;
optional uint32 since_change_number = 2;
optional bool force_full_update = 3;
repeated .CMsgClientPICSChangesSinceResponse_PackageChange package_changes = 4;
repeated .CMsgClientPICSChangesSinceResponse_AppChange app_changes = 5;
optional bool force_full_app_update = 6;
optional bool force_full_package_update = 7;
message CMsgClientPICSChangesSinceResponse_PackageChange {
optional uint32 packageid = 1;
optional uint32 change_number = 2;
optional bool needs_token = 3;
message CMsgClientPICSChangesSinceResponse_AppChange {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional uint32 change_number = 2;
optional bool needs_token = 3;
message CMsgClientPICSProductInfoRequest {
repeated .CMsgClientPICSProductInfoRequest_PackageInfo packages = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientPICSProductInfoRequest_AppInfo apps = 2;
optional bool meta_data_only = 3;
optional uint32 num_prev_failed = 4;
message CMsgClientPICSProductInfoRequest_AppInfo {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional uint64 access_token = 2;
optional bool only_public = 3;
message CMsgClientPICSProductInfoRequest_PackageInfo {
optional uint32 packageid = 1;
optional uint64 access_token = 2;
message CMsgClientPICSProductInfoResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientPICSProductInfoResponse_AppInfo apps = 1;
repeated uint32 unknown_appids = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientPICSProductInfoResponse_PackageInfo packages = 3;
repeated uint32 unknown_packageids = 4;
optional bool meta_data_only = 5;
optional bool response_pending = 6;
optional uint32 http_min_size = 7;
optional string http_host = 8;
message CMsgClientPICSProductInfoResponse_AppInfo {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional uint32 change_number = 2;
optional bool missing_token = 3;
optional bytes sha = 4;
optional bytes buffer = 5;
optional bool only_public = 6;
optional uint32 size = 7;
message CMsgClientPICSProductInfoResponse_PackageInfo {
optional uint32 packageid = 1;
optional uint32 change_number = 2;
optional bool missing_token = 3;
optional bytes sha = 4;
optional bytes buffer = 5;
optional uint32 size = 6;
message CMsgClientPICSAccessTokenRequest {
repeated uint32 packageids = 1;
repeated uint32 appids = 2;
message CMsgClientPICSAccessTokenResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientPICSAccessTokenResponse_PackageToken package_access_tokens = 1;
repeated uint32 package_denied_tokens = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientPICSAccessTokenResponse_AppToken app_access_tokens = 3;
repeated uint32 app_denied_tokens = 4;
message CMsgClientPICSAccessTokenResponse_PackageToken {
optional uint32 packageid = 1;
optional uint64 access_token = 2;
message CMsgClientPICSAccessTokenResponse_AppToken {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional uint64 access_token = 2;
message CMsgClientUFSGetUGCDetails {
optional fixed64 hcontent = 1 [default = 18446744073709551615];
message CMsgClientUFSGetUGCDetailsResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional string url = 2;
optional uint32 app_id = 3;
optional string filename = 4;
optional fixed64 steamid_creator = 5;
optional uint32 file_size = 6;
optional uint32 compressed_file_size = 7;
optional string rangecheck_host = 8;
optional string file_encoded_sha1 = 9;
message CMsgClientUFSGetSingleFileInfo {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional string file_name = 2;
message CMsgClientUFSGetSingleFileInfoResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional string file_name = 3;
optional bytes sha_file = 4;
optional uint64 time_stamp = 5;
optional uint32 raw_file_size = 6;
optional bool is_explicit_delete = 7;
message CMsgClientUFSShareFile {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional string file_name = 2;
message CMsgClientUFSShareFileResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional fixed64 hcontent = 2 [default = 18446744073709551615];
message CMsgClientAMGetClanOfficers {
optional fixed64 steamid_clan = 1;
message CMsgClientAMGetClanOfficersResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional fixed64 steamid_clan = 2;
optional int32 officer_count = 3;
message CMsgClientAMGetPersonaNameHistory {
optional int32 id_count = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientAMGetPersonaNameHistory_IdInstance Ids = 2;
message CMsgClientAMGetPersonaNameHistory_IdInstance {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
message CMsgClientAMGetPersonaNameHistoryResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientAMGetPersonaNameHistoryResponse_NameTableInstance responses = 2;
message CMsgClientAMGetPersonaNameHistoryResponse_NameTableInstance {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientAMGetPersonaNameHistoryResponse_NameTableInstance_NameInstance names = 3;
message CMsgClientAMGetPersonaNameHistoryResponse_NameTableInstance_NameInstance {
optional fixed32 name_since = 1;
optional string name = 2;
message CMsgClientDeregisterWithServer {
optional uint32 eservertype = 1;
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
message CMsgClientClanState {
optional fixed64 steamid_clan = 1;
optional uint32 clan_account_flags = 3;
optional .CMsgClientClanState_NameInfo name_info = 4;
optional .CMsgClientClanState_UserCounts user_counts = 5;
repeated .CMsgClientClanState_Event events = 6;
repeated .CMsgClientClanState_Event announcements = 7;
optional bool chat_room_private = 8;
message CMsgClientClanState_NameInfo {
optional string clan_name = 1;
optional bytes sha_avatar = 2;
message CMsgClientClanState_UserCounts {
optional uint32 members = 1;
optional uint32 online = 2;
optional uint32 chatting = 3;
optional uint32 in_game = 4;
optional uint32 chat_room_members = 5;
message CMsgClientClanState_Event {
optional fixed64 gid = 1;
optional uint32 event_time = 2;
optional string headline = 3;
optional fixed64 game_id = 4;
optional bool just_posted = 5;
message CMsgClientUnsignedInstallScript {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional string file_name = 2;
optional uint32 file_size = 3;
optional bool signature_broken = 4;
optional uint32 depot_id = 5;
optional uint64 manifest_id = 6;
optional uint32 file_flags = 7;
message EncryptedAppTicket {
optional uint32 ticket_version_no = 1;
optional uint32 crc_encryptedticket = 2;
optional uint32 cb_encrypteduserdata = 3;
optional uint32 cb_encrypted_appownershipticket = 4;
optional bytes encrypted_ticket = 5;
message CCommunity_GetApps_Request {
repeated int32 appids = 1;
optional uint32 language = 2;
message CCommunity_GetApps_Response {
repeated .CCDDBAppDetailCommon apps = 1;
message CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Request {
optional int32 appid = 1;
optional string language = 2;
message CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response {
optional int32 appid = 1;
repeated .CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response_TokenList token_lists = 2;
message CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response_Token {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response_TokenList {
optional string language = 1;
repeated .CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response_Token tokens = 2;
message CCommunity_GetCommentThread_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 comment_thread_type = 2;
optional fixed64 gidfeature = 3;
optional fixed64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional fixed64 commentthreadid = 5;
optional int32 start = 6;
optional int32 count = 7;
optional int32 upvoters = 8;
optional bool include_deleted = 9;
optional fixed64 gidcomment = 10;
optional uint32 time_oldest = 11;
optional bool oldest_first = 12;
message CCommunity_Comment {
optional fixed64 gidcomment = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp = 3;
optional string text = 4;
optional int32 upvotes = 5;
optional bool hidden = 6;
optional bool hidden_by_user = 7;
optional bool deleted = 8;
optional .CMsgIPAddress ipaddress = 9;
optional int32 total_hidden = 10;
optional bool upvoted_by_user = 11;
message CCommunity_GetCommentThread_Response {
repeated .CCommunity_Comment comments = 1;
repeated .CCommunity_Comment deleted_comments = 2;
optional fixed64 steamid = 3;
optional fixed64 commentthreadid = 4;
optional int32 start = 5;
optional int32 count = 6;
optional int32 total_count = 7;
optional int32 upvotes = 8;
repeated uint32 upvoters = 9;
optional bool user_subscribed = 10;
optional bool user_upvoted = 11;
optional fixed64 answer_commentid = 12;
optional uint32 answer_actor = 13;
optional int32 answer_actor_rank = 14;
optional bool can_post = 15;
message CCommunity_PostCommentToThread_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 comment_thread_type = 2;
optional fixed64 gidfeature = 3;
optional fixed64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional string text = 6;
optional fixed64 gidparentcomment = 7;
optional bool suppress_notifications = 8;
message CCommunity_PostCommentToThread_Response {
optional fixed64 gidcomment = 1;
optional fixed64 commentthreadid = 2;
optional int32 count = 3;
optional int32 upvotes = 4;
message CCommunity_DeleteCommentFromThread_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 comment_thread_type = 2;
optional fixed64 gidfeature = 3;
optional fixed64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional fixed64 gidcomment = 5;
optional bool undelete = 6;
message CCommunity_DeleteCommentFromThread_Response {
message CCommunity_RateCommentThread_Request {
optional string commentthreadtype = 1;
optional uint64 steamid = 2;
optional uint64 gidfeature = 3;
optional uint64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional uint64 gidcomment = 5;
optional bool rate_up = 6;
optional bool suppress_notifications = 7;
message CCommunity_RateCommentThread_Response {
optional uint64 gidcomment = 1;
optional uint64 commentthreadid = 2;
optional uint32 count = 3;
optional uint32 upvotes = 4;
optional bool has_upvoted = 5;
message CCommunity_GetCommentThreadRatings_Request {
optional string commentthreadtype = 1;
optional uint64 steamid = 2;
optional uint64 gidfeature = 3;
optional uint64 gidfeature2 = 4;
optional uint64 gidcomment = 5;
optional uint32 max_results = 6;
message CCommunity_GetCommentThreadRatings_Response {
optional uint64 commentthreadid = 1;
optional uint64 gidcomment = 2;
optional uint32 upvotes = 3;
optional bool has_upvoted = 4;
repeated uint32 upvoter_accountids = 5;
message CCommunity_RateClanAnnouncement_Request {
optional uint64 announcementid = 1;
optional bool vote_up = 2;
message CCommunity_RateClanAnnouncement_Response {
message CCommunity_GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser_Request {
optional uint64 announcementid = 1;
message CCommunity_GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser_Response {
optional bool voted_up = 1;
optional bool voted_down = 2;
message CAppPriority {
optional uint32 priority = 1;
repeated uint32 appid = 2;
message CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventNews_Request {
optional uint32 count = 1;
optional uint32 offset = 2;
optional uint32 rtime32_start_time = 3;
optional uint32 rtime32_end_time = 4;
repeated uint32 language_preference = 5;
repeated int32 filter_event_type = 6 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: ECommunityWordFilterType"];
optional bool filter_to_appid = 7;
repeated .CAppPriority app_list = 8;
optional uint32 count_after = 9 [default = 0];
optional uint32 count_before = 10 [default = 0];
message CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventNews_Response {
repeated .CClanMatchEventByRange results = 1;
message CCommunity_GetBestEventsForUser_Request {
optional bool include_steam_blog = 1;
optional uint32 filter_to_played_within_days = 2;
message CCommunity_PartnerEventResult {
optional uint32 clanid = 1;
optional fixed64 event_gid = 2;
optional fixed64 announcement_gid = 3;
optional uint32 appid = 4;
optional bool possible_takeover = 5;
optional uint32 rtime32_last_modified = 6 [default = 0];
optional int32 user_app_priority = 7;
message CCommunity_GetBestEventsForUser_Response {
repeated .CCommunity_PartnerEventResult results = 1;
message CCommunity_ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Request {
message CCommunity_ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Response {
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsAppPriority {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional int32 user_app_priority = 2;
message CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Request {
message CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Response {
repeated .CCommunity_PartnerEventsAppPriority priorities = 1;
message CCommunity_ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CCommunity_ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority_Response {
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp_Response {
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowLessForApp_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowLessForApp_Response {
message CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Request {
repeated .CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Request_PartnerEventMarking markings = 1;
message CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Request_PartnerEventMarking {
optional uint32 clanid = 1;
optional fixed64 event_gid = 2;
optional int32 display_location = 3 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EPartnerEventDisplayLocation"];
optional bool mark_shown = 4;
optional bool mark_read = 5;
message CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Response {
message CChat_RequestFriendPersonaStates_Request {
message CChat_RequestFriendPersonaStates_Response {
message ServerMessage {
optional int32 message = 1 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomServerMessage"];
optional string string_param = 2;
optional uint32 accountid_param = 3;
message CChatRoom_CreateChatRoomGroup_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_invited = 2;
optional string name = 3;
repeated fixed64 steamid_invitees = 4;
optional uint32 watching_broadcast_accountid = 6;
optional uint64 watching_broadcast_channel_id = 7;
message CChatRoom_CreateChatRoomGroup_Response {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional .CChatRoomGroupState state = 2;
optional .CUserChatRoomGroupState user_chat_state = 3;
message CChatRoom_RenameChatRoomGroup_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
message CChatRoom_RenameChatRoomGroup_Response {
optional string name = 1;
message CChatRoom_SaveChatRoomGroup_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
message CChatRoom_SaveChatRoomGroup_Response {
message CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupTagline_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string tagline = 2;
message CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupTagline_Response {
message CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupAvatar_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional bytes avatar_sha = 2;
message CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupAvatar_Response {
message CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupWatchingBroadcast_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint32 watching_broadcast_accountid = 2;
optional uint64 watching_broadcast_channel_id = 3;
message CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupWatchingBroadcast_Response {
message CChatRoom_JoinMiniGameForChatRoomGroup_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
message CChatRoom_JoinMiniGameForChatRoomGroup_Response {
optional uint64 minigame_id = 1;
message CChatRoom_EndMiniGameForChatRoomGroup_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
optional uint64 minigame_id = 3;
message CChatRoom_EndMiniGameForChatRoomGroup_Response {
message CChatRoom_MuteUser_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
optional int32 expiration = 3;
message CChatRoom_MuteUser_Response {
message CChatRoom_KickUser_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
optional int32 expiration = 3;
message CChatRoom_KickUser_Response {
message CChatRoom_SetUserBanState_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
optional bool ban_state = 3;
message CChatRoom_SetUserBanState_Response {
message CChatRoom_RevokeInvite_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
message CChatRoom_RevokeInvite_Response {
message CChatRole {
optional uint64 role_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional uint32 ordinal = 3;
message CChatRoleActions {
optional uint64 role_id = 1;
optional bool can_create_rename_delete_channel = 2;
optional bool can_kick = 3;
optional bool can_ban = 4;
optional bool can_invite = 5;
optional bool can_change_tagline_avatar_name = 6;
optional bool can_chat = 7;
optional bool can_view_history = 8;
optional bool can_change_group_roles = 9;
optional bool can_change_user_roles = 10;
optional bool can_mention_all = 11;
optional bool can_set_watching_broadcast = 12;
message CChatRoom_CreateRole_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
message CChatRoom_CreateRole_Response {
optional .CChatRoleActions actions = 2;
message CChatPartyBeacon {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_owner = 2;
optional fixed64 beacon_id = 3;
optional string game_metadata = 4;
message CChatRoom_GetRoles_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetRoles_Response {
repeated .CChatRole roles = 1;
message CChatRoom_RenameRole_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 role_id = 2;
optional string name = 3;
message CChatRoom_RenameRole_Response {
message CChatRoom_ReorderRole_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 role_id = 2;
optional uint32 ordinal = 3;
message CChatRoom_ReorderRole_Response {
message CChatRoom_DeleteRole_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 role_id = 2;
message CChatRoom_DeleteRole_Response {
message CChatRoom_GetRoleActions_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 role_id = 2;
