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Created November 28, 2016 11:50
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Money-Price formatting directive without affecting on ngModel (:Integer) | AngularJs
// My answer to question
app.directive('price', [function () {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
attrs.$set('ngTrim', "false");
var formatter = function(str, isNum) {
str = String( Number(str || 0) / (isNum?1:100) );
str = (str=='0'?'0.0':str).split('.');
str[1] = str[1] || '0';
return str[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1,') + '.' + (str[1].length==1?str[1]+'0':str[1]);
var updateView = function(val) {
scope.$applyAsync(function () {
ngModel.$setViewValue(val || '');
var parseNumber = function(val) {
var modelString = formatter(ngModel.$modelValue, true);
var sign = {
pos: /[+]/.test(val),
neg: /[-]/.test(val)
sign.has = sign.pos || sign.neg;
sign.both = sign.pos && sign.neg;
if (!val || sign.has && val.length==1 || ngModel.$modelValue && Number(val)===0) {
var newVal = (!val || ngModel.$modelValue && Number()===0?'':val);
if (ngModel.$modelValue !== newVal)
return '';
else {
var valString = String(val || '');
var newSign = (sign.both && ngModel.$modelValue>=0 || !sign.both && sign.neg?'-':'');
var newVal = valString.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
var viewVal = newSign + formatter(angular.copy(newVal));
if (modelString !== valString)
return (Number(newSign + newVal) / 100) || 0;
var formatNumber = function(val) {
if (val) {
var str = String(val).split('.');
str[1] = str[1] || '0';
val = str[0] + '.' + (str[1].length==1?str[1]+'0':str[1]);
return parseNumber(val);
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