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jacksleight / AppServiceProvider.php
Last active February 28, 2023 14:39
Convert legacy Bard Text Align mark values to Tiptap 2 text align values
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
robertdrakedennis / editor.blade.php
Created December 16, 2021 05:14
Alpine tiptap editor + livewire
<div x-data="setupEditor(@entangle($attributes->wire('model')).defer)" x-init="() => init($refs.editor)" wire:ignore
{{ $attributes->whereDoesntStartWith('wire:model')->merge(['class' => 'editor !w-full !max-w-full']) }}>
<template x-if="editor">
<div class="flex space-x-4 items-center dark:text-neutral-100 fill-current py-2">
<button @click.prevent="Alpine.raw(editor).chain().toggleBold().focus().run()">
<x-icon-bold class="w-4 h-4" />
<button @click.prevent="Alpine.raw(editor).chain().toggleItalic().focus().run()">
<x-icon-italic class="w-4 h-4" />
BenSampo /
Last active August 22, 2024 04:41
Laravel deploy script
# Change to the project directory
# Turn on maintenance mode
php artisan down || true
# Pull the latest changes from the git repository
# git reset --hard
# git clean -df
git pull origin $FORGE_SITE_BRANCH
zexeder / slick-random.js
Created September 4, 2017 09:28
Slick Random Slides
$.fn.randomize = function (selector) {
var $elems = selector ? $(this).find(selector) : $(this).children(),
$parents = $elems.parent();
$parents.each(function () {
$(this).children(selector).sort(function (childA, childB) {
// * Prevent last slide from being reordered
if($(childB).index() !== $(this).children(selector).length - 1) {
return Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5;
simonhamp / AppServiceProvider.php
Last active September 19, 2024 14:10
A pageable Collection implementation for Laravel
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
iwek / find-in-json.js
Created October 20, 2012 21:43
Searching through JSON
//return an array of objects according to key, value, or key and value matching
function getObjects(obj, key, val) {
var objects = [];
for (var i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') {
objects = objects.concat(getObjects(obj[i], key, val));
} else
//if key matches and value matches or if key matches and value is not passed (eliminating the case where key matches but passed value does not)
if (i == key && obj[i] == val || i == key && val == '') { //
jasny / linkify.php
Last active May 26, 2024 20:40
PHP function to turn all URLs in clickable links
* Turn all URLs in clickable links.
* @param string $value
* @param array $protocols http/https, ftp, mail, twitter
* @param array $attributes
* @return string
public function linkify($value, $protocols = array('http', 'mail'), array $attributes = array())