message CChatRoom_GetRoleActions_Response {
repeated .CChatRoleActions actions = 1;
message CChatRoom_ReplaceRoleActions_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 role_id = 2;
optional .CChatRoleActions actions = 4;
message CChatRoom_ReplaceRoleActions_Response {
message CChatRoom_AddRoleToUser_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 role_id = 3;
optional fixed64 steamid = 4;
message CChatRoom_AddRoleToUser_Response {
message CChatRoom_GetRolesForUser_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 3;
message CChatRoom_GetRolesForUser_Response {
repeated uint64 role_ids = 1;
message CChatRoom_DeleteRoleFromUser_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 role_id = 3;
optional fixed64 steamid = 4;
message CChatRoom_DeleteRoleFromUser_Response {
message CChatRoom_ChatRoomHeaderState_Notification {
optional .CChatRoomGroupHeaderState header_state = 1;
message CChatRoomMember {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional int32 state = 3 [(description) = "enum; suggested types: EChatRoomMemberStateChange,EChatRoomJoinState"];
optional int32 rank = 4 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomGroupRank"];
optional uint32 time_kick_expire = 6;
repeated uint64 role_ids = 7;
message CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Response {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string chat_group_name = 2;
optional uint32 active_member_count = 3;
optional uint32 active_voice_member_count = 4;
optional uint64 default_chat_id = 5;
repeated .CChatRoomState chat_rooms = 6;
optional uint32 clanid = 7;
optional string chat_group_tagline = 8;
optional uint32 accountid_owner = 9;
repeated uint32 top_members = 10;
optional bytes chat_group_avatar_sha = 11;
optional int32 rank = 12 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomGroupRank"];
optional uint64 default_role_id = 13;
repeated uint64 role_ids = 14;
repeated .CChatRoleActions role_actions = 15;
optional uint32 watching_broadcast_accountid = 16;
optional uint32 appid = 17;
repeated .CChatPartyBeacon party_beacons = 18;
optional uint64 watching_broadcast_channel_id = 19;
optional uint64 active_minigame_id = 20;
message CChatRoomState {
optional uint64 chat_id = 1;
optional string chat_name = 2;
optional bool voice_allowed = 3;
repeated uint32 members_in_voice = 4;
optional uint32 time_last_message = 5;
optional uint32 sort_order = 6;
optional string last_message = 7;
optional uint32 accountid_last_message = 8;
message CChatRoomGroupHeaderState {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string chat_name = 2;
optional uint32 clanid = 13;
optional uint32 accountid_owner = 14;
optional uint32 appid = 21;
optional string tagline = 15;
optional bytes avatar_sha = 16;
optional uint64 default_role_id = 17;
repeated .CChatRole roles = 18;
repeated .CChatRoleActions role_actions = 19;
optional uint32 watching_broadcast_accountid = 20;
repeated .CChatPartyBeacon party_beacons = 22;
optional uint64 watching_broadcast_channel_id = 23;
optional uint64 active_minigame_id = 24;
message CChatRoomGroupState {
optional .CChatRoomGroupHeaderState header_state = 1;
repeated .CChatRoomMember members = 2;
optional uint64 default_chat_id = 4;
repeated .CChatRoomState chat_rooms = 5;
repeated .CChatRoomMember kicked = 7;
message CUserChatRoomGroupState {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint32 time_joined = 2;
repeated .CUserChatRoomState user_chat_room_state = 3;
optional .EChatRoomNotificationLevel desktop_notification_level = 4 [default = k_EChatroomNotificationLevel_Invalid];
optional .EChatRoomNotificationLevel mobile_notification_level = 5 [default = k_EChatroomNotificationLevel_Invalid];
optional uint32 time_last_group_ack = 6;
optional bool unread_indicator_muted = 7 [default = false];
message CUserChatRoomState {
optional uint64 chat_id = 1;
optional uint32 time_joined = 2;
optional uint32 time_last_ack = 3;
optional .EChatRoomNotificationLevel desktop_notification_level = 4 [default = k_EChatroomNotificationLevel_Invalid];
optional .EChatRoomNotificationLevel mobile_notification_level = 5 [default = k_EChatroomNotificationLevel_Invalid];
optional uint32 time_last_mention = 6;
optional bool unread_indicator_muted = 7 [default = false];
optional uint32 time_first_unread = 8;
message CChatRoomSummaryPair {
optional .CUserChatRoomGroupState user_chat_group_state = 1;
optional .CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Response group_summary = 2;
message CChatRoom_CreateChatRoom_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional bool allow_voice = 3;
message CChatRoom_CreateChatRoom_Response {
optional .CChatRoomState chat_room = 1;
message CChatRoom_DeleteChatRoom_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
message CChatRoom_DeleteChatRoom_Response {
message CChatRoom_RenameChatRoom_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
optional string name = 3;
message CChatRoom_RenameChatRoom_Response {
message CChatRoom_ReorderChatRoom_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
optional uint64 move_after_chat_id = 3;
message CChatRoom_ReorderChatRoom_Response {
message CChatMentions {
optional bool mention_all = 1;
optional bool mention_here = 2;
repeated uint32 mention_accountids = 3;
message CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupState_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupState_Response {
optional .CChatRoomGroupState state = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetMyChatRoomGroups_Request {
message CChatRoom_GetMyChatRoomGroups_Response {
repeated .CChatRoomSummaryPair chat_room_groups = 1;
message CChatRoom_JoinChatRoomGroup_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string invite_code = 2;
optional uint64 chat_id = 3;
message CChatRoom_JoinChatRoomGroup_Response {
optional .CChatRoomGroupState state = 1;
optional .CUserChatRoomGroupState user_chat_state = 3;
optional uint64 join_chat_id = 4;
optional uint32 time_expire = 5;
message CChatRoom_InviteFriendToChatRoomGroup_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
optional uint64 chat_id = 3;
optional bool skip_friendsui_check = 4;
message CChatRoom_InviteFriendToChatRoomGroup_Response {
message CChatRoom_LeaveChatRoomGroup_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
message CChatRoom_LeaveChatRoomGroup_Response {
message CChatRoom_JoinVoiceChat_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
message CChatRoom_JoinVoiceChat_Response {
optional uint64 voice_chatid = 1;
message CChatRoom_LeaveVoiceChat_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
message CChatRoom_LeaveVoiceChat_Response {
message CChatRoom_NotifyShouldRejoinChatRoomVoiceChat_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 2;
message CChatRoom_SendChatMessage_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
optional string message = 3;
message CChatRoom_SendChatMessage_Response {
optional string modified_message = 1;
optional uint32 server_timestamp = 2;
optional uint32 ordinal = 3;
message CChatRoom_IncomingChatMessage_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
optional fixed64 steamid_sender = 3;
optional string message = 4;
optional uint32 timestamp = 5;
optional .CChatMentions mentions = 6;
optional uint32 ordinal = 7;
optional .ServerMessage server_message = 8;
optional string message_no_bbcode = 9;
optional string chat_name = 10;
message CChatRoom_ChatMessageModified_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
repeated .CChatRoom_ChatMessageModified_Notification_ChatMessage messages = 3;
message CChatRoom_ChatMessageModified_Notification_ChatMessage {
optional uint32 server_timestamp = 1;
optional uint32 ordinal = 2;
optional bool deleted = 3;
message CChatRoom_GetMessageHistory_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
optional uint32 last_time = 3;
optional uint32 last_ordinal = 4;
optional uint32 start_time = 5;
optional uint32 start_ordinal = 6;
optional uint32 max_count = 7;
message CChatRoom_GetMessageHistory_Response {
repeated .CChatRoom_GetMessageHistory_Response_ChatMessage messages = 1;
optional bool more_available = 4;
message CChatRoom_GetMessageHistory_Response_ChatMessage {
optional uint32 sender = 1;
optional uint32 server_timestamp = 2;
optional string message = 3;
optional uint32 ordinal = 4;
optional .ServerMessage server_message = 5;
optional bool deleted = 6;
message CChatRoom_MemberStateChange_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional .CChatRoomMember member = 2;
optional int32 change = 3 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomMemberStateChange"];
message CChatRoom_ChatRoomGroupRoomsChange_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 default_chat_id = 2;
repeated .CChatRoomState chat_rooms = 3;
message CChatRoom_AckChatMessage_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp = 3;
message CChatRoom_CreateInviteLink_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint32 seconds_valid = 2;
optional uint64 chat_id = 3;
message CChatRoom_CreateInviteLink_Response {
optional string invite_code = 1;
optional uint32 seconds_valid = 2;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteLinkInfo_Request {
optional string invite_code = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteLinkInfo_Response {
optional fixed64 steamid_sender = 3;
optional uint32 time_expires = 4;
optional uint64 chat_id = 6;
optional .CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Response group_summary = 8;
optional .CUserChatRoomGroupState user_chat_group_state = 9;
optional uint32 time_kick_expire = 10;
optional bool banned = 11;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteInfo_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid_invitee = 1;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 2;
optional uint64 chat_id = 3;
optional string invite_code = 4;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteInfo_Response {
optional .CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Response group_summary = 1;
optional uint32 time_kick_expire = 2;
optional bool banned = 3;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteLinksForGroup_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteLinksForGroup_Response {
repeated .CChatRoom_GetInviteLinksForGroup_Response_LinkInfo invite_links = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteLinksForGroup_Response_LinkInfo {
optional string invite_code = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_creator = 2;
optional uint32 time_expires = 3;
optional uint64 chat_id = 4;
message CChatRoom_DeleteInviteLink_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional string invite_code = 2;
message CChatRoom_DeleteInviteLink_Response {
message CChatRoom_GetBanList_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetBanList_Response {
repeated .CChatRoom_GetBanList_Response_BanInfo bans = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetBanList_Response_BanInfo {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional uint32 accountid_actor = 2;
optional uint32 time_banned = 3;
optional string ban_reason = 4;
message CChatRoomGroupInvite {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional uint32 accountid_actor = 2;
optional uint32 time_invited = 3;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteList_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
message CChatRoom_GetInviteList_Response {
repeated .CChatRoomGroupInvite invites = 1;
message CChatRoom_SetSessionActiveChatRoomGroups_Request {
repeated uint64 chat_group_ids = 1;
repeated uint64 chat_groups_data_requested = 2;
optional int32 virtualize_members_threshold = 3;
message CChatRoom_SetSessionActiveChatRoomGroups_Response {
repeated .CChatRoomGroupState chat_states = 1;
repeated uint64 virtualize_members_chat_group_ids = 2;
message CChatRoom_SetUserChatGroupPreferences_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional .CChatRoom_SetUserChatGroupPreferences_Request_ChatGroupPreferences chat_group_preferences = 2;
repeated .CChatRoom_SetUserChatGroupPreferences_Request_ChatRoomPreferences chat_room_preferences = 3;
message CChatRoom_SetUserChatGroupPreferences_Request_ChatGroupPreferences {
optional int32 desktop_notification_level = 1 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomNotificationLevel"];
optional int32 mobile_notification_level = 2 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomNotificationLevel"];
optional bool unread_indicator_muted = 3;
message CChatRoom_SetUserChatGroupPreferences_Request_ChatRoomPreferences {
optional uint64 chat_id = 1;
optional int32 desktop_notification_level = 2 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomNotificationLevel"];
optional int32 mobile_notification_level = 3 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomNotificationLevel"];
optional bool unread_indicator_muted = 4;
message CChatRoom_SetUserChatGroupPreferences_Response {
message CChatRoom_DeleteChatMessages_Request {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 chat_id = 2;
repeated .CChatRoom_DeleteChatMessages_Request_Message messages = 3;
message CChatRoom_DeleteChatMessages_Request_Message {
optional uint32 server_timestamp = 1;
optional uint32 ordinal = 2;
message CChatRoom_DeleteChatMessages_Response {
message CChatRoom_UpdateMemberListView_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 view_id = 2;
optional int32 start = 3;
optional int32 end = 4;
optional int32 client_changenumber = 5;
optional bool delete_view = 6;
repeated int32 persona_subscribe_accountids = 7;
repeated int32 persona_unsubscribe_accountids = 8;
message CChatRoomMemberListView {
optional int32 start = 3;
optional int32 end = 4;
optional int32 total_count = 5;
optional int32 client_changenumber = 6;
optional int32 server_changenumber = 7;
message CChatRoomMemberSummaryCounts {
optional int32 ingame = 1;
optional int32 online = 2;
optional int32 offline = 3;
message CClanChatRooms_GetClanChatRoomInfo_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional bool autocreate = 2 [default = true];
message CClanChatRooms_GetClanChatRoomInfo_Response {
optional .CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Response chat_group_summary = 1;
message CClanChatRooms_SetClanChatRoomPrivate_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional bool chat_room_private = 2;
message CClanChatRooms_SetClanChatRoomPrivate_Response {
optional bool chat_room_private = 1;
message ChatRoomClient_NotifyChatGroupUserStateChanged_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional .CUserChatRoomGroupState user_chat_group_state = 2;
optional .CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Response group_summary = 3;
optional int32 user_action = 4 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EChatRoomGroupAction"];
message ChatRoomClient_NotifyChatRoomDisconnect_Notification {
repeated uint64 chat_group_ids = 1;
message CChatRoomClient_MemberListViewUpdated_Notification {
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 1;
optional uint64 view_id = 2;
optional .CChatRoomMemberListView view = 3;
repeated .CChatRoomClient_MemberListViewUpdated_Notification_MemberListViewEntry members = 4;
optional uint32 status_flags = 5;
optional .CChatRoomMemberSummaryCounts member_summary = 6;
repeated .CMsgClientPersonaState_Friend subscribed_personas = 7;
message CChatRoomClient_MemberListViewUpdated_Notification_MemberListViewEntry {
optional int32 rank = 1;
optional uint32 accountid = 2;
optional .CMsgClientPersonaState_Friend persona = 3;
message CChatUsability_RequestClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification {
optional uint32 metrics_run_id = 1;
message CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification {
optional uint32 metrics_run_id = 1;
optional uint32 client_build = 2;
optional uint32 metrics_version = 3;
optional bool in_web = 4;
optional .CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_Settings settings = 10;
optional .CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_VoiceSettings voice_settings = 11;
optional .CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_UIState ui_state = 12;
optional .CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_Metrics metrics = 13;
message CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_Settings {
optional bool notifications_show_ingame = 1;
optional bool notifications_show_online = 2;
optional bool notifications_show_message = 3;
optional bool notifications_events_and_announcements = 4;
optional bool sounds_play_ingame = 5;
optional bool sounds_play_online = 6;
optional bool sounds_play_message = 7;
optional bool sounds_events_and_announcements = 8;
optional bool always_new_chat_window = 9;
optional bool force_alphabetic_friend_sorting = 10;
optional int32 chat_flash_mode = 11;
optional bool remember_open_chats = 12;
optional bool compact_quick_access = 13;
optional bool compact_friends_list = 14;
optional bool notifications_show_chat_room_notification = 15;
optional bool sounds_play_chat_room_notification = 16;
optional bool hide_offline_friends_in_tag_groups = 17;
optional bool hide_categorized_friends = 18;
optional bool categorize_in_game_friends_by_game = 19;
optional int32 chat_font_size = 20;
optional bool use24hour_clock = 21;
optional bool do_not_disturb_mode = 22;
optional bool disable_embed_inlining = 23;
optional bool sign_into_friends = 24;
message CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_VoiceSettings {
optional float voice_input_gain = 1;
optional float voice_output_gain = 2;
optional int32 noise_gate_level = 3;
optional bool voice_use_echo_cancellation = 4;
optional bool voice_use_noise_cancellation = 5;
optional bool voice_use_auto_gain_control = 6;
optional bool selected_non_default_mic = 7;
optional bool selected_non_default_output = 8;
optional bool push_to_talk_enabled = 9;
optional bool push_to_mute_enabled = 10;
optional bool play_ptt_sounds = 11;
message CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_UIState {
optional int32 friends_list_height = 1;
optional int32 friends_list_width = 2;
optional bool friends_list_docked = 3;
