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Created February 25, 2020 07:21
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Here is a snap example of using the CSScreenRecorder using C#:
//In order to get your own UserName and RegKey please order a license.
using (ScreenRecorder = new CSScreenRecorder.ScreenRecorder("UserName", "RegKey"))
//Set the area to record
ScreenRecorder.RecordScreenHeight = Int32.Parse(txtHeight.Text);
ScreenRecorder.RecordScreenWidth = Int32.Parse(txtWidth.Text);
ScreenRecorder.RecordScreenTop = Int32.Parse(txtTop.Text);
ScreenRecorder.RecordScreenLeft = Int32.Parse(txtLeft.Text);
//Track mouse move
ScreenRecorder.TrackMouse = chkTrackMouse.Checked;
//Set the rotate style
ScreenRecorder.Rotate = CSScreenRecorder.RotateStyle.RotateNoneFlipNone;
//Set the Watermark
ScreenRecorder.WatermarkFont = new Font(new Font("Arial", 32), System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline);
ScreenRecorder.WatermarkText = txtWatermark.Text;
//Set the frames rate (less FPS will be more accurate the time and with less errors)
ScreenRecorder.FramesPerSeconds = 10;
ScreenRecorder.VideoEncoderQuality = trcVideoEncoderQuality.Value;
picPreview.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
//Set the audio recorder
ScreenRecorder.RecordAudio = chkRecordAudio.Checked;
ScreenRecorder.MP3Encoder = chkMP3Encoder.Checked;
ScreenRecorder.AudioEncoderQuality = trcAudioEncoderQuality.Value;
ScreenRecorder.AudioDeviceIndex = cboSoundDevices.SelectedIndex;
//Set the video codec
ScreenRecorder.CodecIndex = cboCodecs.SelectedIndex;
//On start event
ScreenRecorder.OnStartRecord += (o) =>
txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text + DateTime.Now + ":Start record\r\n";
//On pause record
ScreenRecorder.OnPauseRecord += (o) =>
txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text + DateTime.Now + ":Pause record\r\n";
//On unpause record
ScreenRecorder.OnUnPauseRecord += (o) =>
txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text + DateTime.Now + ":Unpause record\r\n";
//On stop record
ScreenRecorder.OnStopRecord += (o) =>
txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text + DateTime.Now + ":Stop record\r\n";
//On preview (get the bmp image)
ScreenRecorder.OnPreview += (o, bmp) =>
Bitmap pImage = new Bitmap(bmp);
picPreview.Image = pImage;
ScreenRecorder.OnError += (o, ErrorMessage, ErrorNumber) =>
txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text + DateTime.Now + ":Error - " + ErrorMessage + " (" + ErrorNumber + ")\r\n";
//Start to record
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