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Forked from slightfoot/bottom_sheet.dart
Created February 1, 2024 18:24
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Modal Bottom Sheet with Input Fields fix for Flutter (Fix issue with overlap with keyboard and fix for tapping to dismiss)
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
const Duration _kBottomSheetDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200);
const double _kMinFlingVelocity = 700.0;
const double _kCloseProgressThreshold = 0.5;
/// A material design bottom sheet.
/// There are two kinds of bottom sheets in material design:
/// * _Persistent_. A persistent bottom sheet shows information that
/// supplements the primary content of the app. A persistent bottom sheet
/// remains visible even when the user interacts with other parts of the app.
/// Persistent bottom sheets can be created and displayed with the
/// [ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet] function.
/// * _Modal_. A modal bottom sheet is an alternative to a menu or a dialog and
/// prevents the user from interacting with the rest of the app. Modal bottom
/// sheets can be created and displayed with the [showModalBottomSheet]
/// function.
/// The [BottomSheet] widget itself is rarely used directly. Instead, prefer to
/// create a persistent bottom sheet with [ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet] and a modal
/// bottom sheet with [showModalBottomSheet].
/// See also:
/// * [ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet]
/// * [showModalBottomSheet]
/// * <>
class BottomSheet extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a bottom sheet.
/// Typically, bottom sheets are created implicitly by
/// [ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet], for persistent bottom sheets, or by
/// [showModalBottomSheet], for modal bottom sheets.
const BottomSheet({
Key key,
@required this.onClosing,
@required this.builder
}) : assert(onClosing != null),
assert(builder != null),
super(key: key);
/// The animation that controls the bottom sheet's position.
/// The BottomSheet widget will manipulate the position of this animation, it
/// is not just a passive observer.
final AnimationController animationController;
/// Called when the bottom sheet begins to close.
/// A bottom sheet might be be prevented from closing (e.g., by user
/// interaction) even after this callback is called. For this reason, this
/// callback might be call multiple times for a given bottom sheet.
final VoidCallback onClosing;
/// A builder for the contents of the sheet.
/// The bottom sheet will wrap the widget produced by this builder in a
/// [Material] widget.
final WidgetBuilder builder;
_BottomSheetState createState() => new _BottomSheetState();
/// Creates an animation controller suitable for controlling a [BottomSheet].
static AnimationController createAnimationController(TickerProvider vsync) {
return new AnimationController(
duration: _kBottomSheetDuration,
debugLabel: 'BottomSheet',
vsync: vsync,
class _BottomSheetState extends State<BottomSheet> {
final GlobalKey _childKey = new GlobalKey(debugLabel: 'BottomSheet child');
double get _childHeight {
final RenderBox renderBox = _childKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
return renderBox.size.height;
bool get _dismissUnderway => widget.animationController.status == AnimationStatus.reverse;
void _handleDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
if (_dismissUnderway)
widget.animationController.value -= details.primaryDelta / (_childHeight ?? details.primaryDelta);
void _handleDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) {
if (_dismissUnderway)
if (details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy > _kMinFlingVelocity) {
final double flingVelocity = -details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy / _childHeight;
if (widget.animationController.value > 0.0)
widget.animationController.fling(velocity: flingVelocity);
if (flingVelocity < 0.0)
} else if (widget.animationController.value < _kCloseProgressThreshold) {
if (widget.animationController.value > 0.0)
widget.animationController.fling(velocity: -1.0);
} else {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new GestureDetector(
onVerticalDragUpdate: _handleDragUpdate,
onVerticalDragEnd: _handleDragEnd,
child: new Material(
key: _childKey,
child: widget.builder(context)
// See scaffold.dart
class _ModalBottomSheetLayout extends SingleChildLayoutDelegate {
_ModalBottomSheetLayout(this.progress, this.bottomInset);
final double progress;
final double bottomInset;
BoxConstraints getConstraintsForChild(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return new BoxConstraints(
minWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
minHeight: 0.0,
maxHeight: constraints.maxHeight * 9.0 / 16.0
Offset getPositionForChild(Size size, Size childSize) {
return new Offset(0.0, size.height - bottomInset - childSize.height * progress);
bool shouldRelayout(_ModalBottomSheetLayout oldDelegate) {
return progress != oldDelegate.progress || bottomInset != oldDelegate.bottomInset;
class _ModalBottomSheet<T> extends StatefulWidget {
const _ModalBottomSheet({ Key key, this.route }) : super(key: key);
final ModalBottomSheetRoute<T> route;
_ModalBottomSheetState<T> createState() => new _ModalBottomSheetState<T>();
class _ModalBottomSheetState<T> extends State<_ModalBottomSheet<T>> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new GestureDetector(
onTap: widget.route.dismissOnTap ? () => Navigator.pop(context) : null,
child: new AnimatedBuilder(
animation: widget.route.animation,
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) {
double bottomInset = widget.route.resizeToAvoidBottomPadding ?
MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom : 0.0;
return new ClipRect(
child: new CustomSingleChildLayout(
delegate: new _ModalBottomSheetLayout(widget.route.animation.value, bottomInset),
child: new BottomSheet(
animationController: widget.route._animationController,
onClosing: () => Navigator.pop(context),
builder: widget.route.builder
class ModalBottomSheetRoute<T> extends PopupRoute<T> {
this.barrierColor: Colors.black54,
RouteSettings settings,
}) : super(settings: settings);
final WidgetBuilder builder;
final ThemeData theme;
final bool resizeToAvoidBottomPadding;
final bool dismissOnTap;
Duration get transitionDuration => _kBottomSheetDuration;
bool get barrierDismissible => true;
final String barrierLabel;
final Color barrierColor;
AnimationController _animationController;
AnimationController createAnimationController() {
assert(_animationController == null);
_animationController = BottomSheet.createAnimationController(navigator.overlay);
return _animationController;
Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation) {
// By definition, the bottom sheet is aligned to the bottom of the page
// and isn't exposed to the top padding of the MediaQuery.
Widget bottomSheet = new MediaQuery.removePadding(
context: context,
removeTop: true,
child: new _ModalBottomSheet<T>(route: this),
if (theme != null)
bottomSheet = new Theme(data: theme, child: bottomSheet);
return bottomSheet;
/// Shows a modal material design bottom sheet.
/// A modal bottom sheet is an alternative to a menu or a dialog and prevents
/// the user from interacting with the rest of the app.
/// A closely related widget is a persistent bottom sheet, which shows
/// information that supplements the primary content of the app without
/// preventing the use from interacting with the app. Persistent bottom sheets
/// can be created and displayed with the [showBottomSheet] function or the
/// [ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet] method.
/// The `context` argument is used to look up the [Navigator] and [Theme] for
/// the bottom sheet. It is only used when the method is called. Its
/// corresponding widget can be safely removed from the tree before the bottom
/// sheet is closed.
/// Returns a `Future` that resolves to the value (if any) that was passed to
/// [Navigator.pop] when the modal bottom sheet was closed.
/// See also:
/// * [BottomSheet], which is the widget normally returned by the function
/// passed as the `builder` argument to [showModalBottomSheet].
/// * [showBottomSheet] and [ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet], for showing
/// non-modal bottom sheets.
/// * <>
Future<T> showModalBottomSheet<T>({
@required BuildContext context,
@required WidgetBuilder builder,
bool dismissOnTap: true,
bool resizeToAvoidBottomPadding,
}) {
assert(context != null);
assert(builder != null);
return Navigator.push(context, new ModalBottomSheetRoute<T>(
builder: builder,
theme: Theme.of(context, shadowThemeOnly: true),
barrierLabel: MaterialLocalizations.of(context).modalBarrierDismissLabel,
resizeToAvoidBottomPadding: resizeToAvoidBottomPadding,
dismissOnTap: dismissOnTap,
/// Shows a persistent material design bottom sheet in the nearest [Scaffold].
/// A persistent bottom sheet shows information that supplements the primary
/// content of the app. A persistent bottom sheet remains visible even when the
/// user interacts with other parts of the app. A [Scaffold] is required in the
/// given `context`; its [ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet] method is used to
/// actually show the bottom sheet.
/// A closely related widget is a modal bottom sheet, which is an alternative
/// to a menu or a dialog and prevents the user from interacting with the rest
/// of the app. Modal bottom sheets can be created and displayed with the
/// [showModalBottomSheet] function.
/// Returns a controller that can be used to close and otherwise manipulate the
/// bottom sheet.
/// To rebuild the bottom sheet (e.g. if it is stateful), call
/// [PersistentBottomSheetController.setState] on the value returned from this
/// method.
/// The `context` argument is used to look up the [Scaffold] for the bottom
/// sheet. It is only used when the method is called. Its corresponding widget
/// can be safely removed from the tree before the bottom sheet is closed.
/// See also:
/// * [BottomSheet], which is the widget typically returned by the `builder`.
/// * [showModalBottomSheet], which can be used to display a modal bottom
/// sheet.
/// * [Scaffold.of], for information about how to obtain the [BuildContext].
/// * <>
PersistentBottomSheetController<T> showBottomSheet<T>({
@required BuildContext context,
@required WidgetBuilder builder,
}) {
assert(context != null);
assert(builder != null);
return Scaffold.of(context).showBottomSheet<T>(builder);
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