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Created July 15, 2015 16:02
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Save MeLlamoPablo/a2128eb376f3e5318110 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This table contains every released dota hero + Abyssal Underlord to day 15/07/2015. It is useful for outputting a hero name to the game, because the Scripting API will return "ugly" names beginning in npc_dota_hero
-- dotaHeroes.lua by Pablo Rodríguez (
-- No license. Use it on your script. Modify it. Convert it on a nuclear weapon. Whatever.
-- This table contains every released dota hero + Abyssal Underlord to day 15/07/2015.
-- It is useful for outputting a hero name to the game, because the Scripting API will
-- return "ugly" names beginning in npc_dota_hero
dotaHeroes = {npc_dota_hero_abaddon = "Abaddon",
npc_dota_hero_abyssal_underlord = "Abyssal Underlord",
npc_dota_hero_alchemist = "Alchemist",
npc_dota_hero_ancient_apparition = "Ancient Apparition",
npc_dota_hero_antimage = "Anti-Mage",
npc_dota_hero_axe = "Axe",
npc_dota_hero_bane = "Bane",
npc_dota_hero_batrider = "Batrider",
npc_dota_hero_beastmaster = "Beastmaster",
npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker = "Bloodseeker",
npc_dota_hero_bounty_hunter = "Bounty Hunter",
npc_dota_hero_brewmaster = "Brewmaster",
npc_dota_hero_bristleback = "Bristleback",
npc_dota_hero_broodmother = "Broodmother",
npc_dota_hero_centaur = "Centaur Warrunner",
npc_dota_hero_chaos_knight = "Chaos Knight",
npc_dota_hero_chen = "Chen",
npc_dota_hero_clinkz = "Clinkz",
npc_dota_hero_rattletrap = "Clockwerk",
npc_dota_hero_crystal_maiden = "Crystal Maiden",
npc_dota_hero_dark_seer = "Dark Seer",
npc_dota_hero_dazzle = "Dazzle",
npc_dota_hero_death_prophet = "Death Prophet",
npc_dota_hero_disruptor = "Disruptor",
npc_dota_hero_doom_bringer = "Doom",
npc_dota_hero_dragon_knight = "Dragon Knight",
npc_dota_hero_drow_ranger = "Drow Ranger",
npc_dota_hero_earth_spirit = "Earth Spirit",
npc_dota_hero_earthshaker = "Earthshaker",
npc_dota_hero_elder_titan = "Elder Titan",
npc_dota_hero_ember_spirit = "Ember Spirit",
npc_dota_hero_enchantress = "Enchantress",
npc_dota_hero_enigma = "Enigma",
npc_dota_hero_faceless_void = "Faceless Void",
npc_dota_hero_gyrocopter = "Gyrocopter",
npc_dota_hero_huskar = "Huskar",
npc_dota_hero_invoker = "Invoker",
npc_dota_hero_wisp = "Io",
npc_dota_hero_jakiro = "Jakiro",
npc_dota_hero_juggernaut = "Juggernaut",
npc_dota_hero_keeper_of_the_light = "Keeper of the Light",
npc_dota_hero_kunkka = "Kunkka",
npc_dota_hero_legion_commander = "Legion Commander",
npc_dota_hero_leshrac = "Leshrac",
npc_dota_hero_lich = "Lich",
npc_dota_hero_life_stealer = "Lifestealer",
npc_dota_hero_lina = "Lina",
npc_dota_hero_lion = "Lion",
npc_dota_hero_lone_druid = "Lone Druid",
npc_dota_hero_luna = "Luna",
npc_dota_hero_lycan = "Lycan",
npc_dota_hero_magnataur = "Magnus",
npc_dota_hero_medusa = "Medusa",
npc_dota_hero_meepo = "Meepo",
npc_dota_hero_mirana = "Mirana",
npc_dota_hero_morphling = "Morphling",
npc_dota_hero_naga_siren = "Naga Siren",
npc_dota_hero_furion = "Nature's Prophet",
npc_dota_hero_necrolyte = "Necrophos",
npc_dota_hero_night_stalker = "Night Stalker",
npc_dota_hero_nyx_assassin = "Nyx Assassin",
npc_dota_hero_ogre_magi = "Ogre Magi",
npc_dota_hero_omniknight = "Omniknight",
npc_dota_hero_oracle = "Oracle",
npc_dota_hero_obsidian_destroyer = "Outworld Devourer",
npc_dota_hero_phantom_assassin = "Phantom Assassin",
npc_dota_hero_phantom_lancer = "Phantom Lancer",
npc_dota_hero_phoenix = "Phoenix",
npc_dota_hero_puck = "Puck",
npc_dota_hero_pudge = "Pudge",
npc_dota_hero_pugna = "Pugna",
npc_dota_hero_queenofpain = "Queen of Pain",
npc_dota_hero_razor = "Razor",
npc_dota_hero_riki = "Riki",
npc_dota_hero_rubick = "Rubick",
npc_dota_hero_sand_king = "Sand King",
npc_dota_hero_shadow_demon = "Shadow Demon",
npc_dota_hero_nevermore = "Shadow Fiend",
npc_dota_hero_shadow_shaman = "Shadow Shaman",
npc_dota_hero_silencer = "Silencer",
npc_dota_hero_skywrath_mage = "Skywrath Mage",
npc_dota_hero_slardar = "Slardar",
npc_dota_hero_slark = "Slark",
npc_dota_hero_sniper = "Sniper",
npc_dota_hero_spectre = "Spectre",
npc_dota_hero_spirit_breaker = "Spirit Breaker",
npc_dota_hero_storm_spirit = "Storm Spirit",
npc_dota_hero_sven = "Sven",
npc_dota_hero_techies = "Techies",
npc_dota_hero_templar_assassin = "Templar Assassin",
npc_dota_hero_terrorblade = "Terrorblade",
npc_dota_hero_tidehunter = "Tidehunter",
npc_dota_hero_shredder = "Timbersaw",
npc_dota_hero_tinker = "Tinker",
npc_dota_hero_tiny = "Tiny",
npc_dota_hero_treant = "Treant Protector",
npc_dota_hero_troll_warlord = "Troll Warlord",
npc_dota_hero_tusk = "Tusk",
npc_dota_hero_undying = "Undying",
npc_dota_hero_ursa = "Ursa",
npc_dota_hero_vengefulspirit = "Vengeful Spirit",
npc_dota_hero_venomancer = "Venomancer",
npc_dota_hero_viper = "Viper",
npc_dota_hero_visage = "Visage",
npc_dota_hero_warlock = "Warlock",
npc_dota_hero_weaver = "Weaver",
npc_dota_hero_windrunner = "Windranger",
npc_dota_hero_winter_wyvern = "Winter Wyvern",
npc_dota_hero_witch_doctor = "Witch Doctor",
npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king = "Wraith King",
npc_dota_hero_zuus = "Zeus"}
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