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Created December 27, 2021 23:53
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fitbod to hevy import export sync
package main
import (
var Fitbod2Hevy = map[string]HevyExercise{
"Rowing": {"Rowing Machine", "0222DB42"},
"Dumbbell Incline Bench Press": {"Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)", "07B38369"},
"Deadlift": {"Deadlift (Barbell)", "C6272009"},
"Back Squat": {"Squat (Barbell)", "D04AC939"},
"Dumbbell Bicep Curl": {"Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)", "37FCC2BB"},
"Barbell Bench Press": {"Bench Press (Barbell)", "79D0BB3A"},
"Decline Crunch": {"Decline Crunch", "BC10A922"},
"Dumbbell Skullcrusher": {"Skullcrusher (Dumbbell)", "68F8A292"},
"Plank": {"Plank", "C6C9B8A0"},
"Dumbbell Shoulder Press": {"Shoulder Press (Dumbbell)", "878CD1D0"},
"Lying Hamstrings Curl": {"Lying Leg Curl (Machine)", "B8127AD1"},
"Machine Leg Press": {"Leg Press Horizontal (Machine)", "0EB695C9"},
"Leg Extension": {"Leg Extension (Machine)", "75A4F6C4"},
"Dumbbell Shrug": {"Shrug (Dumbbell)", "ABEC557F"},
"Lat Pulldown": {"Lat Pulldown (Cable)", "6A6C31A5"},
"Cable Face Pull": {"Face Pull", "BE640BA0"},
"Ab Crunch Machine": {"Crunch (Machine)", "EB43ADD4"},
"Preacher Curl": {"Preacher Curl (Barbell)", "4F942934"},
"Hammer Curls": {"Hammer Curl (Dumbbell)", "7E3BC8B6"},
"Cable Hip Adduction": {"Hip Adduction (cable)", "f726fb99-5251-40e8-9b0a-fed06e93d97b"},
"Cable Rope Tricep Extension": {"Triceps Rope Pushdown", "94B7239B"},
"Cable Rear Delt Fly": {"Rear Delt Fly (Cable)", "b0bcfcca-c5bf-4a84-860c-fd48a1441697"},
"Cable Hip Abduction": {"Hip Abduction (Cable)", "2ad037da-feb1-48db-97da-bb92c9716363"},
"Cable Lateral Raise": {"Lateral Raise (Cable)", "BE289E45"},
"Dumbbell Row": {"Dumbbell Row", "F1E57334"},
"Zottman Curl": {"Zottman Curl (Dumbbell)", "123EE239"},
"Cable Crossover Fly": {"Cable Fly Crossovers", "651F844C"},
"Single Leg Cable Kickback": {"Standing Cable Glute Kickbacks", "ACB2751D"},
"Pull Up": {"Pull Up", "1B2B1E7C"},
"Good Morning": {"Good Morning (Barbell)", "4180C405"},
"Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat": {"Bulgarian Split Squat", "B5D3A742"},
"Smith Machine Calf Raise": {"Standing Calf Raise (Barbell)", "E53CCBE5"},
"Calf Press": {"Calf Press (Machine)", "91237BDD"},
"Standing Machine Calf Press": {"Calf Press (Machine)", "91237BDD"},
"Barbell Hip Thrust": {"Hip Thrust (Barbell)", "D57C2EC7"},
"Dumbbell Fly": {"Reverse Fly (Dumbbell)", "B582299E"},
"Front Squat": {"Front Squat", "5046D0A9"},
"Smith Machine Incline Bench Press": {"Incline Bench Press (Smith Machine)", "3A6FA3D1"},
"Leg Press": {"Leg Press (Machine)", "C7973E0E"},
"Dumbbell Bench Press": {"Bench Press (Dumbbell)", "3601968B"},
"Palms-Up Dumbbell Wrist Curl": {"Seated Palms Up Wrist Curl", "1006DF48"},
"Barbell Shoulder Press": {"Overhead Press (Barbell)", "7B8D84E8"},
type HevyExercise struct {
Name string
ID string
type FitbodEntry struct {
Date time.Time
Exercise string
Reps int
WeightKg float32
DurationS float32
DistanceM float32
Incline float32
Resistance float32
isWarmup bool
Note string
multiplier float32
type FitbodWorkout struct {
Exercises map[string]*FitbodExercise // keyed by FitbodEntry.Exercise
func (fw FitbodWorkout) Date() string {
for _, ex := range fw.Exercises {
for _, set := range ex.Sets {
return set.Date.Format("2006-01-02")
panic("assumed at least one entry")
func (fw FitbodWorkout) Start() time.Time {
min := time.Now()
for _, ex := range fw.Exercises {
for _, set := range ex.Sets {
if set.Date.Before(min) {
min = set.Date
return min
func (fw FitbodWorkout) End() time.Time {
// fitbod export only has start times for workout so
// this just an estimate, but makes the data nicer
return fw.Start().Add(1 * time.Hour)
func (fw FitbodWorkout) Dump() {
first := true
for _, ex := range fw.Exercises {
if first {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", ex.Sets[0].Date.Format("2006-01-02"))
first = false
fmt.Printf(" %s ", ex.Sets[0].Exercise)
hevy, ok := Fitbod2Hevy[ex.Sets[0].Exercise]
