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Created June 19, 2017 17:39
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///<reference path="NLA.ts"/>
///<reference path="NLA.ts"/>
* Java style map.
class CustomMap<K extends { hashCode(): int, equals(x: any): boolean, hashCodes?(): int[], like(x: any): boolean }, V> implements Map<K, V> {
[Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Map' = 'Map'
toString() {
return '{' + Array.from(this.entries2()).map(({key, value}) => key + ':' + value).join(', ') + '}'
forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, index: K, map: Map<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: any): void {
for (const bucket of this._map.values()) {
for (const {key, value} of bucket) {, value, key, this)
* keys(): IterableIterator<K> {
for (const bucket of this._map.values()) {
for (const {key} of bucket) {
yield key
* values(): IterableIterator<V> {
for (const bucket of this._map.values()) {
for (const {value} of bucket) {
yield value
_map: Map<int, { key: K, value: V }[]>
_size: int
constructor() {
this._map = new Map()
this._size = 0
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.entries()
set(key: K, value?: V): this {
this.set2(key, value)
return this
set2(key: K, val: V): boolean {
const hashCode = key.hashCode(), bucket = this._map.get(hashCode)
assert(hashCode === (hashCode | 0))
if (bucket) {
const pairIndex = bucket.findIndex(pair => pair.key.equals(key))
if (-1 == pairIndex) {
bucket.push({key: key, value: val})
} else {
bucket[pairIndex].value = val
return false
} else {
this._map.set(hashCode, [{key: key, value: val}])
return true
has(key: K): boolean {
const hashCode = key.hashCode(), bucket = this._map.get(hashCode)
assert(hashCode === (hashCode | 0))
return bucket && bucket.some(pair => pair.key.equals(key))
* or undefined
get(key: K): V {
hashCode = key.hashCode(),
bucket = this._map.get(hashCode),
pair = bucket && bucket.find(pair => pair.key.equals(key))
return pair && pair.value
getLike(key: K) {
for (const hashCode of key.hashCodes()) {
const bucket = this._map.get(hashCode)
const canonVal = bucket && bucket.find(x =>
if (canonVal) return canonVal
setLike(key: K, val: V) {
return !this.getLike(key) && this.set(key, val)
'delete'(key: K) {
const hashCode = key.hashCode(), bucket = this._map.get(hashCode)
if (bucket) {
const index = bucket.findIndex(x => x.key.equals(key))
if (-1 != index) {
if (1 == bucket.length) {
} else {
bucket.splice(index, 1)
return true
return false
deleteLike(key: K) {
for (const hashCode of key.hashCodes()) {
const bucket = this._map.get(hashCode)
if (bucket) {
const index = bucket.findIndex(x =>
if (-1 != index) {
const deleted = bucket[index]
if (1 == bucket.length) {
} else {
bucket.splice(index, 1)
return deleted
* entries2(): IterableIterator<{ key: K, value: V }> {
for (const bucket of this._map.values()) {
yield* bucket
* entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]> {
for (const bucket of this._map.values()) {
for (const {key, value} of bucket) {
yield [key, value]
clear() {
this._size = 0
get size() {
return this._size
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