optional bool friends_list_collapsed = 4;
optional int32 friends_list_group_chats_height = 5;
optional bool friends_list_visible = 6;
optional int32 chat_popups_opened = 7;
optional int32 group_chat_tabs_opened = 8;
optional int32 friend_chat_tabs_opened = 9;
optional int32 chat_window_width = 10;
optional int32 chat_window_height = 11;
optional .CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_UIState_CategoryCollapseState category_collapse = 12;
optional int32 group_chat_left_col_collapsed = 13;
optional int32 group_chat_right_col_collapsed = 14;
optional bool in_one_on_one_voice_chat = 15;
optional bool in_group_voice_chat = 16;
message CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_UIState_CategoryCollapseState {
optional bool in_game_collapsed = 1;
optional bool online_collapsed = 2;
optional bool offline_collapsed = 3;
optional int32 game_groups_collapsed = 4;
optional int32 categories_collapsed = 5;
message CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification_Metrics {
optional int32 friends_count = 1;
optional int32 friends_category_count = 2;
optional int32 friends_categorized_count = 3;
optional int32 friends_online_count = 4;
optional int32 friends_in_game_count = 5;
optional int32 friends_in_game_singleton_count = 6;
optional int32 game_group_count = 7;
optional int32 friends_favorite_count = 8;
optional int32 group_chat_count = 9;
optional int32 group_chat_favorite_count = 10;
message CProductImpressionsFromClient_Notification {
repeated .CProductImpressionsFromClient_Notification_Impression impressions = 1;
message CProductImpressionsFromClient_Notification_Impression {
optional int32 type = 1 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EProductImpressionFromClientType"];
optional uint32 appid = 2;
optional uint32 num_impressions = 3;
message CFriendMessages_GetRecentMessages_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid1 = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid2 = 2;
optional uint32 count = 3;
optional bool most_recent_conversation = 4;
optional fixed32 rtime32_start_time = 5;
optional bool bbcode_format = 6;
optional uint32 start_ordinal = 7;
optional uint32 time_last = 8;
optional uint32 ordinal_last = 9;
message CFriendMessages_GetRecentMessages_Response {
repeated .CFriendMessages_GetRecentMessages_Response_FriendMessage messages = 1;
optional bool more_available = 4;
message CFriendMessages_GetRecentMessages_Response_FriendMessage {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional uint32 timestamp = 2;
optional string message = 3;
optional uint32 ordinal = 4;
message CFriendsMessages_GetActiveMessageSessions_Request {
optional uint32 lastmessage_since = 1;
optional bool only_sessions_with_messages = 2;
message CFriendsMessages_GetActiveMessageSessions_Response {
repeated .CFriendsMessages_GetActiveMessageSessions_Response_FriendMessageSession message_sessions = 1;
optional uint32 timestamp = 2;
message CFriendsMessages_GetActiveMessageSessions_Response_FriendMessageSession {
optional uint32 accountid_friend = 1;
optional uint32 last_message = 2;
optional uint32 last_view = 3;
optional uint32 unread_message_count = 4;
message CFriendMessages_SendMessage_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional int32 chat_entry_type = 2;
optional string message = 3;
optional bool contains_bbcode = 4;
optional bool echo_to_sender = 5;
optional bool low_priority = 6;
optional bool override_limits = 7;
message CFriendMessages_SendMessage_Response {
optional string modified_message = 1;
optional uint32 server_timestamp = 2;
optional uint32 ordinal = 3;
message CFriendMessages_IncomingMessage_Notification {
optional fixed64 steamid_friend = 1;
optional int32 chat_entry_type = 2;
optional bool from_limited_account = 3;
optional string message = 4;
optional fixed32 rtime32_server_timestamp = 5;
optional uint32 ordinal = 6;
optional bool local_echo = 7;
optional string message_no_bbcode = 8;
optional bool low_priority = 9;
message CFriendMessages_AckMessage_Notification {
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 1;
optional uint32 timestamp = 2;
message CFriendMessages_IsInFriendsUIBeta_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
message CFriendMessages_IsInFriendsUIBeta_Response {
optional bool online_in_friendsui = 1;
optional bool has_used_friendsui = 2;
message CFriendsListCategory {
optional uint32 groupid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
repeated uint32 accountid_members = 3;
message CFriendsList_GetCategories_Request {
message CFriendsList_GetCategories_Response {
repeated .CFriendsListCategory categories = 1;
message CFriendsListFavoriteEntry {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional uint32 clanid = 2;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 3;
message CFriendsList_GetFavorites_Request {
message CFriendsList_GetFavorites_Response {
repeated .CFriendsListFavoriteEntry favorites = 1;
message CFriendsList_SetFavorites_Request {
repeated .CFriendsListFavoriteEntry favorites = 1;
message CFriendsList_SetFavorites_Response {
message CFriendsList_FavoritesChanged_Notification {
repeated .CFriendsListFavoriteEntry favorites = 1;
message CFriendsList_GetFriendsList_Request {
message CFriendsList_GetFriendsList_Response {
optional .CMsgClientFriendsList friendslist = 1;
message CPlayer_GetLastPlayedTimes_Request {
optional uint32 min_last_played = 1;
message CPlayer_GetLastPlayedTimes_Response {
repeated .CPlayer_GetLastPlayedTimes_Response_Game games = 1;
message CPlayer_GetLastPlayedTimes_Response_Game {
optional int32 appid = 1;
optional uint32 last_playtime = 2;
optional int32 playtime_2weeks = 3;
optional int32 playtime_forever = 4;
optional uint32 first_playtime = 5;
optional int32 playtime_windows_forever = 6;
optional int32 playtime_mac_forever = 7;
optional int32 playtime_linux_forever = 8;
optional uint32 first_windows_playtime = 9;
optional uint32 first_mac_playtime = 10;
optional uint32 first_linux_playtime = 11;
optional uint32 last_windows_playtime = 12;
optional uint32 last_mac_playtime = 13;
optional uint32 last_linux_playtime = 14;
message CPlayer_GetMutualFriendsForIncomingInvites_Request {
message CPlayer_IncomingInviteMutualFriendList {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
repeated uint32 mutual_friend_account_ids = 2;
message CPlayer_GetMutualFriendsForIncomingInvites_Response {
repeated .CPlayer_IncomingInviteMutualFriendList incoming_invite_mutual_friends_lists = 1;
message CPlayer_GetGameBadgeLevels_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CPlayer_GetGameBadgeLevels_Response {
optional uint32 player_level = 1;
repeated .CPlayer_GetGameBadgeLevels_Response_Badge badges = 2;
message CPlayer_GetGameBadgeLevels_Response_Badge {
optional int32 level = 1;
optional int32 series = 2;
optional uint32 border_color = 3;
message CPlayer_GetEmoticonList_Request {
message CPlayer_GetEmoticonList_Response {
repeated .CPlayer_GetEmoticonList_Response_Emoticon emoticons = 1;
message CPlayer_GetEmoticonList_Response_Emoticon {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 count = 2;
optional uint32 time_last_used = 3;
optional uint32 use_count = 4;
optional uint32 time_received = 5;
message CPlayer_PostStatusToFriends_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string status_text = 2;
message CPlayer_PostStatusToFriends_Response {
message CPlayer_GetPostedStatus_Request {
optional uint64 steamid = 1;
optional uint64 postid = 2;
message CPlayer_GetPostedStatus_Response {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional uint64 postid = 2;
optional string status_text = 3;
optional bool deleted = 4;
optional uint32 appid = 5;
message CPlayer_DeletePostedStatus_Request {
optional uint64 postid = 1;
message CPlayer_DeletePostedStatus_Response {
message CPlayer_GetAchievementsProgress_Request {
optional uint64 steamid = 1;
optional string language = 2;
repeated uint32 appids = 3;
message CPlayer_GetAchievementsProgress_Response {
repeated .CPlayer_GetAchievementsProgress_Response_AchievementProgress achievement_progress = 1;
message CPlayer_GetAchievementsProgress_Response_AchievementProgress {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional uint32 unlocked = 2;
optional uint32 total = 3;
optional float percentage = 4;
optional bool all_unlocked = 5;
optional uint32 cache_time = 6;
message CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response {
optional .CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response_OwnGameplayInfo your_info = 1;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response_FriendsGameplayInfo in_game = 2;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response_FriendsGameplayInfo played_recently = 3;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response_FriendsGameplayInfo played_ever = 4;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response_FriendsGameplayInfo owns = 5;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response_FriendsGameplayInfo in_wishlist = 6;
message CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response_FriendsGameplayInfo {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 minutes_played = 2;
optional uint32 minutes_played_forever = 3;
message CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response_OwnGameplayInfo {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 minutes_played = 2;
optional uint32 minutes_played_forever = 3;
optional bool in_wishlist = 4;
optional bool owned = 5;
message CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Request {
optional string news_language = 1;
optional uint32 request_flags = 2;
message CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response {
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo trending = 1;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo recent_purchases = 2;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo unowned = 3;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo popular = 4;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo dont_forget = 5;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo being_discussed = 6;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo new_to_group = 7;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo returned_to_group = 8;
optional uint32 active_friend_count = 9 [default = 0];
message CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_FriendPlayTime {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 minutes_played_this_week = 2;
optional uint32 minutes_played_two_weeks = 3;
optional uint32 minutes_played_forever = 4;
optional uint32 event_count = 5;
message CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_AppFriendsInfo {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
repeated .CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response_FriendPlayTime friends = 2;
optional uint32 display_order = 3;
message CPlayer_AcceptSSA_Request {
message CPlayer_AcceptSSA_Response {
message CPlayer_GetNicknameList_Request {
message CPlayer_GetNicknameList_Response {
repeated .CPlayer_GetNicknameList_Response_PlayerNickname nicknames = 1;
message CPlayer_GetNicknameList_Response_PlayerNickname {
optional fixed32 accountid = 1;
optional string nickname = 2;
message PerFriendPreferences {
optional fixed32 accountid = 1;
optional string nickname = 2;
optional int32 notifications_showingame = 3 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: ENotificationSetting"];
optional int32 notifications_showonline = 4 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: ENotificationSetting"];
optional int32 notifications_showmessages = 5 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: ENotificationSetting"];
optional int32 sounds_showingame = 6 [(description) = "enum"];
optional int32 sounds_showonline = 7 [(description) = "enum"];
optional int32 sounds_showmessages = 8 [(description) = "enum"];
optional int32 notifications_sendmobile = 9 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: ENotificationSetting"];
message CPlayer_GetPerFriendPreferences_Request {
message CPlayer_GetPerFriendPreferences_Response {
repeated .PerFriendPreferences preferences = 1;
message CPlayer_SetPerFriendPreferences_Request {
optional .PerFriendPreferences preferences = 1;
message CPlayer_SetPerFriendPreferences_Response {
message CPlayer_AddFriend_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
message CPlayer_AddFriend_Response {
optional bool invite_sent = 1;
optional uint32 friend_relationship = 2;
message CPlayer_RemoveFriend_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
message CPlayer_RemoveFriend_Response {
optional uint32 friend_relationship = 1;
message CPlayer_IgnoreFriend_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional bool unignore = 2;
message CPlayer_IgnoreFriend_Response {
optional uint32 friend_relationship = 1;
message CPlayer_CommunityPreferences {
optional bool hide_adult_content_violence = 1 [default = true];
optional bool hide_adult_content_sex = 2 [default = true];
optional bool parenthesize_nicknames = 4 [default = false];
optional uint32 timestamp_updated = 3;
message CPlayer_GetCommunityPreferences_Request {
message CPlayer_GetCommunityPreferences_Response {
optional .CPlayer_CommunityPreferences preferences = 1;
message CPlayer_SetCommunityPreferences_Request {
optional .CPlayer_CommunityPreferences preferences = 1;
message CPlayer_SetCommunityPreferences_Response {
message CPlayer_GetNewSteamAnnouncementState_Request {
optional int32 language = 1;
message CPlayer_GetNewSteamAnnouncementState_Response {
optional int32 state = 1;
optional string announcement_headline = 2;
optional string announcement_url = 3;
optional uint32 time_posted = 4;
optional uint64 announcement_gid = 5;
message CPlayer_UpdateSteamAnnouncementLastRead_Request {
optional uint64 announcement_gid = 1;
optional uint32 time_posted = 2;
message CPlayer_UpdateSteamAnnouncementLastRead_Response {
message CPrivacySettings {
optional int32 privacy_state = 1;
optional int32 privacy_state_inventory = 2;
optional int32 privacy_state_gifts = 3;
optional int32 privacy_state_ownedgames = 4;
optional int32 privacy_state_playtime = 5;
optional int32 privacy_state_friendslist = 6;
message CPlayer_GetPrivacySettings_Request {
message CPlayer_GetPrivacySettings_Response {
optional .CPrivacySettings privacy_settings = 1;
message CPlayer_GetDurationControl_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CPlayer_GetDurationControl_Response {
optional bool is_enabled = 1;
optional int32 seconds = 2;
optional int32 seconds_today = 3;
message CPlayer_LastPlayedTimes_Notification {
repeated .CPlayer_GetLastPlayedTimes_Response_Game games = 1;
message CPlayer_FriendNicknameChanged_Notification {
optional fixed32 accountid = 1;
optional string nickname = 2;
optional bool is_echo_to_self = 3;
message CPlayer_NewSteamAnnouncementState_Notification {
optional int32 state = 1;
optional string announcement_headline = 2;
optional string announcement_url = 3;
optional uint32 time_posted = 4;
optional uint64 announcement_gid = 5;
message CPlayer_CommunityPreferencesChanged_Notification {
optional .CPlayer_CommunityPreferences preferences = 1;
message CPlayer_PerFriendPreferencesChanged_Notification {
optional fixed32 accountid = 1;
optional .PerFriendPreferences preferences = 2;
message CPlayer_PrivacySettingsChanged_Notification {
optional .CPrivacySettings privacy_settings = 1;
message CMsgClientUCMAddScreenshot {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string filename = 2;
optional string thumbname = 3;
optional string vr_filename = 14;
optional fixed32 rtime32_created = 4;
optional uint32 width = 5;
optional uint32 height = 6;
optional uint32 permissions = 7;
optional string caption = 8;
optional string shortcut_name = 9;
repeated .CMsgClientUCMAddScreenshot_Tag tag = 10;
repeated fixed64 tagged_steamid = 11;
optional bool spoiler_tag = 12;
repeated uint64 tagged_publishedfileid = 13;
message CMsgClientUCMAddScreenshot_Tag {
optional string tag_name = 1;
optional string tag_value = 2;
message CMsgClientUCMAddScreenshotResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional fixed64 screenshotid = 2 [default = 18446744073709551615];
message CMsgClientUCMDeleteScreenshot {
optional fixed64 screenshotid = 1 [default = 18446744073709551615];
message CMsgClientUCMDeleteScreenshotResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientUCMPublishFile {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional string file_name = 2;
optional string preview_file_name = 3;
optional uint32 consumer_app_id = 4;
optional string title = 5;
optional string description = 6;
repeated string tags = 8;
optional bool workshop_file = 9;
optional int32 visibility = 10;
optional uint32 file_type = 11;
optional string url = 12;
optional uint32 video_provider = 13;
optional string video_account_name = 14;
optional string video_identifier = 15;
optional bool in_progress = 16;
message CMsgClientUCMPublishFileResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 2 [default = 18446744073709551615];
optional bool needs_workshop_legal_agreement_acceptance = 3 [default = false];
message CMsgClientUCMUpdatePublishedFile {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 2;
optional string file_name = 3;
optional string preview_file_name = 4;
optional string title = 5;
optional string description = 6;
repeated string tags = 7;
optional int32 visibility = 8;
optional bool update_file = 9;
optional bool update_preview_file = 10;
optional bool update_title = 11;
optional bool update_description = 12;
optional bool update_tags = 13;
optional bool update_visibility = 14;
optional string change_description = 15;
optional bool update_url = 16;
optional string url = 17;
optional bool update_content_manifest = 18;
optional fixed64 content_manifest = 19;
optional string metadata = 20;
optional bool update_metadata = 21;
optional int32 language = 22 [default = 0];
repeated string removed_kvtags = 23;
repeated .CMsgClientUCMUpdatePublishedFile_KeyValueTag kvtags = 24;
repeated .CMsgClientUCMUpdatePublishedFile_AdditionalPreview previews = 25;
