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Created January 8, 2021 18:21
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Generate SuperAdmin Password for syscmd.asp based on WAN_MAC_ADDR on AirMaster Family (Latest Update)
#include <iostream>
int generateDebugPass() {
const char* v4; // $s1
size_t v5; // $v0
unsigned int v6; // $a3
int* v7; // $t0
char v8; // $a0
char* v9; // $a1
bool v10; // $v0
bool v11; // $v1
unsigned int v12; // $a0
bool v13; // $a2
bool v14; // $a1
bool v15; // $v0
int v17[4]; // [sp+20h] [-120h] BYREF
char v18[256]; // [sp+30h] [-110h] BYREF
char v19[16]; // [sp+130h] [-10h] BYREF
v4 = "6C:AD:EF:00:00:00";
memset(v18, 0, sizeof(v18));
// sprintf(v18, "generate debug password : %s %s", v4, "V2.0.0B31");
v5 = strlen(v18);
//webMD5Calc(v19, v18, v5);
v6 = 0;
v7 = v17;
v17[0] = 0;
v17[1] = 0;
v17[2] = 0;
v17[3] = 0;
v12 = *((unsigned __int8*)v7 + 272) * (unsigned int)*((unsigned __int8*)v7 + 273) % 0x3E;
v13 = v12 - 26 < 0xA;
if (v12 < 0x1A)
v8 = v12 + 97;
goto LABEL_5;
v14 = v12 - 36 < 0x1A;
if (v12 - 26 >= 0xA)
v8 = v12 + 29;
if (!v14)
v8 = 48;
v9 = (char*)v17 + v6;
v10 = v6++ < 0x10;
v7 = (int*)((char*)v7 + 2);
v11 = v6 < 8;
if (!v10)
goto LABEL_10;
goto LABEL_6;
v9 = (char*)v17 + v6;
v15 = v6++ < 0x10;
v8 = v12 + 22;
v7 = (int*)((char*)v7 + 2);
v11 = v6 < 8;
if (!v15)
// WebsDbgLog(1, "genDebugPassword:: generate password failed!\r\n", v13);
return -1;
*v9 = v8;
} while (v11);
char g_debugpass[32];
memset(g_debugpass, 0, sizeof(g_debugpass));
strncpy(g_debugpass, (const char*)v17, 32);
int main()
return 0;
// Run program: Ctrl + F5 or Debug > Start Without Debugging menu
// Debug program: F5 or Debug > Start Debugging menu
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// 1. Use the Solution Explorer window to add/manage files
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// 6. In the future, to open this project again, go to File > Open > Project and select the .sln file
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mghadam commented Jun 4, 2021

Some passwords are mentioned here for those who don't want to compile this file.

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