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I may be slow to respond.

Mohammad Younes MohammadYounes

I may be slow to respond.
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MohammadYounes /
Last active January 9, 2023 08:16
Adding RTL support to font-awesome

You can control icons direction using the following CSS:

[dir=ltr].fa-dir-flip .fa.fa-flip-horizontal,
[dir=rtl].fa-dir-flip .fa,
[dir=rtl] .fa.fa-dir-flip {
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0, mirror=1);
  -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1);
      -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1);
          transform: scale(-1, 1);
jbub /
Created June 12, 2013 15:31
git squash last two commits into one
git rebase --interactive HEAD~2
# we are going to squash c into b
pick b76d157 b
pick a931ac7 c
# squash c into b
pick b76d157 b
s a931ac7 c
fupslot / gist:5015897
Created February 22, 2013 19:23
Javascript: Convert base64 to a Blob
function dataURItoBlob(dataURI, callback) {
// convert base64 to raw binary data held in a string
// doesn't handle URLEncoded DataURIs - see SO answer #6850276 for code that does this
var byteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
// separate out the mime component
var mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0]
// write the bytes of the string to an ArrayBuffer
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);
cobyism /
Last active September 20, 2024 19:25
Deploy to `gh-pages` from a `dist` folder on the master branch. Useful for use with [yeoman](

Deploying a subfolder to GitHub Pages

Sometimes you want to have a subdirectory on the master branch be the root directory of a repository’s gh-pages branch. This is useful for things like sites developed with Yeoman, or if you have a Jekyll site contained in the master branch alongside the rest of your code.

For the sake of this example, let’s pretend the subfolder containing your site is named dist.

Step 1

Remove the dist directory from the project’s .gitignore file (it’s ignored by default by Yeoman).

AvnerCohen /
Last active August 18, 2024 08:34
Node.js - npm Cheat Sheet

Node.js - npm Cheat Sheet

(Full description and list of commands at -

List of less common (however useful) NPM commands

Prepand ./bin to your $PATH

Make sure to export your local $PATH and prepand relative ./node_modules/.bin/:

shawnmclean / absolute.cs
Created April 4, 2012 02:52
Absolute Url in webapi
//Your ValuesController.cs
//Version 1
string uri = Url.Route("Default", new { controller="Home", action="MyAction", id = 1 });
string absoluteUrl = new Uri(Request.RequestUri, uri).AbsoluteUri;
//Version 2
string uri = Url.Route("DefaultApi", new { id = 1 });
string absoluteUrl = new Uri(Request.RequestUri, uri).AbsoluteUri;
samqiu / railscasts.rb
Last active December 9, 2022 03:49
Download free Railscast video
require 'rss'
# Usage
# $ ./railscasts.rb\/
# episodes.rss
# OR
# $ ./railscasts.rb
p 'Downloading rss index'
coolaj86 /
Last active September 7, 2024 22:18
How to publish packages to NPM

Getting Started with NPM (as a developer)

As easy as 1, 2, 3!


  • Aug, 08, 2022 update config docs for npm 8+
  • Jul 27, 2021 add private scopes
  • Jul 22, 2021 add dist tags
  • Jun 20, 2021 update for --access=public
  • Sep 07, 2020 update docs for npm version