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Last active July 25, 2022 19:03
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Replace images in a pdf using python
import math
import glob
from PIL import Image
for img in glob.glob("images/*.png"):
# for img in ["imageroot-014.png"]:
with as im:
x = math.floor(im.size[0]/2)
px = im.getpixel((x,-1))
if px == (12,12,12):

Plan A

  1. list images with command: pdfimages -j -png file.pdf img
  2. run to find the dark theme code images
  3. invert these image to make them light theme code:
    for f in `cat file.code-images.txt`; do
      convert $f -channel RGB -negate inversed/$f
  4. find a way to replace images in a pdf with code (but I gave up here)

Plan B

I end up using PyMuPDF to invert dark theme code images and save them in the same position using

You will need to install these packages:

pip install fitz PyMuPDF


Alhamdulillah, all images replaced. This is an illusion of replacement, because the new images are placed in top of the old images. I think there exists some possible ways to really replace using Document.update_object or Document.update_stream provided by PyMuPDF package.

import fitz
from os import listdir
# This creates the Document object doc
for file in listdir("./files"):
doc: fitz.Document ="./files/{file}")
for page in doc:
for img in page.get_images(full=True):
xref = img[0]
pix = fitz.Pixmap(doc, xref)
bg_color = pix.pixel(pix.width - 1, int(pix.height / 2))
if bg_color == (12,12,12):
rect = page.get_image_bbox(img)
page.insert_image(rect, pixmap=pix, keep_proportion=False)
#"", clean=True)
#"", clean=True, garbage=4)
# without deflate_images=1 the file size is 112MB, but now it is just 12MB"./processed-files/{file}", clean=True, deflate=4, deflate_images=1, deflate_fonts=1)
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