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Last active July 15, 2023 17:07
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A TypeScript guard for object types, with an optional parameter to verify the shape of that object, specifying the properties and their corresponding types.
type BasicTypeMap = {
/* These are the types you might get with the `typeof` operator. */
'string': string,
'number': number,
'bigint': bigint,
'boolean': boolean,
'symbol': symbol,
'undefined': undefined,
'object': object,
'function': (...args: unknown[]) => unknown,
type BasicTypeName = keyof BasicTypeMap;
type BasicType<Name extends BasicTypeName> = BasicTypeMap[Name];
export function isObject(value: unknown): value is object
export function isObject<TValue, TProps extends Record<string, BasicTypeName>>(
value: TValue,
props: TProps,
): value is (object extends TValue ? object : TValue) & {
[PropKey in keyof TProps]: BasicType<TProps[PropKey]>
export function isObject<TProps extends Record<string, BasicTypeName>>(
value: unknown,
props?: TProps,
) {
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) return false
if (typeof props === 'object') {
for (const propKey in props) {
const propValue = (value as Record<string, unknown>)[propKey]
if (typeof propValue !== props[propKey]) {
return false
return true
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Merott commented Jul 15, 2023

Example usage:

export function someFunction(something: unknown) {
  if (isObject(something, { simple: 'boolean' })) {
    something.simple // boolean

  if (
    isObject(something, { a: 'number', complex: 'object' }) &&
    isObject(something.complex, { type: 'string' })
  ) {
    something.a // number
    something.complex // object
    something.complex.type // string

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