repeated int32 previews_to_remove = 26;
optional bool clear_in_progress = 27;
optional bool remove_all_kvtags = 28;
message CMsgClientUCMUpdatePublishedFile_KeyValueTag {
optional string key = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message CMsgClientUCMUpdatePublishedFile_AdditionalPreview {
optional string original_file_name = 1;
optional string internal_file_name = 2;
optional string videoid = 3;
optional uint32 preview_type = 4;
optional int32 update_index = 5 [default = -1];
message CMsgClientUCMUpdatePublishedFileResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional bool needs_workshop_legal_agreement_acceptance = 2 [default = false];
message CMsgClientUCMDeletePublishedFile {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
message CMsgClientUCMDeletePublishedFileResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFiles {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 start_index = 2;
optional uint32 sort_order = 3;
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResponse_PublishedFileId published_files = 2;
optional uint32 total_results = 3;
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResponse_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFiles {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 start_index = 2;
optional uint32 list_type = 3 [default = 1];
optional uint32 matching_file_type = 4 [default = 0];
optional uint32 count = 5 [default = 50];
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResponse_PublishedFileId subscribed_files = 2;
optional uint32 total_results = 3;
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResponse_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional fixed32 rtime32_subscribed = 2 [default = 0];
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdates {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 start_index = 2;
optional fixed32 start_time = 3;
optional uint32 desired_revision = 4 [default = 0];
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdatesResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdatesResponse_PublishedFileId subscribed_files = 2;
optional uint32 total_results = 3;
message CMsgClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdatesResponse_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional fixed32 rtime32_subscribed = 2 [default = 0];
optional uint32 appid = 3;
optional fixed64 file_hcontent = 4;
optional uint32 file_size = 5;
optional fixed32 rtime32_last_updated = 6;
optional bool is_depot_content = 7;
message CMsgClientUCMPublishedFileDeleted {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
message CMsgClientUCMPublishedFileUpdated {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional uint32 time_updated = 3;
optional fixed64 hcontent = 4;
optional fixed32 file_size = 5;
optional bool is_depot_content = 6;
optional uint32 revision = 7;
message CMsgClientWorkshopItemChangesRequest {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 last_time_updated = 2;
optional uint32 num_items_needed = 3;
message CMsgClientWorkshopItemChangesResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 update_time = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientWorkshopItemChangesResponse_WorkshopItemInfo workshop_items = 5;
message CMsgClientWorkshopItemChangesResponse_WorkshopItemInfo {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional uint32 time_updated = 2;
optional fixed64 manifest_id = 3;
message CMsgClientWorkshopItemInfoRequest {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 last_time_updated = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientWorkshopItemInfoRequest_WorkshopItem workshop_items = 3;
message CMsgClientWorkshopItemInfoRequest_WorkshopItem {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional uint32 time_updated = 2;
message CMsgClientWorkshopItemInfoResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 update_time = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientWorkshopItemInfoResponse_WorkshopItemInfo workshop_items = 3;
repeated fixed64 private_items = 4;
message CMsgClientWorkshopItemInfoResponse_WorkshopItemInfo {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional uint32 time_updated = 2;
optional fixed64 manifest_id = 3;
optional bool is_legacy = 4;
message CMsgClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUser {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional fixed64 creator_steam_id = 2;
repeated string required_tags = 3;
repeated string excluded_tags = 4;
optional uint32 start_index = 5;
message CMsgClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUserResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUserResponse_PublishedFileId published_files = 2;
optional uint32 total_results = 3;
message CMsgClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUserResponse_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
message CMsgClientUCMSetUserPublishedFileAction {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional int32 action = 3;
message CMsgClientUCMSetUserPublishedFileActionResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserAction {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 start_index = 2;
optional int32 action = 3;
message CMsgClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResponse_PublishedFileId published_files = 2;
optional uint32 total_results = 3;
message CMsgClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResponse_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional fixed32 rtime_time_stamp = 2 [default = 0];
message CMsgClientScreenshotsChanged {
message CMsgClientUpdateUserGameInfo {
optional fixed64 steamid_idgs = 1;
optional fixed64 gameid = 2;
optional uint32 game_ip = 3;
optional uint32 game_port = 4;
optional bytes token = 5;
message CMsgClientRichPresenceUpload {
optional bytes rich_presence_kv = 1;
repeated fixed64 steamid_broadcast = 2;
message CMsgClientRichPresenceRequest {
repeated fixed64 steamid_request = 1;
message CMsgClientRichPresenceInfo {
repeated .CMsgClientRichPresenceInfo_RichPresence rich_presence = 1;
message CMsgClientRichPresenceInfo_RichPresence {
optional fixed64 steamid_user = 1;
optional bytes rich_presence_kv = 2;
message CMsgClientCheckFileSignature {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
message CMsgClientCheckFileSignatureResponse {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 pid = 2;
optional uint32 eresult = 3;
optional string filename = 4;
optional uint32 esignatureresult = 5;
optional bytes sha_file = 6;
optional bytes signatureheader = 7;
optional uint32 filesize = 8;
optional uint32 getlasterror = 9;
optional uint32 evalvesignaturecheckdetail = 10;
message CMsgClientReadMachineAuth {
optional string filename = 1;
optional uint32 offset = 2;
optional uint32 cubtoread = 3;
message CMsgClientReadMachineAuthResponse {
optional string filename = 1;
optional uint32 eresult = 2;
optional uint32 filesize = 3;
optional bytes sha_file = 4;
optional uint32 getlasterror = 5;
optional uint32 offset = 6;
optional uint32 cubread = 7;
optional bytes bytes_read = 8;
optional string filename_sentry = 9;
message CMsgClientUpdateMachineAuth {
optional string filename = 1;
optional uint32 offset = 2;
optional uint32 cubtowrite = 3;
optional bytes bytes = 4;
optional uint32 otp_type = 5;
optional string otp_identifier = 6;
optional bytes otp_sharedsecret = 7;
optional uint32 otp_timedrift = 8;
message CMsgClientUpdateMachineAuthResponse {
optional string filename = 1;
optional uint32 eresult = 2;
optional uint32 filesize = 3;
optional bytes sha_file = 4;
optional uint32 getlasterror = 5;
optional uint32 offset = 6;
optional uint32 cubwrote = 7;
optional int32 otp_type = 8;
optional uint32 otp_value = 9;
optional string otp_identifier = 10;
message CMsgClientRequestMachineAuth {
optional string filename = 1;
optional uint32 eresult_sentryfile = 2;
optional uint32 filesize = 3;
optional bytes sha_sentryfile = 4;
optional int32 lock_account_action = 6;
optional uint32 otp_type = 7;
optional string otp_identifier = 8;
optional bytes otp_sharedsecret = 9;
optional uint32 otp_value = 10;
optional string machine_name = 11;
optional string machine_name_userchosen = 12;
message CMsgClientRequestMachineAuthResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1;
message CMsgClientRegisterKey {
optional string key = 1;
message CMsgClientPurchaseResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional int32 purchase_result_details = 2;
optional bytes purchase_receipt_info = 3;
message CMsgClientActivateOEMLicense {
optional string bios_manufacturer = 1;
optional string bios_serialnumber = 2;
optional bytes license_file = 3;
optional string mainboard_manufacturer = 4;
optional string mainboard_product = 5;
optional string mainboard_serialnumber = 6;
message CMsgClientRegisterOEMMachine {
optional bytes oem_register_file = 1;
message CMsgClientRegisterOEMMachineResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1;
message CMsgClientPurchaseWithMachineID {
optional uint32 package_id = 1;
optional bytes machine_info = 2;
message CMsgTrading_InitiateTradeRequest {
optional uint32 trade_request_id = 1;
optional uint64 other_steamid = 2;
optional string other_name = 3;
message CMsgTrading_InitiateTradeResponse {
optional uint32 response = 1;
optional uint32 trade_request_id = 2;
optional uint64 other_steamid = 3;
optional uint32 steamguard_required_days = 4;
optional uint32 new_device_cooldown_days = 5;
optional uint32 default_password_reset_probation_days = 6;
optional uint32 password_reset_probation_days = 7;
optional uint32 default_email_change_probation_days = 8;
optional uint32 email_change_probation_days = 9;
message CMsgTrading_CancelTradeRequest {
optional uint64 other_steamid = 1;
message CMsgTrading_StartSession {
optional uint64 other_steamid = 1;
message CMsgClientGetCDNAuthToken {
optional uint32 depot_id = 1;
optional string host_name = 2;
optional uint32 app_id = 3;
message CMsgClientGetDepotDecryptionKey {
optional uint32 depot_id = 1;
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
message CMsgClientGetDepotDecryptionKeyResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 depot_id = 2;
optional bytes depot_encryption_key = 3;
message CMsgClientCheckAppBetaPassword {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional string betapassword = 2;
message CMsgClientCheckAppBetaPasswordResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientCheckAppBetaPasswordResponse_BetaPassword betapasswords = 4;
message CMsgClientCheckAppBetaPasswordResponse_BetaPassword {
optional string betaname = 1;
optional string betapassword = 2;
message CMsgClientUpdateAppJobReport {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
repeated uint32 depot_ids = 2;
optional uint32 app_state = 3;
optional uint32 job_app_error = 4;
optional string error_details = 5;
optional uint32 job_duration = 6;
optional uint32 files_validation_failed = 7;
optional uint64 job_bytes_downloaded = 8;
optional uint64 job_bytes_staged = 9;
optional uint64 bytes_comitted = 10;
optional uint32 start_app_state = 11;
optional fixed64 stats_machine_id = 12;
optional string branch_name = 13;
optional uint64 total_bytes_downloaded = 14;
optional uint64 total_bytes_staged = 15;
optional uint64 total_bytes_restored = 16;
optional bool is_borrowed = 17;
optional bool is_free_weekend = 18;
optional uint64 total_bytes_legacy = 19;
optional uint64 total_bytes_patched = 20;
optional uint64 total_bytes_saved = 21;
optional uint32 cell_id = 22;
message CMsgClientDPContentStatsReport {
optional fixed64 stats_machine_id = 1;
optional string country_code = 2;
optional int32 os_type = 3;
optional int32 language = 4;
optional uint32 num_install_folders = 5;
optional uint32 num_installed_games = 6;
optional uint64 size_installed_games = 7;
message CMsgClientGetCDNAuthTokenResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional string token = 2;
optional uint32 expiration_time = 3;
message CMsgDownloadRateStatistics {
optional uint32 cell_id = 1;
repeated .CMsgDownloadRateStatistics_StatsInfo stats = 2;
optional uint32 throttling_kbps = 3;
message CMsgDownloadRateStatistics_StatsInfo {
optional uint32 source_type = 1;
optional uint32 source_id = 2;
optional uint32 seconds = 3;
optional uint64 bytes = 4;
optional string host_name = 5;
optional uint64 microseconds = 6;
optional bool used_ipv6 = 7;
optional bool proxied = 8;
message CMsgClientRequestAccountData {
optional string account_or_email = 1;
optional uint32 action = 2;
message CMsgClientRequestAccountDataResponse {
optional uint32 action = 1;
optional uint32 eresult = 2;
optional string account_name = 3;
optional uint32 ct_matches = 4;
optional string account_name_suggestion1 = 5;
optional string account_name_suggestion2 = 6;
optional string account_name_suggestion3 = 7;
message CMsgClientUGSGetGlobalStats {
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
optional uint32 history_days_requested = 2;
optional fixed32 time_last_requested = 3;
optional uint32 first_day_cached = 4;
optional uint32 days_cached = 5;
message CMsgClientUGSGetGlobalStatsResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional fixed32 timestamp = 2;
optional int32 day_current = 3;
repeated .CMsgClientUGSGetGlobalStatsResponse_Day days = 4;
message CMsgClientUGSGetGlobalStatsResponse_Day {
optional uint32 day_id = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientUGSGetGlobalStatsResponse_Day_Stat stats = 2;
message CMsgClientUGSGetGlobalStatsResponse_Day_Stat {
optional int32 stat_id = 1;
optional int64 data = 2;
message CMsgGameServerData {
optional fixed64 steam_id_gs = 1;
optional uint32 deprecated_ip = 2;
optional uint32 query_port = 3;
optional uint32 game_port = 4;
optional uint32 sourcetv_port = 5;
optional string name = 22;
optional .CMsgIPAddress game_ip_address = 23;
optional uint32 app_id = 6;
optional string gamedir = 7;
optional string version = 8;
optional string product = 9;
optional string region = 10;
repeated .CMsgGameServerData_Player players = 11;
optional uint32 max_players = 12;
optional uint32 bot_count = 13;
optional bool password = 14;
optional bool secure = 15;
optional bool dedicated = 16;
optional string os = 17;
optional string game_data = 18;
optional uint32 game_data_version = 19;
optional string game_type = 20;
optional string map = 21;
message CMsgGameServerData_Player {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
message CMsgGameServerRemove {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional uint32 deprecated_ip = 2;
optional uint32 query_port = 3;
optional .CMsgIPAddress ip = 4;
message CMsgClientGMSServerQuery {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 geo_location_ip = 2;
optional uint32 region_code = 3;
optional string filter_text = 4;
optional uint32 max_servers = 5;
message CMsgGMSClientServerQueryResponse {
repeated .CMsgGMSClientServerQueryResponse_Server servers = 1;
optional string error = 2;
message CMsgGMSClientServerQueryResponse_Server {
optional uint32 deprecated_server_ip = 1;
optional uint32 server_port = 2;
optional uint32 auth_players = 3;
optional .CMsgIPAddress server_ip = 4;
message CMsgGameServerOutOfDate {
optional fixed64 steam_id_gs = 1;
optional bool reject = 2;
optional string message = 3;
message CMsgClientRedeemGuestPass {
optional fixed64 guest_pass_id = 1;
message CMsgClientRedeemGuestPassResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 package_id = 2;
optional uint32 must_own_appid = 3;
message CMsgClientGetClanActivityCounts {
repeated uint64 steamid_clans = 1;
message CMsgClientGetClanActivityCountsResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientOGSReportString {
optional bool accumulated = 1;
optional uint64 sessionid = 2;
optional int32 severity = 3;
optional string formatter = 4;
optional bytes varargs = 5;
message CMsgClientOGSReportBug {
optional uint64 sessionid = 1;
optional string bugtext = 2;
optional bytes screenshot = 3;
message CMsgGSAssociateWithClan {
optional fixed64 steam_id_clan = 1;
message CMsgGSAssociateWithClanResponse {
optional fixed64 steam_id_clan = 1;
optional uint32 eresult = 2 [default = 2];
message CMsgGSComputeNewPlayerCompatibility {
optional fixed64 steam_id_candidate = 1;
message CMsgGSComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResponse {
optional fixed64 steam_id_candidate = 1;
optional uint32 eresult = 2 [default = 2];
optional bool is_clan_member = 3;
optional int32 ct_dont_like_you = 4;
optional int32 ct_you_dont_like = 5;
optional int32 ct_clanmembers_dont_like_you = 6;
message CMsgClientSentLogs {
message CMsgGCClient {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional uint32 msgtype = 2;
optional bytes payload = 3;
optional fixed64 steamid = 4;
optional string gcname = 5;
optional uint32 ip = 6;
message CMsgClientRequestFreeLicense {
repeated uint32 appids = 2;
message CMsgClientRequestFreeLicenseResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated uint32 granted_packageids = 2;
repeated uint32 granted_appids = 3;
message CMsgDRMDownloadRequestWithCrashData {
optional uint32 download_flags = 1;
optional uint32 download_types_known = 2;
optional bytes guid_drm = 3;
optional bytes guid_split = 4;
optional bytes guid_merge = 5;
optional string module_name = 6;
optional string module_path = 7;
optional bytes crash_data = 8;
message CMsgDRMDownloadResponse {
optional uint32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional uint32 blob_download_type = 3;
optional bytes merge_guid = 4;
optional uint32 download_file_dfs_ip = 5;
optional uint32 download_file_dfs_port = 6;
optional string download_file_url = 7;
optional string module_path = 8;
message CMsgDRMFinalResult {
optional uint32 eResult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 app_id = 2;
optional uint32 blob_download_type = 3;
optional uint32 error_detail = 4;
optional bytes merge_guid = 5;
optional uint32 download_file_dfs_ip = 6;
optional uint32 download_file_dfs_port = 7;
optional string download_file_url = 8;
message CMsgClientDPCheckSpecialSurvey {
optional uint32 survey_id = 1;
