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Michał Bryłka MichalBrylka

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// See for more information
using FluentResults;
//1. simple
Console.WriteLine(Divide(5, 0));
//2. fluent
var fluent = Result.Fail("error message 1")
.WithError("error message 2")
MichalBrylka / Program.cs
Created February 5, 2024 11:09
Result public
// See for more information
using ConsoleApp1;
var nameEntities = new[] { "", null, "Dawid", "Kacper", "Wojciech", "Michał M", "Michał B", "Rafał", "Anna", "Floris" }
var index = 0;
foreach (var ne in nameEntities)
if (ne.TryGetValue(out var u)) Console.WriteLine($"{index++}. User created: {u}");
MichalBrylka / InterceptorsLogging.cs
Created November 27, 2023 13:59
Interceptor for logging
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Net8.Features;
internal class InterceptorsLogging : IShowable
public void Show()
var todo = new TodoApi();
MichalBrylka / LogCallBenchmarks.cs
Created February 22, 2023 13:21
using System;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using Serilog;
namespace TestLoggerCallsPerf;
| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Ratio | RatioSD | Allocated | Alloc Ratio |
|----------- |---------:|--------:|---------:|------:|--------:|----------:|------------:|
| ParamsArgs | 477.0 ms | 8.56 ms | 8.01 ms | 1.00 | 0.00 | 3.75 MB | 1.00 |
MichalBrylka / Benchmarks.csproj
Last active February 6, 2023 22:17
LINQ benchmarks
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="BenchmarkDotNet" />
MichalBrylka / JsonTableFontAwesome.csproj
Created January 8, 2023 14:36
Generate FontAwsome free list
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
MichalBrylka / Extensions.cs
Last active December 9, 2022 14:24
Generic matrix
using System.Buffers;
namespace GenMath;
public static class Extensions
public static TResult[] ToArray<TResult>(this Range range, Func<int, TResult> transformer)
if (range.Start.IsFromEnd || range.End.IsFromEnd) throw new NotSupportedException("'FromEnd' ranges are not supported ");
MichalBrylka / DoubleVector.cs
Last active October 13, 2023 03:53
Generic math performance
using System.Numerics;
namespace Benchmarks;
readonly struct DoubleVector
private readonly double[] _values;
public DoubleVector(double[] values) => _values = values;
public double Average()
MichalBrylka / Program.cs
Created November 29, 2022 08:09
Generic Physics
var distances = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new Distance(i)).ToArray();
var sumOfDistances = Sum(distances);
var times = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new Time(i * i)).ToArray();
var velocities = distances.Zip(times).Select(pair => pair.First / pair.Second).ToArray();
static TUnit Sum<TUnit>(IEnumerable<TUnit> units)
where TUnit : IUnit<TUnit>
MichalBrylka / Program.cs
Last active November 17, 2022 23:42
Static Interface Members
var parsedLines = Lines<CommaSeparatedWords>.Parse("""
var parsedNumbers = CsvFile<int>.Parse("""