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Last active December 9, 2017 21:29
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Haskell Todo list CLI
import Data.List
import Prelude hiding (id, pure)
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import System.Process
import Text.Read
data Route
= All
| Active
| Completed
deriving (Show, Read)
data Action
= Usage
| Add String
| Toggle Int
| Edit Int
| Delete Int
| View Route
| Quit
deriving (Show, Read)
data Task = Task
{ text :: String
, id :: Int
, completed :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Read)
data State = State
{ route :: Route
, uid :: Int
, tasks :: [Task]
} deriving (Show, Read)
type Effect = IO ()
emptyState :: State
emptyState = State {uid = 0, route = All, tasks = []}
main = do
homeDirectory <- getHomeDirectory
let filePath = homeDirectory ++ "/.taskmanagerState.hs" in do
maybeSerializedState <- readFileMaybe filePath
case maybeSerializedState of
Nothing -> do
repl filePath (putStrLn $ "Failed to load \"" ++ filePath ++ "\". Will create file after first action.") emptyState
Just serializedState ->
case (readMaybe serializedState) of
Just state -> repl filePath noOp state
Nothing -> do
repl filePath (putStrLn $ "Failed to parse state at \"" ++ filePath ++ "\". Corrupted file?") emptyState
readFileMaybe :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe String)
readFileMaybe filePath =
tryIOError (readFile filePath) >>= handler
where handler (Right contents) = return (Just contents)
handler (Left _) = return Nothing
repl :: FilePath -> Effect -> State -> Effect
repl filePath effect state = do
system "clear"
putStrLn $ "Using: " ++ filePath
putStrLn $ view state
putStr "Enter an action: "
line <- getLine
case (readMaybe line) of
Just action ->
let (updated, effect) = update action state
in do writeFile filePath (show updated)
repl filePath effect updated
Nothing -> do
repl filePath (putStrLn $ "Unrecognized action: " ++ line ++ "\n" ++ usage) state
usage =
[ "Usage:"
, "\tAdd \"Learn Haskell\" (double quotes necessary)"
, "\tToggle 0 (mark as complete / incomplete)"
, "\tEdit 0 \"Updated task name\" (double quotes necessary)"
, "\tDelete 0"
, "\tView All / Active / Completed"
, "\tQuit"
view :: State -> String
view state
| length (tasks state) == 0 = "No tasks!\n" ++ usage
| otherwise =
let filtered = (filterState state)
in (show (route filtered) ++ " tasks") ++
"\n" ++ (intercalate "\n" $ map viewTask $ tasks filtered)
viewTask :: Task -> String
viewTask task =
(show $ id task) ++
" " ++
(text task) ++
(if (completed task)
then ""
else "")
filterState :: State -> State
filterState state =
case (route state) of
All -> state
Active -> state {tasks = filter (not . completed) (tasks state)}
Completed -> state {tasks = filter completed (tasks state)}
update :: Action -> State -> (State, Effect)
update action state =
case action of
Add text -> pure $ add text state
Toggle id' -> pure state {tasks = updateId id' toggle (tasks state)}
Edit id' text -> pure state {tasks = updateId id' (edit text) (tasks state)}
Delete id' -> pure state {tasks = deleteId id' (tasks state)}
View All -> pure state {route = All}
View Active -> pure state {route = Active}
View Completed -> pure state {route = Completed}
Usage -> (state, putStrLn usage)
Quit -> (state, exitSuccess)
noOp :: IO ()
noOp = return ()
pure :: State -> (State, Effect)
pure state = (state, noOp)
add :: String -> State -> State
add text state =
{ uid = (uid state) + 1
, tasks =
(tasks state) ++ [Task {text = text, completed = False, id = (uid state)}]
edit :: String -> Task -> Task
edit text task = task {text = text}
toggle :: Task -> Task
toggle task = task {completed = (not $ completed task)}
updateId :: Int -> (Task -> Task) -> [Task] -> [Task]
updateId id' update tasks = map updateIfTarget tasks
updateIfTarget task
| (id task) == id' = update task
| otherwise = task
deleteId :: Int -> [Task] -> [Task]
deleteId id' tasks = filter ((/= id') . id) tasks
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