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Created May 18, 2023 14:57
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Business Plan: Privy - Revitalizing Public Facilities

Executive Summary

Privy aims to reinvent public sanitation facilities by offering a subscription-based service to access clean, well-maintained, and technologically advanced toilets and showers. Our mission is to uphold hygiene standards while enhancing the convenience and security of using public utilities.

Company Description

Privy is an emerging company that focuses on improving the sanitation landscape in urban areas. With the view that hygiene is a right, not a privilege, we intend to facilitate cleaner and more accessible toilets and showers through a subscription model. Our model ensures privacy, hygiene, and ease of access via a smartphone app.

Market Analysis

Industry Overview

With the increasing urbanization, the demand for hygienic public facilities has spiked. However, the state of public toilets and showers remains unsatisfactory in many places. There's an industry-wide gap that Privy is well-placed to fill.

Target Market

Our primary target market comprises urban dwellers who often need to use public sanitation facilities, including office workers, tourists, the homeless, and commuters. Furthermore, we aim to serve event organizers looking for high-quality portable sanitation facilities.

Competitor Analysis

Few existing players in the market maintain public facilities, often under local government contracts. While these do not offer direct competition due to our unique subscription model, we must consider their operations and price points to remain competitive and attractive.

Organization and Management

Privy is founded by a team with diverse experience in sanitation, technology, and business management. Our organizational structure comprises a CEO, COO, CTO, and respective teams handling operations, technology, and marketing.


Privy offers subscription-based access to public toilets and showers, ensuring these facilities are clean and well-maintained. Subscribers gain access through a smartphone app, providing convenience and security. We also offer discounted rates for low-income users, ensuring our service remains inclusive and accessible.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Our marketing strategy focuses on the pain points of public facilities: hygiene and accessibility. Through digital marketing, outdoor advertising, and partnerships with local businesses, we aim to reach our target market effectively. Our sales strategy revolves around our subscription service, offered annually and monthly, and a pay-as-you-go option for occasional users.

Financial Projections

The initial investment will cover establishing facilities, developing the app, and marketing. Our revenue will primarily come from subscriptions, supplemented by pay-as-you-go fees and partnerships with local businesses and events. We expect to break even within two years, with steady growth as our service expands city-wide and eventually nationally.

Funding Request

We are seeking $1.5 million in funding to support the first two years of operations, including facility setup, app development, and marketing efforts. This will also cover staffing, maintenance, and unexpected costs.

Exit Strategy

Should investors wish to exit, we aim to buy back their shares or facilitate a sale to other interested investors. Alternatively, in the longer term, we could consider selling the company to a larger sanitation or technology firm.


Privy is set to revolutionize public sanitation facilities by making them more accessible, clean, and private. With our unique subscription model, we not only assure convenience and hygiene but also instill a sense of ownership and responsibility among users. By investing in Privy, you are supporting a venture that will not only be profitable but will also significantly enhance the quality of life in urban areas.

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