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MattiSG /
Created December 31, 2022 14:23

Database of places explored by Andre Joosse for better visualisation in mapping tools.

This is a pure reformatting of Andre's public map into GeoJSON by manual editing and into KML with MyGeodata Converter. The data belongs to its original author.

MattiSG /
Created August 4, 2022 13:53
Nonument database

Nonument is an amazing collaborative project aiming at referencing recent history heritage architecture.

Nonument is an ongoing research and artistic project initiated by MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art from Ljubljana Slovenia, dedicated to archiving, mapping and studying the architectural heritage, monuments and public spaces of the 20th century. The Nonument Group, an international art collective, operates within the ambit of this platform. By staging artistic interventions, the collective calls attention to the importance of public spaces and the issues caused by nonsustainable management of architectural heritage. The Nonument website is part of the MAPS co-operation project. Six organisations have contributed to this database: CCEA (Prague), WH Media / Beamy Space (Vienna), Tačka Komunikacije (Belgrade), House of Humor and Satire (Gabrovo), ARTos Foundation (Nicosia) and MoTA - Museum of Transitory Art (Ljubljana). The project is co-financed by Creative Europe.

I love visitin

MattiSG /
Last active March 14, 2020 20:33
Traduction des recommandations d'éthique clinique italiennes pour le traitement COVID19 en saturation

Recommandations d'éthique clinique pour l'admission et la suspension d'un traitement intensif dans des conditions exceptionnelles de déséquilibre entre les besoins et les ressources disponibles

Version 01, publiée le 06/03/2020, traduite par DeepL.

Les prévisions de l'épidémie de coronavirus (Covid-19) actuellement en cours dans certaines régions italiennes prévoient une augmentation des cas d'insuffisance respiratoire aiguë (nécessitant une hospitalisation dans l'unité de soins intensifs) dans les prochaines semaines dans de nombreux centres, d'une ampleur telle qu'elle détermine un énorme déséquilibre entre les besoins cliniques réels de la population et la disponibilité réelle des ressources intensives. Il s'agit d'un scénario dans lequel les critères d'accès aux soins intensifs (et de sortie) pourraient être nécessaires non seulement p

MattiSG /
Created June 20, 2018 23:14
New Zealand activities watchers
# watch for some deal
while ! curl -s "$ACTIVITY_ID&_=1520111680085" | grep deal
sleep 60
MattiSG /
Last active November 24, 2017 14:37
Machine-readable map of human languages to countries they are spoken it, based on Wikipedia data

Source data is Wikipedia, so I think this stuff is CC-BY-SA. If any rights are attributed to me for formatting, I waive them all. The parser itself is under WTFPL.

MattiSG /
Last active June 22, 2019 17:31
Great Firewall of China

Experiments in circumventing state censorship

All tests done in October 2017 in mainland China (several provinces).

Good reference:


  • The Trying to download a VPN.log file shows that some files are fingerprinted and are blocked even over an encrypted SSH connection. No idea how that is possible. Please leave a comment or send me an email if you have a clue.
MattiSG / extract-formats.xsl
Created July 7, 2017 15:14
List XML attributes values
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="*">
<xsl:for-each select="@format">
<xsl:text>format: </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:for-each select="@type">
<xsl:text>type: </xsl:text>
MattiSG / ressource-types.js
Created April 24, 2017 10:54
Evaluate valid OpenFisca names from a list
var ressourceTypes = [
MattiSG /
Last active September 18, 2024 00:09
Deploy bot

Continuous deployment with Git and SSH

This article presents how to deploy continuously from a Git repository with high security, by creating a UNIX user whose only purpose and ability is to update a repository and execute commands from a script within the repository upon successful SSH connections.


Your server has at least Git and some SSH agent installed, and you are connected to it as root.

Just to rephrase: all these commands are to be executed on your server, as root. ssh root@YOUR_SERVER now!

MattiSG /
Last active November 3, 2016 16:07
How to get thumbnails on webpages

How to get thumbnails on pages