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("!!! DOES NOT MAP\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf(" -> %s (%s)\n", hevy.Name, hevy.ID)
for _, set := range ex.Sets {
fmt.Printf(" %#v\n", set)
type FitbodExercise struct {
Sets []FitbodEntry
func main() {
entries, err := loadFitbodBackup()
if err != nil {
fbWorkouts := map[string]FitbodWorkout{}
// assuming at most 1 workout per day
for _, entry := range entries {
key := entry.Date.Format("2006-01-02 15")
if _, ok := fbWorkouts[key]; !ok {
fbWorkouts[key] = FitbodWorkout{
Exercises: map[string]*FitbodExercise{},
ex := entry.Exercise
if _, ok := fbWorkouts[key].Exercises[ex]; !ok {
fbWorkouts[key].Exercises[ex] = &FitbodExercise{}
fbWorkouts[key].Exercises[ex].Sets = append(fbWorkouts[key].Exercises[ex].Sets, entry)
//var answer string
for _, key := range sortedKeys(fbWorkouts) {
fbWorkout := fbWorkouts[key]
wr := WorkoutRoot{
EmptyResponse: true,
UpdateRoutineValues: false,
Workout: Workout{
ClientId: uuid.NewString(),
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s", fbWorkout.Date()),
Description: "Imported from Fitbod",
ImageUrls: nil,
Exercises: []Exercise{},
StartTime: fbWorkout.Start().Unix(),
EndTime: fbWorkout.End().Unix(),
Weight: 0,
UseAutoDurationTimer: false,
TrackWorkoutAsRoutine: false,
AppleWatch: false,
for key, fbEx := range fbWorkout.Exercises {
mapping, ok := Fitbod2Hevy[key]
if !ok {
ex := Exercise{
Title: mapping.Name,
Id: mapping.ID,
AutoRestTimerSeconds: 0,
Notes: "",
RoutineNotes: "",
Sets: []Set{},
for i, set := range fbEx.Sets {
indicator := "normal"
if set.isWarmup {
indicator = "warmup"
weight := int(set.WeightKg)
weightp := &weight
if weight == 0 {
weightp = nil
reps := set.Reps
repsp := &reps
if set.Reps == 0 {
repsp = nil
dist := int(set.DistanceM)
distp := &dist
if dist == 0 {
distp = nil
duration := int(set.DurationS)
durationp := &duration
if duration == 0 {
durationp = nil
ex.Sets = append(ex.Sets, Set{
Index: i,
Completed: true,
Indicator: indicator,
Weight: weightp,
Reps: repsp,
Distance: distp,
Duration: durationp,
if len(ex.Sets) == 0 {
wr.Workout.Exercises = append(wr.Workout.Exercises, ex)
if len(wr.Workout.Exercises) == 0 {
// TODO review, ask for permissions and upload
dump, _ := json.MarshalIndent(wr, "", " ")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", dump)
//fmt.Printf("duration = %s", time.Unix(wr.Workout.EndTime, 0).Sub(time.Unix(wr.Workout.StartTime, 0)))
//fmt.Printf("\n\nPublish to Hevy? (Ctrl-C to cancel, anything else to continue)")
err = publish(wr)
if err != nil {
//fmt.Printf("\n\nContinue with next workout? (Ctrl-C to cancel, anything else to continue)")
func publish(root WorkoutRoot) error {
payload, err := json.Marshal(root)
if err != nil {
return err
client := &http.Client{}
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", bytes.NewReader(payload))
req.Header.Add("User-Agent", "Hevy/1175 CFNetwork/1312 Darwin/21.0.0 " + todoIncludeYourEmailOrSomethingInHevyWantsToContactYou)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.Header.Add("auth-token", todoYouHaveToFillThisInYourself)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", todoYouHaveToFillThisInYourself)
req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*")
resp, err := client.Do(req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", resp)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
fmt.Printf("----\n%s\n----\n", body)
return err
func printMissingMappings(workouts map[string]FitbodWorkout) {
missingEx := map[string]int{}
for _, workout := range workouts {
for ex, vals := range workout.Exercises {
// ignore exercises that I didn't do last 3 months
if vals.Sets[0].Date.Before(time.Now().Add(-90 * 24 * time.Hour)) {
if _, ok := Fitbod2Hevy[ex]; !ok {
if _, ok2 := missingEx[ex]; !ok2 {
missingEx[ex] = 0
missingEx[ex] += 1
fmt.Printf("MISSING MAPPINGS:\n")
for ex, count := range missingEx {
fmt.Printf(" %s (%d)\n", ex, count)
func sortedKeys(slice map[string]FitbodWorkout) []string {
keys := []string{}
for key := range slice {
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys
func loadFitbodBackup() ([]FitbodEntry, error) {
f, err := os.Open("WorkoutExport.csv")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to read input file %w", err)
defer f.Close()
csvReader := csv.NewReader(f)
records, err := csvReader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse file as CSV %w", err)
entries := []FitbodEntry{}
for _, rec := range records[1:] { // skip header
entry, err := parseFitbodEntry(rec)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cant parse %#v as fitbod entry", rec)
entries = append(entries, entry)
return entries, err
func parseFitbodEntry(row []string) (FitbodEntry, error) {
// 2021-12-27 10:02:51 +0000
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700", row[0])
if err != nil {
return FitbodEntry{}, err
strconv.ParseFloat(row[2], 32)
return FitbodEntry{
Date: t,
Exercise: row[1],
Reps: mustParseInt(row[2]),
WeightKg: mustParseFloat32(row[3]),
DurationS: mustParseFloat32(row[4]),
DistanceM: mustParseFloat32(row[5]),
Incline: mustParseFloat32(row[6]),
Resistance: mustParseFloat32(row[7]),
isWarmup: row[8] != "false",
Note: row[9],
multiplier: mustParseFloat32(row[10]),
}, nil
func mustParseInt(in string) int {
in = strings.TrimSpace(in) // fitbod adds extra space for some reason
out, err := strconv.Atoi(in)
if err != nil {
return out
func mustParseFloat32(in string) float32 {
in = strings.TrimSpace(in) // fitbod adds extra space for some reason
out, err := strconv.ParseFloat(in, 32)
if err != nil {
return float32(out)
type WorkoutRoot struct {
Workout Workout `json:"workout"`
EmptyResponse bool `json:"emptyResponse"`
UpdateRoutineValues bool `json:"updateRoutineValues"`
// WorkoutId string `json:"workout_id"` // would be used for updates
type Workout struct {
ClientId string `json:"clientId"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
ImageUrls []interface{} `json:"imageUrls"`
Exercises []Exercise `json:"exercises"`
StartTime int64 `json:"startTime"`
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"`
Weight int `json:"weight"`
UseAutoDurationTimer bool `json:"useAutoDurationTimer"`
TrackWorkoutAsRoutine bool `json:"trackWorkoutAsRoutine"`
AppleWatch bool `json:"appleWatch"`
type Exercise struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Id string `json:"id"`
AutoRestTimerSeconds int `json:"autoRestTimerSeconds"`
Notes string `json:"notes"`
RoutineNotes string `json:"routineNotes"`
Sets []Set `json:"sets"`
type Set struct {
Index int `json:"index"`
Completed bool `json:"completed"`
Indicator string `json:"indicator"`
Weight *int `json:"weight"`
Reps *int `json:"reps"`
Distance *int `json:"distance"`
Duration *int `json:"duration"`
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Mikulas commented Dec 27, 2021

This script takes CSV exported from Fitbod and imports it into Hevy. You need to find out what your auth token is and what is x-api-key of Hevy.

You will also most likely need to update the exercise mapping.

I used this successfully to do a one time migration, but your results may vary. I strongly recommend not running this against Hevy accounts with actual data you care abou. I run this sync on an empty Hevy account.

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Mikulas commented Dec 28, 2021

You can also find the credentials by inspecting headers for web UI requests once you login at

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This has been super useful, thanks @Mikulas!
I am myself writing a similar importer, also in Go, to migrate my workouts from Jefit, and I'm very close to having it working thanks to this Gist.

However, I am consistently getting a 404 response while POSTing to /workout. I'm unsure whether the API endpoint has changed, or whether Hevy simply obfuscates the actual error behind a generic 404 code.

May I ask how you figured out the API contract to add a new workout, and how I could discover the API myself in case it changes in the future (my email is on my GitHub profile in case you prefer to reach privately).

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