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Created June 3, 2019 16:38
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Replaces tailwind 0.x color CSS classes with 1.0 names
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
* Replaces tailwind 0.x color CSS classes with 1.0 names
* E.g. "bg-grey-light" is replaced with "bg-gray-400"
* This is a "dumb" replacement that searches for string patterns across the
* specified files,
* Usage
* node tailwind-1-color-update.js directory extensions
* Example
* node tailwind-1-color-update.js src/ js,jsx,html
if (process.argv.length !== 4) {
throw new Error('Please specify both a directory and file extensions');
const directoryToTransform = process.argv[2];
const fileExtensionsToInclude = process.argv[3].split(',').map(ext => `.${ext}`);
if (directoryToTransform.length <= 0) {
throw new Error('Please specify a directory to transform');
if (fileExtensionsToInclude.length <= 0) {
throw new Error('Please specify at least one file extension');
function buildReplacementsList() {
let colorReplacements = {
'black': 'gray-900',
'grey-darkest': 'gray-800',
'grey-darker': 'gray-700',
'grey-dark': 'gray-600',
'grey': 'gray-500',
'grey-light': 'gray-400',
'grey-lighter': 'gray-200',
'grey-lightest': 'gray-100'
const colors = ['smoke','red','orange','yellow','green','teal','blue','indigo','purple','pink'];
colors.forEach(color => {
colorReplacements[`${color}-darkest`] = `${color}-900`;
colorReplacements[`${color}-darker`] = `${color}-800`;
colorReplacements[`${color}-dark`] = `${color}-600`;
colorReplacements[`${color}`] = `${color}-500`;
colorReplacements[`${color}-light`] = `${color}-400`;
colorReplacements[`${color}-lighter`] = `${color}-200`;
colorReplacements[`${color}-lightest`] = `${color}-100`;
const colorPrefixes = [
let allReplacements = {};
Object.keys(colorReplacements).forEach(colorReplacement => {
colorPrefixes.forEach(prefix => {
allReplacements[prefix + colorReplacement] = prefix + colorReplacements[colorReplacement];
return allReplacements;
function gatherFilesList(dir) {
const result = [];
const files = [dir];
do {
const filepath = files.pop();
const stat = fs.lstatSync(filepath);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
.forEach(f => files.push(path.join(filepath, f)));
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
const extension = path.extname(filepath);
if (fileExtensionsToInclude.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
result.push(path.relative(dir, filepath));
} while (files.length !== 0);
return result;
function performReplacement(dir) {
const replacements = buildReplacementsList();
gatherFilesList(dir).forEach(filename => {
const fullPath = path.resolve(directoryToTransform + filename);
fs.readFile(fullPath, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
const replacedData = performReplacements(data, replacements);
fs.writeFile(fullPath, replacedData, 'utf8', function (err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
function performReplacements(str, replacements) {
Object.keys(replacements).forEach(search => {
const regex = new RegExp(`${search}(?!(-|[a-z]))`, 'gm');
str = str.replace(regex, replacements[search]);
return str;
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