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David Gray N3MIS15

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N3MIS15 /
Last active July 10, 2024 13:54
micropython iBeacon example
import struct
import ubluetooth as bt
from micropython import const
MANUFACTURER_ID = const(0x004C)
DEVICE_TYPE = const(0x02)
DATA_LENGTH = const(0x15)
BR_EDR_NOT_SUPPORTED = const(0x04)
FLAG_BROADCAST = const(0x01)
N3MIS15 / tilt_repeater.ino
Last active September 4, 2024 22:07
ESP32 Tilt Repeater
// ESP32 Tilt Repeater
// By David Gray
#include "BLEDevice.h"
#include "BLEBeacon.h"
#include "esp_deep_sleep.h"
// User Settings
int SCAN_TIME = 5; // Duration to scan for bluetooth devices (in seconds).
int TIME_TO_SLEEP = 60; // Duration ESP32 will go to sleep between scans (in seconds).
N3MIS15 / laser_fan.scad
Created February 6, 2016 05:20
Laser fan mount
module 30fan() {
linear_extrude(height=11, center = true, convexity = 4, twist = 0)
N3MIS15 / vacuum_laser_mount.scad
Last active December 12, 2020 19:56
Shopvac/Laser mount for my shapeoko
spindle = 53;
vacuum = 37.2;
//%color("orange") rotate([0, 0, 90]) import("adapter_1_v1_0.stl");
translate([0, 0, 10]) color("red") {
%cylinder(r=spindle/2, h=90);
%translate([0, 0, -spindle]) cylinder(r=19/2, h=52);
padding = 0.3;
module bearing() {
cylinder(r=8+padding, h=12, center=true);
translate([0, 0, 6.5]) cylinder(r1=8+padding, r2=6, h=1, center=true);
module main() {
difference() {
union() {
N3MIS15 / gist:e0a46acece0b29ea5abf
Created May 11, 2014 11:16
remove from xbmc library
def xhr_clear_playlist(media, id):
logger.log('CONTROLS :: Removing %s from XBMC library' % media, 'INFO')
xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address())
if media == 'movie':
elif media == 'tvshow':
<!-- Joystick Name: OUYA Game Controller -->
<!-- Button Mappings in Windows: -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ID Button -->
<!-- -->
<!-- 1 O -->
<!-- 2 U -->
<!-- 3 Y -->
<!-- 4 A -->
N3MIS15 / addon.xml
Created April 28, 2013 22:31
test trakt addon rating
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<addon id="" version="0.0.1" name="Test Trakt Ratings" provider-name="N3MIS15">
<import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.1.0"/>
<import addon="script.module.xbmcswift2" version="2.4.0" />
<extension point="xbmc.python.pluginsource" library="">
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
N3MIS15 / gist:5403299
Created April 17, 2013 10:33
rom test hackery
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2013 Garrett Brown
# See Copyright Notice in
import testutils
import unittest
import os
import json
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Boblight config generator created by David Gray (N3MIS15) #
# Positioning is calculated starting at the middle bottom of screen #
# Only has barebone settings, any other setting should be set manually #
# Tested with adafruit 8806 LEDs and adalight #