message CMsgClientDPCheckSpecialSurveyResponse {
optional uint32 eResult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 state = 2;
optional string name = 3;
optional string custom_url = 4;
optional bool include_software = 5;
optional bytes token = 6;
message CMsgClientDPSendSpecialSurveyResponse {
optional uint32 survey_id = 1;
optional bytes data = 2;
message CMsgClientDPSendSpecialSurveyResponseReply {
optional uint32 eResult = 1 [default = 2];
optional bytes token = 2;
message CMsgClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmail {
optional string account_name = 1;
optional string password_tried = 2;
message CMsgClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmailResponse {
optional uint32 eResult = 1;
optional bool use_secret_question = 2;
message CMsgClientItemAnnouncements {
optional uint32 count_new_items = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientItemAnnouncements_UnseenItem unseen_items = 2;
message CMsgClientItemAnnouncements_UnseenItem {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional uint64 context_id = 2;
optional uint64 asset_id = 3;
optional uint64 amount = 4;
optional fixed32 rtime32_gained = 5;
optional uint32 source_appid = 6;
message CMsgClientRequestItemAnnouncements {
message CMsgClientUserNotifications {
repeated .CMsgClientUserNotifications_Notification notifications = 1;
message CMsgClientUserNotifications_Notification {
optional uint32 user_notification_type = 1;
optional uint32 count = 2;
message CMsgClientCommentNotifications {
optional uint32 count_new_comments = 1;
optional uint32 count_new_comments_owner = 2;
optional uint32 count_new_comments_subscriptions = 3;
message CMsgClientRequestCommentNotifications {
message CMsgClientOfflineMessageNotification {
optional uint32 offline_messages = 1;
repeated uint32 friends_with_offline_messages = 2;
message CMsgClientRequestOfflineMessageCount {
message CMsgClientChatGetFriendMessageHistory {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
message CMsgClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryResponse {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 success = 2;
repeated .CMsgClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryResponse_FriendMessage messages = 3;
message CMsgClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryResponse_FriendMessage {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional uint32 timestamp = 2;
optional string message = 3;
optional bool unread = 4;
message CMsgClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryForOfflineMessages {
message CMsgClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevels {
repeated uint32 accountids = 1;
message CMsgClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevelsResponse {
repeated .CMsgClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevelsResponse_Friend friends = 1;
message CMsgClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevelsResponse_Friend {
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional uint32 level = 2;
message CMsgClientEmailAddrInfo {
optional string email_address = 1;
optional bool email_is_validated = 2;
optional bool email_validation_changed = 3;
optional bool credential_change_requires_code = 4;
optional bool password_or_secretqa_change_requires_code = 5;
optional bool remind_user_about_email = 6;
message CMsgCREEnumeratePublishedFiles {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional int32 query_type = 2;
optional uint32 start_index = 3;
optional uint32 days = 4;
optional uint32 count = 5;
repeated string tags = 6;
repeated string user_tags = 7;
optional uint32 matching_file_type = 8 [default = 13];
message CMsgCREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgCREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse_PublishedFileId published_files = 2;
optional uint32 total_results = 3;
message CMsgCREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional int32 votes_for = 2;
optional int32 votes_against = 3;
optional int32 reports = 4;
optional float score = 5;
message CMsgCREItemVoteSummary {
repeated .CMsgCREItemVoteSummary_PublishedFileId published_file_ids = 1;
message CMsgCREItemVoteSummary_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
message CMsgCREItemVoteSummaryResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgCREItemVoteSummaryResponse_ItemVoteSummary item_vote_summaries = 2;
message CMsgCREItemVoteSummaryResponse_ItemVoteSummary {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional int32 votes_for = 2;
optional int32 votes_against = 3;
optional int32 reports = 4;
optional float score = 5;
message CMsgCREUpdateUserPublishedItemVote {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional bool vote_up = 2;
message CMsgCREUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgCREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails {
repeated .CMsgCREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails_PublishedFileId published_file_ids = 1;
message CMsgCREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails_PublishedFileId {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
message CMsgCREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetailsResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgCREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetailsResponse_UserItemVoteDetail user_item_vote_details = 2;
message CMsgCREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetailsResponse_UserItemVoteDetail {
optional fixed64 published_file_id = 1;
optional int32 vote = 2 [default = 0];
message CMsgGameServerPingSample {
optional fixed32 my_ip = 1;
optional int32 gs_app_id = 2;
repeated .CMsgGameServerPingSample_Sample gs_samples = 3;
message CMsgGameServerPingSample_Sample {
optional fixed32 ip = 1;
optional uint32 avg_ping_ms = 2;
optional uint32 stddev_ping_ms_x10 = 3;
message CMsgFSGetFollowerCount {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
message CMsgFSGetFollowerCountResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional int32 count = 2 [default = 0];
message CMsgFSGetIsFollowing {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
message CMsgFSGetIsFollowingResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional bool is_following = 2 [default = false];
message CMsgFSEnumerateFollowingList {
optional uint32 start_index = 1;
message CMsgFSEnumerateFollowingListResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional int32 total_results = 2;
repeated fixed64 steam_ids = 3;
message CMsgDPGetNumberOfCurrentPlayers {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CMsgDPGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional int32 player_count = 2;
message CMsgClientFriendUserStatusPublished {
optional fixed64 friend_steamid = 1;
optional uint32 appid = 2;
optional string status_text = 3;
message CMsgClientServiceMethodLegacy {
optional string method_name = 1;
optional bytes serialized_method = 2;
optional bool is_notification = 3;
message CMsgClientServiceMethodLegacyResponse {
optional string method_name = 1;
optional bytes serialized_method_response = 2;
message CMsgClientUIMode {
optional uint32 uimode = 1;
optional uint32 chat_mode = 2;
message CMsgClientVanityURLChangedNotification {
optional string vanity_url = 1;
message CMsgClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceRequest {
optional string device_description = 1;
optional uint32 owner_account_id = 2;
optional uint64 local_device_token = 3;
message CMsgClientAuthorizeLocalDevice {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 owner_account_id = 2;
optional uint64 authed_device_token = 3;
message CMsgClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceNotification {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 owner_account_id = 2;
optional uint64 local_device_token = 3;
message CMsgClientDeauthorizeDeviceRequest {
optional uint32 deauthorization_account_id = 1;
optional uint64 deauthorization_device_token = 2;
message CMsgClientDeauthorizeDevice {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional uint32 deauthorization_account_id = 2;
message CMsgClientUseLocalDeviceAuthorizations {
repeated uint32 authorization_account_id = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientUseLocalDeviceAuthorizations_DeviceToken device_tokens = 2;
message CMsgClientUseLocalDeviceAuthorizations_DeviceToken {
optional uint32 owner_account_id = 1;
optional uint64 token_id = 2;
message CMsgClientGetAuthorizedDevices {
message CMsgClientGetAuthorizedDevicesResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
repeated .CMsgClientGetAuthorizedDevicesResponse_AuthorizedDevice authorized_device = 2;
message CMsgClientGetAuthorizedDevicesResponse_AuthorizedDevice {
optional uint64 auth_device_token = 1;
optional string device_name = 2;
optional uint32 last_access_time = 3;
optional uint32 borrower_id = 4;
optional bool is_pending = 5;
optional uint32 app_played = 6;
message CMsgClientSharedLibraryLockStatus {
repeated .CMsgClientSharedLibraryLockStatus_LockedLibrary locked_library = 1;
optional uint32 own_library_locked_by = 2;
message CMsgClientSharedLibraryLockStatus_LockedLibrary {
optional uint32 owner_id = 1;
optional uint32 locked_by = 2;
message CMsgClientSharedLibraryStopPlaying {
optional int32 seconds_left = 1;
repeated .CMsgClientSharedLibraryStopPlaying_StopApp stop_apps = 2;
message CMsgClientSharedLibraryStopPlaying_StopApp {
optional uint32 app_id = 1;
optional uint32 owner_id = 2;
message CMsgClientServiceCall {
optional bytes sysid_routing = 1;
optional uint32 call_handle = 2;
optional uint32 module_crc = 3;
optional bytes module_hash = 4;
optional uint32 function_id = 5;
optional uint32 cub_output_max = 6;
optional uint32 flags = 7;
optional bytes callparameter = 8;
optional bool ping_only = 9;
optional uint32 max_outstanding_calls = 10;
message CMsgClientServiceModule {
optional uint32 module_crc = 1;
optional bytes module_hash = 2;
optional bytes module_content = 3;
message CMsgClientServiceCallResponse {
optional bytes sysid_routing = 1;
optional uint32 call_handle = 2;
optional uint32 module_crc = 3;
optional bytes module_hash = 4;
optional uint32 ecallresult = 5;
optional bytes result_content = 6;
optional bytes os_version_info = 7;
optional bytes system_info = 8;
optional fixed64 load_address = 9;
optional bytes exception_record = 10;
optional bytes portable_os_version_info = 11;
optional bytes portable_system_info = 12;
optional bool was_converted = 13;
optional uint32 internal_result = 14;
optional uint32 current_count = 15;
optional uint32 last_call_handle = 16;
optional uint32 last_call_module_crc = 17;
optional bytes last_call_sysid_routing = 18;
optional uint32 last_ecallresult = 19;
optional uint32 last_callissue_delta = 20;
optional uint32 last_callcomplete_delta = 21;
message CMsgAMUnlockStreaming {
message CMsgAMUnlockStreamingResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
optional bytes encryption_key = 2;
message CMsgAMUnlockHEVC {
message CMsgAMUnlockHEVCResponse {
optional int32 eresult = 1 [default = 2];
message CMsgClientPlayingSessionState {
optional bool playing_blocked = 2;
optional uint32 playing_app = 3;
message CMsgClientKickPlayingSession {
optional bool only_stop_game = 1;
message CMsgClientVoiceCallPreAuthorize {
optional fixed64 caller_steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 receiver_steamid = 2;
optional int32 caller_id = 3;
optional bool hangup = 4;
message CMsgClientVoiceCallPreAuthorizeResponse {
optional fixed64 caller_steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 receiver_steamid = 2;
optional int32 eresult = 3 [default = 2];
optional int32 caller_id = 4;
message CMsgBadgeCraftedNotification {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional uint32 badge_level = 2;
message CClan_RespondToClanInvite_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional bool accept = 2;
message CClan_RespondToClanInvite_Response {
message CBroadcast_BeginBroadcastSession_Request {
optional int32 permission = 1;
optional uint64 gameid = 2;
optional uint64 client_instance_id = 3;
optional string title = 4;
optional uint32 cellid = 5;
optional uint64 rtmp_token = 6;
optional bool thumbnail_upload = 7;
optional string client_beta = 8;
optional uint32 sysid = 9;
message CBroadcast_BeginBroadcastSession_Response {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
optional string thumbnail_upload_address = 2;
optional string thumbnail_upload_token = 3;
optional uint32 thumbnail_interval_seconds = 4;
optional uint32 heartbeat_interval_seconds = 5;
message CBroadcast_EndBroadcastSession_Request {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_EndBroadcastSession_Response {
message CBroadcast_StartBroadcastUpload_Request {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
optional uint32 cellid = 2;
optional bool as_rtmp = 3;
optional uint32 delay_seconds = 4;
optional uint64 rtmp_token = 5 [default = 0];
optional uint32 upload_ip_address = 6;
optional bool is_replay = 7;
optional uint32 sysid = 8;
message CBroadcast_StartBroadcastUpload_Response {
optional string upload_token = 1;
optional string upload_address = 2;
optional fixed64 broadcast_upload_id = 3;
optional bool enable_replay = 6;
optional string http_address = 7;
message CBroadcast_BroadcastUploadStarted_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
optional string upload_token = 2;
optional string upload_address = 3;
optional string http_address = 4;
optional fixed64 broadcast_upload_id = 5;
optional uint32 heartbeat_interval_seconds = 6;
optional bool is_rtmp = 7;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastStatus_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 2;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastStatus_Response {
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
optional string title = 2;
optional uint32 num_viewers = 3;
optional int32 permission = 4;
optional bool is_rtmp = 5;
optional int32 seconds_delay = 6;
optional bool is_publisher = 7;
optional string thumbnail_url = 8;
optional int32 update_interval = 9;
optional bool is_uploading = 10;
optional uint32 duration = 11;
optional bool is_replay = 12;
optional bool is_capturing_vod = 13;
optional bool is_store_whitelisted = 14;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastThumbnail_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 2;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastThumbnail_Response {
optional string thumbnail_url = 1;
optional int32 update_interval = 2;
optional int32 num_viewers = 3;
optional int32 duration = 4;
message CBroadcast_WatchBroadcast_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 existing_broadcast_id = 2;
optional fixed64 viewer_token = 3;
optional uint32 client_ip = 4;
optional uint32 client_cell = 5;
optional int32 watch_location = 6 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EBroadcastWatchLocation"];
optional bool is_webrtc = 7;
message CBroadcast_WatchBroadcast_Response {
optional int32 response = 1 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: CBroadcast_WatchBroadcast_Response_EWatchResponse"];
optional string mpd_url = 2;
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 3;
optional uint64 gameid = 4;
optional string title = 5;
optional uint32 num_viewers = 6;
optional int32 permission = 7;
optional bool is_rtmp = 8;
optional int32 seconds_delay = 9;
optional fixed64 viewer_token = 10;
optional string hls_m3u8_master_url = 11;
optional int32 heartbeat_interval = 12;
optional string thumbnail_url = 13;
optional bool is_webrtc = 14;
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 15;
optional string webrtc_offer_sdp = 16;
optional string webrtc_turn_server = 17;
optional bool is_replay = 18;
optional int32 duration = 19;
message CBroadcast_HeartbeatBroadcast_Notification {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 2;
optional fixed64 viewer_token = 3;
optional uint32 representation = 4;
message CBroadcast_StopWatchingBroadcast_Notification {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 2;
optional fixed64 viewer_token = 3;
message CBroadcast_InviteToBroadcast_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional bool approval_response = 2;
message CBroadcast_InviteToBroadcast_Response {
optional bool success = 1;
message CBroadcast_SendBroadcastStateToServer_Request {
optional int32 permission = 1;
optional uint64 gameid = 2;
optional string title = 3;
optional string game_data_config = 4;
message CBroadcast_SendBroadcastStateToServer_Response {
message CBroadcast_BroadcastViewerState_Notification {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional int32 state = 2 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: CBroadcast_BroadcastViewerState_Notification_EViewerState"];
message CBroadcast_WaitingBroadcastViewer_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_StopBroadcastUpload_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
optional fixed64 broadcast_relay_id = 2;
optional uint32 upload_result = 3;
optional bool too_many_poor_uploads = 4;
message CBroadcast_SessionClosed_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_BroadcastStatus_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
optional int32 num_viewers = 2;
message CBroadcast_BroadcastChannelLive_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_channel_id = 1;
optional string broadcast_channel_name = 2;
optional string broadcast_channel_avatar = 3;
message CBroadcast_SendThumbnailToRelay_Notification {
optional string thumbnail_upload_token = 1;
optional fixed64 thumbnail_broadcast_session_id = 2;
optional bytes thumbnail_data = 3;
optional uint32 thumbnail_width = 4;
optional uint32 thumbnail_height = 5;
message CBroadcast_NotifyBroadcastUploadStop_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_upload_id = 1;
optional uint32 upload_result = 2;
message CBroadcast_ViewerBroadcastInvite_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcaster_steamid = 1;
message CBroadcast_NotifyBroadcastSessionHeartbeat_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatInfo_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 broadcast_id = 2;
