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Created March 22, 2018 09:39
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TS -> JS + MAP, using gulp, gulp-typescript (without bundling)
var ts = require('gulp-typescript');
var destJS = './www/dist/js';
var srcTS = './src/ts';
// TS to JS (without bundling)
// gulp task allowing Typescript debug when JS files are transpiled in another folder
// ref.:
gulp.task('tsc', function(){
gutil.log("TypeScript --> JavaScript (other files)");
return gulp.src(['./src/ts/**/*.ts', '!./ts/main.ts']) // Exclude the main file (see tsc-main task) (unused finally)
target: "ES5",
module: "commonjs",
moduleResolution: "node",
.pipe(srcmaps.write('./', {
destPath: destJS,
//destPath: destES5,
base: srcTS
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