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Last active September 1, 2017 06:05
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A class that **loosely enforces** both static and non-static member function implementation. See comments for more.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "assert.h"
//Forward declare templated class
template<typename T> class TestingStuff;
//Templated superclass
template<typename T>
class TestingStuff {
//Reference to templated base
static TestingStuff<T>* reference;
//Dummy non-static member variable
double i = 3.1415926535897932384626433826795;
//public static constant static non-member function pointer
static constexpr void (*staticFuncRef)() = &T::doNothing;
//public static constant non-static sub-member function pointer
static constexpr void (T::*funcRef)() = &T::nonStaticDoNothing;
TestingStuff() {
/* initialize state or put public constructer into private block to enforce
* singleton instances, only accessible through TestingStuff<T>#getInstance
//Public static singleton fetching function
static TestingStuff<T>* getInstance() {
return reference ? ({assert(reference); reference;}) : (reference = new TestingStuff<T>());
//Member function (can modify state)
void nonStaticDoNothing();
//Static non-member friend function (can modify state)
friend void doNothing();
//Declare singleton TestingStuff<T>* variable so it can be assigned
template<typename T> TestingStuff<T>* TestingStuff<T>::reference;
//Struct example
struct TestStruct {
void nonStaticDoNothing() {}
//Static non-member function with access to member variables of 'TestStructAlias'
static void doNothing() {
std::cout << std::setprecision(53) << TestingStuff<TestStruct>::getInstance()->i << std::endl;
//Simple type alias for convenience
typedef TestingStuff<TestStruct> TSTS;
//Class example
class SubClass : TestingStuff<SubClass> {
void nonStaticDoNothing() {
std::cout << "Did nothing!" << std::endl;
static void doNothing() {
std::cout << "Did a static nothing!" << std::endl;
//Simple type alias for convenience
typedef TestingStuff<SubClass> TFSC;
int main() {
//Struct inheritance
TestStruct ts;
//Considered bad practice to invoke static members like non-static members
ts.doNothing(); // or TestStruct::doNothing(); or TSTS::staticFuncRef();
ts.nonStaticDoNothing(); // or (ts->*TSTS::funcRef)();
//Class inheritance
SubClass* sc = new SubClass();
TFSC::staticFuncRef(); // or SubClass::doNothing();
(sc->*TFSC::funcRef)(); // or sc->nonStaticDoNothing();
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A class that loosely enforces both static and non-static member function implementation. Why loosely? Simple: the constexpr statements in the public block of the TestingStuff class cannot enforce function implementation, in the template typeT, unless they are invoked (in which case, you'll get a compiler error if you're missing a function). To strictly enforce member implementation, simply move the function pointer assignments into the constructor of the TestingStuff class. (Note: as a consequence of doing this, you'll also have to change the pointers over to consts, as they will no longer be qualified constexpr statements.)

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