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Merrick Clark MerrickClark

  • United States
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yossorion /
Last active August 9, 2024 20:18
What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn

What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn

Disclaimer: This piece is written anonymously. The names of a few particular companies are mentioned, but as common examples only.

This is a short write-up on things that I wish I'd known and considered before joining a private company (aka startup, aka unicorn in some cases). I'm not trying to make the case that you should never join a private company, but the power imbalance between founder and employee is extreme, and that potential candidates would

AndrewIngram / gist:8264e18891a5662837f3
Last active January 24, 2016 19:52
GraphQL Steps

The idea of these steps is that they can be implemented progressively and add value at each step.

  1. Your current approach is to talk to REST APIs from your client-side code
  2. Build your GraphQL server
  3. Instead of making multiple REST requests for a page load, make a single GraphQL query
  4. Develop a means of composing GraphQL queries out of fragments. There are a few existing solutions for this, but they're not particularly polished

At this point you have a pretty nice solution for fetching data, but no strategy for caching or semantics surrounding that data. There's also questions surrounding how to minimise data fetching on navigation using client-side routing.

  1. Client-side routing optimisation is potentially straightforward (if you're good at working with trees), but might become impractical depending on how other problems are solved. The basic idea is that you build the query for the current and next routes, convert them to ASTs (this is easy using graphql-js) and create a diff query that only as
OlegIlyenko / Event-stream based GraphQL
Last active July 4, 2024 07:31
Event-stream based GraphQL subscriptions for real-time updates

In this gist I would like to describe an idea for GraphQL subscriptions. It was inspired by conversations about subscriptions in the GraphQL slack channel and different GH issues, like #89 and #411.

Conceptual Model

At the moment GraphQL allows 2 types of queries:

  • query
  • mutation

Reference implementation also adds the third type: subscription. It does not have any semantics yet, so here I would like to propose one possible semantics interpretation and the reasoning behind it.

reggi /
Last active March 16, 2022 16:47
A tutorial on how to get started using glob patterns in your terminal. #writing

Glob Up and Running

To test a glob pattern go over to globtester and play around with creating your own file structure online, it's super easy to get started that way.

If you want to test out a glob pattern in the terminal use echo followed by the pattern, for instance.

echo **/*.js
raineorshine /
Last active July 30, 2024 12:04
How to set up user authentication for a Chrome Extension using the Chrome Identity API

How to set up user authentication for a Chrome Extension using the Chrome Identity API

  1. Create a private key file, from which you can create the manifest key and Application ID, as detailed here:
  2. Add the manifest key to "key" in manifest.json
  3. Create a new project in Google Developer Console
  4. Go to "APIs & auth > Credentials" and create new client id for a Chrome Application using the Application ID generated in step 3.
  5. Copy the Client ID to oauth2.client_id in the manifest.json


iamEAP / .travis.yml
Last active January 20, 2023 09:23
Template for integrating Travis-CI and Pantheon Multidev
language: php
# Important to note, this is the version of PHP used to run this build, not the
# one used to run your Drupal installation. Ensure compatibility with the Drush
# and Terminus versions you're using for this build.
- 5.3
kbastani / CalendarDay.cql
Last active July 14, 2020 20:36
This gist is a Neo4j Cypher query for merging a calendar graph for a specific year. This query has 4 levels of indexes, consisting of year, month, day, hour.
// Enter the day you would like to create
WITH { day: 18, month: 1, year: 2014 } as dayMap
// Merge hours in a day
MERGE (thisDay:Day { day:, month: dayMap.month, year: dayMap.year })
MERGE (firstHour:Hour { day:, month: dayMap.month, year: dayMap.year, hour: 1 })
CREATE (thisDay)-[:FIRST]->(firstHour)
FOREACH (i IN tail(range(1, 24)) |
MERGE (thishour:Hour { day:, month: dayMap.month, year: dayMap.year, hour: i })
MERGE (lasthour:Hour { day:, month: dayMap.month, year: dayMap.year, hour: i - 1 })
perival / cg-meta-graph.adoc
Last active August 4, 2023 07:03
A Simple Meta-Data Model for a Graph Database - neo4j

A Simple Meta-Data Model for a Graph Database

Setting up a Meta-Data Framework

This GraphGist is a quick exploration of a simple meta-data administration which can be used to store the structure of the nodes and relationships in a graph database like neo4j.

The data that is set up here could be used in an application layer to provide tailored

scribu /
Last active September 7, 2016 14:43 — forked from floydpink/
Generating secure environment variables for GitHub deployment keys to be used from a Travis-CI build.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# On OS X, use this script to generate an encrypted deployment key for Travis CI.
# Dependencies:
# gem install travis
# brew install coreutils
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "usage: $0 <user>/<repo>"
eighteyes /
Created April 5, 2013 21:12
Mondo Git Bash Aliases & Functions
# Show files in log
alias glf='git log --oneline --name-only'
alias glg='git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all'
alias gls='git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate'
# What files were touched x number of times back : glfn 3
alias glfn='git log --oneline --name-only -n'
# Open log files x number of times back : glo 1