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Last active June 11, 2018 19:49
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/* Minimalist implementation of ReversedCollectionProtocol */
public protocol ReversedCollectionProtocol: BidirectionalCollection {
associatedtype Base: BidirectionalCollection
var _base: Base { get }
extension ReversedCollection: ReversedCollectionProtocol {}
extension LazyCollectionProtocol
where Self: BidirectionalCollection, Elements: ReversedCollectionProtocol {
/// Reversing a lazy reversed collection returns a lazy representation of the original collection.
public func reversed() -> LazyCollection<Elements.Base> {
return elements._base.lazy
// as an alternative, reversed() optimization for lazy collections using
// parametrized extensions, which not available in Swift 4.2 or older
// see:
extension<T: BidirectionalCollection> LazyCollectionProtocol
where Self: BidirectionalCollection, Elements == ReversedCollection<T> {
/// Reversing a lazy reversed collection returns a lazy representation of the original collection.
public func reversed() -> LazyCollection<T> {
return elements._base.lazy
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