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Created June 1, 2013 12:25
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import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import operator
from pprint import pprint, pformat
# def etree_to_dict(t):
# d = {t.tag : list(map(etree_to_dict, iter(t)))}
# d.update(('@' + k, v) for k, v in t.attrib.items())
# d['text'] = t.text
# return d
def etree_to_dict(t):
if len(t) > 0:
return {t.tag: [etree_to_dict(x) for x in t]}
return {t.tag: t.text}
def can_have_successors(action):
for step in action.find("Steps"):
if step.findtext("PrimitiveAction") == "DIE":
return False
return True
def can_be_successor(parent, child, default_value=True, optimistic_chain_detection=False):
"""Determine if child can be performed after parent.
Always returns False on definite exclusion. Returns default_value if
possibility is not definitively excluded. If optimistic_chain_detection is
True, returns True if child has any positive conditions on U_ACTION, and
can be satisfied."""
if not can_have_successors(parent):
return False
# TODO: handle conditions on things other than U_ACTION
possible_chain = False
for condition in child.find("Conditions"):
resource_name = condition.findtext("Resource")
if resource_name == "U_ACTION":
comparison = condition.findtext("Comparison")
if comparison != "NOT_EQUAL":
possible_chain = True
value = int(condition.findtext("Value"))
parent_num = int(parent.findtext("ActionNumber"))
comparator = {
"EQUAL": operator.eq,
"LEQUAL": operator.le,
if not comparator(parent_num, value):
return False
if optimistic_chain_detection and possible_chain:
return True
return default_value
def succeeds_in_action_chain(parent, child):
return can_have_successors(child) and can_be_successor(parent, child, False, True)
def prettify_action_graph(graph, action_map):
prettified = {}
for action, successors in graph.items():
action_name = action_map[action].findtext("Identifier")
new_successors = [action_map[s].findtext("Identifier") for s in successors]
prettified[action_name] = new_successors
return prettified
def prettify_relatives_graph(graph, action_map):
prettified = {}
for action, neighbors in graph.items():
action_name = "%s (%d)" % (action_map[action].findtext("Identifier"), action)
prettified[action_name] = prettify_relatives_graph(neighbors, action_map)
return prettified
def get_action_parents(child, actions):
parents = []
for action in actions:
if succeeds_in_action_chain(action, child):
return parents
def get_action_children(parent, actions):
children = []
for action in actions:
if succeeds_in_action_chain(parent, action):
return children
def get_action_ancestors(child, actions, action_map):
parents = get_action_parents(child, actions)
ancestors = {int(action_map[parent].findtext("ActionNumber")): get_action_ancestors(action_map[parent], actions, action_map) for parent in parents}
return ancestors
def get_action_descendants(child, actions, action_map):
children = get_action_children(child, actions)
descendants = {int(action_map[child].findtext("ActionNumber")): get_action_descendants(action_map[child], actions, action_map) for child in children}
return descendants
def get_action_tree_duration(tree, action_map):
dur = 0
for action_num, children in tree.items():
dur = max(dur, int(action_map[action_num].findtext("TimeTaken")) + get_action_tree_duration(children, action_map))
return dur
def dumpinfo(objectclass):
action_graph = {}
action_map = {}
for action in objectclass.find("Actions"):
number = int(action.findtext("ActionNumber"))
action_graph[number] = set()
action_map[number] = action
attack_chain_members = set()
for action in objectclass.find("Actions"):
# pprint(etree_to_dict(action))
for step in action.find("Steps"):
if step.findtext("PrimitiveAction") == "ATTACK_POSITION":
for member in attack_chain_members:
# This may go into an infinite loop if the OCS XML has loops.
# Members can apparently have multiple children. TODO: investigate.
# Currently assuming that means they run concurrently.
ancestors = get_action_ancestors(action_map[member], objectclass.find("Actions"), action_map)
print("Attack chain with %s (%d):" % (action_map[member].findtext("Identifier"), member))
self_dur = int(action_map[member].findtext("TimeTaken"))
print("Self duration: %d" % self_dur)
print("Ancestors: ", prettify_relatives_graph(ancestors, action_map))
ancestor_dur = get_action_tree_duration(ancestors, action_map)
print("Duration: %d" % ancestor_dur)
descendants = get_action_descendants(action_map[member], objectclass.find("Actions"), action_map)
print("Descendants: ", prettify_relatives_graph(descendants, action_map))
descendant_dur = get_action_tree_duration(descendants, action_map)
print("Duration: %d" % descendant_dur)
print("Total duration: %d\n" % (ancestor_dur + descendant_dur + self_dur))
# pprint(prettify_action_graph(action_graph, action_map))
if __name__ == "__main__":
tree = ET.parse('Achron.ocs.xml')
objectclasses = {oc.findtext("Name"): oc for oc in tree.find("ObjectClasses")}
# dumpinfo(objectclasses["Marine"])
for oc in sorted(objectclasses.values(), key=lambda x: int(x.findtext("ClassNumber"))):
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