optional uint32 client_ip = 3;
optional uint32 client_cell = 4;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatInfo_Response {
optional fixed64 chat_id = 1;
optional string view_url_template = 3;
repeated uint32 flair_group_ids = 4;
message CBroadcast_PostChatMessage_Request {
optional fixed64 chat_id = 1;
optional string message = 2;
optional uint32 instance_id = 3;
message CBroadcast_PostChatMessage_Response {
optional string persona_name = 1;
optional bool in_game = 2;
optional int32 result = 3;
optional int32 cooldown_time_seconds = 4;
message CBroadcast_UpdateChatMessageFlair_Request {
optional fixed64 chat_id = 1;
optional string flair = 2;
message CBroadcast_UpdateChatMessageFlair_Response {
optional int32 result = 1;
optional fixed64 chat_id = 2;
optional string flair = 3;
message CBroadcast_MuteBroadcastChatUser_Request {
optional fixed64 chat_id = 1;
optional fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
optional bool muted = 3;
message CBroadcast_MuteBroadcastChatUser_Response {
message CBroadcast_RemoveUserChatText_Request {
optional fixed64 chat_id = 1;
optional fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
message CBroadcast_RemoveUserChatText_Response {
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatUserNames_Request {
optional fixed64 chat_id = 1;
repeated fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatUserNames_Response {
repeated .CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatUserNames_Response_PersonaName persona_names = 1;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatUserNames_Response_PersonaName {
optional fixed64 steam_id = 1;
optional string persona = 2;
message CBroadcast_StartBuildClip_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 broadcast_session_id = 2;
optional int32 first_segment = 3;
optional int32 num_segments = 4;
optional string clip_description = 5;
message CBroadcast_StartBuildClip_Response {
optional fixed64 broadcast_clip_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_GetBuildClipStatus_Request {
optional fixed64 broadcast_clip_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_GetBuildClipStatus_Response {
message CBroadcast_SetClipDetails_Request {
optional uint64 broadcast_clip_id = 1;
optional uint32 start_time = 2;
optional uint32 end_time = 3;
optional string video_description = 4;
message CBroadcast_SetClipDetails_Response {
message CBroadcast_GetClipDetails_Request {
optional uint64 broadcast_clip_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_GetClipDetails_Response {
optional uint64 broadcast_clip_id = 1;
optional uint64 video_id = 2;
optional uint64 channel_id = 3;
optional uint32 app_id = 4;
optional uint32 accountid_broadcaster = 5;
optional uint32 accountid_clipmaker = 6;
optional string video_description = 7;
optional uint32 start_time = 8;
optional uint32 length_milliseconds = 9;
optional string thumbnail_path = 10;
message CBroadcast_SetRTMPInfo_Request {
optional int32 broadcast_permission = 1;
optional bool update_token = 2;
optional int32 broadcast_delay = 3;
optional uint32 app_id = 4;
optional uint32 required_app_id = 5;
optional .EBroadcastChatPermission broadcast_chat_permission = 6 [default = k_EBroadcastChatPermissionPublic];
optional int32 broadcast_buffer = 7;
optional fixed64 steamid = 8;
optional uint32 chat_rate_limit = 9;
optional bool enable_replay = 10;
message CBroadcast_SetRTMPInfo_Response {
message CBroadcast_GetRTMPInfo_Request {
optional uint32 ip = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
message CBroadcast_GetRTMPInfo_Response {
optional int32 broadcast_permission = 1;
optional string rtmp_host = 2;
optional string rtmp_token = 3;
optional int32 broadcast_delay = 4;
optional uint32 app_id = 5;
optional uint32 required_app_id = 6;
optional int32 broadcast_chat_permission = 7 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EBroadcastChatPermission"];
optional int32 broadcast_buffer = 8;
optional fixed64 steamid = 9;
optional uint32 chat_rate_limit = 10;
optional bool enable_replay = 11;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastUploadStats_Request {
optional uint32 row_limit = 1 [default = 100];
optional uint32 start_time = 2 [default = 0];
optional uint64 upload_id = 3;
optional fixed64 steamid = 4;
optional uint64 session_id = 5;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastUploadStats_Response {
repeated .CBroadcast_GetBroadcastUploadStats_Response_UploadStats upload_stats = 1;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastUploadStats_Response_UploadStats {
optional uint32 upload_result = 1;
optional uint32 time_stopped = 2;
optional uint32 seconds_uploaded = 3;
optional uint32 max_viewers = 4;
optional uint32 resolution_x = 5;
optional uint32 resolution_y = 6;
optional uint32 avg_bandwidth = 7;
optional uint64 total_bytes = 8;
optional uint32 app_id = 9;
optional uint32 total_unique_viewers = 10;
optional uint64 total_seconds_watched = 11;
optional uint32 time_started = 12;
optional uint64 upload_id = 13;
optional string local_address = 14;
optional string remote_address = 15;
optional uint32 frames_per_second = 16;
optional uint32 num_representations = 17;
optional string app_name = 18;
optional bool is_replay = 19;
optional uint64 session_id = 20;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastViewerStats_Request {
optional uint64 upload_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastViewerStats_Response {
repeated .CBroadcast_GetBroadcastViewerStats_Response_ViewerStats viewer_stats = 1;
repeated .CBroadcast_GetBroadcastViewerStats_Response_CountryStats country_stats = 2;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastViewerStats_Response_ViewerStats {
optional uint32 time = 1;
optional uint32 num_viewers = 2;
message CBroadcast_GetBroadcastViewerStats_Response_CountryStats {
optional string country_code = 1;
optional uint32 num_viewers = 2;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCStartResult_Request {
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 1;
optional bool started = 2;
optional string offer = 3;
optional uint32 resolution_x = 4;
optional uint32 resolution_y = 5;
optional uint32 fps = 6;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCStartResult_Response {
message CBroadcast_WebRTCStopped_Request {
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCStopped_Response {
message CBroadcast_WebRTCSetAnswer_Request {
optional fixed64 broadcaster_steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 2;
optional string answer = 3;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCSetAnswer_Response {
message CBroadcast_WebRTC_Candidate {
optional string sdp_mid = 1;
optional int32 sdp_mline_index = 2;
optional string candidate = 3;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCAddHostCandidate_Request {
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 1;
optional .CBroadcast_WebRTC_Candidate candidate = 2;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCAddHostCandidate_Response {
message CBroadcast_WebRTCAddViewerCandidate_Request {
optional fixed64 broadcaster_steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 2;
optional .CBroadcast_WebRTC_Candidate candidate = 3;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCAddViewerCandidate_Response {
message CBroadcast_WebRTCGetHostCandidates_Request {
optional fixed64 broadcaster_steamid = 1;
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 2;
optional uint32 candidate_generation = 3;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCGetHostCandidates_Response {
optional uint32 candidate_generation = 1;
repeated .CBroadcast_WebRTC_Candidate candidates = 2;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCNeedTURNServer_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_session_id = 1;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCLookupTURNServer_Request {
optional uint32 cellid = 1;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCLookupTURNServer_Response {
optional string turn_server = 1;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCHaveTURNServer_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_session_id = 1;
optional string turn_server = 2;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCStart_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_session_id = 1;
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 2;
optional fixed64 viewer_steamid = 3;
optional fixed64 viewer_token = 4;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCSetAnswer_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_session_id = 1;
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 2;
optional string answer = 3;
message CBroadcast_WebRTCAddViewerCandidate_Notification {
optional fixed64 broadcast_session_id = 1;
optional fixed64 webrtc_session_id = 2;
optional .CBroadcast_WebRTC_Candidate candidate = 3;
message CEconItem_DescriptionLine {
optional string type = 1;
optional string value = 2;
optional string color = 3;
optional string label = 4;
message CEconItem_Action {
optional string link = 1;
optional string name = 2;
message CEconItem_Tag {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional string category = 2;
optional string internal_name = 3;
optional string localized_category_name = 4;
optional string localized_tag_name = 5;
optional string color = 6;
message CEconItem_Description {
optional int32 appid = 1;
optional uint64 classid = 2;
optional uint64 instanceid = 3;
optional bool currency = 4;
optional string background_color = 5;
optional string icon_url = 6;
optional string icon_url_large = 7;
repeated .CEconItem_DescriptionLine descriptions = 8;
optional bool tradable = 9;
repeated .CEconItem_Action actions = 10;
repeated .CEconItem_DescriptionLine owner_descriptions = 11;
repeated .CEconItem_Action owner_actions = 12;
repeated string fraudwarnings = 13;
optional string name = 14;
optional string name_color = 15;
optional string type = 16;
optional string market_name = 17;
optional string market_hash_name = 18;
optional string market_fee = 19;
optional int32 market_fee_app = 28;
optional .CEconItem_Description contained_item = 20;
repeated .CEconItem_Action market_actions = 21;
optional bool commodity = 22;
optional int32 market_tradable_restriction = 23;
optional int32 market_marketable_restriction = 24;
optional bool marketable = 25;
repeated .CEconItem_Tag tags = 26;
optional string item_expiration = 27;
optional string market_buy_country_restriction = 30;
optional string market_sell_country_restriction = 31;
message CEcon_GetTradeOfferAccessToken_Request {
optional bool generate_new_token = 1;
message CEcon_GetTradeOfferAccessToken_Response {
optional string trade_offer_access_token = 1;
message CEcon_ClientGetItemShopOverlayAuthURL_Request {
optional string return_url = 1;
message CEcon_ClientGetItemShopOverlayAuthURL_Response {
optional string url = 1;
message CEcon_GetAssetClassInfo_Request {
optional string language = 1;
optional uint32 appid = 2;
repeated .CEcon_GetAssetClassInfo_Request_Class classes = 3;
message CEcon_GetAssetClassInfo_Request_Class {
optional uint64 classid = 1;
optional uint64 instanceid = 2;
message CEcon_GetAssetClassInfo_Response {
repeated .CEconItem_Description descriptions = 1;
message CStore_GetLocalizedNameForTags_Request {
optional string language = 1;
repeated uint32 tagids = 2;
message CStore_GetLocalizedNameForTags_Response {
repeated .CStore_GetLocalizedNameForTags_Response_Tag tags = 1;
message CStore_GetLocalizedNameForTags_Response_Tag {
optional uint32 tagid = 1;
optional string english_name = 2;
optional string name = 3;
message CStore_UserPreferences {
optional uint32 primary_language = 1;
optional uint32 secondary_languages = 2;
optional bool platform_windows = 3;
optional bool platform_mac = 4;
optional bool platform_linux = 5;
optional bool hide_adult_content_violence = 6;
optional bool hide_adult_content_sex = 7;
optional uint32 timestamp_updated = 8;
optional bool hide_store_broadcast = 9;
optional int32 review_score_preference = 10 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EUserReviewScorePreference"];
optional int32 timestamp_content_descriptor_preferences_updated = 11;
message CStore_UserTagPreferences {
repeated .CStore_UserTagPreferences_Tag tags_to_exclude = 1;
message CStore_UserTagPreferences_Tag {
optional uint32 tagid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp_added = 3;
message CStore_UserContentDescriptorPreferences {
repeated .CStore_UserContentDescriptorPreferences_ContentDescriptor content_descriptors_to_exclude = 1;
message CStore_UserContentDescriptorPreferences_ContentDescriptor {
optional uint32 content_descriptorid = 1;
optional uint32 timestamp_added = 2;
message CStore_GetStorePreferences_Request {
message CStore_GetStorePreferences_Response {
optional .CStore_UserPreferences preferences = 1;
optional .CStore_UserTagPreferences tag_preferences = 2;
optional .CStore_UserContentDescriptorPreferences content_descriptor_preferences = 3;
message CStore_StorePreferencesChanged_Notification {
optional .CStore_UserPreferences preferences = 1;
optional .CStore_UserTagPreferences tag_preferences = 2;
optional .CStore_UserContentDescriptorPreferences content_descriptor_preferences = 3;
message CVoiceChat_RequestOneOnOneChat_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 1;
message CVoiceChat_RequestOneOnOneChat_Response {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
message CVoiceChat_OneOnOneChatRequested_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 2;
message CVoiceChat_AnswerOneOnOneChat_Request {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 2;
optional bool accepted_request = 3;
message CVoiceChat_AnswerOneOnOneChat_Response {
message CVoiceChat_OneOnOneChatRequestResponse_Notification {
optional fixed64 voicechat_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 2;
optional bool accepted_request = 3;
message CVoiceChat_EndOneOnOneChat_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 1;
message CVoiceChat_EndOneOnOneChat_Response {
message CVoiceChat_LeaveOneOnOneChat_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid_partner = 1;
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 2;
message CVoiceChat_LeaveOneOnOneChat_Response {
message CVoiceChat_UserJoinedVoiceChat_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
optional uint64 chatid = 3;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_lower = 4;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_higher = 5;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 6;
optional uint32 user_sessionid = 7;
message CVoiceChat_UserVoiceStatus_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
optional bool user_muted_mic_locally = 3;
optional bool user_muted_output_locally = 4;
optional bool user_has_no_mic_for_session = 5;
optional int32 user_webaudio_sample_rate = 6;
message CVoiceChat_AllMembersStatus_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
repeated .CVoiceChat_UserVoiceStatus_Notification users = 2;
message CVoiceChat_UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData_Request {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional uint32 ip_webrtc_server = 2;
optional uint32 port_webrtc_server = 3;
optional uint32 ip_webrtc_client = 4;
optional uint32 port_webrtc_client = 5;
optional uint32 ssrc_my_sending_stream = 6;
optional string user_agent = 7;
optional bool has_audio_worklets_support = 8;
message CVoiceChat_UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData_Response {
optional bool send_client_voice_logs = 1;
message CVoiceChat_UploadClientVoiceChatLogs_Request {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional string client_voice_logs_new_lines = 2;
message CVoiceChat_UploadClientVoiceChatLogs_Response {
message CVoiceChat_LeaveVoiceChat_Request {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
message CVoiceChat_LeaveVoiceChat_Response {
message CVoiceChat_UserLeftVoiceChat_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 user_steamid = 2;
optional uint64 chatid = 3;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_lower = 4;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_higher = 5;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 6;
optional uint32 user_sessionid = 7;
message CVoiceChat_VoiceChatEnded_Notification {
optional fixed64 voice_chatid = 1;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_lower = 2;
optional fixed64 one_on_one_steamid_higher = 3;
optional uint64 chatid = 4;
optional uint64 chat_group_id = 5;
message CWebRTCClient_InitiateWebRTCConnection_Request {
optional string sdp = 1;
message CWebRTCClient_InitiateWebRTCConnection_Response {
optional string remote_description = 1;
message CWebRTC_WebRTCSessionConnected_Notification {
optional uint32 ssrc = 1;
optional uint32 client_ip = 2;
optional uint32 client_port = 3;
optional uint32 server_ip = 4;
optional uint32 server_port = 5;
message CWebRTC_WebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription_Notification {
optional string remote_description = 1;
optional uint64 remote_description_version = 2;
repeated .CWebRTC_WebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription_Notification_CSSRCToAccountIDMapping ssrcs_to_accountids = 3;
message CWebRTC_WebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription_Notification_CSSRCToAccountIDMapping {
optional uint32 ssrc = 1;
optional uint32 accountid = 2;
message CWebRTCClient_AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription_Request {
optional uint32 ip_webrtc_server = 1;
optional uint32 port_webrtc_server = 2;
optional uint32 ip_webrtc_session_client = 3;
optional uint32 port_webrtc_session_client = 4;
optional uint64 remote_description_version = 5;
message CWebRTCClient_AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription_Response {
message ParentalApp {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
optional bool is_allowed = 2;
message ParentalSettings {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 applist_base_id = 2;
