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Last active October 21, 2015 22:26
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  • Save NameFILIP/50fc2069a9437c161d2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NameFILIP/50fc2069a9437c161d2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Running gulp test
Filips-MacBook-Pro:gitinfo NameFILIP$ gulp test
[15:22:01] Using gulpfile ~/Dev/gitinfo/gulpfile.js
[15:22:01] Starting 'lint'...
11:1 warning Missing JSDoc @returns for function valid-jsdoc
11:1 warning Missing JSDoc parameter description for 'config' valid-jsdoc
14:18 warning Missing function expression name func-names
18:3 warning Assignment to function parameter 'config' no-param-reassign
26:17 warning Missing function expression name func-names
30:3 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
36:20 warning Missing function expression name func-names
56:3 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
61:23 warning Missing function expression name func-names
89:21 warning Missing function expression name func-names
96:22 warning Missing function expression name func-names
103:18 warning Missing function expression name func-names
107:3 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
112:20 warning Missing function expression name func-names
6:1 warning Missing JSDoc parameter description for 'name' valid-jsdoc
6:1 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
13:18 warning Missing function expression name func-names
27:1 warning Expected JSDoc for 'input' but found 'url' valid-jsdoc
34:30 warning Missing function expression name func-names
64:1 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
64:1 warning Missing JSDoc for parameter 'path' valid-jsdoc
68:24 warning Missing function expression name func-names
81:1 warning Missing JSDoc @returns for function valid-jsdoc
87:17 warning Missing function expression name func-names
6:19 warning Missing function expression name func-names
14:29 warning Missing function expression name func-names
20:22 warning Missing function expression name func-names
26:20 warning Missing function expression name func-names
✖ 28 problems (0 errors, 28 warnings)
[15:22:01] Finished 'lint' after 393 ms
[15:22:01] Starting 'test'...
✓ returns absolute path to the .git directory
✓ returns name of the current branch
✓ gets the remote URL of the current branch.
✓ returns the username of the repository author
✓ returns name of the repository
✓ returns URL of the repository
✓ parses HTTPS URL
✓ parses SSH URL
✓ parses Subeversion URL
✓ throws an if URL cannot be broken into username and name
10 passing (14ms)
Filips-MacBook-Pro:gitinfo NameFILIP$ gulp test
[14:59:38] Using gulpfile ~/Dev/gitinfo/gulpfile.js
[14:59:38] Starting 'lint'...
[14:59:38] 'lint' errored after 349 ms
[14:59:38] ESLintError in plugin 'gulp-eslint'
Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements.
fileName: /Users/NameFILIP/Dev/gitinfo/src/gitinfo.js
lineNumber: 3
3:1 error Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements one-var
4:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
11:1 warning Missing JSDoc @returns for function valid-jsdoc
11:1 warning Missing JSDoc parameter description for 'config' valid-jsdoc
14:18 warning Missing function expression name func-names
14:26 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
15:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
15:5 error Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements one-var
16:9 warning Variables within the same declaration block should be sorted alphabetically sort-vars
16:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
18:5 warning Assignment to function parameter 'config' no-param-reassign
18:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
19:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
21:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
26:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
26:19 warning Missing function expression name func-names
26:27 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
27:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
30:5 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
36:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
36:22 warning Missing function expression name func-names
36:30 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
37:9 error Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements one-var
37:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
38:13 warning Variables within the same declaration block should be sorted alphabetically sort-vars
38:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
39:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
39:13 warning Variables within the same declaration block should be sorted alphabetically sort-vars
41:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
42:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
45:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
47:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
49:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
50:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
53:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
56:5 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
61:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
61:25 warning Missing function expression name func-names
61:33 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
62:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
62:9 error Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements one-var
63:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
64:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
64:13 warning Variables within the same declaration block should be sorted alphabetically sort-vars
65:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
67:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
69:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
70:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
72:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
72:87 warning Missing semicolon semi
75:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
77:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
78:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
80:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
80:87 warning Missing semicolon semi
83:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
89:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
89:23 warning Missing function expression name func-names
89:31 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
90:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
96:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
96:24 warning Missing function expression name func-names
96:32 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
97:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
103:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
103:20 warning Missing function expression name func-names
103:28 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
104:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
107:5 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
112:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
112:22 warning Missing function expression name func-names
112:30 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
113:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
116:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
117:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
119:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
122:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
123:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
126:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
1:1 error Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements one-var
2:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
2:5 warning Variables within the same declaration block should be sorted alphabetically sort-vars
6:1 warning Missing JSDoc parameter description for 'name' valid-jsdoc
6:1 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
13:18 warning Missing function expression name func-names
13:26 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
14:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
14:5 error Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements one-var
15:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
16:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
16:9 warning Variables within the same declaration block should be sorted alphabetically sort-vars
18:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
19:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
22:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
23:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
25:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
28:1 warning Expected JSDoc for 'input' but found 'url' valid-jsdoc
35:30 warning Missing function expression name func-names
35:38 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
36:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
36:5 error Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements one-var
37:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
43:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
44:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
46:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
49:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
50:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
53:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
55:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
56:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
59:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
60:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
61:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
65:1 warning Missing JSDoc for parameter 'path' valid-jsdoc
65:1 warning Missing JSDoc return description valid-jsdoc
69:24 warning Missing function expression name func-names
69:32 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
70:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
71:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
72:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
73:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
74:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
76:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
78:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
82:1 warning Missing JSDoc @returns for function valid-jsdoc
88:17 warning Missing function expression name func-names
88:25 warning Unexpected space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
89:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
89:5 error Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements one-var
90:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
90:9 warning Variables within the same declaration block should be sorted alphabetically sort-vars
92:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
94:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
95:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
96:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
98:13 warning Expected indentation of 10 space characters but found 12 indent
101:9 warning Expected indentation of 6 space characters but found 8 indent
104:5 warning Expected indentation of 2 space characters but found 4 indent
✖ 138 problems (8 errors, 130 warnings)
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