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Created June 8, 2021 12:33
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gql-generator fix max Maximum call stack size exceeded
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const program = require('commander');
const { Source, buildSchema } = require('graphql');
const del = require('del');
.option('--schemaFilePath [value]', 'path of your graphql schema file')
.option('--destDirPath [value]', 'dir you want to store the generated queries')
.option('--depthLimit [value]', 'query depth you want to limit(The default is 100)')
.option('-C, --includeDeprecatedFields [value]', 'Flag to include deprecated fields (The default is to exclude)')
const { schemaFilePath, destDirPath, depthLimit = 100, includeDeprecatedFields = false } = program;
const typeDef = fs.readFileSync(schemaFilePath, "utf-8");
const source = new Source(typeDef);
const gqlSchema = buildSchema(source);
path.resolve(destDirPath).split(path.sep).reduce((before, cur) => {
const pathTmp = path.join(before, cur + path.sep);
if (!fs.existsSync(pathTmp)) {
return path.join(before, cur + path.sep);
}, '');
let indexJsExportAll = '';
* Compile arguments dictionary for a field
* @param field current field object
* @param duplicateArgCounts map for deduping argument name collisions
* @param allArgsDict dictionary of all arguments
const getFieldArgsDict = (
allArgsDict = {},
) => field.args.reduce((o, arg) => {
if ( in duplicateArgCounts) {
const index = duplicateArgCounts[] + 1;
duplicateArgCounts[] = index;
o[`${}${index}`] = arg;
} else if (allArgsDict[]) {
duplicateArgCounts[] = 1;
o[`${}1`] = arg;
} else {
o[] = arg;
return o;
}, {});
* Generate variables string
* @param dict dictionary of arguments
const getArgsToVarsStr = dict => Object.entries(dict)
.map(([varName, arg]) => `${}: $${varName}`)
.join(', ');
* Generate types string
* @param dict dictionary of arguments
const getVarsToTypesStr = dict => Object.entries(dict)
.map(([varName, arg]) => `$${varName}: ${arg.type}`)
.join(', ');
* Generate the query for the specified field
* @param curName name of the current field
* @param curParentType parent type of the current field
* @param curParentName parent name of the current field
* @param argumentsDict dictionary of arguments from all fields
* @param duplicateArgCounts map for deduping argument name collisions
* @param crossReferenceKeyList list of the cross reference
* @param curDepth current depth of field
const generateQuery = (
argumentsDict = {},
duplicateArgCounts = {},
crossReferenceKeyList = [], // [`${curParentName}To${curName}Key`]
curDepth = 1,
) => {
return '';
const field = gqlSchema.getType(curParentType).getFields()[curName];
const curTypeName = field.type.inspect().replace(/[[\]!]/g, '');
const curType = gqlSchema.getType(curTypeName);
let queryStr = '';
let childQuery = '';
if (curType.getFields) {
const crossReferenceKey = `${curParentName}To${curName}Key`;
if (crossReferenceKeyList.indexOf(crossReferenceKey) !== -1 || curDepth > depthLimit) return '';
const childKeys = Object.keys(curType.getFields());
const x = []
for (const cur of childKeys
.filter(fieldName => {
/* Exclude deprecated fields */
const fieldSchema = gqlSchema.getType(curType).getFields()[fieldName];
return includeDeprecatedFields || !fieldSchema.isDeprecated;
})) {
x.push(generateQuery(cur, curType, curName, argumentsDict, duplicateArgCounts,
crossReferenceKeyList, curDepth + 1).queryStr)
childQuery = x.filter(cur => cur)
if (!(curType.getFields && !childQuery)) {
queryStr = `${' '.repeat(curDepth)}${}`;
if (field.args.length > 0) {
const dict = getFieldArgsDict(field, duplicateArgCounts, argumentsDict);
Object.assign(argumentsDict, dict);
queryStr += `(${getArgsToVarsStr(dict)})`;
if (childQuery) {
queryStr += `{\n${childQuery}\n${' '.repeat(curDepth)}}`;
/* Union types */
if (curType.astNode && curType.astNode.kind === 'UnionTypeDefinition') {
const types = curType.getTypes();
if (types && types.length) {
const indent = `${' '.repeat(curDepth)}`;
const fragIndent = `${' '.repeat(curDepth + 1)}`;
queryStr += '{\n';
for (let i = 0, len = types.length; i < len; i++) {
const valueTypeName = types[i];
const valueType = gqlSchema.getType(valueTypeName);
let unionChildQuery = ''
const x = []
for (const cur of Object.keys(valueType.getFields())) {
x.push(generateQuery(cur, curType, curName, argumentsDict, duplicateArgCounts,
crossReferenceKeyList, curDepth + 1).queryStr)
unionChildQuery = x.filter(cur => cur)
queryStr += `${fragIndent}... on ${valueTypeName} {\n${unionChildQuery}\n${fragIndent}}\n`;
queryStr += `${indent}}`;
return { queryStr, argumentsDict };
* Generate the query for the specified field
* @param obj one of the root objects(Query, Mutation, Subscription)
* @param description description of the current object
const generateFile = (obj, description) => {
let indexJs = 'const fs = require(\'fs\');\nconst path = require(\'path\');\n\n';
let outputFolderName;
switch (description) {
case 'Mutation':
outputFolderName = 'mutations';
case 'Query':
outputFolderName = 'queries';
case 'Subscription':
outputFolderName = 'subscriptions';
console.log('[gqlg warning]:', 'description is required');
const writeFolder = path.join(destDirPath, `./${outputFolderName}`);
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') throw err
for (const type of Object.keys(obj)) {
const field = gqlSchema.getType(description).getFields()[type];
/* Only process non-deprecated queries/mutations: */
if (includeDeprecatedFields || !field.isDeprecated) {
const queryResult = generateQuery(type, description);
const varsToTypesStr = getVarsToTypesStr(queryResult.argumentsDict);
let query = queryResult.queryStr;
query = `${description.toLowerCase()} ${type}${varsToTypesStr ? `(${varsToTypesStr})` : ''}{\n${query}\n}`;
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(writeFolder, `./${type}.gql`), query);
indexJs += `module.exports.${type} = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '${type}.gql'), 'utf8');\n`;
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(writeFolder, 'index.js'), indexJs);
indexJsExportAll += `module.exports.${outputFolderName} = require('./${outputFolderName}');\n`;
if (gqlSchema.getMutationType()) {
generateFile(gqlSchema.getMutationType().getFields(), 'Mutation');
} else {
console.log('[gqlg warning]:', 'No mutation type found in your schema');
if (gqlSchema.getQueryType()) {
generateFile(gqlSchema.getQueryType().getFields(), 'Query');
} else {
console.log('[gqlg warning]:', 'No query type found in your schema');
if (gqlSchema.getSubscriptionType()) {
generateFile(gqlSchema.getSubscriptionType().getFields(), 'Subscription');
} else {
console.log('[gqlg warning]:', 'No subscription type found in your schema');
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(destDirPath, 'index.js'), indexJsExportAll);
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