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Last active March 15, 2020 12:02
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Gradient Descent in R. Uses DFDR (a simple auto differentiation library, for R) by mailund on github.
# Gradient descent example
# Start with some function f(x) we wish to optimise
# This might be the log likelihood - which can often be optimised analytically
# Or using more complex methods (e.g. the hessian, newton-raphson, fisher info)
# In practice this will usually be the loss likelihood of a NN
# To make this little script more generalisation, will use an AD package
simple_GD.func <- function (objective_function = function(x) x^2, learning_rate = 0.01, initial_guess_min = -100, initial_guess_max = 100, plot = T,plot_window = 100) {
# NOTE: for dfdr to work, function must be expressed on single line (i.e. without brackets)
# e.g. eq.func <- function(x) x^2 - 2*x
# check arguments
if (!is.atomic(learning_rate) | !is.numeric(learning_rate)) {
stop("Learning rate must be scalar and numeric")
if (!is.atomic(initial_guess_min) | !is.numeric(initial_guess_min)) {
stop("Initial guess min must be scalar and numeric")
if (!is.atomic(initial_guess_max) | !is.numeric(initial_guess_max)) {
stop("Initial guess max must be scalar and numeric")
#if (!is.atomic(lower_bound)) {
# stop("Min must be scalar")
#if (!is.atomic(upper_bound)) {
# stop("Max must be scalar")
# Step 1: Initialise param - for simple function, will be a scalar
# Initial guess
theta.vec <- c()
theta.vec[1] <- runif(n = 1,min = initial_guess_min,max = initial_guess_max)
# Step 2: Set learning rate - completely arbitrary at this stage
# Positive
if (abs(learning_rate) >= 1 | abs(learning_rate) == 0) {
message("Constant learning rate must be less than 1 (and positive) and non-zero - setting learning rate to 0.999")
eta.num <- 0.999
} else {
eta.num <- abs(learning_rate)
# Partial derivative with respect to x
# skipped warning and finally argument in try catch
f <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e) {
message("Function not differentiable via dfdr")
message("Original warning:")
theta_diff <- 10
i <- 2
# Looping until convergence
while (theta_diff/eta.num > 0.01) {
# updating param
theta.vec[i] <- theta.vec[i-1] - eta.num*f(theta.vec[i-1])
theta_diff <- abs(theta.vec[i]-theta.vec[i-1])
i <- i + 1
if ( {
stop("GD diverged")
if (i > 10^8) {
stop("Gradient Descent was unable to converge")
# plotting function
theta_last <- theta.vec[length(theta.vec)]
if (plot) {
from = theta_last-plot_window,
to = theta_last+plot_window,
xlab = "theta",ylab = "f(theta)",
main = "Gradient Descent of Objective Function",
sub = paste("Initial guess from",initial_guess_min,"to",initial_guess_max),
ylim = c(objective_function(theta_last)-plot_window,objective_function(theta_last)+plot_window),
sub = "theta values")
mtext(paste("Learning Rate: ",learning_rate),line = -5.5)
mtext(paste("Number of epochs: ",length(theta.vec)),line = -6.5)
points(x = theta.vec,y = objective_function(theta.vec),col = 'red')
return(list(theta.vec = theta.vec,theta_last = theta_last,no_iterations = i))
# # illustrative examples
# func<- function(x) x^2 # forgot you didn't need explicit brackets for one-line functions
# curve(func,to = 10,from = -10)
# # converges
# simple_GD.func()
# # local minima
# func<- function(x) ((x^2 + 1)/x)
# curve(func,to = 10,from = -10)
# # will time out if initial guess less than 0 - no minima below 0
# simple_GD.func(func)
# # ad library can't handle below function
# #func<- function(x) (abs(x-6))
# #curve(func,to = 10,from = -10)
# #simple_GD.func(func)
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
simple_GD.func(plot = T,learning_rate = 0.05);simple_GD.func(plot = T,learning_rate = 0.01)
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