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Created January 19, 2014 17:23
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public static void takeVote()
world1 = PropHuntWorlds[randWorld.Next(0, PropHuntWorlds.Count)];
world2 = PropHuntWorlds[randWorld.Next(0, PropHuntWorlds.Count)];
world3 = PropHuntWorlds[randWorld.Next(0, PropHuntWorlds.Count)];
if (world1 != world2 || world1 != world3 || world2 != world3)
VoteThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
Server.Players.Message("Vote for the next map!");
Server.Players.Message("&S/Vote &c1&S for {0}&S, &c2&S for {1}&S, and &c3&S for {2}", world1.ClassyName, world2.ClassyName, world3.ClassyName);
VoteIsOn = true;
})); VoteThread.Start();
else takeVote();
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