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Created September 1, 2024 04:45
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RealityView for testing the various properties of PhysicallyBasedMaterial
import RealityKit
import SwiftUI
struct PhysicallyBasedMaterialPickerView2: View {
@State var entity: ModelEntity?
@State var baseColorTextureResource: TextureResource?
@State var materialParameters: PhysicallyBasedMaterialParameters = PhysicallyBasedMaterialParameters()
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
baseColorTextureResource = try! await loadTextureResource() //
let entity = generateEntity()
entity.position.z = -0.4
self.entity = entity
.ornament(attachmentAnchor: .scene(.bottomFront)) {
// Move this to a separate Window if you're not in Preview to fix the crash on ColorPicker
SettingsView(materialParameters: $materialParameters)
.onChange(of: materialParameters) { oldValue, newValue in
entity?.model?.materials = [getMaterial()]
func generateEntity() -> ModelEntity {
let meshResource = MeshResource.generateSphere(radius: 0.2)
return ModelEntity(mesh: meshResource, materials: [getMaterial()])
func getMaterial() -> RealityKit.Material {
var material = PhysicallyBasedMaterial()
material.metallic = .init(floatLiteral: materialParameters.metallic)
material.roughness = .init(floatLiteral: materialParameters.roughness)
material.baseColor.tint = materialParameters.baseColor
material.faceCulling = .none
material.blending = .transparent(opacity: 1.0)
material.clearcoat = .init(floatLiteral: materialParameters.clearcoat)
material.clearcoatRoughness = .init(floatLiteral: materialParameters.clearcoatRoughness)
material.anisotropyLevel = .init(floatLiteral: materialParameters.anisotropyLevel)
material.anisotropyAngle = .init(floatLiteral: materialParameters.anisotropyAngle)
material.emissiveColor = .init(color: materialParameters.emissiveColor)
material.emissiveIntensity = materialParameters.emissiveIntensity
if materialParameters.applyTexture {
material.baseColor.texture = .init(baseColorTextureResource!)
return material
func loadTextureResource(url: URL = URL(string: "")!) async throws -> TextureResource {
let (data, _) = try await url)
let image = UIImage(data: data)!
let cgImage = image.cgImage!
return try await TextureResource(image: cgImage, options: .init(semantic: nil))
struct PhysicallyBasedMaterialParameters: Equatable {
var baseColor: UIColor = .magenta
var metallic: Float = 0.0
var roughness: Float = 0.0
var clearcoat: Float = 0.0
var clearcoatRoughness: Float = 0.5
var anisotropyLevel: Float = 0.0
var anisotropyAngle: Float = 0.25
var emissiveColor: UIColor = .black
var emissiveIntensity: Float = 0.0
var applyTexture: Bool = false
struct SettingsView: View {
@Binding var materialParameters: PhysicallyBasedMaterialParameters
var backgroundColor: Color {
return Color(materialParameters.baseColor)
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
HStack {
Text("Metallic: \(materialParameters.metallic, specifier: "%.3f")")
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Slider(value: $materialParameters.metallic)
.frame(width: 225)
HStack {
Text("Roughness: \(materialParameters.roughness, specifier: "%.3f")")
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Slider(value: $materialParameters.roughness)
.frame(width: 225)
HStack {
Text("Clear coat: \(materialParameters.clearcoat, specifier: "%.3f")")
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Slider(value: $materialParameters.clearcoat)
.frame(width: 225)
HStack {
Text("Clear Coat Roughness: \(materialParameters.clearcoatRoughness, specifier: "%.3f")")
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Slider(value: $materialParameters.clearcoatRoughness)
.frame(width: 225)
ColorPicker("Emmissive Color", selection: Binding(
get: { Color(materialParameters.emissiveColor) },
set: { materialParameters.emissiveColor = UIColor($0) }
HStack {
Text("Emmissive Intensity: \(materialParameters.emissiveIntensity, specifier: "%.3f")")
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Slider(value: $materialParameters.emissiveIntensity, in: 0...3)
.frame(width: 225)
HStack {
Text("Anisotropy Level: \(materialParameters.anisotropyLevel, specifier: "%.3f")")
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Slider(value: $materialParameters.anisotropyLevel)
.frame(width: 225)
HStack {
Text("Anisotropy Angle: \(materialParameters.anisotropyAngle, specifier: "%.3f")")
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Slider(value: $materialParameters.anisotropyAngle)
.frame(width: 225)
ColorPicker("Base Color", selection: Binding(
get: { Color(materialParameters.baseColor) },
set: { materialParameters.baseColor = UIColor($0) }
HStack {
Text("Apply Texture: \(materialParameters.applyTexture)")
Spacer(minLength: 0)
Toggle(isOn: $materialParameters.applyTexture, label: {Text("")})
.frame(width: 225)
.frame(width: 400)
#Preview {
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