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Created September 25, 2021 00:55
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Arduino code to blink multiple LED's at different rates. Solution to problem posed in Sept 24, 2021 workshop at The Generator in Burlington VT.
Author: Mike Ellis
Example code showing how use the millis() function to blink
3 different LED's at different rates.
This code is in the public domain.
const uint32_t BLINKMS = 50; // The duration of each blink
// Pin Assignments for each LED. Change these if you use different pins.
const uint8_t RED = 12;
const uint8_t GRN = 10;
const uint8_t BLU = 9;
// macroMakeBlinker is a C preprocessor macro that generates functions. Macros are
// an old-school technique that has, for mostly good reasons,fallen into disfavor
// since the advent of C++. In this particular case, I believe the advantages outweigh
// the downsides.
// Macros work by text substitution. Each macro argument is substituted into a copy of
// the macro body in every place the argument occurs.
// Note that each line of the macro body (save the last line) must end in a backslash
// continuation character with no whitespace after it.
#define macroMakeBlinker(blinkerName, pin, intervalms) \
void blinkerName(uint32_t now) { \
const uint8_t PIN = pin; \
static uint32_t lastTime = 0; \
static uint8_t ledOn = 0; \
if (lastTime == 0 || (!ledOn && (now - lastTime) >= intervalms)) { \
digitalWrite(PIN, HIGH); \
ledOn = 1; \
lastTime = now; \
} \
if (ledOn && (now - lastTime) >= BLINKMS) { \
digitalWrite(PIN, LOW); \
ledOn = 0; \
} \
// Use the macro to create the four blinker functions we need. If you want to
// change the duration of the blink cycles, this is the place to do so, Note that,
// unlike most program statements, a semicolon is not required after the
// macro invocations.
macroMakeBlinker(builtinLed, LED_BUILTIN, 3000) // produces builtinLed() with a 3000 ms blink cycle
macroMakeBlinker(redLed, RED, 1000) // produces redLed() with a 1000ms blink cycle
macroMakeBlinker(grnLed, GRN, 750) // produces grnLed() with a 750ms blink cycle
macroMakeBlinker(bluLed, BLU, 600) // produces bluLed() with a 600ms blink cycle
// The setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board.
// Here, we simply specify our pins as outputs.
void setup() {
pinMode(RED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(GRN, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BLU, OUTPUT);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
// at each pass through the loop get the current ms clock
// value and pass it to each macro-generated blinker function.
uint32_t now = millis();
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