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Last active December 1, 2015 16:33
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Powershell Script to create Distributed Port Groups based on an input CSV
Creates Distributed Port Groups from input file, skipping correctly configured existing port groups. Optionally, reconfigures existing Port Groups to match the specifications in the file.
Get-VDSPGs.ps1 -vdSwitch SAC-Production -ConfigFile E:\Temp\DVS.csv -fixErrors
This command will read the input file at E:\Temp\DVS.csv for all entries pertaining to the SAC-Production Distribtued vSwitch and will add any new Port Groups and will reconfigure any existing Port Groups that have had configuration drift.
Input File: Needs these columns: Name, VLAN, PortBinding, DVS
Author: Jason Coleman
.PARAMETER configFile
This is the input file that describes the Port Groups to be created and which Distribtued vSwitch they should be created on.
.PARAMETER fixErrors
Be careful with this one. If a Port Group already exists on the DVS and its settings do not conform to those in the config file, this will reconfigure the EXISTING Port Group as per the config file settings.
This is the name of the DVS that will be configured
[validateScript({test-path $_ -pathType leaf})]
[string]$configFile = "E:\Temp\DVS.csv",
[string]$vdswitch = ""
#If a distributed vSwitch is specified, verify that it exists.
if ($vdswitch)
if (!(get-vdswitch -name $vdswitch -erroraction silentlycontinue))
write-host "Distributed vSwitch $vdswitch does not exist." -foreground "red"
exit 20
$allPortGroups = import-csv $configFile | where {($_.DVS -match $vdswitch) -or ($_.DVS -match "^$($vdswitch.split('-')[1])")}
#Verify that the input file contains all of the necessary columns.
@("Name","VLAN","PortBinding","DVS") | foreach {
if (!($allPortGroups | gm -name $_))
write-host "$configFile does not contain a '$_' column." -foreground "red"
exit 10
#Read through each defined Port Group from the input file, creating/correcting them as needed.
foreach ($thisPortGroup in $allPortGroups)
$thisSwitch = get-vdswitch "*$($thisPortGroup.DVS)" -erroraction silentlycontinue
if (!($thisSwitch))
write-host "vSwitch $($thisPortGroup.DVS) was not found, skipping port group $($" -foreground "red"
#Distributed switch already exists, deal with the port group.
if ($dvsPortGroup = $thisSwitch | get-vdportgroup -name $ -erroraction silentlycontinue)
#Portgroup already exists
#Check and correct, as needed, Portbinding, Load Balancing and VLAN settings
if (!($dvsPortGroup.PortBinding -eq $thisPortGroup.PortBinding) -and ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($
write-host "$($ already exists, but the PortBinding is set to $($dvsPortGroup.PortBinding)" -foreground "yellow"
if ($fixErrors -and ((read-host "Correct this misconfiguration [y|n]") -like "y*"))
$dvsPortGroup | set-VDPortgroup -PortBinding $thisPortGroup.PortBinding | select Name,PortBinding | fl
if (!(($dvsPortGroup | get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy).LoadBalancingPolicy -eq "LoadBalanceLoadBased") -and ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($
write-host "$($ already exists, but the Load Balancing Policy is not 'Route based on Physical NIC Load'" -foreground "yellow"
if ($fixErrors -and ((read-host "Correct this misconfiguration [y|n]") -like "y*"))
$dvsPortGroup | get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy | Set-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy -LoadBalancingPolicy LoadBalanceLoadBased | select @{expression={$_.VDPortgroup}; label='Name'},LoadBalancingPolicy | fl
if (!($dvsPortGroup.vlanconfiguration.vlanid -eq $thisPortGroup.VLAN) -and ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($
write-host "$($ already exists, but the VLAN ID is set to $($dvsPortGroup.vlanconfiguration.vlanid)" -foreground "yellow"
if ($fixErrors -and ((read-host "Correct this misconfiguration [y|n]") -like "y*"))
$dvsPortGroup | Set-VDVlanConfiguration -vlanid $thisPortGroup.VLAN | select Name,@{ expression={$_.vlanconfiguration.vlanid}; label='VLAN'} | fl
#Create the Portgroup
#set the Portbinding, Load Balancing and VLAN settings
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($
$dvsPortGroup = $thisSwitch | new-vdportgroup -name $
$dvsPortGroup | Set-VDPortgroup -PortBinding $thisPortGroup.PortBinding | select Name,PortBinding | fl
$dvsPortGroup | Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy | Set-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy -LoadBalancingPolicy LoadBalanceLoadBased | select @{expression={$_.VDPortgroup}; label='Name'},LoadBalancingPolicy | fl
if ($thisPortGroup.VLAN -ne 0) {$dvsPortGroup | Set-VDVlanConfiguration -vlanid $thisPortGroup.VLAN | select Name,@{ expression={$_.vlanconfiguration.vlanid}; label='VLAN'} | fl}
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