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Last active June 25, 2018 17:02
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Tools to encode and decode files as DNA sequence text assuming 2bit style byte encodings.
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
sub MAIN ($file) {
my %bases = (T => '00', C => '01', A => '10', G => '11');
my %bytes = (0..255).map({ sprintf('%08d', $_.base(2)) }) Z=> (0..255);
my $io = $;
while (my $hunk = $io.readchars(4)) {
last unless $hunk.chars == 4;
print %bytes{${%bases{$_}}).join}.chr;
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
sub MAIN ($file) {
my %bases = (T => '00', C => '01', A => '10', G => '11').invert;
my %bytes = (0..255) Z=> (0..255).map({ sprintf('%08d', $_.base(2)) });
my $io = $;
while (my $byte = $io.getc) {
print %bytes{$byte.ord}.comb.rotor(2).map({ %bases{$_.join} }).join;
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An example run of the tools

$ perl6 dnaencode.p6 <(echo "hello world")

Then to decode the DNA looking string back to the original plain text

hello world

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