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Created March 5, 2014 06:36
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This document is stolenbased on nuget coding guidelines and microsoft internal coding guidlines.

Coding Guidelines

Let's face it. No matter what coding guidelines we choose, we're not going to make everyone happy. While we would like to embrace everyone's individual style, working together on the same codebase would be utter chaos if we don't enforce some consistency. When it comes to coding guidelines, consistency can be even more important than being "right."


  • Camel case is a casing convention where the first letter is lower-case, words are not separated by any character but have their first letter capitalized. Example: thisIsCamelCased.
  • Pascal case is a casing convention where the first letter of each word is capitalized, and no separating character is included between words. Example: ThisIsPascalCased.

C# coding conventions

Tabs & Indenting

Tab characters \0x09 should not be used in code. All indentation should be done with 4 space characters.


Open braces should always be at the beginning of the line after the statement that begins the block. Contents of the brace should be indented by 4 spaces. For example:

if (someExpression)

Braces should never be considered optional. Even for single statement blocks, you should always use braces. This increases code readability and maintainability.

for (int i=0; i < 100; i++) { DoSomething(i); }

Single line statements

Single line statements can have braces that begin and end on the same line.

public class Foo
    int bar;

    public int Bar
      get { return bar; }
      set { bar = value; }


Only comment the "Why" and not the "What". Jeff posted a good blog post about it.


  • ❌ DO NOT use Hungarian notation
  • ✅ DO use a prefix with an underscore _ and camelCased for private fields.
  • ✅ DO use camelCasing for member variables
  • ✅ DO use camelCasing for parameters
  • ✅ DO use camelCasing for local variables
  • ✅ DO use PascalCasing for function, property, event, and class names
  • ✅ DO prefix interfaces names with “I”
  • ❌ DO NOT prefix enums, classes, or delegates with any letter


  • ❌ DO NOT use region.


We use StyleCop with the following rules to ensure that we have the same coding style in the organization.

Layout Rules

SA1500-SA1518, except SA1513

SA1500: Curly brackets for multiline statements must not share line

SA1501: Statement must not be on single line

SA1502: Element must not be on single line

SA1503: Curly brackets must not be omitted

SA1504: All accessors must be multiline or single line

SA1505: Opening curly brackets must not be followed by blank line

SA1506: Element documentation headers must not be followed by blankline

SA1507: Code must not contain multiple blank lines in a row

SA1508: Closing curly brackets must not be preceded by blank line

SA1509: Opening curly brackets must not be precededed by blank line

SA1510: Chained statement blocks must not be preceded by blank line

SA1511: While do footer must not be preceded by blank line

SA1512: Single line comments must not be followed by blank line

SA1514: Element documentation header must be preceded by blank line

SA1515: Single line comment must be preceded by blank line

SA1516: Elements must be separated by blank line

SA1517: Code must not contain blank lines at start of file

SA1518: Code must not contain blank lines at end of file

Maintainability Rules

SA1403: File may only contain a single namespace

SA1404: Code analysis suppression must have justification

Naming Rules

SA1300-SA1311, except SA1306 and SA1309

SA1300: Element must begin with upper case letter

SA1301: Element must begin with lower case letter

SA1302: Interface names must begin with I

SA1303: Const field names must begin with upper case letter

SA1304: Non private readonly fields must begin with upper case letter

SA1305: Field names must not use hungarian notation

SA1307: Accessible fields must begin with upper case letter

SA1308: Variable names must not be prefixed

SA1310: Field names must not contain underscore

SA1311: Static readonly fields must begin with upper case letter

Readability Rules

SA1106-SA1108, SA1124

SA1106: Code must not contain empty statements

SA1107: Code must not contain multiple statements on one line

SA1108: Block statements must not contain embedded comments

SA1124: Do not use regions

Spacing Rules


SA1000: Keywords must be spaced correctly

SA1001: Commas must be spaced correctly

SA1002: Semicolons must be spaced correctly

SA1003: Symbols must be spaced correctly

SA1004: Documentation lines must begin with single space

SA1005: Single line comments must begin with singe space

SA1006: Preprocessor keywords must not be preceded by space

SA1007: Operator keyword must be followed by space

SA1008: Opening parenthesis must be spaced correctly

SA1009: Closing parenthesis must be spaced correctly

SA1010: Opening square brackets must be spaced correctly

SA1011: Closing square brackets must be spaced correctly

SA1012: Opening curly brackets must be spaced correctly

SA1013: Closing curly brackets must be spaced correctly

SA1014: Opening generic brackets must be spaced correctly

SA1015: Closing generic brackets must be spaced correctly

SA1016: Opening attribute brackets must be spaced correctly

SA1017: Closing attribute brackets must be spaced correctly

SA1018: Nullable type symbols must not be preceded by space

SA1019: Member access symbols must be spaced correctly

SA1020: Increment decrement symbols must be spaced correctly

SA1021: Negative signs must be spaced correctly

SA1022: Positive signs must be spaced correctly

SA1023: Dereference and access of symbols must be spaced correctly

SA1024: Colons must be spaced correctly

SA1025: Code must not contain multiple whitespace in aRow

SA1026: Code must not contain space after new keyword in implicitly typed array allocation

SA1027: Tabs must not be used

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