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Last active September 18, 2024 18:16
The removal of unlimited nametag feature


Unlimited nametag feature hides original nametags and display armor stands instead. It was created back in MC 1.12, where we were actively suffering from 16 character limit in prefix and suffix. The very next version mojang removed the limit. Had they done it 1 version sooner, this feature may have never existed. It has unlocked a lot more than just that, and has become quite popular (about 20% of servers using TAB have it enabled). However, as time goes by, this feature is becoming more and more complicated to maintain, which made me decide to completely remove it. It was a good run, but I don't want to keep going.

Reasons for removal

Main reasons for removing this feature include:

  • Code is becoming more and more complicated, especially to support all MC versions.


Today is 1 year anniversary of changing distribution of the plugin from free/premium versions and free support to free plugin and paid support.
We will go over everything that changed and make a conclusion whether this was a good move or not. If you are a developer looking to switch to this model or know someone who does, read this / send this to them to make a better decision.


Getting compensation for time involved is important even if one enjoys doing it in order to be able to keep up with the demand. Immediately after switching to new system, sales dropped by 80%. Once people got used to it, it "only" ended up being a 60% income loss.

Community feedback

Last active August 26, 2024 08:54
Why I hate Velocity and refuse to support it
Last active November 14, 2022 12:38
Why I don't want to work on TAB anymore - the rise and inevitable fall (my full story)


This paste goes through my 5 year experience of developing the plugin, which started in 2016. It explains how it all started, what I went through, how I got to this point and why I don't want to do this anymore. It contains behind-the-scenes information and experience which end users have no idea about and most of them don't even care about.

How it all began

I will not go through my whole minecraft history, I will start at the point where I decided to make my own plugins for my server. After I decided to close my last server, which was in 2016, I was left with plugin development knowledge, which I wanted to use in some way.

Back then bot attacks were a popular thing where I lived and no public plugins offered satisfying protection. I went through all available anti-bot plugins and took the best out of them. Then I decided to upload it as a paid plugin to spigot. One of the requirements is to have 3 free plugins. For that reason, I made 3 random small plugins (one of them literally had 7 lin

Last active September 29, 2022 21:01
Why is TAB monetized

Why is TAB monetized

Evaluation of the time and effort

Plugin development, just like any other programming is working, even if it's not one's full time job. Wanting to get paid for work is only fair in my opinion. Ask your parents if they would still do their job if they didn't get paid, although we both know the answer. The fact that the plugin is free to download doesn't mean it wrote itself or took no time/effort to create.

It's not just a hobby anymore

Just like most plugins, TAB started as a hobby. With the plugin becoming bigger, the demand from users has gone up drastically as well. All the feature requests, bug reports and assistance requests would easily be enough work for a full-time job. Working full-time or anything close to that completely for free would be an absolutely terrible life decision. If I only spent for example 30 minutes a day on the plugin, that wouldn't even be enough to handle support requests, let alone actually improving the plugin.

Better than other plugins

There a