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Last active September 12, 2024 18:00
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  • Save Mastersam07/1e13c617a0a481572f371cdf9aeca8c7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/// A [RestorableProperty] that knows how to store and restore a
/// [TabController].
/// The [TabController] is accessible via the [value] getter. During
/// state restoration, the property will restore [TabController.index]
/// to the value it had when the restoration data it is getting restored from
/// was collected.
class RestorableTabController extends RestorableChangeNotifier<TabController> {
/// Creates a [RestorableTabController] to control the tab index of
/// [TabBar].
/// The `initialIndex` defaults to zero. The value must be greater than or
/// equal to zero, and less than the total number of tabs.
int initialIndex = 0,
int length = 2,
required TickerProvider vsync,
}) : assert(length >= 0),
assert(initialIndex >= 0 && (length == 0 || initialIndex < length)),
_vsync = vsync,
_length = length,
_initialIndex = initialIndex;
final int _initialIndex;
final int _length;
final TickerProvider _vsync;
TabController createDefaultValue() {
return TabController(
initialIndex: _initialIndex, length: _length, vsync: _vsync);
TabController fromPrimitives(Object? data) {
final selectedIndex = data as int;
return TabController(
initialIndex: selectedIndex, length: _length, vsync: _vsync);
Object toPrimitives() {
return value.index;
class RestorableTabsScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const RestorableTabsScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_RestorableTabsScreenState createState() => _RestorableTabsScreenState();
class _RestorableTabsScreenState extends State<RestorableTabsScreen>
with RestorationMixin, SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
late RestorableTabController _restorableTabController;
String? get restorationId => 'tabs_screen';
void initState() {
_restorableTabController =
RestorableTabController(initialIndex: 0, length: 3, vsync: this);
void restoreState(RestorationBucket? oldBucket, bool initialRestore) {
registerForRestoration(_restorableTabController, 'tab_controller');
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Restorable Tabs'),
bottom: TabBar(
controller: _restorableTabController.value,
tabs: const [
Tab(text: 'Tab 1'),
Tab(text: 'Tab 2'),
Tab(text: 'Tab 3'),
body: TabBarView(
controller: _restorableTabController.value,
children: const [
Center(child: Text('Content 1')),
Center(child: Text('Content 2')),
Center(child: Text('Content 3')),
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