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Created October 7, 2022 17:55
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title: Home | Mayank Vikash
description: This is my website built with Jekyll. Check it out to know more about me.
![Home Mayank Vikash](
- Written by Mayank Vikash
- Last updated October 3, 2022.
I am Mayank Vikash, a 15-year-old with some experience in how the web work.
I have learned various technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, etc. from Google searches, blogs, Youtube videos, and StackOverflow.
I have learned all this and still learning more and have also created several projects, which you can find here: [Posts](
Check out the latest posts:
[Expansion Formulas in Java](
[A Report Card in Java.](
[How to input a number extract and display its prime digits](
I have also built this [news]( section where I share my project updates.
You can also check out my profiles on these platforms:
[Dev Community](
Check out [Discussion]( section where you can discuss anything. It is like a forum that is built with Disqus.
![Screenshot of Discussion Mayank Vikash](
I also have a subdomain []( where I keep posting quite interesting stuff. It is powered by Hashnode - a blogging community with over 2 Million members.
When it comes to posting stories, how can I forget Hackernoon, which is one of my favorite reading platforms and I am also a contributor writer there? I am also going to apply for FreeCodeCamp contributor, so wish me luck!
## My Story
I am a 9th-grade student. I learned Java as a part of my school syllabus and the moment I read about it, I fell in love with it. I started learning about Object-oriented programming languages and their history. Then, Java, writing the first program in java, logic building, number programs, conditional statements, loops and so much more.
My inspiration for learning web development came from a video of CodeWtihHarry which I found on YouTube. I got curious after watching that video and wanted to learn more about website designing so, I searched on Google about this topic and they started following various tutorials and courses on the web (obviously, they were all free).
Then, I searched for how to get a free domain so that I can build my site and show it to the world. I registered a free domain from the registrar.
With a free .in domain, I wanted to build a blog but it was not an easy task for a beginner. So, I decided to rather use Jekyll static site generator to build my website and host it on Github.
I am also thinking of adding a projects section on this site where I can showcase my projects.
I also have an interest in writing and I am also a contributor writer at Hackernoon. Check out some of my articles on Hackernoon:
[Display a number's prime digit](
[How to implement expansion formulas in java](
[How I built a simple report card program in Java](
Although I am not always active on this site because of school and studies, I post at least one article a month, sometimes maybe two.
Currently, I am building my URL shortener build entirely with Javascript. It is my favorite project. I have written the logic of the shortener, I just need to build a landing page and a form where you can put the URL.
Check out the development:
[Why URLRealm is not ready yet?](
I have just got thought of adding a video section to this website where I will share some cool videos made with Adobe After Effects.
I forgot to mention that I am also learning app development and I have published an app on amazon (It is useless and does nothing).
I am learning game development too in Unity by following Youtube videos it is quite fun and I am enjoying it.
Some of my favorite Youtube channels:
[Code With Harry](
[Web Dev Simpliefied](
[Coding Artist](
[Kewin Powell](
And many others. These guys have taught me lots of things and I am still learning a lot of things from them.
By the way, if you haven't seen it, this was my old portfolio.
![Old Portfolio Screenshot](
It is made with Bootstrap and I know it doesn't look that good at all.
As I have stated above, I am still learning web development and these are my beginner's sites without following any tutorials and making them on my own.
I also read a lot of blogs, why don't you check them out too:
- CSS Tricks
- FreeCodeCamp
- Smashing Magazine
- Coding Horror
- Geeks for Geeks
I have just bought a new domain from GoDaddy. []( I am building this website with Jekyll and it uses the Cayman theme and is hosted on Github. Check out the repository: [ Github Repository](
I have some future post ideas for this website. Some of them are:
- Multiplication Table in Java
- Program to check whether a triangle is right-angled or not
- Top 50 IT and Computer questions
I have also written some essays which you can find on my medium and Blogspot profile. I am not that good at writing but I always try to write something helpful to readers, if not helpful then at least they may have fun reading it and it is worth their valuable time.
Fun Fact: A few days back I had my English exam and I was told to write an essay describing my experience in a Children's park that is newly built in your locality. You won't believe me I inserted a police case in a Children's park essay. It was not like children fighting each other. Basically, for building the park the authorities needed to cut down some trees and because of that some environmentalists protested and took this matter to the High Court. It was a pretty good essay two-page essay which I also enjoyed writing and you may also like reading.
I will post that essay here or on my medium.
## Contact
You can contact me using one of the options below to ask me regarding a particular topic (which I am sure no one is going to ask because I am learning), just talk with me, share your projects, to do a project together.
You can get in touch through Twitter, my profile [@MayankVikash1](
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If you have come this long reading this page then I truly appreciate it and hope that it was worth your time. Thanks for reading!
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