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Created December 27, 2023 22:11
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Generate a calendar with all future payments from Enerfip (crowdfunding for renewable energy projects)
Go to, click "Mon échéancier", then at the bottom of the page click "Exporter au format XLS".
import os
from datetime import datetime
import xlrd
from ics import Calendar, Event
path_to_downloaded_xls_file = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/Downloads/transactions.xls'
target_calendar_file = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/Downloads/enerfip.ics'
book = xlrd.open_workbook(path_to_downloaded_xls_file)
print(f"Using sheet named {book.sheet_names()[0]}...")
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
header = sheet.row(0)
calendar = Calendar()
for rx in range(1, sheet.nrows):
payment_date, project_name, paid_amount, reimbursed_capital, paid_interests, remaining_capital = sheet.row(rx)
event_date = datetime.strptime(payment_date.value, '%d/%m/%Y').date()
print(event_date, project_name.value, paid_amount.value, reimbursed_capital, paid_interests, remaining_capital)
event = Event(
name=f"Paiement Enerfip de {paid_amount.value}€ ({project_name.value})",
description=f"Remboursement de capital : {reimbursed_capital.value}\nIntérêts payés : {paid_interests.value}\nCapital restant dû : {remaining_capital.value}€",
with open(target_calendar_file, 'w') as f:
print(f"\n✨ Success: {target_calendar_file} has been generated.")
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