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Last active April 7, 2017 16:10
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A React component supporting dynamic pointer events. See comments for usage examples. Compatible with the official pointer events polyfill (
// //
// //
// Allows listening for pointer events using PEP for browsers that don't support them.
// This component also adds support for dynamic event addition/removal that React does well,
// even though React doesn't support any pointer events yet.
import React from 'react';
// A mapping of pointer event props to event names.
const pointerEventMap = {
onPointerMove: 'pointermove',
onPointerDown: 'pointerdown',
onPointerUp: 'pointerup',
onPointerOver: 'pointerover',
onPointerOut: 'pointerout',
onPointerEnter: 'pointerenter',
onPointerLeave: 'pointerleave',
onPointerCancel: 'pointercancel'
// An array of just the pointer event props.
const pointerEventProps = Object.keys(pointerEventMap);
// Component with pointer events enabled (specially made for Pointer Events Polyfill)
class Pointable extends React.Component {
// When component mounts, check for pointer event listeners in props and register them manually.
componentDidMount() {
initNodeWithPE(this.pointableNode, this.props);
// When component updates, diff pointer events and manually remove/add event listeners as needed.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
updateNodeWithPE(this.pointableNode, prevProps, this.props);
render() {
// Collect unused props to pass along to rendered node.
// This could be done simply with lodash, but avoiding the extra dependency here isn't difficult.
// Create a shallow copy of props
const otherProps = { ...this.props };
// Remove known pointer event props
pointerEventProps.forEach(prop => delete otherProps[prop]);
// Remove other props used by <Pointable />
delete otherProps.children;
delete otherProps.tagName;
delete otherProps.touchAction;
return (
<this.props.tagName ref={node => this.pointableNode = node} {...otherProps}>
Pointable.propTypes = {
tagName: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
touchAction: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['auto', 'none', 'pan-x', 'pan-y', 'manipulation']).isRequired,
onPointerMove: React.PropTypes.func,
onPointerDown: React.PropTypes.func,
onPointerUp: React.PropTypes.func,
onPointerOver: React.PropTypes.func,
onPointerOut: React.PropTypes.func,
onPointerEnter: React.PropTypes.func,
onPointerLeave: React.PropTypes.func,
onPointerCancel: React.PropTypes.func
Pointable.defaultProps = {
tagName: 'div',
touchAction: 'auto'
export default Pointable;
// Helper methods
// Given a DOM node and a props object, add appropriate pointer events.
const initNodeWithPE = (node, props) => {
let hasPE = false;
// Check for all possible pointer event prop names.
pointerEventProps.forEach(eventProp => {
// If an event prop exists in given props, add the event listener.
const listener = props[eventProp];
if (listener) {
hasPE = true;
node.addEventListener(pointerEventMap[eventProp], listener);
// For PEP, add the 'touch-action' attribute if pointer events were registered.
if (hasPE) {
node.setAttribute('touch-action', props.touchAction);
// Given a DOM node, a stale props object, and a new props object, compute which pointer events to remove and/or add.
const updateNodeWithPE = (node, prevProps, nextProps) => {
let hasPE = false;
pointerEventProps.forEach(eventProp => {
// To perform diff, grab references to old and new listener functions for event.
const listenerOld = prevProps[eventProp];
const listenerNew = nextProps[eventProp];
// If a listener (still) exists, mark that there are pointer events.
if (listenerNew) {
hasPE = true;
// If listener hasn't changed, there's nothing to do.
// Note the additional check exists because `undefined` !== `null` but both mean "no event listener".
if (listenerOld === listenerNew || !listenerOld && !listenerNew) return;
// Remove existing event listener.
if (listenerOld) {
node.removeEventListener(pointerEventMap[eventProp], listenerOld);
// Add/update with new event listener.
if (listenerNew) {
node.addEventListener(pointerEventMap[eventProp], listenerNew);
// For PEP, ensure the 'touch-action' attribute reflects the currently attached event listeners.
if (hasPE) {
node.setAttribute('touch-action', nextProps.touchAction);
else {
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MilllerTime commented Dec 13, 2016


I created this gist to quickly make this code accessible. Several months later, it now lives in its own repo with tests, and is published to npm. If this is useful to you, I recommend installing it via npm.

npm install --save react-pointable

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Why don't you publish this on npm?

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I really should get around to publishing it. Will try to do it this weekend!

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danhart commented Mar 28, 2017

This is really great - I'd also like to see it on npm.

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@mad-gooze @danhart I'm glad you found this useful. Good news - It's finally on npm as react-pointable 😄

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