optional string applist_base_description = 3;
repeated .ParentalApp applist_base = 4;
repeated .ParentalApp applist_custom = 5;
optional uint32 passwordhashtype = 6;
optional bytes salt = 7;
optional bytes passwordhash = 8;
optional bool is_enabled = 9;
optional uint32 enabled_features = 10;
optional string recovery_email = 11;
optional bool is_site_license_lock = 12;
message CParental_EnableParentalSettings_Request {
optional string password = 1;
optional .ParentalSettings settings = 2;
optional string sessionid = 3;
optional uint32 enablecode = 4;
optional fixed64 steamid = 10;
message CParental_EnableParentalSettings_Response {
message CParental_DisableParentalSettings_Request {
optional string password = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 10;
message CParental_DisableParentalSettings_Response {
message CParental_GetParentalSettings_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 10;
message CParental_GetParentalSettings_Response {
optional .ParentalSettings settings = 1;
message CParental_GetSignedParentalSettings_Request {
optional uint32 priority = 1;
message CParental_GetSignedParentalSettings_Response {
optional bytes serialized_settings = 1;
optional bytes signature = 2;
message CParental_SetParentalSettings_Request {
optional string password = 1;
optional .ParentalSettings settings = 2;
optional string new_password = 3;
optional string sessionid = 4;
optional fixed64 steamid = 10;
message CParental_SetParentalSettings_Response {
message CParental_ValidateToken_Request {
optional string unlock_token = 1;
message CParental_ValidateToken_Response {
message CParental_ValidatePassword_Request {
optional string password = 1;
optional string session = 2;
optional bool send_unlock_on_success = 3;
message CParental_ValidatePassword_Response {
optional string token = 1;
message CParental_LockClient_Request {
optional string session = 1;
message CParental_LockClient_Response {
message CParental_RequestRecoveryCode_Request {
message CParental_RequestRecoveryCode_Response {
message CParental_DisableWithRecoveryCode_Request {
optional uint32 recovery_code = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 10;
message CParental_DisableWithRecoveryCode_Response {
message CParental_ParentalSettingsChange_Notification {
optional bytes serialized_settings = 1;
optional bytes signature = 2;
optional string password = 3;
optional string sessionid = 4;
message CParental_ParentalUnlock_Notification {
optional string password = 1;
optional string sessionid = 2;
message CParental_ParentalLock_Notification {
optional string sessionid = 1;
message CMobilePerAccount_GetSettings_Request {
message CMobilePerAccount_GetSettings_Response {
optional bool has_settings = 4;
optional bool allow_sale_push = 2;
optional bool allow_wishlist_push = 3;
optional uint32 chat_notification_level = 5;
optional bool notify_direct_chat = 6;
optional bool notify_group_chat = 7;
optional bool allow_event_push = 8 [default = true];
message CMobilePerAccount_SetSettings_Request {
optional bool allow_sale_push = 2;
optional bool allow_wishlist_push = 3;
optional uint32 chat_notification_level = 4;
optional bool notify_direct_chat = 5;
optional bool notify_group_chat = 6;
optional bool allow_event_push = 7 [default = true];
message CMobilePerAccount_SetSettings_Response {
message CMobileDevice_RegisterMobileDevice_Request {
optional string deviceid = 1;
optional string language = 2;
optional bool push_enabled = 3;
optional string app_version = 4;
optional string os_version = 5;
optional string device_model = 6;
optional string twofactor_device_identifier = 7;
optional int32 mobile_app = 8 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EMobileApp"];
message CMobileDevice_RegisterMobileDevice_Response {
optional uint32 unique_deviceid = 2;
message CMobileDevice_DeregisterMobileDevice_Notification {
optional string deviceid = 1;
message CUserAccount_GetAccountLinkStatus_Request {
message CUserAccount_GetAccountLinkStatus_Response {
optional uint32 pwid = 1;
optional uint32 identity_verification = 2;
message CUserAccount_CancelLicenseForApp_Request {
optional uint32 appid = 1;
message CUserAccount_CancelLicenseForApp_Response {
message CUserAccount_CreateFriendInviteToken_Request {
optional uint32 invite_limit = 1;
optional uint32 invite_duration = 2;
optional string invite_note = 3;
message CUserAccount_CreateFriendInviteToken_Response {
optional string invite_token = 1;
optional uint64 invite_limit = 2;
optional uint64 invite_duration = 3;
optional fixed32 time_created = 4;
optional bool valid = 5;
message CUserAccount_GetFriendInviteTokens_Request {
message CUserAccount_GetFriendInviteTokens_Response {
repeated .CUserAccount_CreateFriendInviteToken_Response tokens = 1;
message CUserAccount_ViewFriendInviteToken_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional string invite_token = 2;
message CUserAccount_ViewFriendInviteToken_Response {
optional bool valid = 1;
optional uint64 steamid = 2;
optional uint64 invite_duration = 3;
message CUserAccount_RedeemFriendInviteToken_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional string invite_token = 2;
message CUserAccount_RedeemFriendInviteToken_Response {
message CUserAccount_RevokeFriendInviteToken_Request {
optional string invite_token = 1;
message CUserAccount_RevokeFriendInviteToken_Response {
message CUserAccount_RegisterCompatTool_Request {
optional uint32 compat_tool = 1;
message CUserAccount_RegisterCompatTool_Response {
message CAccountLinking_GetLinkedAccountInfo_Request {
optional int32 account_type = 1 [(description) = "enum; suggested types: EInternalAccountType,EExternalAccountType"];
optional uint64 account_id = 2;
optional int32 filter = 3 [(description) = "enum"];
optional bool return_access_token = 4;
message CAccountLinking_GetLinkedAccountInfo_Response {
repeated .CAccountLinking_GetLinkedAccountInfo_Response_CExternalAccountTuple_Response external_accounts = 1;
message CAccountLinking_GetLinkedAccountInfo_Response_CExternalAccountTuple_Response {
optional int32 external_type = 1 [(description) = "enum; suggested type: EExternalAccountType"];
optional string external_id = 2;
optional string external_user_name = 3;
optional string external_url = 4;
optional string access_token = 5;
optional string access_token_secret = 6;
optional bool is_valid = 7;
message CEmbeddedClient_Token {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional bytes client_token = 2;
optional uint32 expiry = 3;
optional uint32 deviceid = 4;
message CEmbeddedClient_AuthorizeDevice_Response {
optional uint32 result = 1;
optional .CEmbeddedClient_Token token = 2;
message CEmbeddedClient_AuthorizeCurrentDevice_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional uint32 appid = 2;
optional string device_info = 3;
optional uint32 deviceid = 4;
message NoResponse {
message UnknownProto {
service HelpRequestLogs {
rpc UploadUserApplicationLog (.CHelpRequestLogs_UploadUserApplicationLog_Request) returns (.CHelpRequestLogs_UploadUserApplicationLog_Response);
service Community {
rpc GetApps (.CCommunity_GetApps_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetApps_Response);
rpc GetAppRichPresenceLocalization (.CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetAppRichPresenceLocalization_Response);
rpc GetCommentThread (.CCommunity_GetCommentThread_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetCommentThread_Response);
rpc PostCommentToThread (.CCommunity_PostCommentToThread_Request) returns (.CCommunity_PostCommentToThread_Response);
rpc DeleteCommentFromThread (.CCommunity_DeleteCommentFromThread_Request) returns (.CCommunity_DeleteCommentFromThread_Response);
rpc RateCommentThread (.CCommunity_RateCommentThread_Request) returns (.CCommunity_RateCommentThread_Response);
rpc GetCommentThreadRatings (.CCommunity_GetCommentThreadRatings_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetCommentThreadRatings_Response);
rpc RateClanAnnouncement (.CCommunity_RateClanAnnouncement_Request) returns (.CCommunity_RateClanAnnouncement_Response);
rpc GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser (.CCommunity_GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetClanAnnouncementVoteForUser_Response);
rpc GetUserPartnerEventNews (.CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventNews_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventNews_Response);
rpc GetBestEventsForUser (.CCommunity_GetBestEventsForUser_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetBestEventsForUser_Response);
rpc MarkPartnerEventsForUser (.CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Request) returns (.CCommunity_MarkPartnerEventsForUser_Response);
rpc PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp (.CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp_Request) returns (.CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowMoreForApp_Response);
rpc PartnerEventsShowLessForApp (.CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowLessForApp_Request) returns (.CCommunity_PartnerEventsShowLessForApp_Response);
rpc ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities (.CCommunity_ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Request) returns (.CCommunity_ClearUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Response);
rpc GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities (.CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Request) returns (.CCommunity_GetUserPartnerEventsAppPriorities_Response);
rpc ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority (.CCommunity_ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority_Request) returns (.CCommunity_ClearSinglePartnerEventsAppPriority_Response);
service Chat {
rpc RequestFriendPersonaStates (.CChat_RequestFriendPersonaStates_Request) returns (.CChat_RequestFriendPersonaStates_Response);
service ChatRoom {
rpc CreateChatRoomGroup (.CChatRoom_CreateChatRoomGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_CreateChatRoomGroup_Response);
rpc SaveChatRoomGroup (.CChatRoom_SaveChatRoomGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_SaveChatRoomGroup_Response);
rpc RenameChatRoomGroup (.CChatRoom_RenameChatRoomGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_RenameChatRoomGroup_Response);
rpc SetChatRoomGroupTagline (.CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupTagline_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupTagline_Response);
rpc SetChatRoomGroupAvatar (.CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupAvatar_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupAvatar_Response);
rpc SetChatRoomGroupWatchingBroadcast (.CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupWatchingBroadcast_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_SetChatRoomGroupWatchingBroadcast_Response);
rpc JoinMiniGameForChatRoomGroup (.CChatRoom_JoinMiniGameForChatRoomGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_JoinMiniGameForChatRoomGroup_Response);
rpc EndMiniGameForChatRoomGroup (.CChatRoom_EndMiniGameForChatRoomGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_EndMiniGameForChatRoomGroup_Response);
rpc MuteUserInGroup (.CChatRoom_MuteUser_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_MuteUser_Response);
rpc KickUserFromGroup (.CChatRoom_KickUser_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_KickUser_Response);
rpc SetUserBanState (.CChatRoom_SetUserBanState_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_SetUserBanState_Response);
rpc RevokeInviteToGroup (.CChatRoom_RevokeInvite_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_RevokeInvite_Response);
rpc CreateRole (.CChatRoom_CreateRole_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_CreateRole_Response);
rpc GetRoles (.CChatRoom_GetRoles_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetRoles_Response);
rpc RenameRole (.CChatRoom_RenameRole_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_RenameRole_Response);
rpc ReorderRole (.CChatRoom_ReorderRole_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_ReorderRole_Response);
rpc DeleteRole (.CChatRoom_DeleteRole_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_DeleteRole_Response);
rpc GetRoleActions (.CChatRoom_GetRoleActions_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetRoleActions_Response);
rpc ReplaceRoleActions (.CChatRoom_ReplaceRoleActions_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_ReplaceRoleActions_Response);
rpc AddRoleToUser (.CChatRoom_AddRoleToUser_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_AddRoleToUser_Response);
rpc GetRolesForUser (.CChatRoom_GetRolesForUser_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetRolesForUser_Response);
rpc DeleteRoleFromUser (.CChatRoom_DeleteRoleFromUser_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_DeleteRoleFromUser_Response);
rpc JoinChatRoomGroup (.CChatRoom_JoinChatRoomGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_JoinChatRoomGroup_Response);
rpc InviteFriendToChatRoomGroup (.CChatRoom_InviteFriendToChatRoomGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_InviteFriendToChatRoomGroup_Response);
rpc LeaveChatRoomGroup (.CChatRoom_LeaveChatRoomGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_LeaveChatRoomGroup_Response);
rpc CreateChatRoom (.CChatRoom_CreateChatRoom_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_CreateChatRoom_Response);
rpc DeleteChatRoom (.CChatRoom_DeleteChatRoom_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_DeleteChatRoom_Response);
rpc RenameChatRoom (.CChatRoom_RenameChatRoom_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_RenameChatRoom_Response);
rpc ReorderChatRoom (.CChatRoom_ReorderChatRoom_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_ReorderChatRoom_Response);
rpc SendChatMessage (.CChatRoom_SendChatMessage_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_SendChatMessage_Response);
rpc JoinVoiceChat (.CChatRoom_JoinVoiceChat_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_JoinVoiceChat_Response);
rpc LeaveVoiceChat (.CChatRoom_LeaveVoiceChat_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_LeaveVoiceChat_Response);
rpc GetMessageHistory (.CChatRoom_GetMessageHistory_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetMessageHistory_Response);
rpc GetMyChatRoomGroups (.CChatRoom_GetMyChatRoomGroups_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetMyChatRoomGroups_Response);
rpc GetChatRoomGroupState (.CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupState_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupState_Response);
rpc GetChatRoomGroupSummary (.CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetChatRoomGroupSummary_Response);
rpc AckChatMessage (.CChatRoom_AckChatMessage_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc CreateInviteLink (.CChatRoom_CreateInviteLink_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_CreateInviteLink_Response);
rpc GetInviteLinkInfo (.CChatRoom_GetInviteLinkInfo_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetInviteLinkInfo_Response);
rpc GetInviteInfo (.CChatRoom_GetInviteInfo_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetInviteInfo_Response);
rpc GetInviteLinksForGroup (.CChatRoom_GetInviteLinksForGroup_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetInviteLinksForGroup_Response);
rpc GetBanList (.CChatRoom_GetBanList_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetBanList_Response);
rpc GetInviteList (.CChatRoom_GetInviteList_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_GetInviteList_Response);
rpc DeleteInviteLink (.CChatRoom_DeleteInviteLink_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_DeleteInviteLink_Response);
rpc SetSessionActiveChatRoomGroups (.CChatRoom_SetSessionActiveChatRoomGroups_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_SetSessionActiveChatRoomGroups_Response);
rpc SetUserChatGroupPreferences (.CChatRoom_SetUserChatGroupPreferences_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_SetUserChatGroupPreferences_Response);
rpc DeleteChatMessages (.CChatRoom_DeleteChatMessages_Request) returns (.CChatRoom_DeleteChatMessages_Response);
rpc UpdateMemberListView (.CChatRoom_UpdateMemberListView_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service ClanChatRooms {
rpc GetClanChatRoomInfo (.CClanChatRooms_GetClanChatRoomInfo_Request) returns (.CClanChatRooms_GetClanChatRoomInfo_Response);
rpc SetClanChatRoomPrivate (.CClanChatRooms_SetClanChatRoomPrivate_Request) returns (.CClanChatRooms_SetClanChatRoomPrivate_Response);
service ChatRoomClient {
rpc NotifyIncomingChatMessage (.CChatRoom_IncomingChatMessage_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyChatMessageModified (.CChatRoom_ChatMessageModified_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyMemberStateChange (.CChatRoom_MemberStateChange_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyChatRoomHeaderStateChange (.CChatRoom_ChatRoomHeaderState_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyChatRoomGroupRoomsChange (.CChatRoom_ChatRoomGroupRoomsChange_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyShouldRejoinChatRoomVoiceChat (.CChatRoom_NotifyShouldRejoinChatRoomVoiceChat_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyChatGroupUserStateChanged (.ChatRoomClient_NotifyChatGroupUserStateChanged_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyAckChatMessageEcho (.CChatRoom_AckChatMessage_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyChatRoomDisconnect (.ChatRoomClient_NotifyChatRoomDisconnect_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyMemberListViewUpdated (.CChatRoomClient_MemberListViewUpdated_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service ChatUsability {
rpc NotifyClientUsabilityMetrics (.CChatUsability_ClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service ChatUsabilityClient {
rpc NotifyRequestClientUsabilityMetrics (.CChatUsability_RequestClientUsabilityMetrics_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service ExperimentService {
rpc ReportProductImpressionsFromClient (.UnknownProto) returns (.NoResponse);
