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binge coding

Abed Halawi Mulkave

binge coding
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read USER
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read -s PASS
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Mulkave /
Created October 28, 2017 16:27 — forked from ahmetb/
Script to clean up Google Container Registry images pushed before a particular date
# Copyright © 2017 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
Mulkave / fm-synth-avaudioengine.swift
Created March 24, 2016 12:58 — forked from rgcottrell/gist:5b876d9c5eea4c9e411c
An FM Synthesizer in Swift using AVAudioEngine
import AVFoundation
import Foundation
// The maximum number of audio buffers in flight. Setting to two allows one
// buffer to be played while the next is being written.
private let kInFlightAudioBuffers: Int = 2
// The number of audio samples per buffer. A lower value reduces latency for
// changes but requires more processing but increases the risk of being unable
// to fill the buffers in time. A setting of 1024 represents about 23ms of

Nginx FastCGI response buffer sizes

By default when Nginx starts receiving a response from a FastCGI backend (such as PHP-FPM) it will buffer the response in memory before delivering it to the client. Any response larger than the set buffer size is saved to a temporary file on disk. This process is also explained at the Nginx ngx_http_fastcgi_module page document page.

Since disk is slow and memory is fast the aim is to get as many FastCGI responses passing through memory only. On the flip side we don't want to set an excessively large buffer as they are created and sized on a per request basis (it's not shared).

The related Nginx options are:

-- gets all fields from a hash as a dictionary
local hgetall = function (key)
local bulk ='HGETALL', key)
local result = {}
local nextkey
for i, v in ipairs(bulk) do
if i % 2 == 1 then
nextkey = v
result[nextkey] = v

Share Counts

I have always struggled with getting all the various share buttons from Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, etc to align correctly and to not look like a tacky explosion of buttons. Seeing a number of sites rolling their own share buttons with counts, for example The Next Web I decided to look into the various APIs on how to simply return the share count.

If you want to roll up all of these into a single jQuery plugin check out Sharrre

Many of these API calls and methods are undocumented, so anticipate that they will change in the future. Also, if you are planning on rolling these out across a site I would recommend creating a simple endpoint that periodically caches results from all of the APIs so that you are not overloading the services will requests.


# A class-based template for jQuery plugins in Coffeescript
# $('.target').myPlugin({ paramA: 'not-foo' });
# $('.target').myPlugin('myMethod', 'Hello, world');
# Check out Alan Hogan's original jQuery plugin template:
(($, window) ->
# ^^^ YAML documents must begin with the document separator "---"
#### Example docblock, I like to put a descriptive comment at the top of my
#### playbooks.
# Overview: Playbook to bootstrap a new host for configuration management.
# Applies to: production
# Description:
# Ensures that a host is configured for management with Ansible.
# IMPORTANT: Run this script as sudo or else it won't work
# Original script:
echo 'Installing nginx...sit tight'
yum -y install nginx
echo 'Fixing nginx configuration'
sed -i 's/ 1;/ 4;/g' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf