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Last active December 21, 2017 16:49
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# Download to your working directory
mydata <- read.csv("~/mydata.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
variablename <- "SquatH" # variable name, change the value in the quotation marks, case sensitive, write the name of the variable up until the time point
groupnames <- c("H","L") # enter group names in quotation marks and seperated by comma, e.g. c("One","Two","Three")
GroupColumnName <- "Group" # enter the name of the column that the Group variable is located
df <- data.frame(mydata) # renames the data frame
df[] <- lapply(df, unlist) # make the data frame not a list
df[df==""] <- NA # make empty cells NA
df[df==" "] <- NA # make empty space cells NA
myvar <- df[ , grepl(variablename, names( df ) ) ] # creates a new variable with all the columns that start with the name you denoted in the "x" variable
myvar$Group <- df[[GroupColumnName]] # creates a new column in the new variable containing the groups that are taken from the column of the original data frame
varlist <- list()
varlist = split(varlist, f = df[[GroupColumnName]]) # splits the original data frame into datasets by group and places them into a list
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