service FriendMessages {
rpc GetRecentMessages (.CFriendMessages_GetRecentMessages_Request) returns (.CFriendMessages_GetRecentMessages_Response);
rpc GetActiveMessageSessions (.CFriendsMessages_GetActiveMessageSessions_Request) returns (.CFriendsMessages_GetActiveMessageSessions_Response);
rpc SendMessage (.CFriendMessages_SendMessage_Request) returns (.CFriendMessages_SendMessage_Response);
rpc AckMessage (.CFriendMessages_AckMessage_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc IsInFriendsUIBeta (.CFriendMessages_IsInFriendsUIBeta_Request) returns (.CFriendMessages_IsInFriendsUIBeta_Response);
service FriendMessagesClient {
rpc IncomingMessage (.CFriendMessages_IncomingMessage_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyAckMessageEcho (.CFriendMessages_AckMessage_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service FriendsList {
rpc GetCategories (.CFriendsList_GetCategories_Request) returns (.CFriendsList_GetCategories_Response);
rpc GetFriendsList (.CFriendsList_GetFriendsList_Request) returns (.CFriendsList_GetFriendsList_Response);
rpc GetFavorites (.CFriendsList_GetFavorites_Request) returns (.CFriendsList_GetFavorites_Response);
rpc SetFavorites (.CFriendsList_SetFavorites_Request) returns (.CFriendsList_SetFavorites_Response);
service FriendsListClient {
rpc FavoritesChanged (.CFriendsList_FavoritesChanged_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service Player {
rpc GetMutualFriendsForIncomingInvites (.CPlayer_GetMutualFriendsForIncomingInvites_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetMutualFriendsForIncomingInvites_Response);
rpc GetFriendsGameplayInfo (.CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetFriendsGameplayInfo_Response);
rpc GetFriendsAppsActivity (.CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetFriendsAppsActivity_Response);
rpc GetGameBadgeLevels (.CPlayer_GetGameBadgeLevels_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetGameBadgeLevels_Response);
rpc GetEmoticonList (.CPlayer_GetEmoticonList_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetEmoticonList_Response);
rpc GetAchievementsProgress (.CPlayer_GetAchievementsProgress_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetAchievementsProgress_Response);
rpc PostStatusToFriends (.CPlayer_PostStatusToFriends_Request) returns (.CPlayer_PostStatusToFriends_Response);
rpc GetPostedStatus (.CPlayer_GetPostedStatus_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetPostedStatus_Response);
rpc DeletePostedStatus (.CPlayer_DeletePostedStatus_Request) returns (.CPlayer_DeletePostedStatus_Response);
rpc ClientGetLastPlayedTimes (.CPlayer_GetLastPlayedTimes_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetLastPlayedTimes_Response);
rpc AcceptSSA (.CPlayer_AcceptSSA_Request) returns (.CPlayer_AcceptSSA_Response);
rpc GetNicknameList (.CPlayer_GetNicknameList_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetNicknameList_Response);
rpc GetPerFriendPreferences (.CPlayer_GetPerFriendPreferences_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetPerFriendPreferences_Response);
rpc SetPerFriendPreferences (.CPlayer_SetPerFriendPreferences_Request) returns (.CPlayer_SetPerFriendPreferences_Response);
rpc AddFriend (.CPlayer_AddFriend_Request) returns (.CPlayer_AddFriend_Response);
rpc RemoveFriend (.CPlayer_RemoveFriend_Request) returns (.CPlayer_RemoveFriend_Response);
rpc IgnoreFriend (.CPlayer_IgnoreFriend_Request) returns (.CPlayer_IgnoreFriend_Response);
rpc GetCommunityPreferences (.CPlayer_GetCommunityPreferences_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetCommunityPreferences_Response);
rpc SetCommunityPreferences (.CPlayer_SetCommunityPreferences_Request) returns (.CPlayer_SetCommunityPreferences_Response);
rpc GetNewSteamAnnouncementState (.CPlayer_GetNewSteamAnnouncementState_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetNewSteamAnnouncementState_Response);
rpc UpdateSteamAnnouncementLastRead (.CPlayer_UpdateSteamAnnouncementLastRead_Request) returns (.CPlayer_UpdateSteamAnnouncementLastRead_Response);
rpc GetPrivacySettings (.CPlayer_GetPrivacySettings_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetPrivacySettings_Response);
rpc GetDurationControl (.CPlayer_GetDurationControl_Request) returns (.CPlayer_GetDurationControl_Response);
service PlayerClient {
rpc NotifyLastPlayedTimes (.CPlayer_LastPlayedTimes_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyFriendNicknameChanged (.CPlayer_FriendNicknameChanged_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyNewSteamAnnouncementState (.CPlayer_NewSteamAnnouncementState_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyCommunityPreferencesChanged (.CPlayer_CommunityPreferencesChanged_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyPerFriendPreferencesChanged (.CPlayer_PerFriendPreferencesChanged_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyPrivacyPrivacySettingsChanged (.CPlayer_PrivacySettingsChanged_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service Clan {
rpc RespondToClanInvite (.CClan_RespondToClanInvite_Request) returns (.CClan_RespondToClanInvite_Response);
service Broadcast {
rpc BeginBroadcastSession (.CBroadcast_BeginBroadcastSession_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_BeginBroadcastSession_Response);
rpc EndBroadcastSession (.CBroadcast_EndBroadcastSession_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_EndBroadcastSession_Response);
rpc StartBroadcastUpload (.CBroadcast_StartBroadcastUpload_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_StartBroadcastUpload_Response);
rpc NotifyBroadcastUploadStop (.CBroadcast_NotifyBroadcastUploadStop_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc WatchBroadcast (.CBroadcast_WatchBroadcast_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_WatchBroadcast_Response);
rpc HeartbeatBroadcast (.CBroadcast_HeartbeatBroadcast_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc StopWatchingBroadcast (.CBroadcast_StopWatchingBroadcast_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc GetBroadcastStatus (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastStatus_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastStatus_Response);
rpc GetBroadcastThumbnail (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastThumbnail_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastThumbnail_Response);
rpc InviteToBroadcast (.CBroadcast_InviteToBroadcast_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_InviteToBroadcast_Response);
rpc SendBroadcastStateToServer (.CBroadcast_SendBroadcastStateToServer_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_SendBroadcastStateToServer_Response);
rpc NotifyBroadcastSessionHeartbeat (.CBroadcast_NotifyBroadcastSessionHeartbeat_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc GetBroadcastChatInfo (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatInfo_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatInfo_Response);
rpc PostChatMessage (.CBroadcast_PostChatMessage_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_PostChatMessage_Response);
rpc UpdateChatMessageFlair (.CBroadcast_UpdateChatMessageFlair_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_UpdateChatMessageFlair_Response);
rpc MuteBroadcastChatUser (.CBroadcast_MuteBroadcastChatUser_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_MuteBroadcastChatUser_Response);
rpc RemoveUserChatText (.CBroadcast_RemoveUserChatText_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_RemoveUserChatText_Response);
rpc GetBroadcastChatUserNames (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatUserNames_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastChatUserNames_Response);
rpc StartBuildClip (.CBroadcast_StartBuildClip_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_StartBuildClip_Response);
rpc GetBuildClipStatus (.CBroadcast_GetBuildClipStatus_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetBuildClipStatus_Response);
rpc SetClipDetails (.CBroadcast_SetClipDetails_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_SetClipDetails_Response);
rpc GetClipDetails (.CBroadcast_GetClipDetails_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetClipDetails_Response);
rpc SetRTMPInfo (.CBroadcast_SetRTMPInfo_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_SetRTMPInfo_Response);
rpc GetRTMPInfo (.CBroadcast_GetRTMPInfo_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetRTMPInfo_Response);
rpc NotifyWebRTCHaveTURNServer (.CBroadcast_WebRTCHaveTURNServer_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc WebRTCStartResult (.CBroadcast_WebRTCStartResult_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_WebRTCStartResult_Response);
rpc WebRTCStopped (.CBroadcast_WebRTCStopped_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_WebRTCStopped_Response);
rpc WebRTCSetAnswer (.CBroadcast_WebRTCSetAnswer_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_WebRTCSetAnswer_Response);
rpc WebRTCLookupTURNServer (.CBroadcast_WebRTCLookupTURNServer_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_WebRTCLookupTURNServer_Response);
rpc WebRTCAddHostCandidate (.CBroadcast_WebRTCAddHostCandidate_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_WebRTCAddHostCandidate_Response);
rpc WebRTCAddViewerCandidate (.CBroadcast_WebRTCAddViewerCandidate_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_WebRTCAddViewerCandidate_Response);
rpc WebRTCGetHostCandidates (.CBroadcast_WebRTCGetHostCandidates_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_WebRTCGetHostCandidates_Response);
rpc GetBroadcastUploadStats (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastUploadStats_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastUploadStats_Response);
rpc GetBroadcastViewerStats (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastViewerStats_Request) returns (.CBroadcast_GetBroadcastViewerStats_Response);
service BroadcastClient {
rpc NotifyBroadcastViewerState (.CBroadcast_BroadcastViewerState_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyWaitingBroadcastViewer (.CBroadcast_WaitingBroadcastViewer_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyBroadcastUploadStarted (.CBroadcast_BroadcastUploadStarted_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyStopBroadcastUpload (.CBroadcast_StopBroadcastUpload_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifySessionClosed (.CBroadcast_SessionClosed_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyViewerBroadcastInvite (.CBroadcast_ViewerBroadcastInvite_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyBroadcastStatus (.CBroadcast_BroadcastStatus_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyBroadcastChannelLive (.CBroadcast_BroadcastChannelLive_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc SendThumbnailToRelay (.CBroadcast_SendThumbnailToRelay_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyWebRTCNeedTURNServer (.CBroadcast_WebRTCNeedTURNServer_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyWebRTCStart (.CBroadcast_WebRTCStart_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyWebRTCSetAnswer (.CBroadcast_WebRTCSetAnswer_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyWebRTCAddViewerCandidate (.CBroadcast_WebRTCAddViewerCandidate_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service Econ {
rpc GetTradeOfferAccessToken (.CEcon_GetTradeOfferAccessToken_Request) returns (.CEcon_GetTradeOfferAccessToken_Response);
rpc ClientGetItemShopOverlayAuthURL (.CEcon_ClientGetItemShopOverlayAuthURL_Request) returns (.CEcon_ClientGetItemShopOverlayAuthURL_Response);
rpc GetAssetClassInfo (.CEcon_GetAssetClassInfo_Request) returns (.CEcon_GetAssetClassInfo_Response);
service Store {
rpc GetLocalizedNameForTags (.CStore_GetLocalizedNameForTags_Request) returns (.CStore_GetLocalizedNameForTags_Response);
rpc GetStorePreferences (.CStore_GetStorePreferences_Request) returns (.CStore_GetStorePreferences_Response);
service StoreClient {
rpc NotifyStorePreferencesChanged (.CStore_StorePreferencesChanged_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service VoiceChat {
rpc UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData (.CVoiceChat_UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_UpdateVoiceChatWebRTCData_Response);
rpc NotifyUserVoiceStatus (.CVoiceChat_UserVoiceStatus_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc UploadClientVoiceChatLogs (.CVoiceChat_UploadClientVoiceChatLogs_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_UploadClientVoiceChatLogs_Response);
rpc LeaveVoiceChat (.CVoiceChat_LeaveVoiceChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_LeaveVoiceChat_Response);
rpc RequestOneOnOneChat (.CVoiceChat_RequestOneOnOneChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_RequestOneOnOneChat_Response);
rpc AnswerOneOnOneChat (.CVoiceChat_AnswerOneOnOneChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_AnswerOneOnOneChat_Response);
rpc EndOneOnOneChat (.CVoiceChat_EndOneOnOneChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_EndOneOnOneChat_Response);
rpc LeaveOneOnOneChat (.CVoiceChat_LeaveOneOnOneChat_Request) returns (.CVoiceChat_LeaveOneOnOneChat_Response);
service VoiceChatClient {
rpc NotifyUserJoinedVoiceChat (.CVoiceChat_UserJoinedVoiceChat_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyUserLeftVoiceChat (.CVoiceChat_UserLeftVoiceChat_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyVoiceChatEnded (.CVoiceChat_VoiceChatEnded_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyUserVoiceStatus (.CVoiceChat_UserVoiceStatus_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyAllUsersVoiceStatus (.CVoiceChat_AllMembersStatus_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyOneOnOneChatRequested (.CVoiceChat_OneOnOneChatRequested_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyOneOnOneChatResponse (.CVoiceChat_OneOnOneChatRequestResponse_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service WebRTCClient {
rpc InitiateWebRTCConnection (.CWebRTCClient_InitiateWebRTCConnection_Request) returns (.CWebRTCClient_InitiateWebRTCConnection_Response);
rpc AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription (.CWebRTCClient_AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription_Request) returns (.CWebRTCClient_AcknowledgeUpdatedRemoteDescription_Response);
service WebRTCClientNotifications {
rpc NotifyWebRTCSessionConnected (.CWebRTC_WebRTCSessionConnected_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyWebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription (.CWebRTC_WebRTCUpdateRemoteDescription_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service Parental {
rpc EnableParentalSettings (.CParental_EnableParentalSettings_Request) returns (.CParental_EnableParentalSettings_Response);
rpc DisableParentalSettings (.CParental_DisableParentalSettings_Request) returns (.CParental_DisableParentalSettings_Response);
rpc GetParentalSettings (.CParental_GetParentalSettings_Request) returns (.CParental_GetParentalSettings_Response);
rpc GetSignedParentalSettings (.CParental_GetSignedParentalSettings_Request) returns (.CParental_GetSignedParentalSettings_Response);
rpc SetParentalSettings (.CParental_SetParentalSettings_Request) returns (.CParental_SetParentalSettings_Response);
rpc ValidateToken (.CParental_ValidateToken_Request) returns (.CParental_ValidateToken_Response);
rpc ValidatePassword (.CParental_ValidatePassword_Request) returns (.CParental_ValidatePassword_Response);
rpc LockClient (.CParental_LockClient_Request) returns (.CParental_LockClient_Response);
rpc RequestRecoveryCode (.CParental_RequestRecoveryCode_Request) returns (.CParental_RequestRecoveryCode_Response);
rpc DisableWithRecoveryCode (.CParental_DisableWithRecoveryCode_Request) returns (.CParental_DisableWithRecoveryCode_Response);
service ParentalClient {
rpc NotifySettingsChange (.CParental_ParentalSettingsChange_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyUnlock (.CParental_ParentalUnlock_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
rpc NotifyLock (.CParental_ParentalLock_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service MobilePerAccount {
rpc GetSettings (.CMobilePerAccount_GetSettings_Request) returns (.CMobilePerAccount_GetSettings_Response);
rpc SetSettings (.CMobilePerAccount_SetSettings_Request) returns (.CMobilePerAccount_SetSettings_Response);
service MobileDevice {
rpc RegisterMobileDevice (.CMobileDevice_RegisterMobileDevice_Request) returns (.CMobileDevice_RegisterMobileDevice_Response);
rpc DeregisterMobileDevice (.CMobileDevice_DeregisterMobileDevice_Notification) returns (.NoResponse);
service UserAccount {
rpc GetAccountLinkStatus (.CUserAccount_GetAccountLinkStatus_Request) returns (.CUserAccount_GetAccountLinkStatus_Response);
rpc CancelLicenseForApp (.CUserAccount_CancelLicenseForApp_Request) returns (.CUserAccount_CancelLicenseForApp_Response);
rpc CreateFriendInviteToken (.CUserAccount_CreateFriendInviteToken_Request) returns (.CUserAccount_CreateFriendInviteToken_Response);
rpc GetFriendInviteTokens (.CUserAccount_GetFriendInviteTokens_Request) returns (.CUserAccount_GetFriendInviteTokens_Response);
rpc ViewFriendInviteToken (.CUserAccount_ViewFriendInviteToken_Request) returns (.CUserAccount_ViewFriendInviteToken_Response);
rpc RedeemFriendInviteToken (.CUserAccount_RedeemFriendInviteToken_Request) returns (.CUserAccount_RedeemFriendInviteToken_Response);
rpc RevokeFriendInviteToken (.CUserAccount_RevokeFriendInviteToken_Request) returns (.CUserAccount_RevokeFriendInviteToken_Response);
rpc RegisterCompatTool (.CUserAccount_RegisterCompatTool_Request) returns (.CUserAccount_RegisterCompatTool_Response);
service AccountLinking {
rpc GetLinkedAccountInfo (.CAccountLinking_GetLinkedAccountInfo_Request) returns (.CAccountLinking_GetLinkedAccountInfo_Response);
service EmbeddedClient {
rpc AuthorizeCurrentDevice (.CEmbeddedClient_AuthorizeCurrentDevice_Request) returns (.CEmbeddedClient_AuthorizeDevice_Response);
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