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Last active March 1, 2020 15:12
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  • Save Microncode/123fbf720ccfb8990d28463bb6219c0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Microncode/123fbf720ccfb8990d28463bb6219c0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here is a snap example of using the CSVideoConverter using C#:
//Create a new instance of the library with the path of the ffmpeg libraries:
_CSVideoConverter = new CSVideoConverter.VideoConverter(@"../../../libs/ffmpeg/x86/bin",
"UserName", "RegKey");
//Set the source file
_CSVideoConverter.FileSource = txtSource.Text;
//Set the destination file
_CSVideoConverter.FileDestination = txtDestination.Text;
//Set the video and the audio properties of the destination media file.
//Leave one or more properties empty will make the ffmpeg to use the
//default settings of the property.
//Set the video codec:
_CSVideoConverter.VideoCodec = txtVideoCodec.Text;
//Set the bitrate (add K for kilobytes)
_CSVideoConverter.VideoBitrate = txtVideoBitrate.Text;
//Set the frames per seconds
_CSVideoConverter.VideoFPS = txtFPS.Text;
//Set the resolution
_CSVideoConverter.VideoResolutionX = txtVideoResolutionX.Text;
_CSVideoConverter.VideoResolutionY = txtVideoResolutionY.Text;
//Set the Audio properties
_CSVideoConverter.AudioBitrate = txtAudioBitrate.Text;
_CSVideoConverter.AudioSamplerate = txtAudioSampeRate.Text;
_CSVideoConverter.AudioChannels = txtAudioChannels.Text;
//Set the length to convert.
//From TimeSpan value. If 0 the library will convert the media file from the start.
TimeSpan from_time = new TimeSpan(timeFrom.Value.Hour, timeFrom.Value.Minute, timeFrom.Value.Second);
//Length to convert of TimeSpan value. If 0 the library will convert the media until the end.
TimeSpan length_time = new TimeSpan(timeLength.Value.Hour, timeLength.Value.Minute, timeLength.Value.Second);
//Set values
_CSVideoConverter.FromTime = from_time;
_CSVideoConverter.LengthTime = length_time;
//Set the ID3 tags
//Create an instance of ID3Tags
ID3Tags iD3Tags = new ID3Tags();
//Set the ID3 tags values
iD3Tags.Title = txtID3Title.Text;
iD3Tags.Comment = txtID3Comment.Text;
iD3Tags.Album = txtID3Album.Text;
iD3Tags.Artist = txtID3Artist.Text;
iD3Tags.Date = txtID3Date.Text;
//Set the ID3 tags
//You can add an additional arguments:
//_CSVideoConverter.ArgsAdditional = "-vtag xvid -more arg1";
//Or if you want to set your own arguments:
//_CSVideoConverter.ArgsDirect = "Your_own_arguments";
//You can get the final arguments after setting the library properties:
//string cmd = _CSVideoConverter.GetArgs();
//On start event
_CSVideoConverter.OperationStart += (o) =>
//On output
_CSVideoConverter.OperationOutput += (o, s) =>
//On progress event
_CSVideoConverter.OperationProgress += (o, Precents, ConvertingProperties) =>
this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
//Display the converting operation parameters
lblStatus.Text = "Frame:" + ConvertingProperties.Frame
+ " Size:" + ConvertingProperties.Size
+ " FPS:" + ConvertingProperties.Fps
+ " Time:" + ConvertingProperties.Time
+ " Bitrate:" + ConvertingProperties.Bitrate
+ " Speed:" + ConvertingProperties.Speed;
//Display the percents of the converting operation
progressBar1.Value = Precents;
catch { }
_CSVideoConverter.OperationDone += (o, Aborted) =>
//Aborted = true if the user was aborted the operation
if (Aborted)
Debug.WriteLine("Done (Aborted).");
_CSVideoConverter.OperationClosed += (o) =>
//Start the converting operation
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