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Last active November 28, 2019 07:05
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This is a gist that is a alternative implementation of the stb stretchy buffers. I found out about stretchy buffers through Our Machinery ( and found it really interesting! Not sure if this is considered "good" c but it did work for my tests
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// This changes how much the arrays capacity the arrays gain when reallocated
#define capacity_increment \
// Get the header of the array
#define array_header(a) \
((twc_array_header_t *)((char *)(a) - sizeof(twc_array_header_t)))
// Gets the size of the array
#define array_size(a) ((a) ? array_header(a)->size : 0)
// Gets the capacity of the array, returns zero if array is null
#define array_capacity(a) ((a) ? array_header(a)->capacity : 0)
// Gets whether or not the array is at capacity, if array is null returns true
#define array_full(a) (array_size(a) == array_capacity(a))
// Adds a item to a array, resizes the array if full
#define array_push(a, item) \
array_full(a) ? a = array_grow(a, sizeof(*a)) : 0, \
a[array_header(a)->size++] = item
// Frees the array, NOTE: must be freed this way as a does not point to the
// begining
#define array_free(a) ((a) ? free(array_header(a)), 0 : 0)
typedef struct twc_array_header_t {
uint32_t capacity;
uint32_t size;
} twc_array_header_t;
* Adds capacity to the struct
static void *array_grow(void *array, uint32_t itemsize) {
// Get the current capacity
uint32_t current_capacity =
array_capacity(array); // Note this will be zero if the array is null
// Note this works because passing a 0 to realloc makes it work like malloc
// The size of the buffer is the size of the header + the size of the item
// we are storing times the new capacity we want
twc_array_header_t *ptr =
realloc(array ? array_header(array) : 0,
sizeof(twc_array_header_t) +
itemsize * (current_capacity + capacity_increment));
// Note: ptr points at the struct
// Set the array capacity
ptr->capacity = current_capacity + capacity_increment;
if (!array) { // if the array was uninitialized set its size to 0
ptr->size = 0;
// Return a pointer to the first element in the array after the header
// Note because this is casted as a pointer to twc_array_header_t adding 1
// to it actually ads 8 Another way of doing this would be to cast it to a
// char here and add sizeof(twc_array_header_t) eg. return ((char*)ptr) +
// sizeof(twc_array_header_t)
return ptr + 1;
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