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Last active October 11, 2020 22:37
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# Step 5: Integrating Service Accounts with IAM role
data "tls_certificate" "cluster" {
url = aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer
resource "aws_iam_openid_connect_provider" "cluster" { # We need an open id connector to allow our service account to assume an IAM role
client_id_list = [""]
thumbprint_list = concat([data.tls_certificate.cluster.certificates.0.sha1_fingerprint], [])
url = aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer
variable "region" {
description = "The AWS region"
default = "eu-west-1"
variable "cluster_name" {
description = "The name of the Amazon EKS cluster."
default = "my-eks-cluster"
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