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Last active February 9, 2020 23:00
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Dirty script to render the Mandelbrot set to the terminal
sub terminal-width(:$default=100) {
my $width = run('tput', 'cols', :out).out.slurp-rest.trim.Int;
return $width < $default ?? $default !! $width;
sub is-mandelbrot(Complex $z0, int $max=100) {
my Complex $z = $z0;
for ^$max -> $n {
return $n if ($z.abs() > 2e0);
$z = $z**2 + $z0;
return $max;
my @shades = [" ","","","",""];
sub MAIN(num :$mid-x=-0.4e0, num :$mid-y=0e0, num :$zoom=2e0, int :$width = terminal-width(:default<100>), int :$height=50) {
for ^$height -> $j {
my $row = "";
for ^$width -> $i {
my num $x = $mid-x - $zoom/2e0 + $zoom*$i/$width;
my num $y = $mid-y - $zoom/2e0 + $zoom*$j/$height;
my Complex $z0 =$x, $y);
if $zoom == 2e0 {
$row ~= @shades[floor(is-mandelbrot($z0,10) / 2.5e0)];
} else {
$row ~= @shades[floor(is-mandelbrot($z0) / 25e0)];
say $row;
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